V Patentsor © Trademarks:etbineCalornia_
`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Document6 Filed03/14/14 Pagel of 1
`& AO 120 (Rev. 2/99
`Mail Stop 8
`Directorof the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In Compliance with 35 § 290 and/or 15 U.S.C. § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`filed in the U.S. District Court__ Northern District California
`_on the
`450 Golden Gate Avenue. 16" Floor, San Francisco CA 94102
`1¢, 804, 280
`In the above—entitled case, the foll
`owing patent(s) have been included:
`C] Amendment
`C] Answer
`CL Cross Bill
`L] Other Pleading
`In the above—entitled case, the following decision has been rendered orjudgementissued:
`March 15, 2014
`Gina Agustine
`Richard W. Wicking
` Copy 1—Uponinitiation ofaction, mail this copy to Commissioner Copy 3—Upontermination ofaction, mail this copy to Commissioner
`Copy 2—Upon filing document adding patent(s), mail this copy to Commissioner
`Copy 4—Casefile copy


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documenti Filed03/14/14 Page9 of 33
`also conduct cloud-based selective sandboxing to analyze suspicious content with both web
`— 2|
`|protection and intrusion prevention. The following showsthe cloud based sandboxingfeatures:
`Advanced Threat Protection Cptions
`4 seat
`nee annem
`& Send suspicious content ta SophosLabsfor analysis
`SophosLabs features a cloud-based sandbox where the behavior
`of suspected malware can be automatically observed and
`analysed. This helps ensure speedy delivery of protection updates
`directly to your UTM, Disabling this functionality may increase
`defense response time.
`All submissions are sent over a secure channel and are handied
`according to the Sophost.abs information Security Policy.
`wf Apply
`Cloud-based selective sandboxing allows SophosLabs to analyze suspicious content.
`1] See
`threat-protection-atp/, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit H.
`Sophos WebLENStechnology blocksthreats using content reassembly with JavaScript
`emulation and behavioral analysis. Its purpose is to stop malicious code at the network layer beforeit
`is passed to the browser.
`Defendant has been andis nowinfringing the ‘780 Patent, the ‘154 Patent, the ‘918
`19 Patent, the ‘289 Patent, the ‘926 Patent, and the ‘844 Patent (collectively “the Paterits-In-Suit”) in this
`judicial District, and elsewhere in the United States by, among other things, making,using,
`importing, selling, and/or offering for sale the claimed system and methodsthatutilize Sophos Live
`73 Protection, Advanced Threat Protection, and WebLENS,including without limitation on Enduser
`4||Protection Suites, Endpoint Antivirus, Endpoint Antivirus Cloud, Sophos Cloud, Unified Threat
`25||Management, Next-Gen Firewall, Secure Web Gateway, Secure Email Gateway, and Server Security.


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documentl Filed03/14/14 Page10 of 33
`In addition to directly infringing the Patents-In-Suit pursuantto 35 U.S.C. § 271 (a)
`eitherliterally or underthe doctrine of equivalents, Defendant indirectly infringes the ‘780 Patent, the
`‘918 Patent, the ‘289 Patent, the ‘926 Patent, and the ‘844 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by
`instructing, directing and/or requiring others, including its users and developers, to perform all or
`some of the steps of the method claimsofthese patents, either literally or under the doctrine of
`(Direct Infringementof the ‘780 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference,as if fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs,as set forth above.
`Defendant has infringed and continues to infringe one or more claims of the ‘780
`Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
`Defendant’s infringement is based uponliteral infringement or, in the alternative,
`infringementunder the doctrine of equivalents.
`Defendant’s acts of making, using, importing, selling, and/or offering for sale infringing
`products and services have been without the permission, consent, authorization orlicense of Finjan.
`Defendant’s infringementincludes, but is not limited to, the manufacture, use, sale,
`importation and/or offer for sale of Defendant’s productsandservices, including but notlimited to
`SophosLive Protection, which embodies the patented invention ofthe ‘780 Patent.
`As a result of Defendant’s unlawfulactivities, Finjan has suffered and will continue to
`suffer irreparable harm for whichthere is no adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Finjan is entitled
`to preliminary and/or permanentinjunctiverelief.
`Defendant’s infringementofthe ‘780 Patenthas injured and continuesto injure Finjan
`in an amount to be provenattrial.
`i 1


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documenti Filed03/14/14 Page11 of 33
`(Indirect Infringementof the ‘780 Patent pursuantto 35 U.S.C. § 271(b))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference,asif fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs,as set forth above.
`Defendanthas induced and continuesto induce infringementofat least claims 1-8 of
`the ‘780 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b).
`In addition to directly infringing the ‘780 Patent, Defendant indirectly infringes the
`‘780 Patent pursuantto 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by instructing, directing and/or requiring others, including
`but not limited to its customers, users and developers, to perform someofthe steps of the method
`claims,eitherliterally or under the doctrine of equivalents, of the ‘780 Patent, whereall the steps of
`the method claimsare performed by either Sophosor its customers,users or developers, or some
`combination thereof. Defendant knew or waswillfully blind to the fact that it was inducing others,
`including customers,users and developers,to infringe by practicing, either themselvesor in
`conjunction with Defendant, one or more methodclaimsofthe ‘780 Patent.
`Defendant knowingly andactively aided and abetted the direct infringementof the
`‘780 Patent by instructing and encouragingits customers, users and developersto use the Sophos
`Live Protection. Suchinstructions and encouragement include butare not limitedto, advising third
`parties to use the SophosLive Protection in an infringing manner, providing a mechanism through
`whichthird parties may infringe the ‘780 Patent, specifically through the use of the Sophos Live
`Protection, advertising and promoting the use of the Sophos Live Protection in an infringing manner,
`and distributing guidelines andinstructions to third parties on how to use the Sophos Live Protection
`in an infringing manner.


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Document1 Filed03/14/14 Page12 of 33
`Sophosregularly updates and maintains the Sophos Support/Labsto provide
`demonstration, instructions, and technical assistance to users to help them use the Sophos Live
`Protection, including:
`Providing an overview of how Live Protections works. See
`us/support/knowledgebase/111334.aspx, a true andcorrect copy of whichis attached hereto as
`e Giving step-by-step instructions on how to turn Live Protection on and off, combined with a
`video demonstration of the functionalities of Live Protection. See
`us/support/knowledgebase/116371.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as
`e Maintaininga list of behaviorprofiles such as SUS/ZelXor-A,created by Sophos’ labs and
`posted on Sophos’ website for download. See
`center/threat-analyses/suspicious-behavior-and-files/Sus~ZelXor-A.aspx, a true and correct
`copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit K:
`¢ Maintaininga list of Live Protection errors and suggesting ways ofresolving them. See
` 1244.aspx,a true and correct copy of
`whichis attached hereto as Exhibit L.
`Sophosprovidesquick start guides, administration guides, user guides, and operating
`instructions which cover in depth aspectsof operating Sophosofferings. See
`, a true and correct copy of whichis
`attached hereto as Exhibit M.
`Sophos maintains and updates a YouTube channel where training and informational
`videos are postedin order to promotethe use of Sophos products. See
`, a true and correct copy of which
`is attached hereto as Exhibit N.
`Sophos maintains and promotesthe Sophos Partner Program to encourage and expand
`use ofthe Sophos Live Protection by offering up-to-date training and certification enabled byafull
`curriculum ofcourses in order to increase skills and competency. See hitp://
`us/partners.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit O; see also


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Document1 Filed03/14/14 Page13 of 33
`, a
`true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit P.
`Sophos maintains and promotes the Sophos Managed Service Provider program in
`which Sophostrains IT personnel to support Sophos products. See
`us/medialibrary/PDFs/partners/sophos_complete security_msps_dsna.pdf, a true and correct copy of
`whichis attached hereto as Exhibit Q.
`Sophos provides Global System Integrators who provide advisory, solution and deliver
`services to its customersacrossall market sections. These services include consulting, systems
`integration, managedservices andfull facilities outsourcing. See
`us/partners/global-system-integrators.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as
`Exhibit R.
`Sophos maintains and offers Sophos Professional Services. SophosProfessional
`Services plans the requirementsofa client security needs, builds the endpoint and network solutions
`for the clients, and then manages the Sophos implemented solutions. See
`us/medialibrary/PDFs/professionalservices/sophosprofessionalservicesbrna.pdf, a true and correct
`copy of whichis attached hereto as ExhibitS.
`Defendant has had knowledge ofthe 780 Patentat least as ofthe time it learned of
`this action for infringement and by continuing the actions described above, has had the specific intent
`to or was willfully blind to the factthat its actions would induce infringementof the ‘780 Patent.
`Sophosactively andintentionally maintains websites, including Sophos’ Support, to
`promote the SophosLive Protection and to encourage potential customers, users and developers to
`use the SophosLive Protection in the manner described by Finjan.


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documentl Filed03/14/14 Page14 of 33
`Sophosactively updates websites, including Sophos’ Support, to promote the Sophos
`Live Protection and Advanced Threat Protection, including the Sophos Unified Threat Management,
`Next Generation Firewall, Secure Web Gateway, Secure E-mail Gateway, Sophos Cloud, Endpoint
`Antivirus Cloud, Endpoint Antivirus, Enduser Protection Suites, and Server Security, to encourage
`users and developersto practice the methodstaught in the ‘780 Patent.
`(Direct Infringementof the ‘154 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates byreference, as if fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs,as set forth above.
`Defendant has infringed and continuesto infringe one or moreclaimsof the ‘154
`Patentin violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271 (a).
`Defendant’s infringementis based uponliteral infringementor, in the alternative,
`infringement under the doctrine of equivalents.
`Defendant’s acts of making, using, importing, selling, and/or offering for sale infringing
`products and services have been without the permission, consent, authorization or license of Finjan.
`Defendant’s infringement includes, but is not limited to, the manufacture, use, sale,
`importation and/or offer for sale of Defendant’s products and services, including but not limited to
`Sophos Live Protection and Sophos Advanced Threat Protection, which embodythe patented
`invention of the ‘154 Patent.
`Asa result of Defendant’s unlawfulactivities, Finjan has suffered and will continue to
`suffer irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedyat law. Accordingly, Finjanis entitled
`to preliminary and/or permanentinjunctiverelief.
` Defendant’s infringementof the ‘154 Patent has injured and continuesto injure Finjan
`in an amountto be proven attrial.


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documentl Filed03/14/14 Page15 of 33
`(Direct Infringementof the ‘918 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates byreference,as if fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs, as set forth above.
`Defendanthasinfringed and continuesto infringe one or more claimsofthe ‘918
`Patentin violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
`Defendant’s infringementis based uponliteral infringementor, in the alternative,
`infringement under the doctrine of equivalents.
`Defendant’s acts of making, using, importing, selling, and/or offering forsale infringing
`products and services have been withoutthe permission, consent, authorization or license of Finjan.
`Defendant’s infringementincludes, but is not limited to, the manufacture,use, sale,
`importation and/oroffer for sale of Defendant’s products and services, including but not limited to
`Sophos Live Protection and Sophos Advanced ThreatProtection, which embodies the patented
`invention of the ‘918 Patent.
`Asaresult of Defendant’s unlawfulactivities, Finjan has suffered and will continue to
`suffer irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Accordingly,Finjanis entitled
`to preliminary and/or permanentinjunctiverelief.
`Defendant’s infringement of the ‘918 Patent has injured and continuesto injure Finjan
`in an amountto be provenattrial.
`(Indirect Infringementof the ‘918 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference,asif fully set forth herein, the
` allegations of the preceding paragraphs,asset forth above.
`Defendanthasinduced andcontinuesto induce infringementofatleast claims 1-1 l,
`22-27, and 34 of the ‘918 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b).


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documentl Filed03/14/14 Page16 of 33
`In addition to directly infringing the ‘918 Patent, Defendant indirectly infringes the
`‘918 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by instructing, directing and/or requiring others, including
`but not limited to its customers, users and developers, to perform some ofthe steps of the method
`claims,eitherliterally or under the doctrine of equivalents, of the ‘918 Patent, where all the steps of
`the methodclaims are performed by either Sophosorits customers, users or developers, or some
`combination thereof. Defendant knew or was willfully blind to the fact that it was inducingothers,
`including customers, users and developers,to infringe by practicing, either themselves orin
`conjunction with Defendant, one or more method claimsof the ‘918 Patent.
`Defendant knowingly andactively aided and abettedthe direct infringementofthe
`‘918 Patent by instructing and encouraging its customers, users and developers to use Sophos Live
`Protection and Sophos Advanced ThreatProtection. Such instructions and encouragementinclude
`but are not limited to, advising third parties to use the Sophos Live Protection and Sophos Advanced
`Threat Protection in an infringing manner, providing a mechanism through whichthird parties may
`infringe the ‘918 Patent, specifically through the use ofthe Sophos Live Protection and Sophos
`Advanced Threat Protection, advertising and promoting the use of the Sophos Live Protection and
`Sophos Advanced Threat Protection in an infringing manner,anddistributing guidelines and
`instructionsto third parties on how to use the SophosLive Protection and Sophos Advanced Threat
`Protection in an infringing manner.
`Sophosregularly updates and maintains the Sophos Support/Labsto provide
`demonstration, instructions, and technicalassistance to users to help them use the Sophos Live
`Protection and Advanced Threat Protection, including:
`Providing an overview of howLive Protections works. See
`us/support/knowledgebase/11 1334.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Document Filed03/14/14 Page17 of 33
`¢ Giving step-by-step instructions on how to turn Live Protection on and off, combined with a
`video demonstration of the functionalities of Live Protection. See
`us/support/knowledgebase/116371 -aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as
`Exhibit J;
`e Maintaininga list of behavior profiles such as SUS/ZelXor-A,created by Sophos’ labs and
`posted on Sophos’ website for download. See
`center/threat-analyses/suspicious-behavior-and-files/Sus~ZelXor-A.aspx, a true and correct
`copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit T;
`¢ Maintainingalist of Live Protection errors and suggesting ways of resolving them. See
` 1244aspx, a true and correct copy of
`whichis attached hereto as Exhibit L;
`e Describing what Advanced ThreatProtection is used for and how to adjust its settings. See
` hos-utm-accelerated-9-2-5-advanced-
`threat-protection-atp/, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit H.
`Providing a YouTubevideo onthe new feature of Advanced Threat Protection, Available at
` (last visited March 13, 2014);
`Providing a written “how to” configure the Advanced Threat Protection. See
`, a true and correct copy of
`whichis attached hereto as Exhibit U.
`Sophos provides quick start guides, administration guides, user guides, and operating
`instructions which cover in depth aspects of operating Sophosofferings. See
`, a true and correct copy of whichis
`attached hereto as Exhibit M.
`Sophos maintains and updates a YouTube channel where training and informational
` videosare posted in order to promote the use of Sophos products. See
`, a true and correct copy of which
`is attached hereto as Exhibit N.
`Sophos maintains and promotes the Sophos Partner Program to encourage and expand
`use of the SophosLive Protection by offering up-to-date training and certification enabled byafull
`curriculum of coursesin order to increase skills and competency. See


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Document1 Filed03/14/14 Page18 of 33
`us/partners.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit O; see also
`true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit P.
` i ith-sophos-na.pdf, a
`Sophos maintains and promotes the Sophos ManagedService Provider program in
`which Sophostrains IT personnel to support Sophos products. See
`us/medialibrary/PDFs/partners/sophos_complete security_msps_dsna.pdf, a true andcorrect copy of
`whichis attached hereto as Exhibit Q.
`Sophos provides Global System Integrators who provide advisory, solution and deliver
`services to its customersacrossall market sections. These services include consulting, systems
`integration, managedservices andfull facilities outsourcing. See
`us/partners/global-system-integrators.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as
`Exhibit R.
`Sophos maintains and offers Sophos Professional Services. SophosProfessional
`Services plans the requirements ofa client security needs, builds the endpoint and networksolutions
`for the clients, and then managesthe Sophos implementedsolutions. See
`us/medialibrary/PDFs/professionalservices/sophosprofessionalservicesbrna.pdf, a true and correct
`copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit S.
`Defendant has had knowledgeofthe ’918 Patentat least as of the time it learned of
`this action for infringement and by continuing the actions described above has had the specific intent
`to or was willfully blind to the fact that its actions would induce infringementofthe ‘918 Patent.
`Sophosactively andintentionally maintains websites, including Sophos’ Support, to
`promote the SophosLive Protection and Advanced Threat Protection and to encourage potential users


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documenti Filed03/14/14 Pagel of 33
`PAUL J. ANDRE (State Bar No. 196585)
`LISA KOBIALKA (State Bar No. 191404)
`JAMES HANNAH (State Bar No. 237978)
`this is a printed
`KRAMER LEVIN NAFTALIS & FRANKEL LLP_DistriggCounfeNetmically filetinh ;
`990 Marsh Road
`\ Noaheth
`beCa pmmia States
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Me Filed:
`Telephone: (650) 752-1700
`Facsimile: (650) 752-1800
`Attorneysfor Plaintiff
`Case No.Cy | 4- |
`| q) OaS
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware Corporation,
`SOPHOS,INC., a Massachusetts Corporation,


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documentl Filed03/14/14 Page19 of 33
`and developers to use the Sophos Live Protection and Advanced Threat Protection in the manner
`described by Finjan.
`Sophosactively updates websites, including Sophos’ Support, to promote the Sophos
`Live Protection and Advanced ThreatProtection, including the Sophos Unified Threat Management,
`Next Generation Firewall, Secure Web Gateway, Secure E-mail Gateway, Sophos Cloud, Endpoint
`Antivirus Cloud, Endpoint Antivirus, Enduser Protection Suites, and Server Security, to encourage
`users and developers to practice the methods taughtin the ‘918 Patent.
`(Direct Infringementof the ‘289 Patent pursuantto 35 U.S.C. § 271(a))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference, asif fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs,as set forth above.
`Defendanthasinfringed and continuesto infringe one or more claims of the ‘289
`Patentin violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271 (a).
` Defendant’s infringementis based uponliteral infringementor, in the alternative,
`infringement underthe doctrine of equivalents.
` Defendant’s acts of making, using, importing, selling, and/or offering forsale infringing
`products and services have been without the permission, consent, authorizationor license of Finjan.
`Defendant’s infringementincludes, but is not limited to, the manufacture, use, sale,
`importation and/oroffer for sale of Defendant’s productsandservices, including but notlimited to
`Sophos WebLENSand Sophos Advanced ThreatProtection, which embodythepatented invention of
`the ‘289 Patent.
`Asaresult of Defendant’s unlawful activities, Finjan has suffered and will continue to
`suffer irreparable harm for whichthere is no adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, Finjanis entitled
`to preliminary and/or permanentinjunctiverelief,


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documenti Filed03/14/14 Page20 of 33
`Defendant’s infringementof the ‘289 Patent has injured and continuesto injure Finjan
`in an amountto be provenattrial.
`(Indirect Infringementof the ‘289 Patent pursuantto 35 U.S.C. § 271(b))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference,as if fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs, as set forth above.
`Defendant has induced and continues to induce infringementofat least claims 1-9, 19-
`21, 25-29, and 35-40 ofthe ‘289 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b).
`In addition to directly infringing the ‘289 Patent, Defendantindirectly infringes the
`‘289 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by instructing, directing and/or requiring others, including
`but not limited to its customers, users and developers, to perform someofthe steps of the method
`claims,eitherliterally or under the doctrine of equivalents, of the ‘289 Patent, whereall the steps of
`the method claimsare performed by either Sophosorits customers, users or developers, or some
`combination thereof. Defendant knew or waswillfully blindto the fact that it was inducing others,
`including customers, users and developers, to infringe by practicing, either themselves orin
`conjunction with Defendant, one or more methodclaimsofthe ‘289 Patent.
`Defendant knowingly andactively aided andabetted the direct infringementofthe
`‘289 Patent by instructing and encouragingits customers, users and developers to use Sophos
`WebLENSand Sophos Advanced Threat Protection. Suchinstructions and encouragement include
`butare not limited to, advising third parties to use the Sophos WebLENSand Sophos Advanced
`Threat Protection in an infringing manner, providing a mechanism through which third parties may
`infringe the ‘289 Patent, specifically through the use of the Sophos WebLENSand Sophos Advanced
`Threat Protection, advertising and promoting the use of the Sophos WebLENSand Sophos Advanced
`Threat Protection in an infringing manner, anddistributing guidelines and instructionsto third parties
`> S


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documenti Filed03/14/14 Page21 of 33
`on howto use the Sophos WebLENSand Sophos Advanced Threat Protection in an infringing
`Sophosregularly updates and maintains the Sophos Support/Labs to provide
`demonstration, instructions, and technical assistance to users to help them use the Advanced Threat
`Protection, including:
`e Describing what Advanced Threat Protection is used for and howto adjustits settings. See
`threat-protection-atp/, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit H;
`Providing a YouTube video on the new feature of Advanced ThreatProtection. Available at
` (last visited March 13, 2014);
`Providing a written “how to” configure the Advanced Threat Protection. See
`, a true and correct copy of
`which is attached hereto as Exhibit U.
`Sophos Providesquick start guides, administration guides, user guides, and operating
`instructions which coverin depth aspects of operating Sophos offerings. See
`, a true and correct copy of whichis
`attached hereto as Exhibit M.
`Sophos maintains and updates a YouTube channel wheretraining and informational
`videos are posted in order to promote the use of Sophos products. See
`,a true andcorrect copy of which
`is attached hereto as Exhibit N.
`Sophos maintains and promotes the Sophos Partner Program to encourage and expand
`use of the SophosLive Protection by offering up-to-date training andcertification enabled byafull
`curriculum ofcoursesin order to increase skills and competency, See
`us/partners.aspx, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit O; see also


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documenti Filed03/14/14 Page22 of 33
`, a
`true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as Exhibit P.
`Sophos maintains and promotes the Sophos Managed Service Provider program in
`which Sophos trains IT personnel to support Sophos products. See
`us/medialibrary/PDFs/partners/sophos_complete_security_msps_dsna.pdf, a true and correct copy of
`whichis attached hereto as Exhibit Q.
`Sophos provides Global System Integrators who provide advisory, solution and deliver
`services to its customers across all market sections. These services include consulting, systems
`integration, managedservices andfull facilities outsourcing. See
`us/partners/global-system-integrators.aspx, a true and correct copy of whichis attached hereto as
`Exhibit R.
`Sophos maintains and offers Sophos Professional Services. Sophos Professional
`Services plans the requirements of a client security needs, builds the endpoint and network solutions
`for the clients, and then manages the Sophos implementedsolutions. See http://(
`us/medialibrary/PDFs/professionalservices/sophosprofessionalservicesbrna.pdf, a true and correct
`copy of whichis attached hereto as ExhibitS.
`102. Defendant has had knowledgeof the ’289 Patentat least as of the timeit learned of
`this action for infringement and by continuing the actions described above has had the specific intent
`to or was willfully blind to the fact that its actions would induce infringementof the ‘289 Patent.
`Sophosactively and intentionally maintains websites, including Sophos’ Support, to
`promote the Sophos WebLENSand Sophos Advanced ThreatProtection and to encouragepotential
`users and developers to use the Sophos WebLENS and Sophos AdvancedThreat Protection in the
`manner described by Finjan.


`Case3:14-cv-01197-JCS Documentl Filed03/14/14 Page23 of 33
`Sophosactively updates websites, including Sophos’ Support, to promote the Sophos
`WebLENSand Sophos Advanced Threat Protection, including the Sophos Unified Threat
`Management, Virtual Web Appliance Next Generation Firewall, Secure Web Gateway, and Enduser
`Protection Suites, to encourage users and developersto practice the methods taughtin the ‘289
`(Direct Infringementof the ‘926 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a))
`Finjan repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference, asif fully set forth herein, the
`allegations of the preceding paragraphs, as set forth above.
`106. Defendant has infringed and continuesto infringe one or more claims of the ‘926
`Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271 (a).
`107. Defendant’s infringementis based uponliteral infringementor, in the alternative,
`infringement underthe doctrine of equivalents.
`108. Defendant’s acts of making,using, importing,selling, and/or offering forsale infringing
`products and services have been withoutthe permission, consent, authorization or license of Finjan.
`109. Defendant’s infringementincludes, but is not limited to, the

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