`Entered: January 14, 2016
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2015-01547
`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`MIRIAM L. QUINN Administrative Patent Judges.
`QUINN,Administrative Patent Judge.
`DenyingInstitution of Inter Partes Review
`37 CFR. § 42.108


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Symantec Corp.(‘Petitioner’) filed a Petition to institute inter partes
`review of claims 1~12 of U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 B2 (“the ’154 patent”)
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 311-319. Paper 1 (‘‘Pet.”). Finjan, Inc. (“Patent
`Owner”) timely filed a Preliminary Response. Paper 8 (“Prelim. Resp.”).
`We havejurisdiction under 35 U.S.C. § 314.
`For the reasonsthat follow, we denythe Petition.
`Petitioner identifies that the patent-at-issue is the subject matter of a
`district court case filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
`California (Case No. 3:14-cv-02998-RS). Pet. 1. Petitioner also states that
`petitions for inter partes review have beenfiled regarding patents at issue in
`the foregoinglitigation. Id.
`Petitioner contendsthat claims 1-12 (“the challenged claims”) are
`unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 102 and § 103 based onthe following
`specific grounds:
`Basis Claimschallenged |
`Ros! ft Ss
`' Patent Application Pub. No. US 2007/0113282 (Exhibit 1002) (“Ross”).


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Basis Claimschallenged
`Ross and Calder’
`§ 103
`9 and 12
`§ 103
`C. THE ’154 PATENT (Ex. 1001)
`The °154 patent relates to computer security, and, more particularly,
`to systems and methodsfor protecting computers against malicious code
`such as computer viruses. Ex. 1001, 1:7—9; 8:38-40. The ’154 patent
`identifies the components of one embodimentof the system as follows: a
`gateway computer, a client computer, and a security computer.
`/d. at
`8:45-47. The gateway computerreceives content from a network, such as
`the Internet, over a communication channel.
`/d. at 8:47—-48. “Such content
`may be in the form of HTML pages, XML documents, Java applets and
`other such webcontentthat is generally rendered by a web browser.” /d. at
`8:48-51. A content modifier modifies original content received by the
`gateway computer and produces modified content that includes a layer of
`protection to combat dynamically generated malicious code. Jd. at 9:13-16.
`* Patent Application Pub. No. US 2002/0066022 Al (Exhibit 1003)
`* Sirer et al., Design and Implementation ofa Distributed Virtual machine
`for Networked Computers, (1999) (Exhibit 1004) (“‘Sirer’).


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Challenged claims 1, 4, 6, and 10 are independent,andillustrative
`claim 1 is reproduced below.
`1. A system for protecting a computer from dynamically generated
`malicious content, comprising:
`a content processor(i) for processing content received over a network,
`the content includinga call to a first function, and the call including an
`input, and(ii) for invoking a second function with the input, only ifa
`security computer indicates that such invocationis safe;
`a transmitter for transmitting the input to the security computer for
`inspection, whenthefirst function is invoked; and
`a receiver for receiving an indicator from the security computer
`whetherit is safe to invoke the second function with the input.
`The Boardinterprets claims using the “broadest reasonable
`construction in light of the specification of the patent in which [they]
`appear[].”. 37 C.F.R. § 42.100(b). We presumethat claim terms havetheir
`ordinary and customary meaning. See Jn re Translogic Tech., Inc., 504 F.3d
`1249, 1257 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (“The ordinary and customary meaningis the
`meaning that the term would have to a person of ordinary skill in the art in
`Petitioner proposed a construction for one term: “dynamically
`generate[d]”. See Pet. 14-15. Patent Owner submitted that the term has a
`plain and ordinary meaning understood to a person of ordinary skill in theart
`and that no construction is needed. Prelim. Resp. 7-9. We do not need to
`construe a proposed term if the construction is not helpful in our


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`determination of whetherto institute trial. Because the construction of the
`term “dynamically generate[d]” is not germaneto our determination whether
`to institute trial, we will not consider either of the parties’ arguments. No
`term will be construed.
`Petitioner asserts three groundspredicated on, at a minimum, Ross
`disclosing the limitation identified in the Petition as limitation “[A].”
`Pet. 12 (identifying overlapping limitations in the four independentclaims),
`18-20 (describing Petitioner’s contention regarding Ross’s disclosure of
`limitation 1[A] and 4[A]); 27-28 (stating Petitioner’s contention that for
`claims 6 and 10, limitations are “substantially similar” with the exception of
`limitations [B2], [E2], and [G]). Limitation [A] in claim 1 recites “a content
`processor(i) for processing content received over a network, the content
`including a call to a first function, and the call including an input...” Ex.
`1001, 17:34-36. We do not agree with Petitioner that Ross discloses this
`limitation for, at least, the reasons discussed below and outlined by Patent
`Ownerin the Preliminary Response. See Prelim. Resp. 12-15.
`I. Overview ofRoss (Exhibit 1002)
`Ross describes one embodiment where a device receives and
`processes “data content havingat least one original function call [and it]
`includes a hook script generator and a script processing engine.” Ex. 1002
`q 10. One such device is depicted in Figure 2, reproduced below.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
` :
` 250
`FIG 2
`Figure 2 showsa client network device (client 202) and a server
`network device (server 204) communicating with each other over
`communication network 208 to exchange information including web
`content. Jd. at J] 16, 23. Figure 2 depicts web browser 224 and detection
`engine 240at the client, but in other embodiments detection engine 240 may
`be physically located away from client 202. Jd. at 26. Detection
`engine 240 includesscript injector 242 to intercept incoming data content
`and introduce the incoming datato script-processing engine 224. Id. “Hook
`script generator 244 creates new functions, including constructor functions,
`whichreplace the standard JavaScript functions.” /d.
`2. Discussion
`Petitioner contends that Ross’s script-processing engineis the recited
`content processorthat receives content over a network. Pet. 18-19 (citing


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Ex. 1002 [ff 23, 26, 34, Figs. 2, 4-6). Petitioner also contends that the
`“content processed by the script processing engine includes a hook script
`having one or more hook functions,” thereby disclosing the recited “first
`function.” Jd. at 19 (citing Ex. 1002 Jf 38, 31, 33, 34; and the Davidson
`Declaration Ex. 1010 979). That is, the Petition states that the script
`processing engine receives content over a network and also receives a hook
`script. The claims require, however, that the content received by the content
`processor includea “call to a first function.” And according to Patent
`Owner, with which weagree in this regard, Ross doesnot disclose that the
`hook function (or “first function’) is in content received over a network.
`Prelim. Resp. 12.
`Weare persuaded by Patent Owner’s argumentthat, in the
`embodimentsidentified in the Petition, the hook script generator generates
`the hook function, which is loaded separatefrom data content 602 thatis
`received over the network. Prelim. Resp. 14 (pointing out Ross’s disclosure
`of the hook generator embodiments disclosed in Figures 2 and 6). In
`particular, Patent Owneraddresses Ross’s disclosure of the method where
`the hook function is loadedinto the script processing engine, then data
`content 602 is loaded into the script processing engine, and,finally,
`executing a hook function whenthe corresponding original function is called
`in data content 602. Jd. at 14-15 (relying on Ex. 1002 4 38). Neither the
`Petition (see Pet. 18—20) nor the Declaration of Mr. Davidson, at the cited
`paragraph 79, explain how Ross’s data content received over a networkalso
`includes the hook functionsalleged to be the recited “first function,” which
`must be included in the content received over a network.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Accordingly, and forat least the above-identified reason, we are not
`persuaded that Petitioner has demonstrated a reasonable likelihood of
`prevailing in its contention that independentclaims 1, 4, 6, and 10 are
`unpatentable over Ross,either as anticipated (claims 1 and 4) or obvious
`(claims 6 and 10). Petitioner relies on Calder in combination with Ross to
`challenge as unpatentable dependentclaims 9 and 12, but doesnotassert that
`Calder remedies any of the Ross deficiencies noted above. Consequently,
`wealso are not persuaded that Petitioner has demonstrated a reasonable
`likelihood of prevailing in its contention that any of the challenged
`dependent claims are unpatentable over either Ross or the combination of
`Ross and Calder.
`Petitioner asserts one ground predicated on,at least, Calder.
`1. Overview of Calder (Ex. 1003)
`Calder describes a distributed computing system, which includes a
`pre-processing module that prepares a software package for execution on
`any numberof client computers. Ex. 1003 J 77; Fig. 1. Application
`package 115 is a modified software application that is adapted to each client
`computer 140. /d. Calder further describes that application package 115 is
`sent to server 120 after being processed by the pre-processor module.
`/d. at
`4 85. “Application package 115 is electronically transferred from a server
`120, which can be an independently networked computer, across the
`network 130, and into any numberofclient computers 140.” Jd. at 9 77.
`Figure 4, reproduced below,depicts a virtualized execution environment.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`/ 405
`/. ato
`2 360
`» 380
`4 390 .
`Figure 4 showsthat system resources are controlled by using virtual
`layer 415 to intercept application programming interface (API) routines that
`utilize these resources. Jd. at { 86. System calls made by application 405
`are intercepted by an interception module, whichis part of virtual layer 415.
`Id. at ¥ 87.
`To create application package 115, binaries are rewritten to remove
`improper sequences. Jd. at { 93. Improper functions or sequences are
`defined by a predefinedlist. /d. at ] 95. If no improper sequencesare
`identified, the import table of binaries is rewritten to reference the
`interception module.
`/d. at 97. An import table lists all of the dynamically
`linked libraries (DLLs) that are used by application 405. Jd. at § 98. The
`processofinitializing and patching the DLLs involves loading and running
`the DLL for the intercept module, which patches and intercepts all the DLL
`calls before any of the application package’s codeis executed. Id. JJ 98,


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`In addition to intercepting DLLcalls, the interception module
`virtualizes a suite of network request routines in response to application 405
`invoking the routines. Jd. at ¢ 122. The interception module also intercepts
`all of the file system requests by application 405. Jd. at § 125. In particular,
`Calder describes that in responseto an invocation of a routine to openafile,
`the system determines whetherthefile is an approvedfile, and,if it is, the
`process proceeds without modifying the call. Jd. at § 134. If the file in
`question doesnot exist or does not contain executable code, the process
`returns to execute the original system request, with the unmodified and —
`modified parameter and the handle. /d. at J 135.
`2. Discussion
`Petitioner contends that Calder teaches or suggests the limitations of
`the challenged claims, except for the “remotely located ‘security computer’
`for performing the inspection and evaluation of the hooked functions and
`inputs,” for which Petitioner relies on Sirer. Pet. 39. Patent Owner
`challenges Petitioner’s contentions based on multiple bases. Prelim. Resp.
`29-34. In particular, Patent Ownerarguesthat Petitioner has not shownthat
`Calder’s system calls are “function calls,” that the system calls identified as
`“first function calls” do not meet the claim language, and that Petitioner has
`not shownthat Calder teaches the “second function”limitations. Jd. at 31—
`32. We agree with Patent Ownerthat Petitioner has not met its burden based
`on the issues identified above.
`In particular, Petitioner identifies as “function calls” Calder’s system
`calls or certain interrupt calls. Pet. 44. The original calls in the application
`packageare replaced, accordingto Petitioner, with “calls to a virtual layer


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`through ‘modified routines’ (i.e., a call to a first function).” Jd. Further to
`this point, Petitioner also identifies the original calls as first function calls.
`Id. These are two different embodimentsof “calls” alleged to be a “first
`function call.” More importantly, however, there is little credible
`explanation that system calls are “function calls.” The assertion, by
`Petitioner’s declarant, that “intercepting a system call is conceptually
`equivalent to intercepting a function call” is conclusory. See Prelim. Resp.
`29 (referring to the Declaration of Davidson, Ex. 1010 4 125). The Petition
`fails to explain how Calder’s system calls, and all other identified calls,
`teach or suggest “function calls.” The interception of system calls and
`function calls may be “conceptually equivalent,” but this statement says
`nothing about whether“system calls” and “function calls” are also
`equivalent, conceptually or otherwise.
`Further, the Petition is deficient in showing howall the various Calder
`embodiments alleged to teach or suggest function calls equate to the recited
`first and second function calls, and their corresponding inputs, for each
`claim. For example, for claims 1, 4, 6, and 10, the Petition identifies as first
`functions (1) a call to a virtual layer and (2) an original call, such as “the
`invocation of an open/create routine.” Pet. 44. The Petition subsequently
`identifies “the underlying intercepted system call” as the “second function”
`recited in claims 1 and 4, referring to the embodimentofintercepting
`network access requests and determining whethera socketis on thelist of
`allowable sockets. Pet. 50. Claims 1 and 4 require, however, the same input
`for the first function and the second function, as the claimsrecite “the
`content including a call to a first function, and the call including an input,”


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`and “a second function with the input.” We discern no attempt in the
`Petition to identify the recited functions with the appropriate inputs recited
`in these claims. Furthermore, we agree with Patent Ownerthat Petitioner
`fails to explain how Calder invokes “the second function” because it has
`alleged only that the intercepted system call is not performed. Prelim. Resp.
`. For claims 6 and 10, a similar problem emerges. ThePetition alleges
`that the invoked second function with a modified input variable is the
`“original system call” with “modified parameters.” Pet. 52 (relying onfile
`request routines and Figure 14). Thereis insufficient indication that the
`second functioncall, i.e., Calder’s “original system call,” is any different
`than the first function call, which was alleged to be also an originalcall,
`such as the invocation of an open/create routine. Likewise, there is no
`distinction between the “input variable”for the first function, and the
`“modified input variable” for the second function. The Petition either does
`not address the particulars or provides convoluted references to Calder’s
`various embodimentsso that Petitioner’s contentions on this matter are
`rendered intractable. In this last regard, given the complexity and breadth of
`the asserted prior art references, we find that the Petition lacks a cogent
`presentation and adequate explanations of how the numerous,cited Calder
`embodiments, presented in piecemeal fashion,tie to the claims. See 37
`C.F.R. §§ 42.22(a)(2) 42.104 (b)(4),(5).
`Accordingly, we are not persuaded that Petitioner has shown
`sufficiently a reasonable likelihood of prevailing in its contention that claims
`1, 4, 6, and 10 are unpatentable as obvious over Calder and Sirer. Petitioner


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`does not assert Sirer as making up for the deficiencies noted above.
`Therefore, we determine that Petitioner has not shown a reasonable
`likelihood of prevailing in its contention that claims 2, 3, 5, 7-9, 11, and 12
`are unpatentable over the Calder-based grounds.
`Forthe foregoing reasons, we do notinstitute inter partes review of
`the °154 patent.
`After due consideration of the record before us,it is
`ORDEREDthat the Petition is denied and notrial is instituted.


`Patent 8,141,154 B2
`Joseph J. Richetti (Lead Counsel)
`Daniel A. Crowe (Back-up Counsel)
`James Hannah (Lead Counsel)
`Jeffrey H. Price (Back-up Counsel)
`Michael Kim (Back-up Counsel)

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