`Tel: 571-272-7822
`Paper No. 21
`Entered: October 30, 2023
`Patent Owner.
`Patent 8,495,242 B2
`SHARON FENICK, Administrative Patent Judges.
`FENICK, Administrative Patent Judge.
`Dueto Settlement After Institution of Trial and
`Granting Jomt Request to Keep Settlement Agreement
`Business Confidential and Separate
`35 U.S.C. § 317; 37 CFR. $ 42.74


`Patent 8,495,242 B2
`With the Board’s authorization, Petitioner and Patent Owner
`(collectively, “the Parties’) filed a Joint Motion to terminate this proceeding.
`Paper 19 (“Joint Motion”). Along with the Joint Motion, the Parties filed a
`copy of a settlement agreement. Ex. 2015 (“Settlement Agreement”). The
`Parties also filed a Joint Request to treat the Settlement Agreement as
`business confidential information and keep it separate from thefile of U.S.
`Patent No. 8,495,242 B2 (“the ’242 patent’’). Paper 20 ( “Joint Request’).
`Under 35 U.S.C. § 317(a), “[a]n inter partes review instituted under
`this chapter shall be terminated with respect to any petitioner upon the joint
`request of the petitioner and the patent owner, unless the Office has decided
`the merits of the proceeding before the request for terminationis filed.”
`35 U.S.C. § 317(a) also provides that if no petitioner remainsin the inter
`partes review, the Office may terminate the review.
`In the Joint Motion, the Parties represent that the Settlement
`Agreementresolves their underlying dispute involving the 272 patent. Joint
`Motion 1. The Parties represent that they havefiled a true copy of the
`Settlement Agreement made in connection with, or in contemplation of, the
`termination of this proceeding.
`/d. at 3. The Parties representthat “[t]here
`are no collateral agreements or understandings made in connection with, or
`in contemplation of, the termination of this inter partes review.” Id.
`Weinstituted trial in the instant proceeding on July 21, 2023. See
`Paper 15. We havenot yet decided the merits of the proceeding, anda final
`written decision has not been entered. Notwithstanding that the instant
`proceeding has moved beyondthe preliminary stage, the Parties have shown


`Patent 8,495,242 B2
`adequately that termination of the proceeding is appropriate. Under these
`circumstances, we determine that good cause exists to terminate this inter
`partes review proceeding with respect to the Parties.
`The Parties also request that the Settlement Agreementbe treated as
`business confidential information and kept separate from thefile of the ’272
`patent. Joint Request 1. After reviewing the Settlement Agreement, we find
`that it contains confidential business information regarding the terms of
`settlement. Thus, good cause exists to treat the Settlement Agreement as
`business confidential information pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 317(b) and
`37 C.F.R. § 42.74(c).
`This Order does not constitute a final written decision pursuantto
`35 U.S.C. § 318(a).
`Accordingly,it is:
`ORDEREDthat the Joint Motion to terminate (Paper 19) 1s granted,
`and IPR2023-00330 is terminated with respect to Petitioner and Patent
`Owner; and
`FURTHER ORDEREDthat the Joint Requestto treat the Settlement
`Agreementas business confidential information (Paper 20) is granted; and
`FURTHER ORDEREDthat the Settlement Agreement (Ex. 2015)
`shall be kept separate from the file of U.S. Patent No. 8,495,242 B2, and
`made available only to Federal Governmentagencies on written request, or
`to any person on a showing of good cause, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 317(b)
`and 37 C.F.R. § 42.74(c).


`Patent 8,495,242 B2
`James Davis
`Daniel Richards
`Christopher Bovenkamp
`Ararat Kapouytian
`Jason Fitzsimmons
`Richard Bemben
`Michael Specht

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