`or enclosed) is being transmitted via the Office electronic filing system in
`accordance with 37 CFR § 1.6(a)( ).
`/Amy E. Mandragouras, Esq!
`Dated: May 28, 2015
`Electronic Signature for Amy E. Mandragouras, Esq.:
`Docket N0.: AVN—009RCE
`In re Patent Application of:
`Peter Sazani et al.
`US. Patent N0.: 8,871,918
`[Application N0.: 12/605,276]
`Issued: October 28, 2014
`[Filed: October 23, 2009]
`Confirmation N0.: 1379
`Art Unit: 1674
`Examiner: J .S.P. McDonald
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`STATEMENT UNDER 37 CFR §1.7051b!12!
`Dear Madam:
`This statement is respectfully submitted in support of the “Application for Patent Term
`Adjustment Including Request for Reconsideration Under 37 CFR §1.705(b)” for the above—
`referenced application. Patentees have reviewed the Determination of Patent Term Adjustment
`under 35 U.S.C. § 154 (b) dated October 28, 2014 and believe that the US. Patent and
`Trademark Office ("PTO") incorrectly calculated the PTA.
`The PTA as recited on the face of US Patent No: 8,871,918 is 151 days. A copy of the
`PTO’s PTA calculation (“PTA Sheet”) available on Private Pair is submitted herewith as Exhibit
`A. Patentees submit that the determination of 151 days of PTA is incorrect for the reasons
`discussed below.
`According to the PTO’s PTA Sheet, the PTO determined that Patentee’s submission of a
`Response after Non—Final Action on April 18, 2014 constitutes a 87 day Applicant Delay, since
`the three month response date technically fell on a Federal Holiday within the District of
`Columbia (17.6,, USPTO closing), January 21, 2014. However, in view of the recent District
`Application No.: 12/605,276
`Docket No.: AVN—009RCE
`Court decision, ArQule, Inc. v. Kappos (No. 1:10—cv—01904—ESH, 2011 WL 2469826 (D.D.C.
`June 23, 2011); holding PTO’s reduction of PTA award due to response filed on day after
`Veterans Day holiday was erroneous), the effective three month deadline was Wednesday,
`January 22, 2014, since the three month response period ended on a Federal Holiday within the
`District of Columbia. As such, the PTO incorrectly assessed Patentee’s submission on April 18,
`2014 as a 87 day Applicant Delay instead of a My Applicant delay.
`In addition, According to the PTO’s PTA Sheet, the PTO did not debit any days of PTA
`for Patentee's submission of a Response after Final Action on February 23, 2012. Patentee's
`agree with this determination because the Amendments filed in the Response after Final Action
`dated February 23, 2012 were not entered. Therefore, this Response was not a reply for PTA
`In view of the foregoing, Patentees respectfully request that the PTO review the PTA
`determination and revise the PTA to 152 days, rather than the 151 days indicated on the face of
`the patent.
`Finally, in accordance with 37 CFR 1.705(b)(2)(iii), Patentees submit that the patent
`corresponding to this application is not subject to a Terminal Disclaimer.
`Dated: May 28, 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Amy E. Mandragouras,
`Electronic signature:
`Amy E. Mandragouras, Esq.
`Registration No.: 36,207
`One Post Office Square
`Boston, Massachusetts 02109—2127
`(617) 742—4214 (Fax)
`(800) 237—2000
`Attorney/Agent For Applicant