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`cams Yrademm‘k Grate: US DEPARTMENT QF COMMERCQ
`5' A Practmonefs associated with the; Customer Number:
`D Practitionen’s) named below {ifmore than ten patentpfactit
`ioners are to be named, than a cusiomer number must be used):
`.. ME? 5
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`j Regs§trati6rff
`any and a}: patent applications assigned 9332 to the undersigned according to the USPTO assignrhen
`‘; aflaphed to this form it: accdrdance with 37 CFR 3.7363),
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`Tfée address associated with Customer Number:
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`' Address
` ' Ass‘fig‘nw Nawfie and Address:
`215 First Street
`Cambridge, MA 02142
`j A copy of this form, together with a statement under 37 CFR 3»73(b3 (Form PTQISBIQG
`' filed in each application in which this form is used. The statement under 37 CFR 3.73m) may be compteted by one of
`' practitioner is authorized to am on behalf of flu: assignee,
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`US. flatten: and Trademark Office, {53. {Depafimeni «3f Commeme, $132!. Bax MSQ Aétaxafldl‘m; VA 223i3~14§0.
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`Kym: mm! asfifanm in complaimg rim farm. cafi 1»800~PTO~Q799 and salsa? optfan 2,