`Nalini J. PRAKASH
`Appl. No. 11/889,685
`Amendments to the Claims
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the
`application. The claim identifiers, or lack thereof, below conform to the rules for reissue
`amendments set
`forth in 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.173(b)(2),
`(d), and (e).
`(See also,
`MPEP. 8§ 1454 GD, GV), and CV).
`(Thrice Amended)
`A method for graphically [indicating] representing
`secured items on a computer [in a program for displaying contents in a selected place],
`[the method] comprising:
`determining a security level of each of the secured items, wherein the determined
`security level correspondsto a securitylevelfromasetofapluralityofsecuritylevels [,
`wherein each of the secured items has a default icon associated with if the each of the
`secured items is otherwise not secured]; and
`for graphically displaying the secured items, superimposing [an appropriate] for
`[the] a default icon [without losing original indications of the default icon], wherein the
`(Once Amended)
`The method as
`recited in claim 1,
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`intercepting [files from the selected place when the files are selected by the
`program for displaying the contents in the selected place] items whentheitemsare
`retrievedfromastoragedevice; and
`[checking if] determining whether any of the [secured] intercepted items are
`[includedin the files] secured.
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 2, wherein said
`determining a security level [of each of the secured items] comprisesactivating a client
`module [when said checking indicates that there are] inresponse to a determinationthat
`at [lease] least one of the [secured] itemsis [includedin the files] secured.
`(Once Amended)
`The methodasrecited in claim 3, wherein the client
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 4, wherein [the
`selected place is a folder and] the operating system [is] comprises a graphic windows
`operating system and the program [is] comprises a utility [for a user] configured to
`display [the] contents[in] of the [folder] storage device.
`(Once Amended)
`The method as
`recited in claim 3,
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`[wherein the client module is configured to look into] determining security
`information associated with the at least one [of the secured items] secured item, [and]
`wherein the security information includes information regarding the security level of the
`at least one [of the secured items] secured item.
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 1, wherein the
`default icon is associated with an executable program [, when the each of the secured
`items or the default icon thereofis clicked, the executable program will be activated].
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 1, wherein the
`[appropriate] security icon includes a visual object and a transparent background.
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 9, wherein said
`superimposing [an appropriate icon corresponding to the security level over the default
`icon] comprises overlaying the visual object onto the default icon such that at least a
`portion [without obscuring the rest] of the default icon is visible.
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 9, wherein said
`superimposing [an appropriate icon corresponding to the security level over the default
`icon] comprises generating a superimposed icon including the default icon with the
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`visual object superimposed thereon suchthatatleast a portion of [without obscuring the
`rest of] the default icon is visible.
`(Once Amended)
`The method as recited in claim 10, wherein the
`default icon is associated with an executable program [, when the each of the secured
`items or the superimposed icon thereof is clicked,
`the obscuring program will be
`(Thrice Amended)
`A computer-implemented method [for graphically
`indicating secured items in a program for displaying contents in a selected place, the
`method] comprising:
`[retrieving all files in the selected place;]
`intercepting [the files when metadata of the files are being loaded into the
`program] itemsbeingretrievedfromastorazedevice;
`[checking if there is] determining whetherat least one of the [secured] retrieved
`items [includedin thefiles] is secured;
`security level correspondstoasecuritylevelfromasetof a plurality of securitylevels
`[activating a client module to determine how the at least one of the secured items is
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`secured, whenit is checked that the at least one of the secured items is included in the
`files]; and
`generating a superimposed icon [to indicate the at least one of the secured items
`is secured, different from the rest of the files when displayed in the program] based, at
`secured item.
`(Twice Amended)
`The computer-implemented method as recited in
`claim 14, wherein [there is an appropriate icon for the at least one of the secured items
`when the at least one of the secured items is not secured, and wherein] said generating a
`superimposed icon comprises:
`[choosing an appropriate] determining a security icon for the at least one [of the
`superimposing the [appropriate] security icon over [the] a default icon, wherein
`the default icon is confizuredtorepresentanon-secureditemfromwhich the at least one
`secured item was derived [associated with, without losing original indications of the
`default icon].
`(Twice Amended)
`The computer-implemented method as recited in
`claim 15, wherein the [appropriate] security icon includes a visual object and a
`transparent background.
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`(Twice Amended)
`The computer-implemented method as recited in
`claim 16, wherein said superimposing [the appropriate icon over the default
`comprises overlaying the visual object onto the default icon such that at least a portion
`[without obscuring the rest] of the default icon is visible.
`(Twice Amended)
`[A computer for graphically indicating secured
`items in a program for displaying contents in a selected place, the computer] An article
`perform operations comprising:
`[at least a processor;]
`[a first memory space for storing a client module;]
`[a second memory space, coupled to the processor, for storing code as a graphic
`operating system,
`the code, when executed by the processor, causing the graphic
`operating system to support the program for displaying the contents in the selected place
`and perform operationsof:]
`[retrievingall files in the selected place;]
`[checking if there is] determining whether at least one of the [secured] retrieved
`items [included in thefiles} is secured;
`in_ressonsetoa.determinationthatatleastoneoftheitemsis secured,
`determining a security level of theatleastonesecureditem,wherein the determined
`security level corresponds to.asecuritylevelfromasetofaplurality of security levels
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`[activating the client module to determine how the at least one of the secured items is
`secured, when it is checked that the at least one of the secured items is included in the
`files]; and
`generating a superimposed icon [to indicate the at least one of the secured items
`is secured, different from the rest of the files when displayed in the program] based,at
`secured item.
`(Once Amended)
`The [computer] article of manufacture as recited in
`claim 18, wherein [there is an appropriate icon for the at least one of the secured items
`whenthe at least one of the secured items is not secured, and wherein] said generating a
`superimposed icon comprises:
`[choosing an appropriate] determiningasecurity icon for the at least one [of the
` secured items] secureditembased,atleast.inpart, on the determined securitylevel; and
`superimposing the [appropriate] security icon over [the] a default icon, wherein
`default icon].
`(Once Amended)
`The [method] articleofmanufacture as recited in
`claim 19, wherein the [appropriate] security icon includes a visual object and a
`transparent background.
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`(Once Amended)
`The [method] article of manufacture as recited in
`claim 20, wherein said superimposing [the appropriate icon over the default
`comprises overlaying the visnal object onto the default icon suchthatatleastaportion
`[without obscuring the rest] of the default icon is visible.
`(Twice Amended)
`A tangible computer readable medium [containing
`program code executable by a computing device for graphically indicating secured items
`in a program for displaying contents in a selected place, the computer readable medium]
`havinginstructionsstoredthereon,theinstructions comprising:
`[program code for determining] instructions to determine a security level of each
`of [the] secured items, wherein the determined security level corresponds to a security
`levelfromasetofapluralityofsecuritylevels [, wherein each of the secured itemshasa
`default icon associated with if the each of the secured items is otherwise not secured];
`[program code for superimposing] for graphicallydisplayingthesecureditems,
`instructions to superimpose [an appropriate] for each secured item a security icon
`corresponding to the security level of that item over [the] a default icon [without losing
`indications of the default
`icon}, wherein,thedefaulticonrepresentsa
`correspondingnon-secured item from which the resrective secured itemwasderived.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium as recited
`in claim 22,
`the instructions further comprising:
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`[program code for intercepting] instructionstointercept [files from the selected
`place when the files are selected by the program for displaying the contents in the
`selected place] items when the items are retrieved from a storage device; and
`[program code for checking if] instructions to determine whether any of the
`[secured] intercepted items are [included in the files] secured.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 23, wherein the [program code for determining] the instruction to determine the
`security level [of the each of the secured items comprises program codefor activating]
`comprise instructions to activate a client module [when the program code for checking
`indicates that there are] in resyonse to a determination that at [lease} least one of the
`[secured] itemsis [includedin thefiles] secured.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 24,the instructions further comprising:
`security information associated with the at least one [of the secured items] secured item,
`[and] wherein the security information includes information regarding the security level
`of the at least one [of the] secured [items] item.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 22, wherein the default icon is associated with an executable program [, when
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`the each of the secured items or the default icon thereof is clicked, the executable
`program will be activated].
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 22, wherein the [appropriate] security icon includes a visual object and a
`transparent background.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium as recited
`in claim 27, wherein the [program code for superimposing] instructions to superimpose
`the [appropriate{ security
`icon corresponding to the security level over the default icon
`[comprises program code for overlaying] compriseinstructions to overlay the visual
`default icon is visible.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 27, wherein the [program code for superimposing] instructions to superimpose
`the [appropriate] security icon corresponding to the security level over the default icon
`[comprises program code
`for generating]
`comprise.instructionstogenerate a
`superimposed icon including the default
`icon with the visual object superimposed
`thereon such that at least a portion [without obscuring the rest] of the default icon is
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`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 29, wherein the default icon is associated with an executable program [, when
`the each of the secured items or the superimposed icon thereofis clicked, the obscuring
`program will be activated].
`(Twice Amended)
`A tangible computer readable medium [containing
`program code executable by a computing device for graphically indicating secured items
`in a program for displaying contents in a selected place, the computer readable medium]
`havinginstructionsstoredthereon,theinstructions comprising:
`[program codeforretrieving all files in the selected place;]
`[program code for intercepting] instructions to intercest [the files when metadata
`of the files are being loaded into the program] items being retrieved from_a storage
`[program code for checking if there is] instructionstodeterminewhetherat least
`one of the [secured] retrieved items [included inthefiles file] is secured;
`inresponsetoadeterminationthatatleastoneofthe itemsissecured,
`instructions to determineasecurityleveloftheatleastonesecureditem, wherein the
`determined security level corresponds to a securitylevelfromasetofapluralityof
`security levels [program code for activating a client module to determine how theat least
`one of the secured items is secured, whenit is checked that the at least one of the secured
`items is includedin thefiles]; and
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`[program code for generating] instructions to generate a superimposed icon [to
`indicate the at least one of the secured itemsis secured, different from the rest ofthe files
`when displayed in the program] based,atleastinpart.onthedeterminedsecurity:level
`for graphically displaying
`the atleastonesecureditem.
`(Once Amended)
`The tangible computer readable medium asrecited
`in claim 32, [wherein there is an appropriate icon for the at least one of the secured items
`when theat least one of the secured items is not secured, and] wherein the [program code
`for generating] instructions to generate the superimposed icon [[comprises]] comprise:
`[program code for choosing an appropriate] instructions to determine a security
`icon for the at least one [of the] secured [items] itembased.atleastinwart,onthe
`determinedsecuritylevel; and
`[program code for superimposing] instructionstosusserimposethe [appropriate]
`security icon over[the] a default icon, wherein the default icon is configuredtorepresent
`a non-secured item from which the at least one secured item was derived [associated
`with, without losing original indications of the default icon].
`(Once Amended)
`The [method] tangible computerreadablemedium
`as recited in claim 33, wherein the [appropriate] security icon includes a visual object
`and a transparent background.
`(Once Amended)
`The [method] tangiblecomputerreadablemedium
`as recited in claim 34, wherein the [program code for superimposing] instructions to
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`superimpose the [appropriate] security icon over the default icon [comprise program
`code for overlaying] compriseinstructionstooverlaythe visual object onto the default
`icon such that at least a yortion [without obscuring the rest] of the default icon is visible.
`determining a security level of a secured item; and
`determined security, level corresponds toa security level from a set of a plurality of
`37...{New}Themethod as recited in claim 36, further comprising:
`intercesting an item when the item is retrieved from.a storaze device; and
`38...(New)The method as recited in claim 37. wherein said determining a
`security level comprises activatingaclient module in responsetoadeterminationthatthe
`item is secured.
`39,(New)Themethodasrecited inclaim38.whereintheclientmoduleis
`configuredtooperate in an operating system supporting
` program,
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`determining security information associatedwiththesecureditem,whereinthe
`security.informationincludesinformationregarding the security level of the secured
`atetndanano aa ana tae
`43...{ew} The methodasrecitedinclaim36,whereinthedefaulticonis
`associated with an executable program.
`44,{Sew}Themethodasrecited in claim36.whereinthesecurityicon
`45.{New}The method as recited in claim44.whereinsaid superlmposing
`comprisesoverlayingthevisualobjectonto the defaulticonsuchthatthedefault iconis
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`47,New}Themethodasrecitedinclaim45.whereinthedefaulticon is
`associated with an executable program.
`(New) A comsuter-implementedmethodcomnrising:
`interceptinganitembeiny retrievedfroma storagedevice:
`of security levels: and
`generatinyasuperimposediconbased, atleast in yart.onthedetermined security
`levelforgraxhically displayingthesecureditem,
`50...{New}The computer-implementedmethodasrecitedinclaim49,
`determining a securityiconforthesecured item based,atleastinpart, on the
`Atty. Dkt. No. 2222.540REIO
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`superimposingthe securityicon over a default icon. wherein the default icon is
`configuredtorepresentanon-secureditemof asamefiletype as the secured item.
`(New; The computer-implemented method asrecitedinclaim50,
`whereinthesecurityiconincludesavisualobjectandatransparent backround.
`whereinsaidsuperimposing comprises overlaying the visual object ontothedefaulticon
`53, {ew}Anarticleofmanufactureincludingacomputer-readablemedium
`having instructions stored thereon, execution ofwhichbyacomputingdevicecauses the
`determining whether the item is secured:
`inresponse to a determination that the itemissecured,determining a security
`levelofthesecureditem,whereinthe determined security levelcorrespondstoasecurity
`generating a superimposed icon based,atleastinwart,onthe determined security
`Atty. Dkt. No. 2222.540REI0
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`surerimposing the security icon over a default icon, wherein the default icon is
`55. iNew} The article of manufacture as recited in claim 54, wherein the
`superimposingcomprises overlaying the visual obiect onto the default iconsuchthatthe
` iNew} Atangiblecomputerreadablemediumhavinginstructionsstored
`thereon, the instructions comprising:
`determinedsecuritylevelcorrespondstoasecuritylevelfrom a set of a plurality of
`security levels; and
`forgraphically dislaying the secured item, instructionstosuperimposeasecurity
`(ew) The tangible computer readablemediumasrecitedinclaim57,the
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`instructionstodeterminewhether the intercepted itemissecured.
`59.____{New}Thetangiblecomputerreadablemediumasrecited in claim58.
`instructionstodetermine security informationassociatedwiththesecured item,
`secured item.
`(New? Thetangiblecomputerreadable medium as recited in claim 62.
`whereintheinstructionstosuperimsose the security icon correspondingtothesecurity
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`levelover,thedefaulticon compriseinstructionstooverlay the visual object onto the
`defaulticonsuchthatthedefaulticonisatleastpartially visible.
`64.€New} The tangible computerreadablemediumasrecitedinclaim62,
`whereintheinstructionstosuperimposethesecurity iconcorrespondingtothesecurity
`includingthedefaulticon with the visual objectsuperimposedthereonsuchthatthe
`defaulticonis at least yartiallyvisible.
`65.{New}Thetansible computer readablemediumasrecitedinclaim64,
`(New) A tangible computerreadablemediumhavinginstructions stored
`thereon,theinstructions comgising:
`instructions to intercestanitembeingretrieved froma storaxe device:
`instructionstodeterminewhether the item is secured:
`inresponsetoadetermination thattheitemissecured,instructionstodetermine a
`securitylevelofthesecureditem, whereinthedeterminedsecurity level correspondsto a
`instructionstogenerateasuperimposed icon based. at
`least inpart,onthe
`determinedsecuritylevelforgraphically displayiniz thesecureditem.
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`68.{New}Thetangiblecomputerreadable medium_asrecitedin claim 67.
`whereintheinstructionstoxenerate the superimposediconcomprise:
`defaulticonisconfigured to represent a non-secured item from which the secured item
`was derived.
`iNew} The tangible computer readable medium as recited in claim 68.
`whereinthesecurityiconincludes a visual object and a transparent background.
`at least partially visible.
`Atty. Dkt. No. 2222.540REIO