`Customer No. 22882
`Confirmation No; 1888
`(Seriai No: 12/795,935)
`(Fiied: June 8, 2616)
`in re US. Patent of:
`Peter M. Bonotti
`Patent No: 8,?84,495
`issue State: duty 22, 2314
`Certificate of Correction Branch
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 14553
`Aiexandria, VA 22334456
`Pursuant to 35 U813. §§ 254 and 255 and 37 CFR. §§ 1.322 and 1323, this is
`a request for the issuance of a Certificate of Correction in the above—identified patent. A
`copy oi Form aroma/44 is appended; the compiete Certificate of Correction invoives
`two (2) pages.
`~The mistakes identified in the appended Form occurred through the faith of the
`Patent Office, as cieariy discioeed by the records of the appiication which matured into
`this patent, and ae evidenced in the attached copies of the toiiowing documents:
`t. Page 25 ot Perm PTQISBifih anhmitted with the Joiy t2, 2M3,
`information Eiieoioeore Statement ahowing the correct iietino
`oi the Sarin reterenee;
`2. Page 6 of Form PTQiSPItiS eohmitted with the itiovemher 2,
`am, information iiiieoiosore Statement showing the correot
`iietino ot the pooiioation date for WG erraeeeen
`3. Page to or Form PTQISEitth enhmitted with the Joiy “i2, 2M3,
`information Bieoioeore Statement ehowing the oorreot iietino
`of Author an. Richter;
`rt. Page 8 et Ferrn PTCtiSBIttS settrnittect with the Jeiy 12, 2M3,
`tntermatien Etieeteeere Statement ehewing the eerrect iisting
`at the eeetiine et Rehetergeettttete;
`5. Page 5 of Ferrn FYQISBIQS submitted with the Nevemeer 25,
`ten, intermatien ttieeteeere Statement sheeting the cerreet
`tietine et Sitt “seine/tee.
`6. Pagee 2 threugh it at the June 2‘2 2913 Athenarnenta ehewing
`the correct iangnage et ieeeert ctain‘ie 1, tea 2t, 23 anti 3t}
`(handing eiaime t, 22, 243 26 and 283 reeeeetiveiy}.
`The remaining mistakes identified in the appended Form are of a ciericai er
`tyoegraohicai nature, or of minor character, and reeuited from an error made in good
`faith by Appiicant.
`The requisite fee of 31539.0() as set forth in 3? CFR. § t2tita) to cover the costs
`of issuing this Certificate is to he chargeo to Deposit Account No. 50—1068.
`Shouid any additionai tees he needed, authorization is hereby given to charge
`any fees cine in cennectien with the tiiing of this request to Deooeit Account No: 50—
`issuance of the Certificate ef Correction containing the correction is earneetiy
`Reepectfuiiy submitted,
`[Brent D. Martin/
`Brent it). iv’iartin
`Registration No. 62,71?
`Dated: Gcteher 24, 2014
`5151 Headquarters {Drive Suite “E70
`Piano, Texas $324
`(ENE) 568-3950
`(9372) 668—3956
`A‘S'c'zit’smse‘m {:11 ~ 1;);
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`PTO/SB/44 (09-07)
`Approved for use through 08/31/2013. OMB 0651-0033
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`(Also Form PTO-1050)
`July 22, 2014
`Peter M. Bonutti
`Page 1 of1
`Column 2, line 44, change “RN.” to --R.H.--.
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters
`Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`Title Page 6, Item (56) References Cited, US. Patent Documents:
`Column 1, line 33, change “Pratt” to --Sarin--.
`Title Page 8, Item (56) References Cited, Foreign Patent Documents:
`Column 1, line 9, change “9/1997” to --7/1977--
`Title Page 8, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 1, line 54, change “Offfice” to --Office--; and
`Column 1, line 56, change “Offfice” to --Office--;
`Title Page 9, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 1, line 15, change “Actionmailed” to --Action mailed--;
`Column 1, line 57, change “Sin” to --S/N--;
`Column 1, line 59, change “Offfice” to --Office--;
`Column 1, line 61, change “Offfice” to --Office--; and
`Column 2, line 9, change “iSSUE” to --Issue--.
`Title Page 10, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 1, line 53, change “11,684,178” to --11/684,178--;
`Column 1, line 55, change “10/88,783” to --10/888,783--;
`Column 1, line 61, change “11,684,178” to --11/684,178—-; and
`Column 2, line 32, change “Kneee” to --Knee--.
`Title Page 11, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 1, line 1, change “Sytem” to --System--;
`Column 1, line 31, change “Arthoplasty” to --Arthroplasty—-;
`Column 1, line 37, change “11,684,178” to --11/684,178—-; and
`Title Page 12, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 2, line 22, change “Robotergeskitzte” to --Robotergestfitzte--; and
`Column 2, line 58, change “130” to --180--.
`Title Page 13, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 2, line 47, change “Heinemanna” to --Heinemann--; and
`Column 2, line 47, change “Elservier” to --Elsevier--.
`Title Page 14, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 1, line 27, change “Elservier” to --Elsevier--;
`Column 1, line 44, change “Techniaue” to --Technique--;
`Column 1, line 57, change “Unicomp-“ to --Unicom--;
`Column 1, line 72, change “KneeArthroplasty” to --Knee Arthroplasty--; and
`Column 2, line 64, change “Arthorplasty” to --Arthroplasty--.
`Title Page 15, Item (56) References Cited, Other Publications:
`Column 1, line 11, change “Arthoplasty” to --Arthroplasty--;
`Column 1, line 28, change “Retreived” to --Retrieved--;
`Column 2, line 1, change “Disctionary” to --Dictionary—-; and
`Column 2, line 14, change “ClPR” to --C|RP--.
`Column 112:
`Line 14, change “articulation and” to --articulation surface, and--;
`Line 65, change “The new method” to --The method--; and
`Line 67, change “medial to patella” to --media| to a patella--.
`Column 113:
`Line 6, change “13 cm of less” to --13 cm or less--; and
`Line 15, change “with the patella” to --with a patella--.
`Column 114:
`Line 6, change “The method” to --A method--.
`Martin & Ferraro, LLP
`1557 Lake O’Pines Street, NE
`Hartville, Ohio 44632
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