`The amendments above and these remarks are responsive to the restriction
`requirement dated July 22, 2014. Claims 1-13, 15, and 17-19 are pending in the
`application. In the restriction requirement, the Examiner asked applicant to elect one of
`the following two groups of claims for prosecution:
`Claims 1-13 15 18 and 19, drawn to a method of analyzing genomic
`DNA; or
`Claim 17, drawn to a method of preparing DNA droplets.
`In addition, the Examiner asked applicant to choose one of the following three species:
`Species i
`— wherein the step of fragmenting includes a step of digesting the
`genomic DNA with a restriction enzyme (claims 5 and 6);
`Species ii — wherein the step of fragmenting includes a step of shearing the
`genomic DNA (claim 7); or
`Species iii — wherein the step of fragmenting includes a step of sonicating
`the genomic DNA (claim 8).
`In response, applicant elects mm (claims 1-13, 15, 18, and 19) and Species i,
`without traverse. Claims 1-6, 9-13, 15, 18, and 19 of elected Group I encompass
`elected Species i. Claim 17 (non-elected Group II) and claims 7 and 8 (non-elected
`Species ii and iii) are withdrawn from consideration. Applicant requests rejoinder of
`claims 7 and 8 if a generic linking claim is allowed.
`Applicant believes that this communication is fully responsive to the restriction
`requirement. However,
`if the Examiner has any questions, or if a telephone interview
`would in any way advance prosecution of the application, the Examiner is invited to
`Page 6 of 7
`Serial No. 13/287,095; KH File — QLI330
`contact James Abney,
`the undersigned attorney of record, or his associate, Stan
`Hollenberg (Reg. No. 47,658), both at (503) 224-6655.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/James R. Abne /
`James R. Abney
`Registration No. 42,253
`Customer No. 23581
`520 SW. Yamhill Street, Suite 200
`Portland, Oregon 97204
`(503) 224-6655
`(503) 295-6679
`Attorney for Assignee
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being submitted via the EFS-Web
`System to
`the US.
`and Trademark Office
`September 12, 2014.
`lMandi M. Leighty/
`Mandi M. Leighty
`Page 7 of 7
`Serial No. 13/287,095; KH File — QLI330