`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`ansavnesssnend basaennasaeneeeeaeaeaseaeaeaseseaeaspaeaeaspauaeaspseaeaspsuaeasssyaeassseaeaspseaesssseaeasd beasasssuaessssyaesssseaeasasyad desseaeassaeasasaseaeasased bssavaeassseaeasasee basseaeasaseaeaeaseaeaenseat
`nnnhithaEEEEEEEEEEEERend hacen fueeeebasen
`BO 1L3/502784.CPC.
`Bo1L2400/1 822,0478,0487,0622.CPC.
`file:///C//Users/mhobbs/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/12963523/EASTSearchHistory.12963523_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/22/2015 3:29:12 PM]
`EAST Search History
`4L39 and (input with well)
`%L40 and ((output with well) or (waste
`with (chamberor well)))
`iL41 and (well same array)
`4(L26 OR L27 OR 128 ORL29ORL30
`HOR L31 OR L32 OR L33 OR L34 OR L365 |
`HOR L36 OR L37 OR L38) and droplet
`BO 1 F3/0807.CPC.
`file:///C//Users/mhobbs/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/12963523/EASTSearchHistory.12963523_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/22/2015 3:29:12 PM]
`EAST Search History
`10060 BO1L7/52.CPC.
`((thermo or thermal) with
`(L43 OR 144 OR L45 OR L46 OR L473
`dOR L48 OR L49 OR L50 OR L51 OR L52 }
`HOR L53 OR L54 OR L55) and droplet
`file:///C//Users/mhobbs/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/12963523/EASTSearchHistory.12963523_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/22/2015 3:29:12 PM]
`EAST Search History
`%L59 and detector
`EAST Search History (Interference)
`< This search history is empty>
`4/22/2015 3:29:10 PM
`C:\ Users\ mhobbs\ Documents\ EAST\ Workspaces\ 12963523.wsp
`file:///C//Users/mhobbs/Documents/e-Red%20Folder/12963523/EASTSearchHistory.12963523_AccessibleVersion.htm[4/22/2015 3:29:12 PM]