`PTO/AiNS-ZA (07-13)
`Approved for use through 11i30i20‘i4. OMB oesmosr
`Document Description: Power Of Attorney
`US Patent and Trademark Office; LLS. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Actoi1995, no persons are required to respond to a ooiiection of information uniess it dispiays a valid OMB controi number.
`NOTE: This form is to he submitted with the Power of Attorney 'oy Appiieant torrn (PTO/AiA/SZB) to identify the appiicetion to which the
`Power of Attorney is directed, in accordance with 37 CFR i.5, uniess the application number and filing date are identified in the Power of
`Attorney by Apoiioant form.
`if neither form PTO/AiA/SZA nor form PTO/AiABZB identifies the eopiiestion to which the Power of Attorney is
`directed, the Power oiAttorney wiii not be recognized in the epoiiention,
`SEGNATURE of Ag.:c~iioent or Patent Practitioner
`iitiiioiieei V. North!
`iviieheei v. North
`Titie (irAnpiicantisa Attorney
`jurisiic entity)
`éAdaptive $peflirum and Signet Aiigr’m’ient ma
`NGTE: This form must. he signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33, See 37 CFR 1.4(d) for signature requirements and certifications. it
`more than one appiioant, use muttinie forms.
`*Totei of :3
`forms are submitted.
`This coiiection of information is required by 37 CFR 1131, 1.32, and 1.33. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by
`the pLibitC which is to tits (and by the USPTO to process) an eopiioation. Confidentisiity :s governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CPR
`1.11 and 1.14. This eoiieotion is estimated to take 3 minutes to complete, inoiuding gathering, preparing, and submitting the oomoieied
`eopiioation form to the USPTG. T:rne will vary depending upon the individuei case. Any comments on the amount oftirne you require
`to comniete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, shouid be sent to the Chief information Officer, US. Patent and
`Trademark Office, US. Department of Commerce, PO. Box 1450, Aiexsndrie, VA 223134456. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TC: Ti—iis ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, Rt). Box 1459, Atexendrie, VA 22313—1450,
`ifyou need assistance in completing the form, oeii 1—800—PTO—Q199 and select option 2.
`mmvammwmw. 1....1121114 3MB 0
`LIDIILImEaIIi Besmpfim. PDWILI III“ Attorney
`1 91151
`Image; us IIEIIAIIIIIIENI 0F com. me
`‘ vs3 Mid OMB contra! number
`UIIfieI the F‘apawvmk '
`i h—Ieby revake. aii piesvious powersofattamey giupn In tenLappiicaiiop Saniiii2203’III e;iIhEI the attaciI‘ed Iransgmittai Iaiter or
`the Seer- bemw.
`Appkcataan Number
`{Note; The hexag- abw‘e may be {eff blank if IanI‘maiion Is provider} on form P} GIMME;-3A)
`I haf‘fiébfi apppim: the Pateni Pmcfitionpdgs) éZ'SSEICiEEEI‘d with Ihe: fcaii'owifig Cus‘mner Njumber ES III‘II'IDIII a‘tIIIrI-Ipv.“ GT ageIIII‘s‘). and
`to transaci a}! hIISIIIe-ss III the United SIaIes PateIII and T I'ademark Offipe copnpcmfi IhemeIh III he appi aticn referencad in
`the siteache-d {Iansmmai Ipfipr (farm F’TuIAIAI’SZI‘I) III Identifadi shave:
`I hereMyappoint Pracztiticmms} me.mad inthe attached iist {forIII PTOAIMBZC} as IIIy/‘OIII afinrneyis} pr ageMS}; and to transmit
`_aii Susi III?33 in the UnIIeci SIaiea Patapé and Trademark Office pennacted therewith for the, patent apoiira’ti (In Ieferen'cedIn the
`attachad irEInSmitiai iefieI {I'IIIIII FTM‘AIEUSISA) or Idenfifieid sham.
`(Note: Cmnpiete form ’9'."IU}NWSZC.)
`Fiaase mmgnize III Ghanga SIB mrmsponfienm afidress I’m the appiicatian ifienm‘iefiIII Sm aflachgd Sam-Emmi
`Better or the b.9xe3 ai’mm m:
`The addrasss atssociateci with the abeveemeniioned Customer IT’IIEIIIIIbEII
`"I'i'Ie-add‘ress emaciated with Sustomer Numbar:
`Firm ("II
`Infiividuai Name
`FI-ridre Is
`I am the“ Appiicam {iii the Appiicant Is a juristic eIIiiiy, iisit the Appfia‘ant name In the‘mx): I
`Enveném' or Jam II‘IIIeIIIm {We {mi requimd beimw}
`Legas Rppresmmzwe 0:5 a DC‘CBERESCI 0r Li.ga‘iiy Incapacii'ated irIIIEnto‘I {title not requires {wow}
`I)" Assignee Qf' Persnn to ‘I’I’I’Ipm the Invempr is Under an Obiigation to Assign (pmvidp aigne‘r’s Iiiixa if a-ppiicani; is a jurisiic Entity}
`Person WM QIheIwise Shaw's Sufiicieni Proprietary News: (3.9, a petiiipn LIan 37 CPR IASQIIKE} was granted in {be
`Sippiicafion {II is cormgz‘wanfiy‘ being filed with {his Sagumanf} (pm‘vide signefs litie Ifapp’iicant is a jun‘s-‘iII; eII‘iiiy}
`SIGNATURE of Appiim‘mt for Patent
`The ufirfiemignm {whims {Itie is sup-{flied bfsiewiis Iauthmiézéd II) act an behaif 0f’fi'Ifié3ppI‘i'canf {12. 9.5»when:re: the apph‘arhIs a jIIIisIIC.@IItiiy'I
`m ‘
`‘93} $33 \
`5 1S:
`Genera!Gaunsai and Cmparate Secretary"
`aspardar‘newih?CFR13‘3See: 3? Iii-”IFS 4fnrfirgnat.) nquifiarnmiie
`LGTEHwgwatxfiu This {GIIIImIRIISI be signed by the appitca
`and czeItifIIzaiions . ifII'IaIe than une appBeam use IIIII Itipiie farms.
`This mimetic?! of iII‘fng
` . . ngQmIaIian is requ:red its aim“? ar refain I3 berzgffi by ti:
`iJSF‘TCI to. pat-sea} an appiiiza
`SCI'II‘Ide'IVIaIf; is govemed‘0;: :55 i. .0.
`and (53 {SF
`’1 11 and‘ .‘21 This cohesfion'IS ‘asiimatfi
`{LI take minutss‘ts carrmiefe,
`"If: farmD-me. USP‘I’G 'i’I‘IIIE wiI‘IWary depantfmg 1mm Mai ndivic‘ua: case Any:mmmpnts'cn the Emma:
`inciu II; (Ithr‘rIng, pII—Iparing, and wuhmittingihe. compmerj app; .
`.IIIII audio: suggesticns ‘qu Iaducfing IIIIS b
`Ian. Shawn‘s hesentto:he Chaf'hIf‘IIm'IIInII Officer {I‘5 5mm IINTI
`Iark Offim. I} S,
`of ix;IIe yam'eupire in c\ ppleie iiII'.
`flaps-mmgm ofSummarm PO. Bax.I‘ISC Amanc‘éria. WI 223134MISC. DO NIL.- I
`fez-'Paiants. ROI Sm; MSG. ,maxand’ria. VA 22313;? IIISfi.

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