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`..The use of the EpyM-DMA coatIngprovIdes a positively charged wall atpHsbetween
`2 and 7. 5 and whose EOF.. .polymer composition and buffer pl-l.. .proteins (lysozyme,
`cytochrome C from rabbit and bovine cytochrome C) are separated in a
`1.--ium iodide (M1 C4) was applied as a first coating layerIn the capillary, the electroosmotic flow
`(EOF) was effectively suppressed, the phospholipid coating was stabilized, and the lysozyme
`immobilization was much improved The liposome composition, the running buffer, and..
`\ -\-\
`it \
`\~' V.‘35 \:O: .8
`the presence of a PEG sterIc barrIer was conceived WIth the Idea of preventIng the adsorption
`of enzymes, such as lysozyme, an enzyme" .An interesting observation from these images is that
`penetration rates of the nanocapsules varied depending on the coating composition.
`..In other words, the polymerIc system chosen for the coatings should allow the dIffusIon of.26]
`as it allows to tailor release rates easily by varying the copolymer composition. .vvas designed
`to study the potential independent release of two model proteins. lysozyme and myoglobin"
`..The lysozyme actIVIty was then obtaIned by comparison of the concentratIons obtaIned using..
`on the scaffold properties in more detail, the emulsion coating process parameters. .The vacuum
`applied and the emulsion volume, viscosity, copolymer composition and water/polymer...
`..28 Table 3. Comparison of the amino--acid composition of lysozyme and hydrolysates obtained
`from samples of four pooled polymacon, PHEMA* copolymer, and crifilcon A Iensesf Amino
`acid.leucine ratio
`X Amino-acid composition of human lysozyme as listed in Dayhoff.24
`89 SuscepthIlIty of IsolatedCell Walls to Lysozyme
`89Cell WallComposmon andSensitivity
`to Lysozyme
`90 The Mechanism of Lysozyme Action on Bacterial CeII Walls ..... 92.
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`coating composition and lysozyme — Google Scholar
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`Pet chewable products with enzymatic coating
` ..5,55,6494 10 Composition Weight, gramsGelatin Glycerine Water Glucose Glucose oxidase
`(4, 000 IU.. .EXAMPLE 10 This example illustrates a 2--part coating system where the enzyme and
`to the enzymatic formulation of this invention such as the enzyme lysozyme and the
`Using a BisphenoiA (included in the membrane composItIon7) derivative as a cross-linking agent
`for polymer coating enabled to.. S.ignificant difference in protein retention (positive lysozyme or
`negative BSA) with modified and unmodified membranes was observed at low..
`ChitinaseLysozyme*5wt% (DF)>VIny| polymer,Rosin Surface treated enzymes tested incoatings
`exposed to seawater.. .A review of enzyme--based AF coatings 571. .Relatively little is known about
`the composition of the adhesives used by common fouling organisms, and new
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`http ://scholar. googlecomlscholar?start=0&q=coating+composition+and+lysozyme&hl=en. . . 4/25/2010