`Approved for use through O7/G7/2012. OMB 0551-0034
`US. Patent and Trade
`Under tie Papenvosk Reguction Act of 1995. no persons ara required to respand to a collection of information unless i displays a vatid OMB controf number
`Applicant/Patent Gwner: LamyWeKiest
`Application No/Paient No, 8.567,991
`Fledissue Date: 00/41/14
`Device and Method for Repairing Pipe
`LMK Techneres: LLC
`@ of the entice dehi, fille. and interest in:
`liraited Hapitycorporation
`af Assignes, ¢.g., corporation, parinershin, university. government agency, etc.
`2.|| anassignee of less thanthe entire right, title, and interest in
`(The extent {by percentage) of its ownership interest is
`ihe assignee of an undivided interest in the entirety of (8 complete assignment from ane of ihe joint Inventors was made)
`& t
`he patent application/patent identified above, byvirtue of either:
`im An assignment from the inventor{s} of tne patent application/patent identified above. The assignment was recorded in
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Reel
`, Frame
`or for which a
`copy therefore is attached.
`A chain of tile from the inventors), of the patent application/patent identified above. to the current assignee as faliows:
`1. From: Larry W.Kiest
`LMK Enterprises, Inc.
`fhe document was recorded in the United States Patent and TrademarkOffice at
`of for which a copythereofis attached,
`Reel 020043
`LMK Enterprises, inc. oo To: LMK Technologies, LLC ae
`The document was recordedin the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel 028574
`_:)~|CFrame O118- ee.
`or for which a copythereof is attached.
`2. from:
`3. From:
`The document was recordedin the United Staies Patent and Trademark Office at
`Frame _
`i OF for which 8 copy thereofis affached.
`r| Additional documents in the chain of tte are listed on a supplemental sheetis).
`[X] As required by 37 CFR 3.73(b\1)q), the documentary evidence ofthe chain of title fromthe original ownerto the assignee wa
`of concurrently3sSpain , submitted for recordation oursuant te $7 CFR 3.414
`Hs) 9
`rnate copy (Le, a true copy of the original assignment document
`abeoeted io Assignment Division in
`PQFR Part 3, ta record the assignraent in the records of the USPTO
`MPEP 302.08}
` low)is.auihorized to act on behalf of the assignee
`Ryan N. Carter
`Printed or Type
`gt i |