13/179,846 | U.S. Patent Application
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3/31/2020 | 1-166-US-131798461LP1 | Trial Termination or Final Written Decision |
4/3/2019 | 1-41-US-131798461KP1 | Request for Trial Granted |
4/3/2019 | Request for Trial Granted | |
11/1/2018 | 1-2-US-131798461JP1 | Report on the filing or determination of an action regarding a patent Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
10/16/2018 | 1-1-US-131798461IP1 | Report on the filing or determination of an action regarding a patent Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
9/28/2018 | Petition Requesting Trial | |
3/1/2018 | 1-1-US-131798461HP1 | Report on the filing or determination of an action regarding a patent Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
1/3/2017 | 1-1-US-131798461DP1 | Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308) Office Actions Communications |
1/3/2017 | 1-1-US-131798461EP1 | Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308) Office Actions Communications |
1/3/2017 | 1-1-US-131798461FP1 | Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant - No Action Count Office Actions Communications |
1/3/2017 | Electronic Review | |
1/3/2017 | Email Notification | |
1/3/2017 | Email Notification | |
1/3/2017 | Mail Pre-Exam Notice | |
1/3/2017 | Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) | |
12/28/2016 | Correspondence Address Change | |
12/20/2016 | 1-2-US-131798461CP1 | Power of Attorney Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
12/20/2016 | 3-1-US-131798461CP1 | Assignee showing of ownership per 37 CFR 3.73 |
12/20/2016 | 4-9-US-131798461CP1 | Application Data Sheet Application Documents |
12/20/2016 | 13-2-US-131798461CP1 | EFS Acknowledgment Receipt Office Actions Communications |
12/20/2016 | 15-1-US-131798461CP1 | Transmittal Letter |
11/21/2013 | Sequence Moved to Public Database | |
11/19/2013 | Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed | |
11/19/2013 | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation | |
11/19/2013 | 102.5 | PTA 36 Months |
11/19/2013 | 102 | Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation |
10/30/2013 | 1-1-US-131798461BP1 | Issue Notification |
10/30/2013 | Issue Notification Mailed | |
10/18/2013 | 1-1-US-131798461AP1 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations |
10/16/2013 | Dispatch to FDC | |
10/16/2013 | 99 | Dispatch to FDC |
10/10/2013 | 2-2-US-1317984619P1 | Response to Amendment under Rule 312 Office Actions Communications |
10/10/2013 | 4-1-US-1317984619P1 | Amendment After Final or under 37CFR 1.312, initialed by the examiner. In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
10/10/2013 | 5-1-US-1317984619P1 | Amendment After Final or under 37CFR 1.312, initialed by the examiner. In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
10/10/2013 | Printer Rush- No mailing | |
10/10/2013 | Mail Response to 312 Amendment (PTO-271) | |
10/10/2013 | 98 | Printer Rush- No mailing |
10/10/2013 | 97 | Mail Response to 312 Amendment (PTO-271) |
10/9/2013 | Application Is Considered Ready for Issue | |
10/9/2013 | Response to Amendment under Rule 312 |