`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, ViJgLnia 22313-1450
`F ING OR 371 (C) DATE
`C. Steven McDaniel
`C. Steven McDaniel
`c/o Daffer McDaniel LLP
`PO. Box 684908
`Austin, TX 78768-4908
`Date Mailed: 11/12/2008
`FILED UNDER 37 CFR1.53(b)
`Filing Date Granted
`Items Required To Avoid Abandonment:
`An application number and filing date have been accorded to this application. The item(s) indicated below,
`however, are missing. Applicant is given TWO MONTHS from the date of this Notice within which to file all
`required items and pay any fees required below to avoid abandonment. Extensions of time may be obtained by
`filing a petition accompanied by the extension fee under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`' The statutory basic filing fee is missing.
`Applicant must submit $82 to complete the basic filing fee for a small entity.
`' The oath or declaration is missing.
`A properly signed oath or declaration in compliance with 37 CFR 1.63, identifying the application by the above
`Application Number and Filing Date, is required.
`Note: If a petition under 37 CFR 1.47 is being filed, an oath or declaration in compliance With 37 CFR 1.63
`signed by all available joint inventors, or if no inventor is available by a party with sufficient proprietary interest,
`is required.
`The applicant needs to satisfy supplemental fees problems indicated below.
`The required item(s) identified below must be timely submitted to avoid abandonment:
`. Additional claim fees of $7642 as a small entity, including any required multiple dependent claim fee, are
`required. Applicant must submit the additional claim fees or cancel the additional claims for which fees are
`' To avoid abandonment, a surcharge (for late submission of filing fee, search fee, examination fee or oath or
`declaration) as set forth in 37 CFR 1.16(f) of $65 for a small entity in compliance with 37 CFR 1.27, must be
`submitted with the missing items identified in this notice.
`Total additional fee(s) required for this application is $9114 for a small entity
`' $82 Statutory basic filing fee.
`' $65 Surcharge.
`' The application search fee has not been paid. Applicant must submit $270 to complete the search fee.
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`' The application examination fee has not been paid. Applicant must submit $110 to complete the examination
`fee for a small entity in compliance with 37 CFR 1.27.
`' The specification and drawings submitted electronically contain the equivalent of more than 100 pages.
`Applicant owes $945 for 328 pages in excess of 100 pages for a small entity in compliance with 37 CFR 1.27.
`' Total additional claim fee(s) for this application is $7642
`' $3300 for 30 independent claims over 3.
`- $4342 for 167 total claims over 20.
`Replies should be mailed to:
`Mail Stop Missing Parts
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`Registered users of EFS-Web may alternatively submit their reply to this notice via EFS-Web.
`For more information about EFS-Web please call the USPTO Electronic Business Center at 1-866-21 7-9197 or
`visit our website at http://www.uspto.gov/ebc.
`If you are not using EFS—Web to submit your reply, you must include a copy of this notice.
`Office of Data Management, Application Assistance Unit (571) 272-4000, or (571) 272-4200, or 1-888-786-0101
`page 2 of 2

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