Attorney Docket No, 3367-2-1-REI; Preliminary Amendment and
`StatementofStatus and Supportfor Claim Changes Under 37 CFR 1.173{c)
`Amendments to the Specification
`Please insert the following new paragraph immediately following col. 6, line 47 of the specification.
`The present disclosure also provides for a method,wherein there is a communications interface providing
`card representations to at least the first player, via the Internet, from _a card providing Internet accessible
`node, wherein the following steps are included:
`Step 1: transmitting, via the Internet,
`from the cardproviding Internet accessible node, first_information
`related to communications between (a) the card providing Internet accessible node, and (b) a first Internet
`accessible node from which the first player communicates with the card providing Internet_accessible
`wherein the first information is capable of being used in subsequent Internet communications between
`the card providing Internet accessible node and the first Internet accessible node;
`Step2:causing the first information to be stored on the first Internet accessible node so that it is available in
`subsequent different Internet connections by thefirst player;
`Step 3: first receiving, via the Internet,at the card providing Internet accessible node,second information
`indicative of the first information being present onthe first Internet accessible node;
`Step 4: second receiving, via the Internet, at the cardproviding Internet accessible node, third information
`indicative of the first information being present on the first Internet accessible node when thefirstplayer
`has disconnected the first Internet accessible node from the Internet and subsequently reconnected to the
`Please replace the paragraphthatbegins at Col. 26, line 66 with the following amended paragraph:
`Also note that some advertisements (presented via advertiser pages 722 or as part of a game play
`presentation) may be interactive with the user wherein the user may performatransaction such as making a
`reservation (e.g., an airline or hotel reservation). Further, a user may be given the opportunity to provide
`positive and negative opinions or responses on, for example, various advertisements, promotionals and other
`related matters by expressing such responses upon accessing advertisementrelated information. Thus,it is an
`aspect ofthe present invention to be able to conduct "test marketing" in that [satisfactory] statistically
`representative groups of users may be selected for determining:
`Please replace the paragraph that begins at Col. 29,line 7 with the following amended paragraph:
`Referring now to an alternative embodimentof the present invention presented in FIG. 8, wherein
`the game/advertisement web site 308 coordinates with a third party Internet access service provider 810 (or


`Attorney Docket No. 3367-2-1-REI; Preliminary Amendment and
`StatementofStatus and Supportfor Claim Changes Under 37 CFR 1.173(c)
`interactive cable television provider) for providing Internet 324 (cable television) access to users on a
`reduced cost or free basis once a user has registered with the web server 340 (cable television provider), That
`is, the game/advertisement web site 308 contacts the user's Internet service provider and arranges to
`subsidize the user's Internet service charges in return for the gaming advertisement website 308 being able to
`repeatedly download to the user's [Interent] Internet client node 318 (or alternatively, interactive cable
`television node), unrequested information such as advertising for presentation to the user.

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