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`..stripper(Nitromors). Multisystemdisorderafter‘exposureto paint These include:. .Multisystem
`disorder after exposure to paint stripper (Nitromors) Nitromors is a household and industrial
`paint stripper whose active ingredient is methylene chloride (CH2CI2).
`..Thus, we may deduce that, of the eleven carboxyl groups of the lysozyme molecule, one has
`pKint=—35, another one has pAi nt—:6 0, six have the normal pJTint value of 4.3, and the remaining
`three aretitratable only in the presenceofdenaturing agents but not in O.2 M KCI..p.Aint
`“..vvater by mechanically shaking the bac- terial suspension for two hours with pavement marking
`beads,4 type 510 800260, on a paint rejuvenator having...When lysozyme is added to normal
`cells of M. lysodeikticus (figure 1), the first effect seen is the fragmentation of the cell wall
`‘..(.1"5)ILysozyme was assayed spectrophotometrically(16,). catalase6 accor mg to the previously
`described method for cells, and lipase (steapsin) ac cording to Willstatter et al. (1 7). .on a paint
`rejuvenator having 620 oscillations min. with an arc of l1. in.
`..vv1th a dotof red fluorescent paint and the model viewed in ultravioletlightanexternal shell of
`red dots is seen to enclose the white bits com- pletely; this makes an exceedingly effective and
`nnfor-gettable demonstration of this general property of pro- teins. Lysozyme Model The..
`.uses as surface-active agents, associative thickeners in oil recovery, latex paint or as supports
`for enzyme immobilization. Hennink and his co--workers reported the synthesis of dextran- based
`hydrogels [7] and their interactions with proteins as. lgG [8 and 9], lysozyme [10] and..
`[CITATION].. S.tudies: The Effects of Cu20 Antifouling Paint and Coupling to a.
`'1": .
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`, lipid-coated enzymes. method of producing such enzymes and antifouling paint:
`paint and lysozyme — Google Scholar
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`ESE?» ‘1‘ ~ 1-11111111.. 1--111111.111
`.15 TABLE 4 TABLE 6 ComparatIve Example \Fouling (°/o) Protease (.B subtilis) — — 8 — — 8
`Immersion period Comparative Example Lysozyme (chicken egg white) — — — — 4 — Laroflex
`MP-45a B0 B0 80 BO 30 B0(monthsu _BO 12 The antifouling paint-coated steel panels
`2..at 305 mfi of native lysozyme (O) and deacetylated lysozyme prepared fromthe lysozyme
`acetylated with 300-fold molar excess of NAI in the presence of 8 M urea ( ) and in the absence
`of urea (A). Curve 1 rep- resents the interaction of Trp-108 with GIu-35 with pAint = 6.9 and
` (UV-‘
`lysozyme and casein Abstract. The purpose of this research was to find the best experImental
`conditions for glycosylation of lysozyme and casein with dextran, and to investigate the effect
`of glycosylation on the functional properties of these proteins.
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