`Entered: March 25, 2019
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2019-00031
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`PATRICK M. BOUCHER,Administrative Patent Judges.
`QUINN, Administrative Patent Judge.
`Denying Institution of Inter Partes Review
`35 US.C. § 314


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Juniper Networks,Inc. (“Petitioner”) filed a Petition to institute inter
`partes review of claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 B2 (Ex. 1001, “the
`"154 patent”). Paper 2 (“Pet.”). Finjan, Inc. (“Patent Owner”) timely filed a
`Preliminary Response. Paper 7 (“Prelim. Resp.”).
`Wehavejurisdiction under 35 U.S.C. § 314. For the reasons
`discussed below, we do notinstitute inter partes review of claim 1 of the
`”154 patent.
`Related Matters
`The parties indicate that the ?154 patent is involved in Finjan, Inc. v.
`Juniper Networks, Inc., Case No. 3:17-cv-05659-WHA (N.D.Cal.) and
`other proceedings. Pet. 1; Paper S.
`The °154 Patent (Ex. 1001)
`The ’154 patent relates to computer security, and, more particularly,
`to systems and methods for protecting computers against dynamically
`generated malicious code, such as viruses that enter a computer overthe
`Internet. Ex. 1001, 1:7-9, 34-37, 8:38-40. The ’154 patent identifies two
`types of anti-virus applications that are available to protect against internet
`viruses: gateway security applications that shield web content beforeit is
`delivered to a computer, and desktop security applications that shield web
`content after it is delivered to the computer. Jd. at 1:43-53. Each system
`has its disadvantages. Jd. at 2:31-45. Gateway security applicationsfail to
`detect certain types of viruses, such as viruses that are generated
`dynamically at run-time of a computer en Id. at 3:31-36. Desktop
`security applications maybe able to shield dynamically generated viruses;


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`however, these applications require the installation of client computer
`software and can be vulnerable to hackers. Jd. at 4:15-22.
`With regard to the embodiment shownin Figure 2, reproduced below,
`the ’154 patent describes shielding a client computer from dynamically
`generated malicious code by passing the input of a function to a security
`computer for inspection before the client computer invokesthe function. Jd.
`at 4:35-43, 8:41-44.
`FIG. 2
`Figure 2 depicts a system for protecting a computer from dynamically
`generated malicious executable code, including gateway computer 205,
`chent computer 210, and security computer 215. Jd. at 8:45-47. The
`gateway computer 205 receives content from a network, such as the Internet,


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`over communication channel 220. Id. at 8:47—48. “Such content may be in
`the form of HTML pages, XML documents, Java applets and other such web
`content that is generally rendered by a web browser.” Jd. at 8:48—-51. Client
`computer 210 communicates with gateway computer 205 over
`communication channel 225, and communicates with security computer 215
`over communication channel 230. Jd. at 8:51-54. The client computer
`receives content data at client receiver 245, processes the data at content
`processor 270, and transmits data at client transmitter 250.
`Content modifier 265 modifies original content received by gateway
`computer 205 and produces modified content that includes a layer of
`protection to combat dynamically generated malicious code. Jd. at 9:13-16.
`Specifically, content modifier 265 identifies certain function calls and
`replaces them with a substitute function call, and when content processor
`270 processes the substitute function, the input is sent to security computer
`215 for inspection. Jd. at 9:16—28, 10:60-64. Input inspector 275 compares
`the input’s security profile to the client computer’s security policy. Jd. at
`11:40-41. Ifthe operations of the function violate the client computer’s
`security policy and are potentially malicious, input inspector 275 sets an
`“inspection_result” value to false and the client computer does not invoke
`the original function.
`/d. at 11:1-4, 12:20-24. Otherwise, the
`“inspection_result” value is set to true, and the client computer invokes the
`original function. Id.
`Illustrative Claim
`Challenged claim 1, reproduced below,is independent.
`1. A system for protecting a computer from dynamically
`generated malicious content, comprising:


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`a content processor (i) for processing content received over a
`network, the content including a call to a first function, and the
`call including an input, and (11) for invoking a second function
`with the input, only if a security computer indicates that such
`invocationis safe;
`a transmitter for transmitting the input to the security computer
`for inspection, whenthe first function is invoked; and
`a receiver for receiving an indicator from the security computer
`whetherit is safe to invoke the second function with the input.
`Ex. 1001, 17:32-44.
` Asserted Prior Art and Grounds of Unpatentability
`The Petition identifies the following references in connection with
`Petitioner’s challenge of unpatentability (Pet. 4—5):
`a) Gladstone: U.S. Patent No. 7,594,267 B2, filed in the record as
`Exhibit 1006;
`b) Ji: U.S. Patent No. 5,983,348, filed in the record as Exhibit 1005;
`c) Chander: Mobile Code Security by Java Bytecode Instrumentation,
`DARPAInformation Survivability Conference and ExpositionII,
`June 12-14, 2001, filed in the record as Exhibit 1008.
`Petitioner asserts the following grounds of unpatentability based on
`the aforementionedreferences(Pet. 5):
`Challenged Claim|_Basis__|References
`§ 103(a
`Gladstone andJi
`Chander and Gladstone


`Patent 8,141,154 B2-
`A. Claim Construction
`In an inter partes review, claim terms in an unexpired patentare given
`their broadest reasonable construction in light of the specification of the
`patent in which they appear. 37 C.F.R. § 42.100(b) (2017);! see Cuozzo
`Speed Techs., LLC v. Lee, 1368. Ct. 2131, 2144-46 (2016). We presume a
`claim term carries its plain meaning, which is the meaning customarily used
`by those of skill in the relevant art at the time of the invention. Jrivascular,
`Inc. v. Samuels, 812 F.3d 1056, 1062 (Fed. Cir. 2016).
`Petitioner acknowledgesthat at least two termsrecited in the claims of
`the ’154 patent have been construed previously by the Board. Pet. 14. The
`Final Written Decision in IPR2015-01979 provided a construction of the
`term “content” as “data or information, which has been modified andis
`received over a network.” IPR2015-01979, Paper 62 at 14. We also
`determined that the term “call to a first function” means“a statement or
`instruction in the content, the execution of which causesthe function to
`provide a service.” Jd. at 16. The Federal Circuit has affirmed the Final
`Written Decision in IPR2015-01979, and, accordingly, those constructions
`are adopted here. See Palo Alto Networks, Inc., v. Finjan, Inc., Case No.
`2017-2314, slip op. at 9-12 (Fed. Cir. Nov. 19, 2018). Further, although not
`construed by the Board in the Final Written Decision, the Federal Circuit, in
`' A recent amendmenttothis rule does not applyhere because the Petition
`wasfiled before November 13, 2018. See Changes to the Claim
`ConstructionStandard for Interpreting Claims in Trial Proceedings Before
`the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, 83 Fed. Reg. 51340 (Oct. 11, 2018) (to
`be codified at 37 C.F.R. pt. 42).


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`the Palo Alto case, addressed the scope of the “invoke” term, concluding
`that it does not require execution of a function.
`/d. at 11-12. To the extent
`the scope of “invoke” is disputed and necessary to render this Decision, we
`adopt the interpretation of “invoke” that does not require execution of a
`The construction of other terms is not necessary for us to decide
`whetherto institute trial.
`Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`In determining the level of ordinary skill in the art, various factors
`maybe considered, including the “type of problems encounteredin the art;
`prior art solutions to those problems; rapidity with which innovationsare
`made; sophistication of the technology; and educational level of active
`workersin the field.” Jn re GPAC Inc., 57 F.3d 1573, 1579 (Fed. Cir. 1995)
`(internal quotation and citation omitted). In that regard, Petitioner asserts
`that a person of ordinary skill in the art would include someone with “a
`bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field and either two years
`of industry experience or an advanced degree in computer science or related
`[field].” Pet. 13. Patent Owner does not challenge Petitioner’s definition of
`a person of ordinary skill in theart.
`Accordingly, for purposes of this Decision, we adopt Petitioner’s
`proposed level of ordinary skill in the art.
`Summary ofAsserted Prior Art
`Overview of Gladstone (Exhibit 1006)
`Gladstoneis directed to methods and apparatus for securing one or
`more nodes on a computer network. Ex. 1006, 1:18-20. Gladstone


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`describes conventional network security systems that use active protection to
`prevent security breaches with pre-programmedintrusion detection
`measures, or passive protection to examine data about previous breaches in
`order to prevent future intrusions. Jd. at 1:21-32. According to Gladstone,
`neither type of conventional network security protection “provides the
`adaptation capability sometimes necessary to counter novel types of attacks
`as they occur.” Id. at 1:63—66.
`With regard to the embodimentof Figure 1, reproduced below,
`Gladstone describes securing a networked computer system using active
`security measures in real time. Jd. at 4:28-35, 5:46-49.
`(eg., disk):
`Correlation Engine
`instruction Engine


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Figure 1 depicts a system for securing a networked computer,
`including computer node A connected via network 5 to event processor
`server 100. Instruction 10, which “may be an e-mail, browser, terminal
`server, or other software application running on Node A,”arrives from
`network 5 to application 15. Jd. at 7:15-18. Application 15 issues a request
`for system resources 35, and this request is routed through reference monitor
`25 to determineif the request violates administrative policies. Jd. at 7:18—
`23. Reference monitor 25, using interceptors 26 that are inserted into the
`request’s communication paths, may allow application 15 to access system
`resources 35, or the reference monitor may prevent the access request and
`workwith event agent 45 and event processing server 100 to provide
`adaptive security protection to node A.
`/d. at 5:61-64, 7:23—-33. “Reference
`Monitor 25 may perform basic analysis on the instruction [] 10 and
`communicate with Event Agent 45 in 40 asto its nature, as defined by
`current administrative policy.” Jd. at 7:33-36.
`Event Agent 45 then sends a notification regarding instruction 10 via
`network5 to transceiver 115 in event processing server 100, and instruction
`engine 135 processesthe notification to determine an appropriate response
`to the instruction. Jd. at 7:36-47. “Instruction Engine 135 determines
`whether an update to administrative policies is warranted, and determines
`other steps to be taken, including placing NodeA in quarantine, defining
`system operations which may not be performed on Node A,tuning Node A’s
`operating system, or modifying network or firewall parameters.” Jd.
`at 7:47-53. Instruction engine 35 sendsits response via transceiver 115 and
`network 5 to event agent 45 in NodeA.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Figure 2 of Gladstone, reproduced below,is another embodimentof a
`network security system that diagnoses an attack on one computer node and
`acts to prevent subsequent attacks on another computer node. Jd. at 8:7—10.
`Node Al
`2 3
`Monitor=|}--40A-+1 Event Agent
`Figure 2 depicts first computer node A in communication with event
`processing server 100, similar to the embodiment of Figure 1, with the
`addition of second computer node B. Event processing server 100 uses
`information obtained in response to a malicious request at node A to
`transmit updated administrative policies to event agent 45B and reference
`monitor 35B at node B, thereby preventing potentially damaging activity
`from affecting other nodes of the network. Jd. at 8:24-31, 43-55.


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Overview of Ji (Exhibit 1005)
`Ji is directed to detecting and preventing operation of computer
`viruses and other types of malicious computer code. Ex. 1005, 1:5—7. Ji
`describes the developmentof Internet-based application programs, such as
`Java applets, that allow seamless integration of network code with local
`computer resources. Jd. at 1:9-15, 26-27. Because these applets are given
`access to local computer resources such as the hard disk drive, however,
`they can also pose a security risk to users. Id. at 1:15—19. Code scanning
`programsthat can analyze and monitor applets have been developed, which
`include static scanning done on the server or run-time monitoring done on
`the local client. Jd. at 1:63-66, 2:65-67. According to Ji, conventional
`applet monitoring systems cause an imbalance betweenthe load of the server
`and the client, and Ji describes a combination of static scanning and run-time
`monitoring that distributes the respective loads evenly. Id. at 1:65—2:4.
`Figure | of Ji, reproduced below,illustrates one embodiment of an
`applet scanner system. Jd. at 4:55—56.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Server Machine
`HTIP Proxy Server
`Client Machine
` 30
`Local Resources
`Figure 1 depicts an applet scanner system including client machine 14
`and server machine 20 connected to Internet 10. “Upon receipt of a
`particular Java applet, the HTTP proxyserver 32, which is software running
`on server machine 20 and which has associated scannersoftware 26, then
`scans the applet and instruments it using an instrumenter 28 whichis part of
`scanner software 26.” Id. at 4:66—-5:3. If a suspicious instruction thatcalls
`an insecure function is found during this static scanning, the Java applet
`code sequenceis instrumentedto insert a first instruction sequence (pre-
`filter) before that suspicious instruction and a second instruction sequence
`(post-filter) after that instruction. Jd. at 5:16-27. Ji provides the following
`example of code that disallows a suspicious function of directory listing
`access (“java.IO.File.list”) on the client computer:


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`pre-filter(function_name, parameters)
`if (Function_name == “ File.list”)
`throw newSecurityException();
`Id. at 5:44-6:9, 6:10—20.
`The instrumenter generates a call to pre-filter function, “with the
`nameof the suspicious function, parameters to the suspicious function, and
`possibly other information about[t]his suspicious function invocation as the
`parameters.” Jd. at 5:44-61. The pre-filter checks the security policy
`associated with scanner 26 and decides whetherthe particular instruction is
`allowed. Id. at 5:33-36. The secondinstruction sequence generatesa call to
`a post-filter function provided by the scanner, and reports the result of the
`call to the post-filter function. Jd. at 5:37-40. Ji describes that this static
`scanning and instrumentation are both performed on HTTPproxy server32.
`Id. at 5:41-43.
`Overview of Chander (Exhibit 1008)
`Chanderis directed to mobile code security by Java bytecode
`instrumentation. Ex. 1008, 1 (see Title). Chander explains that, although
`the Java Virtual Machine (“JVM”) includes steps to verify programs and
`perform run-time tests, the Java mobile code maystill behave in waysthat
`are harmful to users. Jd. at 1 (see Abstract). Chander describes an improved
`security technique called bytecode instrumentation that inserts additional


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`run-timetests into Java code using class modification or method-level
`/d. at 2.
`According to Chander, method-level modification can be “applied on
`a method-by-method basis without regard to class hierarchy restrictions.”
`Id. Chander describes a first example of a method modification, where the
`method “Thread.setPriority[]” is replaced with a safer version of the method
`“Safe$Thread:setPriority[]” that “does not allow threads spawned by mobile
`code to have higherpriority than a user-specified upper limit defined in class
`Safe$Thread.” Jd. at 4. The safeguarding method
`“Safe$Thread:setPriority[]” takes the priority integer value “I” of the
`original method and comparesit to the safeguard upperlimit; if the priority
`value I is higher than this upperlimit, then the priority valueis set to this
`upper limit and the “Thread.setPriority[]” method is invoked with the
`verified priority value I. Jd.
`In a second a second example of a method modification, an applet is
`prevented from disclosing a user’s confidential information through email by
`blocking a connection to a particular port on the web server.
`/d. at 10-11.
`The method “Socket.<init>[]” is replaced by the safeguard method
`“SafeSSocket:init” that monitors the port number“I” for every socket
`connection request, and will establish the socket connection unless the port
`number“T”is the particular port on the web serverto be blocked.
`/d. at 11.
`Figure 5, reproduced below,depicts the basic architecture of
`Chander’s sytem. Jd. at 5.


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
` Intemet
`Figure 5. Architecture for instrumenting Java applets
`Figure 5 illustrates a system including a web browser running on a
`networked computer (element on right side, labeled as running a “Modified
`Applet”), which is connected to an Internet Web Server via a network proxy
`and the Internet. Jd. at 5; see also id. at 1 (networked computer executing
`Java). When the web browser requests a web pageor applet, the request
`goes through the networkproxy to the web server, which responds by
`sending the requested data to the proxy. Jd. at 5. If the request was for a
`Java applet, “the proxy will pass the applet code to the bytecode filter,”
`whichthen “will examine the bytecode for potential risks and modify the
`bytecode before sending the code for execution to the web browser.” Id.
`Thus, “the web browseronly receives bytecode that has been screened.” Jd.
`Chander further describes the proxy, which “also has accessto a repository
`of Java classes, including secure safe classes that can be substituted for
`standard library classes and implementations of user-interface methods.” Id.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Reasonable Likelihood Determination
`After considering Petitioner’s contentions and Patent Owner’s
`arguments in opposition, we are not persuaded that Petitioner has
`demonstrated a reasonable likelihood of prevailing in showing that the
`challenged claim would have been obvious overthe asserted priorart.
`For both asserted grounds, Petitioner relies on Gladstone’s event
`processing server as teaching the “security computer” that inspects the input
`of a first function, and indicates whetherit is safe to invoke a second
`function with the input. Pet. 29-30, 62-64. We determinethat Petitioner
`has not shown a reasonable likelihood of prevailing in its assertion that it
`would have been obvious to combine Gladstone’s event processing server
`with either Ji or Chander.
`Gladstone and Ji Combination
`Petitioner summarizes the asserted combination as follows: “The
`proposed combination adds Ji’s server with scannerto the perimeter of
`Gladstone’s network in order to deliver instrumented applets to Gladstone’s
`nodes. The two references would cometogether as shownin the diagram
`below based on figures from Ji and Gladstone and annotated in color.”
`Pet. 25. Reproduced below is theannotated diagram providedin the Petition
`showingPetitioner’s overall contentions of how Ji and Gladstone would
`have been combined. Jd.


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`The diagram above mergesFigure 1 of Ji with Figure 2 of Gladstone
`to illustrate the combination of Ji’s Server Machine (including Scanner 25)
`(colored in purple) with Gladstone’s Nodes (A and B) (colored in blue) and
`event processing server 100 (colored in red). We discussfirst Petitioner’s
`contention that Ji’s pre-filter code would have been modified and
`Petitioner’s contention of the motivation to combine the teachings ofJi’s
`pre-filter code with Gladstone’s nodes and event processing server. Second,
`wediscuss how Petitioner’s argument of modification of Ji, in view of
`Gladstone’s teachings,is not persuasive to show that claim 1 would have
`been obviousover the alleged combination.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Petitioner’s Contentions Regarding the Modification ofJi
`Claim | requires a “transmitter for transmitting the input to the
`security computer for inspection, whenthe first function is invoked.”
`Petitioner identifies the Gladstone event agent within the node as the
`transmitter. Pet. 34-35. Gladstone’s event agent, however, transmits an
`event messageor notification, not an “input” of a functioncall.
`Nevertheless, Petitioner asserts that Gladstone’s event agent would transmit
`the recited “input” when thefirst function was invoked because the
`Gladstone node instead would execute Ji’s pre-filter code. Jd. at 35.
`Petitioner explains the combination as a “modification of Ji’: “Modifying
`Ji’s pre-filter functions to transmit the input to the remote security computer
`via Gladstone’s transmitter is relatively simple and requires only a few
`additional lines of code relative to the examples provided in Ji.” Jd. at 36.
`To support this statement Petitioner cites the Nielson Declaration,at
`paragraph 73.
`Essentially, and according to Petitioner’s theory of obviousness, Ji is
`modified so that the pre-filter code—inserted in the applet at the server
`during scanning—runs on the Gladstone node and transmits “security
`checks” to Gladstone’s event processing server, instead of performing
`“security checks” locally at the node.
`Claim 1 also requires a “receiver for receiving an indicator from the
`security computer whetherit is safe to invoke the second function with the
`input.” Here too Petitioner relies on Gladstone’s event agent as receiving
`notifications from Gladstone’s event processing server.
`/d. at 37-38.
`Petitioner contends that Gladstone’s server determines whetherthe
`individual notification received from the nodes warrant policy updates and


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`determines whether to quarantine the node, define operations that may not
`be performed, or tune operating system, firewall, or network parameters. Id.
`at 39 (citing Ex. 1006, 6:54-65). Petitioner relies on claim 1 of Gladstone,
`whichstates that a policy message from the server comprises “disallowing
`the access request to continue along the communication path,” as meaning
`that Gladstone’s nodes receive an indication whether the “input” is unsafe.
`Id. at 39. Accordingto Petitioner, “the means by which Gladstone’s Server
`disallows the access request would simply be by sending a value that forces
`the if function to evaluate to ‘true’ such that an exception is thrown before
`the original (‘second’) function is invoked.” Jd. at 40 (citing Ex. 1004,
`(“Nielson Decl.”’) 4 78; Ex. 1005 6:15-16 and 6:31-32).
`Contentions Regarding Motivation to Combine
`According to Petitioner, the combination of Ji and Gladstoneis
`predictable and the modificationistrivial, because a remote service can be
`accessed by a normal methodcall, but is actually a request to a remote
`computer. Pet. 43. Petitioner refers to “minimalalteration” of Ji’s pre-filter
`code so that instead of Ji performing the security checksat the node for
`whichthe applet is intended,Ji transfers the security check to a remote
`computer, i.e., Gladstone’s event processing server. Jd. (citing Nielson Decl.
`{4 55, 73, 78). When comparing the Ji pre-filter code with the Gladstone
`Reference Monitor, Petitioner asserts that Ji’s pre-filter code is also a
`“reference monitor” because the security check is inserted directly into the
`code. Id. at 42-43.
`Additionally, Petitioner alleges that a person of ordinaryskill in the
`art would have been “motivated to apply Ji’s technique for delivering
`reference monitors from the proxy to the problem ofinstalling Gladstone’s


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Reference Monitor on each node.” Id. at 44. Accordingto Petitioner, Ji
`teaches a motivation because it recognizesthatit is easier to deploy code
`from a single server (read here Ji’s proxy server with the scanner), rather
`than “installing software manually on every individual node in Gladstone’s
`network.” Jd. at 45. Finally, Petitioner asserts that the combination would
`have been motivated by Gladstoneitself, because Gladstone teaches using a
`_ centralized server, and it would have beena design incentive to modify Ji’s
`pre-filter code for use with a centralized sever, becauseit “dramatically
`improves system security.” Jd. at 47 (citing Nielson Decl. 4 56).
`Patent Owner’s Exemplary Arguments
`Patent Ownerchallenges Petitioner’s assertion that Ji’s pre-filter
`function transmits the input to the remote computer. Prelim. Resp. 26-28.
`Patent Ownerfocuses its arguments on Ji’s disclosure of the pre-filter code,
`and howit does not pass any input or parameter for inspection anywhere,
`and that Gladstone, even if combined with Ji, would not perform any such
`inspection because Gladstone only processes event messages. Jd. Patent
`Owneralso argues that what the Gladstone nodesreceive is a notification
`from the server after the “second tunction” has been invoked because the
`access requestis allowed to continue along the communication path.
`/d. at
`Alleged Trivial or Minimal Modifications
`The arguments by Patent Ownerraise the issue of whether Petitioner
`has demonstrated that the reasons for the combination of Ji and Gladstone
`are rational in light of their teachings. We see that Patent Owner focuses on
`distinguishing Ji’s pre-filter code as failing to teach passing of the inputs to a
`security computer as required. Petitioner’s contention, we note,is that Ji’s


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`pre-filter code would have been modified, with “trivial” changes or
`“minimalalteration,” to perform the transmission of the recited inputs at
`Gladstone’s nodes. Upon further inspection of the record, in an effort to
`ascertain the asserted modification of Ji, however, we discover eight
`separate listings of program code included in the Nielson Declaration as
`“Listings.” Ex. 1004, Appendix A. Noneof the “Listings” identify which
`portions of the codeare original to Ji and which are added. Thus, whatever
`alterations Ji’s pre-filter code may require were not madeclear in these
`Further, it is evident that the Listings provide further modifications
`that the Petition does not explain meaningfully, and include various
`programsthat must be implemented in other parts of the system, such as
`adding code for “remote enforcement”at the server. See Ex. 1004, 91.
`These modifications of the server and the additional code that would be
`necessary for the server to work in conjunction with Ji’s modified code are
`glossed overin the Petition, subsumed within an explanation that the
`changesor additionsare “trivial” or “minimal.” But we are not persuaded
`that they are as such.
`Instead, these program listings show usthat although it is possible to
`modify Ji’s program to send an input to a remote computer to achieve the
`asserted combination of teachings, one would have needed the foresight of
`the claims. In other words, the reasons given by Petitioner to revise Ji’s pre-
`filter code would not compelalso the conclusion that Gladstone’s nodes
`would also need further modification and that additional security checks are
`to be implemented in Gladstone’s server. In our view, the modification of Ji


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`and Gladstoneare the product of hindsight, not of a reasonable motivation to
`Westart with the fact that Gladstone is designed for the nodes to
`apply locally a current pre-programmed administrative policy. See Ex.
`1006, 7:22-29, 7:33-38 (stating that the event agent at the node may,in
`addition to of instead of local protection, send the notification to the server
`as “defined by current administrative policy”). For example, Gladstone’s
`server receives event notifications from the node because, in accordance
`with the pre-programmedpolicy, the node’s event agent intercepted an
`access to a system resource, such as a disk. Ex. 1006, 8:7-23. Gladstone
`explains that the node sends the notification of the access to the server, but
`the access at the node has already occurred; the server,if it finds the access
`was potentially harmful, updates the node’s policy to prevent future accesses
`of the same type. Jd. at 8:24-42, 8:67-9:21 (explaining that the Gladstone
`server may also send a policy update to the other nodes in the network). The
`server may also determine whetherto quarantine the affected node, change
`operation of the affected node through defining operations that may not be
`performed, or tune the operating system. Id. at 6:54-62. Thus, although
`Gladstone provides for centralized event processing, to correlate seemingly
`innocuous networkactivity that turns out to be an attack in progress, it also
`allowsthe nodes to monitor themselves andto notify the server only of
`certain activities as dictated by the node’s pre-programmedpolicy, with the
`server updating the policies across nodesas the attack is detected. See id.;
`see also id. 6:63-7:13.
`In contrast, Ji anticipates that all Java applets and Active X
`componentsare to be secured before they are allowedto run in the node.


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Ji’s scanner instruments the applet to alter suspiciousinstructions before
`they are executed at the node. Ex. 1005, 3:45—56. In this manner, the
`instrumented applet of Ji includes the alternative instruction and can perform
`an alternative action when malicious code is encountered. Thus, Ji is
`designed to anticipate how much and whatprotection the nodeswill need at
`run-time. Petitioner’s theory of obviousness, however, modifies Ji to instead
`delegate the suspicious function check to a remote computer, even though Ji
`provides whatever code the nodes need to protect themselvesat run-time
`from applets and Active X components (or any other executable malicious
`program, accordingto Petitioner). Pet. 45 (stating that Ji can be used to
`distribute reference monitors for any type of application programs, not just
`Java applets).
`Therationale Petitioner provides for this purported delegation is not
`persuasive. Petitioner posits that the modification of Ji is an improvement
`motivated by Ji, because Ji’s delivery of instrumented applets avoids the
`expense of manual deploymentthat Gladstone utilizes. Pet. 44-45. This
`reason may motivate the automated delivery of code from Ji’s sever to
`Gladstone’s nodes, but goes no further to support the contention that Ji’s
`pre-filter code would have been modified to perform its security check at the
`Gladstone event processing server, instead of performing the check locally at
`the node.
`The secondrationale Petitioner provides fares no better. Petitioner
`posits that Gladstoneitself provides “the strongest motivation to use a
`centralized Server.” Jd. at 47. In particular, Petitioner argues that a
`centralized server is in a position to correlate events across nodes andcatch
`more advanced attacks. Jd. Petitioner alludes to it being well-knownfor a


`IPR2019-0003 1
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`centralized server to communicate with mult

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