`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`13 November 2003 (13.11.2003)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 03/093462 A2
`International Patent Classification7:
`C12N 7/00
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`28 April 2003 (28.04.2003)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`27 April 2002 (27.04.2002)
`Applicant (for all designated States except US): UNIVER-
`ing, 16 Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ (GB).
`Inventors; and
`SCOTT, Hugh
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only):
`[GB/GB]; 12 Glencoats Drive, Paisley PA3 lRW (GB).
`MATTEY, Michael [GB/GB]; 10 Ratho Gate, Cumber—
`nauld G68 OGG (GB).
`Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FT, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE,
`SG, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ,
`VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European patent (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO,
`SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM,
`GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`Agents: MacDOUGALL, Donald, Carmichael et 211.;
`Cruikshank & Faiiweather, 19 Royal Exchange Square,
`Glasgow G1 3AE (GB).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for immobilization and optional stabilization of Viruses whilst retaining
`the Viral biological activity and the use of immobilized Virus in therapy. In particular, the immobilized Virus relates to immobilized
`bacteriophage and their use as an antibiotic or bacteriostatic agent and in the treatment of antibiotic—resistant infections.
`W0 03/093462
`The present
`invention relates
`to a method
`immobilising and optionally stabilising viruses including
`bacteriophage, preferably to a solid phase substrate,
`(bactericide) or bacteriostatic agent,
`in the treatment of
`and use
`Bacteria have proven adept at developing resistance to
`new anti—microbial agents and so—called "super—bugs" are a
`cause of rising costs spent on means to combat super—bug—
`related infections and fatalities in hospitals throughout
`the world. Foriexample,
`the use of antibiotics, whether in
`an individual patient or
`in a hospital with its special
`environment and catalogue of micro—organisms, will destroy
`proliferation of bacteria that are intrinsically resistant
`or that have acquired extra chromosomal resistance. Thus,
`the more antibiotics are used,
`the more resistant bacteria
`canu survive on common. hospital materials
`including cotton and/or polyester
`lab coats,
`curtains and polyethylene splash aprons for anything up to
`seven weeks increasing the chance of spreading infection.
`common disinfectants used to sterilise hospital
`rooms and equipment are not sufficient to curb the spread
`of "super—bugs".
`Furthermore, no fundamentally new antibiotic has been
`discovered for at least 30 years and there is no guarantee
`that new classes of antibiotics will be developed let alone
`even discovered in the next decade.
`An alternative to antibiotics in the fight against
`"super—bugs" is the use of bacteriophage.
`A bacteriophage
`is a mater—borne virus that
`infects specific bacteria.
`Virus particles vary in shape and size,
`from 0.02 to 0.3um
`and contain RNA or DNA, either double or single stranded,
`which forms the viral genome.
`The viruses have a varied
`W0 03/093462
`structure but the nucleic acid is always located within the
`virus particle surrounded by a pmotein coat
`(capsid or
`The complex of nucleic acid and protein (the
`nucleocapsid) may be the whole structure of the virus (for
`example $6,
`an RNA bacterial virus, or ¢Xl74,. a DNA
`bacterial virus) but structures that are more complicated
`The enveloped viruses may have lipid and protein
`the capsid while the complex ‘viruses
`possess not only icosahedral heads but also helical tails
`with up to 20 proteins within the tail.
`Bacteriophage on infection of their hosts can multiply
`by either a lytic or lysogenic pathway. Bacteriophage that
`can integrate their DNA into bacterial
`chromosomes are
`known as lysogenic bacteriophage, with the integrated viral
`DNA replicating along with the host chromosome to produce
`new integrated‘viral DNA copies. Alternatively,
`the virus
`may replicate freely to produce several hundred progeny
`Lysis of the cells then releases this large
`number‘ of
`free "viruses, which. are then. able to infect
`neighbouring bacteria. Although, bacteriophage were first
`identified in 1917,
`in the West
`into their
`application in medicine have been few and far between but
`studies have persisted and proved successful
`in Russia.
`so, various problems with bacteriophage
`remain. For example, although bacteriophage are easy to
`grow they are particularly unstable and thus difficult to
`Bennett et al
`(1997) describe the immobilisation of a
`Salmonella—specific bacteriophage by adsorption.
`the passive
`adsorption of bacteriophage
`solid phases.
`this process
`inefficient due to complex bacteriophages being immobilised
`via both "head"
`and "tail" groups.
`tail group is
`to be
`free in order
`to recognise and infect
`specific bacteria. Further,
`the adsorption. process
`reversible so that adsorbed bacteriophage will desorb and
`release free bacteriophage.
`The product of this process
`W0 03/093462
`is described for use as a separation system for the removal
`of specific bacteria from foods only and does not require
`the bacteriophage to be viable.
`It is an object of the present
`invention to obviate
`and/or mitigate at least some of the above disadvantages.
`Broadly speaking,
`the present invention describes for
`the first time a method for the immobilisation and optional
`stabilisation of viruses whilst
`retaining the viral
`biological activity. Furthermore, it documents its use in
`for example the manufacture of medical devices
`comprising immobilised virus,
`such as bacteriophage, with
`the ability to destroy specific resistant bacteria when,
`and only when,
`they are present.
`In a first aspect
`the present
`invention provides a
`device comprising"virus immobilised.
`to a substrate for
`medical application.
`In a further aspect of the present invention there is
`provided a device
`comprising virus
`immobilised to a
`for use
`an antibiotic
`Immobilisation is understood to relate to a specific
`physical immobilisaton, such as by chemical bonding and is
`therefore distinguished from any passive adherence of a
`virus to a substrate.
`The term "virus" according to the present
`includes double—stranded. or
`single—stranded. RNA or DNA
`viruses, which infect cells of bacteria, plants and/or
`include viruses
`from the
`families of viruses:
`Iridoviridae, African.
`virus, Poxviridae, Parvoviridae, Reoviridae, Birnaviridae,
`Picornaviridae, Togaviridae, Flaviviridae, Rhabdoviridae,
`Bunyaviridae, Herpesviridae, Adenoviridae, Papovaviridae,
`Hepadnaviridae, Coronaviridae, Calicivirus, Arenaviridae,
`Retroviridae, Baculoviridae, Polydnaviridae, Nudaurelia B
`virus group, Nodaviridae, Caulimovirus, Geminivirus, Tomato
`W0 03/093462
`spotted wilt
`Luteovirus, Machlovirus,
`Bromovirus, Cucumovirus,
`Ilarvirus, Alfafa. mosaic virus
`group, Comovirus, Dianthovirus, Nepovirus,
`Pea enation
`mosaic virus group, Tobamovirus, Tobravirus, Hordeivirus,
`Totiviridae, Partitiviridae, Myoviridae,
`Podoviridae, Tectiviridae, Plasmaviridae, Corticoviridae,
`Microviridae, Inoviridae, Cystoviridae and Leviviridae.
`should. be understood.
`a 'virus may'
`viruses or infectious agents, which do not fall into the
`above mentioned families, e.g., plant satellite viruses,
`prions, baculoviruses and bacteriophage respectively.
`to the present
`is indicative of bacteriophage, which infect
`specific strains of bacteria e.g. salmonella, Escherichia
`coli, staphylococcus or pseudomonus bacteriophage.
`The term "medical" according to the present invention
`is understood to mean the treatment or prevention of viral,
`bacterial or prion infections and/or contamination in
`humans, animals or plants.
`For example,
`in the case of
`infections and/or contamination,
`treatment or
`prevention may be achieved by bacteriophage immobilised on
`a substrate.
`It will be understood to the skilled man that
`bacteriophage can recognise and infect specific strains of
`Thus, bacteriophage immobilised to a substrate
`according to the present
`invention, may be utilised to
`"bactericide" by inducing selective killing of bacteria
`through. cell
`lysis or
`a "bacteriostatic agent"
`inhibiting bacterial growth. Bacteriophage immobilised to
`substrate may
`also be
`in. order
`to "sterilise" bacterially—
`contaminated material.
`term "substrate"
`according to the present
`invention is understood to mean any solid phase material to
`a virus may be
`W0 03/093462
`substrate may be a material which may be advantageously
`activated to allow head—group specific binding of a virus,
`such as complex bacteriophage.
`Said substrate may take
`many forms, for example, nylon and any other polymer with
`amino or
`surface groups,
`cellulose or other
`hydroxyl—containing polymer, polystyrene or other similar
`or microbeads
`magneticparticles, biological substances. More preferably,
`said. substrate is tnade of a Inaterial
`commonly" used in
`For example,
`nylon thread for use in
`surgery; plastics,
`lint or gauze material used to dress
`open wounds; microbeads, which can be ingested; adhesives
`such as cyanoacrylates; and/or biological substances such
`as collagen or hyaluronic acid.
`Immobilisation of virus
`to the substrate may be
`achieved in a number of ways. Preferably, viruses, such as
`immobilised via
`formed between the bacteriophage
`protein and the substrate.
`More preferably, bacteriophage are immobilised to the
`substrate via
`their head groups
`or nucleocapsid by
`activating the substrate before the addition and coupling
`of bacteriophage.
`The term "activated/activating/activation" according
`to the present
`invention is understood to mean
`activation of a substrate by reacting said substrate with
`various chemical groups
`(leaving a surface chemistry able
`to bind viruses,
`sud: as bacteriophage head or capsid
`Activation of said substrate may be achieved by,
`example, preliminary hydrolysis with an acid, preferably
`followed by a mash step of water and an alkali
`the acid.
`said alkali
`bacteriophage, via their head groups is important.
`In the
`case of complex bacteriophage for example, binding via head
`leaves the tail groups, which are necessary for
`W0 03/093462
`bacteria—specific recognition,
`free to infect, i.e., bind
`and penetrate a host bacterial cell.
`It will be understood
`that this mechanism of infection of a host cell is similar
`for many other viruses other than viruses that infect and
`multiply only in bacteria.
`A plurality of viruses, e.g.,
`various strain-specific bacteriophage, may be immobilised
`to a substrate at any one time.
`Coupling of viruses to a substrate is as a result of
`the formation of covalent
`bonds between the viral coat
`protein and the substrate such.as through an amino group on
`a peptide,
`for example a peptide bond.
`"Coupling Agents"
`that aid this process vary, dependent on the substrate
`For example, for coupling to the substrate nylon or
`other polymer with amino or carboxy surface groups
`coupling agents carbodiimide or glutaraldehyde may be used.
`For coupling to the substrate cellulose or other hydroxyl—
`vinylsulfonylethylene ether or
`triazine may be used.
`Coupling agents for the coupling of virus to the substrate
`polythene or other similar polymer include corona discharge
`or permanganate oxidation.
`Generally speaking, coupling
`agents for the coupling of bacteriophage to a substrate
`include: S—Acetylmercaptosuccinic anhydride;
`acid. N—hydroxysuccinimide
`IJ— (5—ZXZicio-2—
`nituroberlzlebxyfi succ:inixnide;
`6— (4~Zkzidx>—2—
`nitrophenylamino)hexanoic acid N—hydroxysuccinimide ester;
`p—Azidophenacyl bromide; 4—Azidosalicylic acid
`N—hydroxysuccinimide ester; Bromoacetic acid
`4,4'~Diisothiocyanatostilbener2,2’—disulfonic acid; Dimethyl
`W0 03/093462
`hydroxysuccinimide ester); Ethylene Glycol bis—(succinic
`acid N—hydroxysuccinimide ester); 4—Fluoro—3—nitrophenyl
`p—Formylbenzoic acid N—hydroxysuccinimide ester;
`Glutaraldehyde; 2—Iminothiolane; 6—(Iodoacetamide)caproic
`acid N—hydroxysuccinimide ester;
`lodoacetic acid
`N—hydroxysuccinimide ester; 3-Maleimidoacetic acid
`N—hydroxysuccinimide ester; 3—Maleimidobenzoic acid
`N—hydroxysuccinimide ester;
`v—Maleimidobutyric acid N—hydroxysuccinimide ester;
`s—Maleimidocaproic acid N—hydroxysuccinimide ester;
`4—(N—Maleimidomethyl)cyclohexenecarboxylic acid
`hydroxysuccinimide ester; B—Maleimidopropionic acid
`N—hydroxysuccinimide estery N,N’—bis(3—Maleimidopropionyl)—
`Polyoxyethylene bis(glycidyl ether); bis(Polyoxyethylene
`bi_s (g lyrci_d}rl
`et:heer ); Pc>l}703<y"et:h}rl eI1e
`bis[Imidoly1carbonyl]); Polyoxyethylene bis(p—nitropheny)
`3—(2—Pyridyldithio)propionic acid
`hydroxysuccinimide) ester; Succinic Acid Maleimidoethyl—N—
`h y d r o x y s u c c i n i m i d e
`e s t e r ;
`, 5 -
`Advantageously the present inventor has observed that
`where virus
`to said substrate,
`immobilised virus is stabilised in such 51 way that
`its viability‘
`and infectivity' even when
`contact with agents,
`example proteases, which. may
`otherwise inactivate the virus and similarly, when exposed
`to physical stress, such as dehydration,
`temperature or pH
`which. would otherwise inactivate the virus.
`stability is conferred to the immobilised virus using known
`W0 03/093462
`that protect proteins
`prolonged storage and other stresses.
`An example of such
`a compound is trehalose.
`andh other'
`functional analogues are known as stabilizing agents for a
`number of chemicals,
`living tissues and even organisms,
`including viruses (Colaco et al., 1992;
`Crowe and Crowe
`2000). Trehalose, a disaccharide,
`has been documented to
`be involved in the stabilisation of membranes and proteins
`in dry animals and other anhydrobiotic organisms.
`Sacchoromyces cerevisiae,
`resurrection plants, cysts of
`certain crustaceans
`(including the brine shrimp Artemia)
`and many bacteria (Crowe and Crowe, 2000, Nature Biotech.,
`18, pp 145—146). Trehalose has also been shown to preserve
`mammalian. cells during freezing‘
`(Beattie et al.,
`Diabetes, 46, pp519—523) and proteins (Colaco et al., 1992,
`Biotechnology, 10, pplOO7—1011) during drying. Trehalose
`stabilisation.of viruses in their native state by Bieganski
`a1. ,
`”Stabilization of active recombinant
`retroviruses in an
`amorphos dry state with trehalose"
`The present
`invention not only shows that
`may be used to stabilise viruses in their native state but
`for the first time shows
`that further stability results
`from trehalose treatment of viruses immobilised.by covalent
`attachment to a substrate. Thus, in a further aspect of the
`invention there is provided use of
`trehalose for
`the further stabilisation of
`21 device comprising virus
`immobilised to a
`substrate according to the present
`invention and
`immobilization (forming of a chemical bond) of proteins as
`known, results in a substantial increase in stability; The
`inventors have also shown that this is true for
`bacteriophage 13f describing' herein.
`the stability‘ of
`insoluble nylon/bacteriophage co—polymer of considerable
`W0 03/093462
`molecular weight.
`virus(es) immobilised to said substrate may be for example,
`coated with.
`trehalose by,
`for example, dipping into a
`solution of trehalose before drying and storage such that
`the virus(es) maintain their viability and infectivity.
`Further applications of
`the present
`invention. may
`include the treatment of MRSA;
`food poisoning, wherein
`bacteriophage may be immobilised on a substrate such as
`microbead suspension, which can be ingested; or
`in the
`decontamination of hospital equipment/surfaces; Prevention
`of infection.byInethicillin—resistant Staphylococcus‘aureus
`immobilization of
`appropriate bacteriophage onto,
`example, sutures or wound dressings; prevention of specific
`pathogen entry through catheters and similar devices by
`immobilization of
`appropriate bacteriophage
`treatment of pulmonary infection
`the device;
`surface of
`such as tuberculosis with, for example, micro—particles of
`about 10 microns diameter with appropriate bacteriophage
`infections such.as meningitis, for example, by injection of
`micro particles with. appropriate bacteriophage strains
`treatment of gastrointestinal infections, for
`by particles or gels
`containing appropriate
`immobilized bacteriophage;
`treatment of bacterial plant
`diseases; elimination of, for example, E.coli in cattle by
`incorporation into the diet of
`immobilized bacteriophage;
`incorporation of
`into food
`wrapping materials to prevent or eliminate contamination by
`contamination of surfaces in; for example, hospitals, or
`farms; treatment of surfaces of air—conditioning units with
`immobilized bacteriophage
`to prevent,
`example, Legionella contamination.
`W0 03/093462
`The present
`invention may also be used for
`purposes of vaccination.
`the present
`invention may be used to immobilize any live,
`virus, which could be then used to vaccinate populations at
`This may be particularly useful where no vaccine
`exists for a particular virus and any form of prevention of
`infection. would. be useful.
`a 'virus as
`hereinbefore described may be immobilised and used directly
`to vaccinate reducing the time taken to develop a more
`standard attenuated virus.
`It will be understood that such
`vaccinations may only be conducted, especially with regard
`to humans,
`in extreme cases. Without wishing to be bound
`by theory,
`the action of
`the immobilised virus used to
`vaccinate would.be such that the immobilized virus would be
`unable to reach its target cells from the vaccination site;
`preventing the immobilised virus infecting the patient.
`It will be understood,
`immobilised HIV
`virus would not be able to be used for vaccination in this
`the immobilised virus is kept at the
`inoculation. site for
`than conventional
`a better
`to be
`the present
`inventor has
`shown that
`invention of
`immobilising viruses substantially
`reduces or eliminates free, unimmobilised viruses.
`In a further aspect,
`the present invention provides a
`method of preparing a device comprising a substrate having
`virus immobilised thereon, said method comprising the steps
`a) activating the substrate so as to enable virus to
`bind thereto;
`b) mixing the modified substrate with virus and a
`coupling agent
`to aid the binding of virus to the
`D1 a yet
`further aspect said method comprises
`further step of:
`c) mixing the device with a a stabilising agent that
`maintains the viability and infectivity of the virus
`W0 03/093462
`bound to the modified substrate when said modified
`substrate is exposed.to dehydration, prolonged storage
`and/or other stresses.
`It should be understood that the term "activating" is
`as hereinbefore defined.
`the stabilising agent according to the
`present invention is trehalose or other agent such as known
`heat shock proteins known in the art that protect proteins
`or viruses against dehydration, prolonged storage and other
`In a preferred embodiment of the present
`said device mixed with a stabilising agent may be dried,
`allowing prolonged storage of said device whilst
`maintaining the infectivity and viability of the virus.
`The present invention will now be further described by
`way of example, with reference to the following methods and
`figures in which:
`Figure l— Graphical Representation of Wound Model 1
`The graph depicts the activity over
`three days of
`nylon strips with. or without bacteriophage in. killing
`Staphylococcus aureus bacterium present on the surface of
`raw pork to simulate a surgical wound.
`The activity
`represents the average of three replicates, score + or —,
`wherein + depicts the clearing of bacterium and — depicts
`the bacterium remaining cloudy.
`Figure 2 — Graphical Representation of Wound Model 2
`Activity is measure over 9 days and is scored as in Figure
`Nylon +/— bacteriophage is inserted into a wound in
`fresh raw pork, which is replaced with fresh tissue every
`three days.
`Figure 3
`— Graphical Representation of Resistnce of
`Immobilised Bacteriophage to proteolytic activity
`Series 1 — control;
`Series 2V— 0.1 g/l trypsin;
`Series 3
`— 0.5 g/l trypsin;
`Series 4 — 2.5 g/l trypsin
`W0 03/093462
`Figure 4
`Graphical representation of numbers of bacteriophage
`immobilised on activated nylon.
`The reduction of phage
`numbers with time is depicted.
`for Figure 4,
`repeated. with larger strips of
`activated nylon (5 x 1 cm)
`Figure 6
`Schematic drawing of Wound Models 1 and 2 (depicted in
`Figures 1 and 2 respectively).
`Figure 7
`— Graphical Representation of Infection of
`Animal Cells by Adenovirus.
`The graph depicts the infectivity of free adenovirus,
`and adenovirus immobilised onto nylon on HEK 293 cells.
`Propagation: An overnight subculture of bacteria was
`adjusted to a cell concentration of 1.5x109 cells/ml. 0.1ml
`of this was mixed with 1x1§ pfu (plaque forming units) of
`bacteriophage. After incubation at 37°C for 2Q minutes the
`mixture was poured onto 1.5% LB agar,
`0.7% LB agar was
`layered over
`and allowed to set.
`Plates were
`incubated at
`37°C for
`bacteriophage plaques were formed.
`Bacteriophage were harvested by adding 5ml of sterile
`bacteriophage suspended in the
`buffer were purified by
`centrifugation. and filtration through. a 100kDa cut—off
`filter to remove bacterial protein” Yield was 1xl0919fu/ml.
`Plaque assays: for the presence of bacteriophage were
`carried out by the two layer plate assay as described for
`Immobilisation: Nylon strip 8x1 cm was used.
`Activation: Nylon was
`activated by preliminary
`hydrolysis with 4M HCl for 2.5 minutes at 70°C, washed in
`distilled water and 0.1M sodium bicarbonate to remove acid.
`W0 03/093462
`Coupling to nylon or other polymer with amino or carboxyl
`surface groups.
`Carbodiimide as a coupling agent.
`After this brief acid hydrolysis of the nylon surface the
`sample is washed with dimethylformamide (DMF) and 20mM l—
`toluene sulphonate is added.
`The solution is stirred for
`90 minutes, and then the nylon is washed with DMF.
`activated nylon is stirred overnight with bacterophage in
`suitable buffer,
`then washed
`to remove
`Glutaraldehyde as a coupling agent.
`After a brief acid hydrolysis of
`the nylon surface the
`sample is washed with 0.1M bicarbonate buffer pH9.4 and
`incubated. with 10% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M bicarbonate
`The surface was then washed in bicarbonate buffer
`and distilled water before being incubated overnight with
`bacteriophage in a suitable buffer.
`Coupling to cellulose or other hydroxyl—containing polymer.
`Vinylsulfonylethylene ether
`Vinylsulfonyl groups
`can. be
`introduced into hydroxyl—
`containing polymers by treatment of the polymer with vinyl
`The activated polymer
`overnight with bacteriophage in suitable buffer, and then
`washed to remove unbound bacteriophage.
`Triazine addition
`Cellulose or a modified cellulose (about 109)
`is added to
`50ml of acetone/water
`(1:1) containing lg 2—amino—4,
`dichloro—s—triazine at 50° and stirred for 5 minutes. Then
`20ml of
`15% (w/v) aqueous sodium carbonate to which 0.6
`vol. of 1M HCl has been added is poured into the reaction
`Concentrated HCl
`is then added to bring the
`below 7.
`substituted cellulose is washed with acetone/water,
`water and finally with 0.05M phosphate buffer as pH7.0.
`The COupling reaction with the bacteriophage is carried out
`W0 03/093462
`at pH8.0 in 0.05M phosphate buffer by stirring for 12 to 18
`Coupling to Polythene or other similar polymer
`1. Corona discharge
`Polythene was exposed to a corona discharge for about
`bacteriophage dehydrated in the presence
`trehalose was dusted onto the treated surface immediately.
`Permanganate oxidation.
`solution, for
`several hours, washed with
`distilled water and immediately treated with bacteriophage
`in trehalose or other stabilizing agent.
`Example 1
`1. Bacteriophage P1 with Escherichia coli 11291
`The nylon/bacteriophage preparation was challenged with
`50ml of bacterial culture at about 1x1f cells/ml.
`After incubation the culture was assayed by the two layer
`plaque assay.
`Example 2 Bacteriophage A against E.coli.
`In this experiment
`the number of pfu's used in the
`preparation of the immobilised system is compared with the
`number of pfu's observed when the immobilised system is
`challenged with the bacteria.
`Immobilised bacteriophage
`Free bacteriophage
`no bacteriophage
`The numbers of bacteriophage plaques arising from the
`systems with
`combination shows:
`W0 03/093462
`0 That
`immobilised bacteriophage are viable and infective.
`O a relationship between free bacteriophage numbers used.in
`the preparation and the number of bacteriophage produced.by
`immobilised systems.
`Example 3
`« Unknown bacteriophage against
`Bacteriophage was isolated by incubating a lawn of S.
`aureus with contaminated water which had been filtered
`through a 0.18u filter to remove bacteria. Where a plaque
`formed indicated the presence of a lytic bacteriophage.
`This was isolated and grown as previously described.
`Plaques expected
`Plate count
` _
`Example 4 Effect of trehalose on viability
`The experimental system was as previously described
`the nylon/bacteriophage preparations were
`dipped into a trehalose solution of various concentrations
`and dried before assay (Nylon/bacteriophage preparations
`previously described were stored in buffer for 24 to 48
`hours before use) dried preparations were used 72 hours
`W0 03/093462
`Free bacteriophage
`no bacteriophage
`Immobilised bacteriophage
`Trehalose 0.1% Trehalose 0.05%
`Trehalose 1%
`Trehalose 0.5%
`The data indicate that trehalose enables immobilised
`bacteriophage to withstand dessication and storage for at
`least 72 hours without significant
`loss of viability and
`infectivity. The free bacteriophage, no bacteriophage and
`immobilised.bacteriophage samples were controls not treated
`to dessication and storage.
`Plaques expected
`Plate count
`The data show that significant numbers of viable and
`infective bacteriophage have been immobilised on the nylon
`sheet. There is also a dose/response relationship between
`the estimated numbers of bacteriophage immobilised and the
`plaques formed from the immobilised system.
`Validation of washings:
`The washings
`the nylon/bacteriophage reaction
`were assayed by the two layer plaque assay to determine the
`rate and efficiency of removal of free bacteriophage (those
`that did not
`form covalent attachment as a result of the
`W0 03/093462
`Example 5
`Bacteriophage NCIMB 9563(ATCC6538—B) against
`Staphylococcus aureus in the presence of tissue.
`Bacteriophage 9563 was grown as previously described,
`immobilized onto nylon membrane, washed to remove unbound
`bacteriophage and tested against a strain of S. aureus in
`two experimental situations.
`Does the presence of animal tissue affect the response
`of the immobilised bacteriophage?
`The nylon membrane with immobilized bacteriophage was
`placed in a flask with 50m
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