`can" vv \va v-l oI‘C '-
`low named inventor, I hereby declare that my residencelpost office address and citizenship are as stated below next to my name. and I believe I aria the
`I. first and sole inventor (if only one name is “sled below) or an original. first and joint inventor (ifplural names are listed below) ofthe subject matter which
`imed and for which a patent is sought on the INVENTION ENTITLED
`191 a
`In ormatlon S stem
`the Specification of which (CHECK applicable BOX(ES))
`] is attached hereto.
`as US. Application No. 0_/
`Au St 18
`[X] was filed an
`] was filed as PCT lnlemanonal Appllcatron No. PCT/
`.> [
`.> .> and (if US. or PCT application amended) was amended on
`I hereby state that l have reviewed and understand the contents oftheMy amendment referred
`to above.
`I acknowledge the duty to disclose all information known to me to be material to patentability as defined in 37 CPR. l56. I hereby claim foreign priority
`benefits under 35 U.S.C.
`l l9/365 of any foreign application(s) for patent or inventor's certificate listed below and have also identified below any foreign application
`for patentor inventor's certificate filed by me or my assignee disclosing the subject rmtter claimed in this application and having a filing date (I) before that of the
`application on which priority is claimed. or (2) if no priority claimed. before the filing date of this application:
`Day/MONTH/Year Filed
`Date first Laid-
`can or Published
`Dale Patented
`or Granted
`Priorig Claimed
`I l9/120/365 of the indicated United States applications listed below and PCT international applications
`I hereby claim domestic priority benefit under 35 U.S.C.
`listed above or below and. if this is a continuation-in-part (ClP ) application. insofar as the subject matter disclosed and claimed in this application is in addition
`to that disclosed in such prior applications, I acknowledge the duty to disclose all information known tone to be material to palentability as defined in 37 CPR.
`l.56 which became available between the filing date of each such prior application and the national or PCT international filing date of this application:
`Agglicadon No. (series code/serial no.)
`Day/MONTH/Ycar Filed
`EndingI abandoned. patented
`Priorig Claimed
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein ofmy own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and beliefare believed to be true: and
`further that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment. or both. under
`Section IQOI of Title l8 of the United States Code and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity ofthe application or any patent issued thereon.
`in?! . m Paul F. McQuade
`And‘l hereby appoint Pillsbury Madison & Sutro LLP. Intellectual Property Group, I 100 New York Avenue. N.W., Ninth Floor. East Tower. Wuhingmn. D.C.
`20005-39l8. telephone number (202) 8.61v3900'01') whom all conunuriicaticns arc to be directed), and the below~narncd persons (of the same address) individually
`. and collectively my attorneys to prosecute this application and to transact all business in the Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith and with the resulting
`patent. and I hereby authorize them to delete names/numbers below of persons no longer with their firm and to act and rely on instructions from and communicate
`directly with the person/assigncdattomey/flmr/ organization who/which first sends/sent this case to them and by whom/which I hereby declare that l have consented
`afier full disclosure to be represented unless/until I instruct the above Firm and/or 2 below attomey'in writing to the contrary.
`Paul N. Kokulis
`David w. Brinkrrran
`208l7 Michelle N. Lester
`Ruth N. Morduch
`Raymond F. Lippitt
`George M. Sirilla
`G. Paul Edgell
`Richard H. Zeitlen
`0. Lloyd Knight
`Donald J. Bird
`Lynn E Ecclecton
`Roger R. Wise
`Carl G. Love
`Peter w. Gowdcy
`David A.-Jakopin
`Jay M. FinIteIstein
`Edgar H. Martin
`Dale S. tam
`28872 Mark G. Paulson
`Anita M. Kirkpatrick
`William K. West. Jr.
`Glenn .1. Perry
`Timothy .1. Klima
`34852 Michael R. Dzwonczyk
`Kevin E. Joyce
`Col n
`Stephen C. Glazier
`Date ‘imfgfi
`Inventor's Name (typed)
`Middle Initial
`Country of Citizenship
`Famil Name
`Swe en
`l ‘
`Midence (City) Danderyd
`Post Office Address (Include Zip Code) JiMJiv'M.fl/E S- 1 8 2 3 5 Dande
`Family Name
`Middle Initial
`Country of Citizenship
`saw/pom Conn
`Post Office Address-(Include Zip Code) Bri’ Da
`man; 39:;
`fixed: ah
`lnventor’i Norrie (typed)
`Family Name
`Country of Citizenship
`Middle Initial
`(State/Foreim Conny)
`Residence (City)
`5—] 8]
`I j dj ngo’
`Post Office Address (Include Zip Code) Stj a" mrta‘ gen 19
`] and attach sheet (PAT-l 16.2) for same information for each re signature. name. date. citizenship. residence
`and address.)