Docket No.: 067234—0229
`In re Application of
`: Customer Number: 41552
`Oliphant, Arnold et al.
`Confirmation Number: 5169
`Application No.: 12/507,022
`Group Art Unit: 1637
`Filed: July 21, 2009
`Examiner: TUNG, JOYCE
`Comm1ssioner for Patents
`PO . BOX 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223 13— 1450
`Dear Sir:
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being electronically-
`transmitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office on
`_P_‘_Setember 2 2010-
`/Jessica L. Walz/
`Jessica L. TValz T
`In accordance with the provisions of 37 C.F.R. 1.56, 1.97 and 1.98, the attention of the
`Patent and Trademark Office is hereby directed to the documents listed on the attached form PTO—
`1449. It is respectfully requested that the documents be expressly considered during the prosecution
`of this application, and that the documents be made of record therein and appear among the
`"References Cited" on any patent to issue therefrom.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is being filed Within three months of the US filing
`date OR before the mailing date of a first Office Action on the merits. No certification or fee is
`The relevance of each non—English language reference, if any, is discussed in the present
`DMiUS 26472401 —1 0672340229


`Please charge any shortage in fees due in connection with the filing of this paper, including
`extension of time fees, to Deposit Account 502624 and please credit any excess fees to such deposit
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Micheal L. Hebert/
`Micheal L. Hebert
`Registration No. 63,329
`Please recognize our Customer No. 41552
`as our correspondence address.
`11682 El Camino Real, Suite 400
`San Diego, CA 92130
`Phone: 858.720.3300 MLszlW
`Facsimile: 858.720.7800
`Date: September 2, 2010
`DMiUS 26472401 —1 0672340229

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