`Commissioner for Patents
`PD. Box 1450
`Aiexandria, VA 223i 3—‘i 450
`As Assignee of
`the entire right, We and interest
`in the patent or paieni
`appiioation identified in the attached statement under 37 CPR 3.73,
`i hereby
`revoke aii orevious oowers of attorney given in ihe identified oeieni or oeteni‘
`aopiicaiion and hereby agooint
`the graoiiiioners associated with Customer
`Numher 881M. a Customer Number of Cheries Er Shemweii, as attorneys or
`agents to represent
`the undersigned before the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office in connection with the identified patent or patent application,
`said appointment to be io the exoiusion of the inventors and their efiornefls) in
`accordance with the provisions of 3? CPR. § 3.71.
`Pieeee change the oorreeponoenoe address for the identified patent or patent
`aooiioeiion to the address associated with {Eneiomer Numher some,
`if not
`aireaciy the address associated with said customer number.
`Aeeignee Name and ndorese:
`iisOn, inc.
`3 Lagoon Drive, Suite 230
`Redwood City, Caiiiornia 94085
`Signature of Aesignee of Recon?
`The individuai whose signature and tiiie ere suooiieo beiow is authorized to act
`on benaif oi the assignee.
`Name: David R Johnson:

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