`(202) 772-8675
`August 23, 2012
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`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Confirmation No. 3009
`Art Unit 2819
`Attn: Mail Stop Certificate of Corrections Branch
`US. Patent No. US 8,224,274 B2; Issue Date: July 17, 2012
`(from US. Appl. No. 12/337,046; Filing Date: December 17, 2008)
`Scalable Architecture for Satellite Channel Switch
`Inventors: GOMEZ et a].
`Our Ref: 2875.194000]
`Transmitted herewith for appropriate action are the following documents:
`1. Online Credit Card Payment Authorization in the amount of $100.00 to cover:
`$100.00 Certificate of Correction fee.
`2. Request for Certificate of Correction Under 37 CPR. § 1.323 For Applicant's Mistake; and
`3. Certificate of Correction Form (PTO/SB/44).
`The above-listed documents are filed electronically through EFS—Web.
`Fee payment is provided through online credit card payment. The US. Patent and Trademark
`Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency, or credit any overpayment, to our Deposit
`Account No. 19-0036.
`Respectfully submitted,
`411”,3 m
`Jeffrey T. Helvey
`Attorney for Patentees
`Registration No. 44,757