`(1 1)Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication
`No. 853-1 19872
`(51) Int. Cl. 2
`ID Code
`C 07C 103/52
`A61 K37/02
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication
`(52) Japanese Classification
`JPO File No.
`16 E 362
`30G 196
`30 H 612
`(43) Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication
`Date: October 19, 1978
`(54) Trtte ofthe Invention: New peptides and antimicrobial agents
`(21 ) PatentAppIication No.: 852-355
`(2) Filing Date: March 29, 1977
`Requestfor Examination: Not yet made
`Numberof inventions: 4
`Total @es: 6
`02) Inventor: Shunpei Sakakihara, 2-23-3 Fujishirodai,
`Suita City
`02) Inventor: Yoshihiro Nlasui, 2-1-6 Chokoji-Ifita,
`(72) Inventor: Hiroshi Nta, 1616, 2-5 Higashi-lzumigaola,
`Toyonaka City
`Toyonaka City
`01 )Applicant: Suntory IJmited, 2-1-1 Dojima-I-Iarr‘adori,
`(72) Inventor: Ryuji Tanaka, Tornita Danchi 2-502,
`IGta-ku, Osaka City
`1319 IVIakiIa-cho, Takatsuki City
`U4)Agent:: Toshb Takigawa, Patent Attorney
`(4) Antimicrobial agents containing a peptide having 13 amino
`1.TrtIe of the Invention
`acids in orderoftryptophan, histidine, tryptophan, Ieucine,
`New peptides and antimicrobial agents
`glutamine, D-Ieucine, lysine, proline, glufdne, glutamine, proline,
`2. Claims
`methionine and tyrosine.
`(1 )A peptide having 12 amino acids in orderof histidine,
`3. Detailed Explanation ofthe Invention
`tryptophan, Ieucine, glutamine, D-Ieudne, lysine, proline, glycine,
`The present invention relates to new peptides and antimicrobial
`glutamine, proline, methionine and tyrosine.
`agents containing these peptides. Awide range of peptides have
`(2)A peptide having 13 amino acids in order oftryptophan,
`conventionally been isolated or synthesized, and it has been
`histidine, tryptophan, Ieucine, glutamine, D-Ieucine, lysine, proline,
`known that some ofthem have pewliar adion including
`glufcine, glutamine, proline, methionine and tyrosine.
`antimicrobial adion. Nevertheless, we do not knowany peptides
`(3)Antimicrobial agents containing a peptide having 12 amino
`that show satisfactory antimicrobial adion yet. The present
`acids in orderof histidine, tryptophan, Ieudne, glutamine, D-
`inventors succeeded in isolating peptides from media for
`Ieucine, lysine, proline, glycine, glutamine, proline, methionine
`culturing bacteria and found that some peptides in the course of
`and tyrosine.
`synthesis had superior antimicrobial adion as well.
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 853-1 19872 (2)
`Present invention relates to a peptide having 12 amino acids in
`the peptides according to the present invention asfaras the
`orderof histidine, tryptophan, leucine, glutamine, D-leudne, lysine,
`aforementioned amino acid sequences are kept Abbreviations
`proline, glycine, glutamine, proline, methionine and tyrosine
`(hereinafter referred toas “peptide A”), a peptide having 13
`used in the explanation ofthe synthetic method are first given
`amino acids in orderoftryptophan, histidine, tryptophan, leudne,
`Boc: t-butybxycarbonyl, le: benzyl, Tyr: tyrosine, Met:
`glutamine, D-leucine, lysine, proline, glufcine, glutamine, proline,
`methionine, Pro: proline, Gln: glutamine, Gly: glycine, Lys: lysine,
`methionine and tyrosine (hereinafter referred to as “peptide B”)
`Leu: leudne, His: histidine,Trp: tryptophan, HOBT:
`and antimicrobial agents containing these peptides.
`hydroxybenzotriazole, WSCI: N-ethyl- N,N’-
`The peptides according tothe present invention show
`dimethylaminopropyl carbodiimide, DCHA dicycbhexyl
`antimicrobial adion against a variety offungi and bacteria,
`ammonium salt, ONSu: N-succiimide ester, ONp: p-nitrophenyl
`especially against Pseudomonas pyocyaneum and plant
`ester, ZoCl: ortho chbro benzybxycarbonyl, Tos: para toluene
`pathogens, and, therefore, can be used forvarbus ways
`sulfonyl, THF: tetrahydrofurane, DMF: dimethylforrnamide,
`including agricultural chemicals, fungicidal paints and therapeutic
`DMS: dimethyl sulfide, TFAC: trifluoroacetic acid, and TEF:
`agents for athlete’s foot
`Adescription ofone synthetic method ofthe present invention
`Synthesis of peptide A
`is given bebw. However, any synthetic method may be used for
`Synthesis of Boc-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCI) —Pro-OBz|:
`Dissolve oily Boc-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-OBz| (9 g, 15 mmol) prepared
`Yield: 8.5 g (90.7%).
`bya normal method using Boc-Lys (ZoC|)—OH and Pro-Ole in
`Synthesis of Boc-GIn-D-Leu-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-OH:
`TFAC (30 ml) under cooling. Stir the solution for 10 minutes
`Dissolve oily Boc-D-Leu-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-OH (8.5 g, 13.6
`under cooling and then for40 minutes at room temperature.
`mmol) in TFAC (30 ml) under cooling. Afterstirring for 10
`Remove excessive TFAC under reduced pressure. Dissolve
`minutes under cooling and for45 minutes at room temperature,
`residue in DMF (30 ml), and neutralize itwith TEA under cooling.
`remove excessive TFAC under reduced pressure. Add etherto
`Add Boc-D-Leu-ONSu (4.9 g, 15 mmol), and stirthe solution for
`residue to make it powder. Dry itfor2 hours over NaOH under
`one hour under cooling and for 90 hours at room temperature.
`reduced pressure.
`Dissolve the readion liquid in ethyl acetate (300 ml). Wash the
`solution with 1N HCI, water, 5% sodium bicarbonate water and
`Dissolve the powder in DMF (24 ml), and neutralize itwith TEA
`under cooling. Add Boc-Gln-ONp (6 g, 16.3 mmol), and stirfor
`water. Dry it oversodium sulfate. Remove ethyl acetate under
`one hour under cooling and for 65 hours at room temperature.
`reduced pressure to produce specified oily substance.
`Then, add N, N’-dimethy|propane diamine (1 .5 ml), and stirfor2
`Yield: 10.5 g (98%).
`hours. Adjust pH to 1 with 1N HCI. Extractwith ethyl acetate (200
`Synthesis of Boc-D-Leu-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-OH:
`ml), wash with water, and dry over sodium sulfate. Remove ethyl
`Dissolve oily Boc-D-Leu-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-OBz| (10.5 g, 14.7
`acetate under reduced pressure. Add etherto residue to make it
`mmol) in methanol (10 ml) and dbxane (25 ml). Add 1N NaOH
`powder. Dry the powder obtained by reprecipitating with ethyl
`(14.7 ml) under cooling. Stirthe solution for2 hours. After
`acetate / ether over phosphorus pentoxide for24 hours.
`adjusting pH to 7 with 1N HCI, remove methanol and dbxane
`Yield: 6.4 g (63%).
`under reduced pressure. Add 5% sodium bicarbonate water,
`and wash itwith ether. Adjust pH of the aqueous layerto 2with
`Elemental analysis: as 035H58010N60| - H20
`Calculated values: C, 54.50%; H, 7.19%; N, 10.90%.
`1N HCI under cooling. Extractwith ethyl acetate (200 ml). After
`Analytical values: C, 54.48%; H, 7.17%; N, 10.65%.
`washing with water, dry itover sodium sulfate. Remove ethyl
`acetate under reduced pressure to produce specified oily
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 853-1 19872 (3)
`Synthesis of Boc-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)- Pro-OH:
`Analytical values: C, 55.04%; H, 7.41%; N, 11.01%.
`Dissolve Boc-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)—Pro-OH (5.3 g, 7 mmol)
`Synthesis of Boc-Gly-Gln-Pro-Met—Tyr (2.6-Clz-le)—Ole:
`in TFAC (20 ml) under cooling. Alterstirring for 10 minutes under
`React Boc-Tyr(2.6-Clz-le)with benzyl bromide bya known
`cooling and for40 minutes at room temperature, remove
`method to produce Boc-Tyr(2.6-Clz-le)—Ole. Then, read it
`excessive TFAC under reduced pressure. Add etherto residue
`with Boc-lVlet (prepared from Boc-lVlet-DCHA) bya normal
`to make it powder, and dryfor2 hours over NaOH under
`method to produce Boc-lVlet— Tyr (2.6-Clz-le)—Ole. Read it
`reduced pressure.
`with Boc-Pro-ONSu, Boc-Gln-ONp, and then Boc-Gly-ONSu by
`Dissolve the powder in DMF 0 ml), and neutralize itvvith TEA
`a known method to produce Boc-Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr (2.6-Clz-
`under cooling. Add Boc-Leu-ONSu (2.8 g, 8.4 mmol), and stirfor
`one hour under cooling and for 90 hours at room temperature.
`Synthesis of Boc-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)- Pro- Gly-Gln-Pro—
`Pourthe readion liquid into ice cold water (1 00 ml), and extract
`Met-Tyr (2, 6-Clz-le)—Ole:
`with ethyl acetate (200 ml). Afterwashing with 1N HCl and then
`Add DMS (1 ml) to Boc-Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr (2.6-Clz-le) —
`with water, dry oversodium sulfate. Remove ethyl acetate under
`Ole (2.4 g, 2.5 mmol). Dissolve the solution in TFAC (10 ml)
`reduced pressure, and make powdervvith methanol/ ether. Dry
`under cooling, and stirfor 10 minutes under cooling and for 35
`the powder obtained by reprecipitating with methanol / ether over
`minutes at room temperature. Remove excessive TFAC under
`phosphorus pentoxidefor24 hours under reduced pressure.
`reduced pressure. Add 7.1N HCl/dioxane (0.42 ml, 3 mmol)to
`Yield: 4.5 g 02%).
`residue under cooling. Then, add etherto make powder, and dry
`Elemental analysis: as C41H64011N7C| - 1.5HZO
`Calculated values: C, 55.11%; H, 7.59%; N, 10.97%.
`itfor2 hours over NaOH under reduced pressure.
`Dissolve this powder in DMF (10 ml) and THF (20 ml) together
`the solution in TFAC (20 ml) under cooling, and stirfor 10
`with Boc-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)- Pro-OH (2.35 g, 2.63
`minutes under cooling and for35 minutes at room temperature.
`mmol) produced above and HOBT (340 mg, 2.5 mmol). Add
`Remove excessive TFAC under reduced pressure. Add ether
`WSCI (0.46 ml, 2.5 mmol) dropwise under cooling, and stirfor
`to residue to make it powder, and dry itover NaOH for2 hours
`one hour under cooling and for 15 hours at room temperature.
`under reduced pressure.
`Dissolve it in ethyl acetate (500 ml) after removing THF under
`Dissolve the powder in DMF (12 ml), neutralize with TEA under
`reduced pressure. Washwith 1N HCl, water, 5% sodium
`cooling. Add Boc-Trp-ONSu (830 mg, 2.07 mmol), and stirfor
`bicarbonate water, and then water. Alter removing ethyl acetate
`one hour under cooling and for 88 hours at room temperature.
`under reduced pressure, add etherto residue to make it powder.
`Pourthe readion liquid into ice cold water (300 ml)to make it
`Reprecipitate ittwo times with methanol / ether, and dry the
`powder. Filter it, and dry the powder obtained by reprecipitating
`powder over phosphorus pentoxide for24 hours.
`with ethyl acetate / ether over phosphorus pentoxide for 24 hours
`Yield: 3.7 g (85%).
`Elemental analysis: as C81H11OO18N188CE - 2H20
`Calculated values: C, 56.29%; H, 6.65%; N, 10.5%.
`Analytical values: C, 5626%; H, 6.47%; N, 10.42%.
`under reduced pressure.
`Yield: 2.9 g (88%).
`Elemental analysis: as C92H1ZOO18N15SCE - 5HZO
`Calculated values: C, 5.44%; H, 6.55%; N, 10.92%.
`Synthesis of Boc-Trp-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoC|)- Pro- Gly-Gln-
`Analytical values: C, 5.29%; H, 6.41%; N, 10.78%.
`Pro-Met—Tyr (2, 6-Clz-le)—Ole:
`Add DMS (2 ml)to Boc-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoC|)- Pro- Gly-
`Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr(2, 6-ClZ-le)—Ole (3 g, 1.73 mmol). Dissolve
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 853-1 19872 (4)
`Synthesis of Boc-l-lis-TrpLeu-Gln-DLeuLys (ZoCl)- Pro- Gly-
`was eliminated, ard therefore the productwas a mixture of Boc-
`Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr(2, 6-Clz-le)—Ole:
`His-Trp-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)- Pro- Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr (2,
`Add DMS (1 ml) to Boc-Trp-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)- Pro-
`6-Clz-le)—Ole ard Boo-His (Tcs)-Trp-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys
`Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr(2, 6-Cl2-le)—Ole (2.1 g, 1.1 mmol).
`(ZoCl)- Pro- Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr (2, 6-Clz-le)—Ole. Neither
`Dissolve the solution in TFAC (15 ml) urderccoling, ard stirfor
`physical constants noryields are described here. In the following
`10 minutes urderccoling ard for35 minutes at room
`reaction, the T06 radical was completely eliminated.
`temperature. Remove excessive TFAC urder reduced
`Synthesis of His-Trp-Leu-Gln-D-Leu-Lys - Pro- Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet
`pressure. Add 7.1N HCl/dioxane (0.19 ml, 1.32 mmol)ard then
`ether under cooling to make powder. Dry the powder over
`Dissolve Boc-l-lis-TrpLeu-Gln-DLeuLys (ZoCl)- Pro- Gly-Gln-
`NaOH for2 hours urder reduced pressure.
`Pro-lVlet—Tyr(2, 6-Clz-le)—Ole 000 mg, 0.3 mmol) in
`Dissolve this powder in DMF (10 ml). Add Boo-His (Tcs) (585
`hydrogen fluoride anhydride (15 ml) in the presence ofanisole
`mg, 1.43 mmol)ard then HOBT(193 mg, 1,43 mmol)tothe
`(1.4 ml), DMS (0.7 ml) ard ethanedithiol (0.7 ml). Alter stirring for
`solution. Subsequently, add WSCI (0.26 ml, 1.43 mmol) urder
`60 minutes at 00C, remove excessive hydrogen fluoride
`cooling, ard stirforone hour urder cooling and for 15 hours at
`anhydride urder reduced pressure. Add etherto residue to
`room temperature. Pour the reaction liquid into ice cold water
`deposit solids. Alter washing well with ether, dissolve the solids in
`(500 ml)to make itpowder. Drythe powder obtained by
`50% acetic acid, ard pass through Dowex 1 x 2 (acetic acid
`reprecipitating with methanol ard ethyl acetate / ether over
`type). Concentrate the solution thus obtained urder reduced
`phosphorus pentoxided for24 hours urder reduced pressure.
`pressure to produce a crude product.
`Yield: 1 .3 g *
`* Underthe aforementioned reaction conditions, approximately
`80% ofthe T06 radical on the imidazole of the histidine residue
`The crude productwas purified by gel column chromatography
`in TFAC (10 ml) under cooling, ard stirfor 10 minutes urder
`using Sephadex LH-20 and partition chromatography using
`cooling ard for40 minutes at room temperature. Remove
`Sephadex G-25 as a carrier (solvent: n-butanol / acetic acid /
`excessive TFAC urder reduced pressure. Add etherto residue
`water (4 : 1 : 5)). The product thus obtained showed a single spot
`to n‘ake it powder, and dry itover NaOH for2 hours urder
`on cellulose thin layer chromatography ard paper
`reduced pressure.
`Yield: 250 mg (52.3%).
`Elemental analysis: as C71H104N18 016 - 2CH3COOH - 5HZO
`Calculated values: C, 52.74%; H, 720%; N, 14.76%.
`Dissolve the powder in DMF (10 ml), ard neutralize the
`solutionwith TEA urderccoling. Add Boc-Trp-ONSu (289 mg,
`0.72 mmol), ard stirforone hour urderccoling ard for 90 hours
`at room temperature. Add HOBT (81 mg, 0.6 mmol), ard stirfor
`Analytical values: C, 52.79%; H, 7.28%; N, 14.63%.
`15 hours. Pourthe reaction liquid into ice cold waterto n‘ake it
`Amino add analysis:
`powder, and filter it Reprecipitate the powdervvith methanol ard
`(Hydrolysiswith 6N HCl/ thbglycolic acid for48 hours at 1 10C)
`ethyl acetate/ ether, ard drythe powder thus obtained over
`m 1.0
`X2 X2
`phosphorus pentoxide for24 hours under reduced pressure.
`Yield: 1.05 g (43%)*
`Elemental analysis: as C109H137021 NZOSCE - 4H20
`Calculated values: C, 5.5%; H, 6.43%; N, 12.32%.
`Synthesis of peptide B:
`Synthesis of Boc-Trp-l-lis-Trp-Leu-Gln-D-Len-Lys (ZoCl)—Pro-
`Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr (2, 6-Cl2-le)—Ole:
`Add DMS (1 ml) and ethanedithbl (1 ml)to Boc-His-Trp-Leu—
`Gln-D-Leu-Lys (ZoCl)- Pro- Gly-Gln-Pro-lVlet—Tyr (2, 6-Clz-le)—
`Ole obtained above (used as a mixture). Dissolve the solution
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Publimtion No. 853-1 19872 (5)
`Analytiml values: C, 57.62%; H, 6.39%; N, 12.27%.
`on cellubse thin layer chrorr‘atography and paper
`*Yield from Boc-Trp-Leu-GIn-D-Len-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-Gly-G|n-
`Pro-lVIet-Tyr (2, 6-Clz-Bz|)—OBz|:
`Yield: 200 mg (40.4%).
`Synthesis ofTrp-l-lis-TrpLeu-GIn-DLenLys -Pro-Gly-G|n-Pro-
`Elemental analysis: as CgZH114N20 017 S - 2CH3COOH -
`Dissolve Boc-Trp-l-lis—Trp-Leu-GIn-D-Len-Lys (ZoC|)—Pro-Gly-
`Calculated values: C, 55.80%; H, 7.02%; N, 14.79%.
`GIn-Pro-lVIet—Tyr (2, 6-Clz-Bz|)—OBz| 000 mg, 0.3 mmol) in
`Analytical values: C, 55.87%; H, 7.07%; N, 14.65%.
`hydrogen fluoride anhydride (15 m|)inthe presence ofanisole
`Amino acid analysis:
`(Hydrolysiswith 6N HCI/ thbglyoolic acid for48 hours at 1 10C)
`(1 .4 ml), DMS (0.7 ml) and ethanedithbl (0.7 ml). Alterstirring for
`60minutesat00C,remove exoess'we hydrogenfiuoride m
`anhydride underreduced pressure.Add ethertoresidueto
`2523 w
`deposit solids. Afterwashing wellwith ether, dissolvethesolids in
`Antimicrobial adion:
`50% aceticacid, and pass through Dowex 1 x2 (aceticacid
`T the
`2 Iof
`i 8:208 nt
`so;corscenltirgfiérEOf Pies:
`type). Concentratethesolutionthusobtained underreduced
`000M ng
`pressure to produce a crude product
`ThedudeWm purified by96'“tum“WWW gtmmmmbzmg
`using Sephadex LH-20 and partition chromatography using
`tod xtrosemed'
`Sephadex 625 as a carrier (solvent: n-butanol / acetic acid /
`water (4 : 1 : 5)). The product thus obtained showed a single spot
`O: Peptide that showed antimicrobial adion throughout the
`A: Peptide that retained antimicrobialadionforoneweekorso.
`x: Peptide thath notshowantimicrobial adion.
`Concentration of peptide
`BaCiIUS megaterium
`BaCIIIUS ogagulans'
`O 0
`Fusarium moniliforme
`Cucumber scab pathogen
`Potato anthracnose
`Mpergillus oryzae NRRL692
`Elisinoe ampelina
`%eudomonas Taesrroliteica*
`Rice sclerotium hydrophilum
`Trid'tophyton mentagrophybe
`Sweet potato Fusarium
`(* Translators note: only pl‘onetimlly equivalent. I could find nowhere including Web sites.)
`- 517 -
`Antimicrobial test for peptide B:
`Japanese Unexamined Patent Publimtion No. 853-1 19872 (6)
`Bacillus coagulans
`Brevbaderium amoniagenes
`Cellubmonas oellulase
`Pseudomonas fluorescens
`Rice leafsheath scab pati'iogen
`><>< 0! ><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>
`Rice (illegible) pathogen
`Cucumber scab pathogen
`Potato anthracnose
`Elisinoe ampelina
`Sweet potato Fusarium
`Fusarium oxysporum
`Gibberella fujikuroi
`Wheat blight pathogen
`Cochriobolus miyadeanus
`Magnaporthe grisea
`Rice sclerotium hydrophilum
`Bacillus megaterium
`(* Translators note: only pl‘onetimlly equivalent. I could find rowhere including Web sites.)
`Applicant: Suntory Umited
`Agent Toshio Takigawa
`IA [351% ELF ’A iii
`@Int- C1.2
`C 07 (2103/52
`1 0 7
`16 E3362
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`tzi-y'y. bU7I-777. B497.
`ifir—‘x. fn-VyxbfibJ:
`t:y, 127y©12fi©7£lfllfl72
`a fiwofiafltflfifi
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`5y. D—u4~‘/‘/.
`|)~'/“/. 759V. 9")?
`Boc:t—7‘-Tna==/11wui.:2v. Bz12r<y-y'/v.
`ilk/’37. 71397. ifj‘iy. in?
`Tyr2—1—u-7y, Met:ji~zf:‘/. Proz7’uu
`V.G1nilhflsy,Glyifl'U’/‘/. Lyszy
`~72. Leu:n‘>r~'/:/. Hie:
`Eli-92y. Trp:
`'J7'k77‘7. Exit/y. bU7‘r77y.
`4-27. ihflz‘y. DADAfJ/V. U-‘JV.
`+U7'r77‘x. HOBT: tFnzwrwrx'nyU'r
`7v)», WSCI:I‘4W:L-7—)v N_N
`n97.911-y‘x. fl‘hia‘y. 7'uUV. 1%
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`7—‘6-2'7Aig. ONSu:N*ffi“/4<‘FI—Ziw. 0Np
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`m9)—cap. EVECYLB’47"3‘F5SE‘§7§TZ>
`NVQWX$VfiWIk'—=flz, Toe: I<§ hhlylh
`*:2v. THFz-frf’trn75y, DMF:-‘/’/%»
`rhAA7SF. DMS:V}§-»zzv74l~'. TFAC:
`rlj7lvxzvfififi. TEA: rvlflv’fi‘zo
`99. 15$ I)=e»)§_-§HTTFAC( 30d)
`flufiilté‘é‘xfikfl‘zf'biv‘a éfikEEOERffiiqu-fifi
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`LfcflaflfiijFACtifiEflibkn fizfitDMF
`Boo—D—LeuALye(ZoC1)—-Pro—OH omgxw
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`fifific;54.50$. H;v.191z. N;1o.90%
`fififiC;54.4B%. H;7.17$. N;10.65%
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`”7‘0 7 4 r‘kzinuéxa' BOC~Tyr< 246‘ Cl: —
`1 Ofi‘fau.
`le)—Ole’§rf’&DChV( Boc—Met(Boc—Met—
`DCHAJ: Df’Esz J
`—1yr(?.6~Clzr—le)~Ule Eff/hgfco
`’é’fi'E-VC I ,flbLfip’éfl'Boc-Met
`cor/13M: DMF <
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`”)1'7mzfifilT mgr-a]. EET'Q affirmfisfib
`fin [imika‘rfil‘é‘m (
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`61‘} fl/72L71~?Ivirbfi§k&bffil~©§fi1‘
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`( 1-?)fi11uifcfa‘dfiffi’FTFAC (
`1 0-!” )Kfik
`iifim CUHHOHN7C1~L5HgO t L10.)
`L.. éfii‘r‘l oafifi. EEE’L‘S sfilwfizfiLtO
`fififtfi.(7:55.04%. H;'7.41%. N:JJ.OJ%
`7.1Nfifil/VZ‘=¥-'v“/( 0,42», $594+»)
`kiwi. Ch‘CI—ihfirfluiffifiikbfifiey—
`Leu~Lys(ZnC1)——Pro—OH ( 2_3 5y,.2_6 3 S
`U—Ellx), HOBTgs4omy. 2.55%:2111)?
`0:521(3§. 1.73 i
`hJ$l Ofi‘fizu.
`2151's sfiralfizfi L710
`fi‘flTWSCI(O.46m/. 2.5:‘U-5Elb)fi‘?fijT:
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`fail) VJ: 2 stfirf‘a‘lthfi’zfistu
`154E 3.7 E (
`8 5 5)
`fifififilc ; 56.29%. H ; 6.65%. N ; 10.5w»
`fibfléc ; 56.2697. H;6.4'7%. N;10.42’Jb
`—G1y—Gln—Pro—Mec—Tyr(2.6—C12~—le )7
`0321 Oé‘m
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`2 2-w)v<min.t §er
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`fi'flTlficfia‘l. fife/Case;
`jfifijjfi cunlal,DO,DNHSC13-5HZO&(/10)
`Erfifléic; 57.44%. H; 6.53%. N ;10,92%
`Gln U—Leu
`Trp Leu
`Pro-GlyfiGln—Pro—Methyr( 2, 6—C12—le)
`—JL1©T052§~7J:¥’~J B
`0 $55K L136.
`boo—Trp—Leu—Glru—D—Lm:—-Lyn(ZoC.L) ~
`u B0c—Hia—Trp—Leu—Gln—b—Lau-l4y5
`1 2,1 g,
`1.1 s 1);» )wDMb‘( 1mm,
`lays/+x—1y( lmV)?7JUX7’z€£.
`1 5w ) Véagfig,:Lr’%A:JT 1 Ufrim.
`'73 bfiffi;i'}:¥7 [Aka J‘waiz‘jiéilJOTFACé’fiE
`Oma’a‘w'réo. 42,1;naza.mmmzé%uaué
`(Fifi-L,» Ifi’yt‘ij’FV.JNm@/~y'z‘$#y( 0.19
`W. 3.32 S U-Ezu)§¢7]g,i. Dl/IT‘l—‘f'jl’é-
`inborn mazamuu'ru Fosémyfighzsazk
`His—Trp—Leu—Glu—D—Leu~Lys—Pro—G1y —
`CODE??? DMF(1 0.2 )ValgfigLJ’oc—His‘
`J.43:‘ 9%»):271u2. 9
`LATHOBTL 193m. 1.43 ‘ 11%;»)vasz
`fizfifiaw‘FWSCI(o.26mr. 1.43
`--OB21 ( 700mg. 0.:
`s 1);.» ) Q7:.y_)1,
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`( 1.4-1”), DMS ( o_'7 mfl)1fl7-‘2~7-2r~1v,
`fifi'?fid<(500u/)D4JVCE£5&‘H§&L. xa/
`(0.7d)¥+?£‘r. fi7k77flc7k5z(1sm)rr
`—». Pfilfili‘lb —I—7‘Jvflxbfit(ibfiibifiah
`BfiéLOTT’S oara‘jmfirfié. £¥¥J®7Vfl37ki3
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`QIEFEiWfimL/Dowsx 1X 2(§F§?I§3’.)fi’i& L15-
`bhchRI’X-ficfififlfié Lfiifiimfiu’fito
`CODEEEW’mfirSephadex LH—zotmmn
`fwfliAiP’Vf-Ifi7’f —. Sephadex G—
`fig: n—7‘I/—Iv—§'§&—7jc( 4—1—5))
`Tyr(2.5—C1,—Bz:‘1')—Ole( 1.2 9)(1E%1w
`»(1-«)27mzk'fle.$fi1TTFAC(1 0-4?)
`13$? bi’JinCO
`WE250~2( 52.3%)
`iifimCHH”,N”O”'20H.COOHv5H,O .1; L
`52.74%. H;7,205, N;14,76%
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`7 i / gfifi
`(sNfi&/?X/U=~»Qi. 1 1 at 4 sfifisfimmgm)
`TrpHie Lye G111 Pro Gly Met Leu Tyr
`1.0X2 1.1X2 1.0
`1.0X2 0.9
`<7+ FB @éflaz
`(ZoCl )wProvGJ.y—G1n—Pro—Met—Tyr(2. 6
`Kisfiprafl‘Fl Ofiréj. SSE’L‘4 Ofiflil&#l,
`cofijfififi- DMF‘ (1 o-« )VciémLfiiafiF
`TEA TFPiruaaBoc—Trp—ONSu( 289W. 0.72
`SHEA/)15Hm2. fifii?‘1fifiafi.§fi‘tgofi
`fiifiififib%©&HOBT( 81mg. O,6€')=El|z)
`Efluil slfifli‘lmfi-Lfco fimfifirfkfimlfit’fit
`é’vf$&béfi§<%ifl/—», manna-~771—
`Mi: 11953— 1 19872 (5)
`fialfiEC;5v.62¢. H ; 6.591;. N -, 12.271;
`—-Prn *Gly—Gln—FrOvMB tATyr(2. 5~Glg—-
`fifiifi U’VP175 74 A. éflifififiBIM't$~*®
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`( 15w)szleor15 ofiflfifi¥wflfl¢3
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