`Nalini J. PRAKASH
`Appl. No. 11/889,685
`Reconsideration of this Application is respectfully requested.
`Upon entry of the foregoing amendment, claims 1-12, 14-30, 32-47, 49-65, and
`67-70 are pendingin the application, with claims 1, 14, 18, 22, 32, 36, 49, 53, 57, and 67
`being the independent claims. These changes are believed to introduce no new matter,
`and their entry is respectfully requested.
`Based on the above amendment and the following remarks, Applicant
`respectfully requests that
`the Examiner
`reconsider all outstanding objections and
`rejections and that they be withdrawn.
`Objection to the Oath/Declaration
`The Examinerhasrejected claims 1-12, 14-30, 32-47, 49-65 and 67-70 under 35
`U.S.C § 251 as allegedly being based upon a defective reissue declaration. Applicant
`respectfully requests that this rejection be held in abeyance until allowable subject matter
`is indicated, at which time a supplemental declaration under 37 C.F.R. § 1.175(b)(1) will
`be submitted covering all errors corrected in reissue prosecution.
`Objection to the Specification
`The Examiner has objected to the Specification as allegedly failing to provide
`proper antecedent basis for subject matter in claims 1, 50, and 57.
`In particular, the
`Examiner argues that the Specification does not provide proper antecedent basis for the
`term “derived.” Applicant respectfully traverses this rejection.
`Claim 1 as amendedrecites, inter alia, “wherein the default icon represents a
`corresponding non-secured item of a same file type as the respective secured item.”
`Support for this amendment is found at, inter alia, ‘597 patent, 2:24-33, 9:13-17, and
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`9:50-52 (same file extension (denoting file type, e.g., Word doc) for both secured and
`non-secured items). Claims 50 and 57 (new relative to the ‘597 patent) have been
`similarly amended/revised to addressthis rejection.
`Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests the reconsideration and withdrawal
`of the objection to the Specification for at least the aforementioned reasons.
`Rejections under 35 U.S.C, § 251
`The Examinerhasrejected claims 1-12, 14-30, 32-47, 49-65 and 67-70 under 35
`U.S.C. § 251 as allegedly being an “improper recapture of broadened claimed subject
`matter surrendered in the application for the patent on which the present reissue is
`based.” (Office Action,p. 3). Applicant respectfully traverses this rejection.
`The Examiner arguesthat the language “a program on a computer” was agreed to
`by Applicant in the original application and presented to obviate a rejection.
`Action, p. 4). This is not a correct characterization of the agreement. As noted in both
`the Examiner’s Interview Summary and the Examiner’s Amendment and Reasons for
`Allowance on p. 2 (both mailed March 24, 2005) in the original prosecution,
`language added to overcome the rejection was simply “on a computer”. Although this
`language appears to have been omitted from the issued claim as published, Applicant
`seeks to reintroducethis claim limitation herein, thereby accommodating the rejection.
`The Examiner additionally argues that the language “without losing an original
`indication of the default icon” has been improperly removed and raises the issue of
`recapture. Applicantfirst notes that this language is not present in claim 14 (which the
`Examiner has nevertheless rejected on this basis), and yet was allowed in original
`prosecution. Additionally, Applicant never acquiesced to this language as the basis for
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`Appl. No. 11/889,685
`Instead, the Examiner relies on the Examiner’s Reasons for Allowance
`(Office Action, p. 4) as the basis for surrender. This is improper, as “[t]he examiner’s
`statement of reasons for allowance in the original application cannot, by itself, provide
`the basis for establishing surrender and recapture.”
`(M.P.E.P. § 1412.02(1)(B)(2)(C)
`(citing Ex parte Yamaguchi, 61 USPQ2d 1043 (Bd. Pat. App. & Inter. 2001)(reported but
`unpublished, precedential))). Applicant did not file any statements on the reasons for
`allowance under 37 C.F.R. § 1.104(e), and therefore the rejectionis in error.
`For at
`the aforementioned reasons, Applicant respectfully requests the
`reconsideration and withdrawal of the rejection of claims 1-12, 14-30, 32-47, 49-65 and
`67-70 under 35 U.S.C. § 251.
`Rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 101
`The Examinerhas rejected claims 1-12, 14-17, 36-47 and 49-52 under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 101 as allegedly being directed to non-statutory subject matter. Applicant respectfully
`traverses this rejection.
`Claim 1 (likewise for new/amended claim 36) has been amended to reintroduce
`the language “on a computer” that appears to have been inadvertently omitted from the
`published ‘597 patent. Claim 14 is sought to be amended to recite a “computer-
`implemented method”(likewise for new/amended claim 49), addressing the rejection on
`similar grounds. It is noted that claim 14 (and broadened claim 49) were never intended
`to be amended with the language “on a computer”, and were allowed in original
`prosecution despite lacking this language. Accordingly,it is not impermissible recapture
`to use different, potentially broadening languagein this regard in claims 14 and 49.
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`Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests the reconsideration and withdrawal
`of the rejection of claims 1-12, 14-17, 36-47 and 49-52 under 35 U.S.C.§ 101.
`Rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`Claims 1-814, 15, 18, 19, 22-26, 32. 33, 36-43, 49, 50,53, 54, 57-61, 67 and 68
`The Examiner has rejected claims 1-8, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22-26, 32, 33, 36-43, 49,
`50, 53, 54, 57-61, 67 and 68 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as allegedly being obvious over
`U.S. Patent No. 7,340,599 to Naccache (“Naccache”) in view of U.S. Patent No.
`5,577,125 to Salahshour et al. (“Salahshour”). Applicant respectfully traverses this
`Claim 1
`inter alia, “for graphically displaying the secured items,
`superimposing for each secured item a security icon correspondingto the security level
`of that item over a default icon, wherein the default icon represents a corresponding
`non-secured item of a samefile type as the respective secured item.”
`In arguing the rejection of claim 1, the Examiner relies on Naccacheto allegedly
`teach “displaying selected icon and assigning a characteristic for indicating that the
`operation in progress is or is not secure.”
`(Office Action, p. 5). This icon, such as
`padlock 28 of FiG. 2, is superimposed on a web browserto indicate a secure transaction.
`However, this icon is never intended to be superimposed “over a default icon,”as recited
`in claim 1, and in fact does not operate on a mechanism that would allow this
`the Examiner relies on Salahshour as allegedly teaching “key icon
`image(s) overlay/superimpose default folder icon”.
`(Office Action, p. 6). Contrary to
`the Examiner’s assertion, it would not have been obviousto one of ordinary skill in the
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`to superimpose a dynamic security icon (i.e, one that changes based on
`correspondence to the security level of the item) over the default icon. Missing from
`either reference is any teaching or suggestion of how one ofordinary skill in the art
`would be able to apply a corresponding security icon over a default icon, rather than just
`the one icon (key) of Salahshour, as shown in Salahshour, FIG.2.
`In effect, the ability to show a particular icon correspondingto a security level (as
`alleged in Naccache) does not mean that one of ordinary skill in the art would beable to
`superimpose such an icon over another icon representing an item (e.g., a file). The
`mechanisms used to display an icon in Naccache and to overlay an icon in Salahshour
`are not the same,are not interchangeable, and are not interoperable.
`In the ‘597 patent, Applicant discusses the exemplary use of Windows DLLfiles
`containing a plurality of customized icons.
`(‘597 patent, 9:17-38). This is an exemplary
`mechanism by which an icon can be superimposed over another, as in the Salahshour
`example. However, Salahshouronly everuses a single icon (e.g., the key icon), and does
`not providefacilities for superimposing oneofa plurality of icons.
`In contrast, Naccache simply allegedly displays particular icons for a security
`level, without superimposing them, and would therefore not use a display mechanism
`that allows superimposing icons.
`The result
`is that application of Naccache to
`Salahshour changes the principle ofoperation ofeither one of the references. Naccache
`uses simple image rendering capabilities that do not operate on icons in the sense of the
`claim, particularly icons for graphically displaying the secured items (Naccache’s icons
`do not behave in this manner, they are just images - see Naccache, 4:4-6).
`In contrast,
`Salahshour does operate on this kind of icon, but lacks the ability to display the relevant
`icon from a set of icons. The two referencesare therefore not physically combinable.
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`Appl. No. 11/889,685
`For at least the aforementioned reasons, claim 1 is not rendered obvious by the
`combination of Naccache and Salahshour. {[ndependent claims 14, 18, 22, 32, 36, 49, 53,
`57, and 67 recite similar features, using respective language, and are likewise not
`rendered obvious by the combination of Naccache and Salahshour for at least the same
`reasons as claim 1, and further in view of their own respective features. Various
`dependent claims each depend from one of the aforementioned independent claims, and
`are likewise not rendered obvious by the combination of Naccache and Salahshour forat
`least the same reasons as the independent claims from which they depend, and furtherin
`view of their own respective features.
`Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests the reconsideration and withdrawal
`of the rejection of claims 1-8, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22-26, 32, 33, 36-43, 49, 50, 53, 54, 57-61,
`67 and 68 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).
`Claims 9-12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27-30, 34, 35; 44-47, 51,52,.55,56, 62-655
`69, and 70
`The Examiner has rejected claims 9-12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27-30, 34, 35, 44-47, 51,
`52, 55, 56, 62-65, 69, and 70 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as allegedly being obvious over
`Naccache in view of Salahshour, further in view of U.S. Patent No. 5,638,501 to Gough
`et al. (“Gough”). Applicant respectfully traverses this rejection.
`For the reasons noted above, Naccache and Salahshourfail to teach or suggest
`each and every feature of the several independent claims (1, 14, 18, 22, 32, 36, 49, 53,
`57, and 67), and therefore do not render those claims obvious. Goughfails to supply the
`missing teachings or suggestions, and therefore the several independent claims are also
`not rendered obvious by the combination of Naccache, Salahshour, and Gough. Claims
`9-12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27-30, 34, 35, 44-47, 51, 52, 55, 56, 62-65, 69, and 70 each depend
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`from one of the several independentclaims, and are likewise not rendered obvious by the
`combination of Naccache, Salahshour, and Gough for at least the same reasons as the
`several independentclaims, and further in view of their own respective features.
`Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests the reconsideration and withdrawal
`of the rejection of claims 9-12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27-30, 34, 35, 44-47, 51, 52, 55, 56, 62-
`65, 69, and 70 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).
`All of the stated grounds of objection and rejection have been properly traversed,
`accommodated, or rendered moot. Applicant therefore respectfully requests that the
`Examiner reconsider all presently outstanding objections and rejections and that they be
`withdrawn. Applicant believes that a full and complete reply has been made to the
`outstanding Office Action and, as such,
`the present application is in condition for
`If the Examiner believes, for any reason, that personal communication will
`expedite prosecution of this application,
`the Examiner is invited to telephone the
`undersigned at the number provided.
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`Nalini J. PRAKASH
`Appl. No. 11/889,685
`Prompt and favorable considerationof this Amendment and Replyis respectfully
`Respectfully submitted,
` Salvador M, Bezos
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 60,889
` Date: .
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`Atty. Dkt. No. 2222. 540REIO