`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`ad<"20020417" and (((secure or
`‘security) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbolor indicat$4 or represent$6 or
`icorespond$4 or associat$4)) with level
`‘with (layer or overla$4 or translucen$4 or
` “tT
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((secure or (OFF—-{2010/03/08‘US- ‘OR
`isecurity) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbolor indicat$4 or represent$6 or
`icorespond$4 or associat$4)) with level)
`iand ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/
`.ccls. or "726"/$.ccls.)
`1117 (@ad<"20020417" and (((secure or
`‘security) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbolor indicat$4 or represent$6))) and
`‘("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.
`iccls. or "726"/$.ccls.)
`ad< "20020417" and (((secure or
`isecurity) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbolor indicat$4 or represent$6)) with
`level) and ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or
`09"/$.ccls. or "726"/$.ccls.)
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((secure or
`isecurity) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or—‘PGPUB; 14:13
`isymbol or indicat$4 or represent$6)) with
`(display$3 or view$3 or (pop$4 near up)))
`‘and ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/ §
`.ccls. or "726"/$.ccls.)
`r visib$5 or (super adj1 impos$6))) RRREEEEEEEELFEE REEL EEEAE
`‘S7 not St
`file:///Cl/(Documents%20and%20Settings/Inguyen15/My%20...9685/EASTSearchHistory.1 1889685_AccessibleVersion.htm (1 of 6)3/9/2010 2:12:30 PM
` ‘@ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`isecure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6)) with (display$3 or view$3 or
`i(pop$4 near up))) and ("715"/$.ccls. or
`'"705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or "726"/$.
`ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`ithumbnail$1 or symbol or indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6 or corespond$4or associat
`:$4)) with level with (layer or overla$4 or
`‘translucen$4 or transparen$4 or opaque$4
`EASTSearch History
`{89 ‘OFF—-_|2010/03/08'798- '@ad<"20020417" and (((secure or ‘US- ‘OR
`‘security) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbol or indicat$4 or represent$6))) and
`("715'/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709'/$.
`ad< "20020417" and (((secure or
`isecurity) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbol or indicat$4 or represent$6))) and
`("715"/715, 740-743, 768, 765,836-
`9,846,849,859,861 ,862,866.ccls.)
`d<"20020417" and (((secure or
`‘security) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or—{PGPUB; 114:23
`isymbolor indicat$4 or represent$6))) and
`ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`ithumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6))) and ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6))) and ("715"/715,740-
`:743, 768, 765,836-
`39,846,849,859,861 ,862,866.ccls.)
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((secured or
`isecure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol or indicat$4 or
`present$6))) and ("715"/$.ccls.)
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((secured or ‘OFF—-{2010/03/08‘US- ‘OR
`isecure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6)) with (display$3 or view$3 or
`i(pop$4 near up))) and ("715"/$.ccls. or
` ‘S16. 15=@ad<"20020417"and(((securedorUS (CR (OFF={2010/03/08
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6)) with (display$3 or view$3 or
`i(pop$4 near up))) and ("715"/$.ccls.)
` '@ad<"20020417"and(((secureorUS ‘OR (OFF(2010/03/08
`‘security) near (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbolor indicat$4 or represent$6)) with
`‘(display$3 or view$3 or (pop$4 near up)))
`tand ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/
`ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2)) with
`(display$3 or view$3 or (pop$4 near up)))
`iand ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/
`ccls. or "726'/$.ccls.)
` d<"20020417"and((securedorsecure |
`‘or security) near (icon$2)) and ("715"/$.
`iccls. or "705'/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or
`file:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/Inguyen15/My%20...9685/EASTSearchHistory.1 1889685_AccessibleVersion.htm (2 of 6)3/9/2010 2:12:30 PM
`EASTSearch History
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((secured or
`isecure or security) near icon$2) with ((old
`‘$2 or previous$2 or default or before")
`iand (new or current or another or
`isubsequentor follow$3))) and ("715"/$.
`iccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((secured or
`isecure or security) near icon$2) with ((old
`‘$2 or previous$2 or default or before")
`iand (new or current or another or
`‘subsequent or follow$3)))
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`isecure or security) near icon$2) same ((old ‘PGPUB;
`‘$2 or previous$2 or default or "before”)
`iand (new or current or another or
`‘subsequentor follow$3))) and ("715'/$.
`iccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or
`(2441@ad<"20020417"and(((securedor (US-
`‘secure or security) near icon$2) same ((old {PGPUB;
`$2 or previous$2 or default or before")
`sand (new or current or another or
`isubsequentor follow$3)))
`i@ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol or indicat$4 or
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`EPO; JPO {OR (OFF=:2010/03/08
`isecure or security) near (icon$2 or
`ithumbnail$1 or symbol or indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6)) with level)
`(927-5(@ad<"20020417"and(securedorsecureEPO;JPOOR (OFF2010/03/08
`ior security) near icon$2)
`$28. 5~—{S27 not S26 (OFF=2010/03/08EPO; JPO {OR
`‘@ad< "20020417" and ((((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol or indicat$4 or
`‘represent$6)) with (next or beside or (side
`inear by near side) or (pop$4 near up) or
`(tool neartip) or balloon or blink$3 or fad
`‘$3 or click$4 or select$5 or hover$3))
`isame (((old$2 or previous$2 or default or
`‘"before") and (new or current or another
`ior subsequentor follow$3)))) and ("715'/$.
`iccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or
`file:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/Inguyen15/My%20...9685/EASTSearchHistory.1 1889685_AccessibleVersion.htm (3 of 6)3/9/2010 2:12:30 PM
`EASTSearch History
`ee, ceeeeaeeenenen: pecnencencncncenenencenenengeneneegenneegegeneecegcugegegeneegeneneegeneneegeneueeceneeeegeneuaeg) Gouaeceneuaeceneueeceneuges gheueecenenaeceneuaeceneueeceneneegeg: Peegenensenenanannens geaenenseceneneeceneneeseneneenenenseey i
` @ad<"20020417" and ((((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`ithumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6))) same (((next or beside or
`i(side near by near side) or (pop$4 near
`iup) or (tool neartip) or balloon or blink$3
`ior fad$3 or click$4 or select$5 or hover$3)
`iand (old$2 or previous$2 or default or
`‘"before") and (new or current or another
`ior subsequentor follow$3)))) and ("715'/$.
`iccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or
` d< "20020417" and (((word or pdf) \ i :2010/03/08
`inear (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or symbol or
`findicat$4)) with (secure or security)) and
`("715'/$.ccls. or "705"/$.ccls. or "709'/$.
`iccls. or "726"/$.ccls.)
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((word or pdf)
`inear (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or symbol or
`‘indicat$4)) with (secured or secure or
`‘US- ‘OFF—-{2010/03/08:OR
`‘@ad<"20020417"and(((fileorfolder)=(US (OR (OFF(2010/03/08
`inear (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or symbol or
`iindicat$4)) with (secured or secure or
`s5notSs338.—t—“(i‘C‘COCOCOS*é‘(CSNSNNNCOC*™ usOR—~<“it*‘CSCS*C«iTOV/V/OBD
`“122 @ad<"20020417"and(((file$1orfolder$1(US ‘cRC—™ (OFF(2010/03/08
`‘or document$1) near (icon$2 or thumbnail
`‘$1 or symbol$5or indicat$4)) with
`ecured or secure or security))
`bad<"20020417"and(((file$1orfolder$1(US ‘OR (OFF(2010/03/08
`ior document$1) near (icon$2 or thumbnail
`'$1 or symbol$5)) with (secured or secure
`‘or security) \RASHES)
`9 not $35 ‘OFF—-{2010/03/08‘US- ‘OR
`ad< "20020417" and (((file$1 or folder$1_(US-
`tor document$1) near (icon$2 or thumbnail
`‘$1 or symbol$5 or indicat$4)) with
`i(secured or secure or security)) and "715"/
`file:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/Inguyen15/My%20...9685/EASTSearchHistory. 1 1889685_AccessibleVersion.htm (4 of 6)3/9/2010 2:12:30 PM
`EASTSearch History
`4842. 412={@ad<"20020417"and(((file$1 or folder$1_ \US- ‘OR (OFF 2010/03/08
`ior document$1) near (lock or padlock))
`‘with (secured or secure or security))
`ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbolorindicat$4 or
`irepresent$6)) with (display$3 or view$3 or
`(pop$4 near up))) and ("715"/$.ccls. or
`"705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls.)
`ad< "20020417" and (((icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$5) near (lock or
`‘padlock)) with (secured or secure or
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$5) near (lock or
`‘padlock)) with (secured or secure or
`'@ad<"20020417"and(((file$1orfolder$1EPO;JPOOR” (OFF(2010/03/08
`ior document$1) near (lock or padlock))
`‘with (secured or secure or security))
`ad< "20020417" and (((file or folder or
`idocument) with (icon$2 or thumbnail$1 or
`isymbolor lock or padlock)) with (secured
`ior secure or security))
`‘US- (OFF—-{2010/03/08:OR
`‘US- ‘OFF—{2010/03/08‘OR
`AS64415=}@ad<"20020417"and(((file$1 or folder$1 {US- OR ‘OFF :2010/03/08
`‘or document$1) near (icon$2 or thumbnail
`‘$1 or symbol$5)) with (private or
`onfidential)) and "715"/$.ccls.
`:$1 or symbol$5) near(private or
`onfidential) and "715"/$.ccls.
`‘@ad<"20020417" and ((icon$2 or
`ithumbnail$1 or symbol$5) near (private or
`‘confidential)) and "715"/$.ccls.
`‘@ad<"20020417" and ((icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$5) near (private or
`iconfidential) )
`file:///Cl/Documents%20and%20Settings/Inguyen15/My%20...9685/EASTSearchHistory.1 1889685_AccessibleVersion.htm (5 of 6)3/9/2010 2:12:30 PM
`EASTSearch History
` ‘403
`sts—<—SsUS (CR (OFF={2010/03/08
`'@ad<"20020417"and((icon$2or (EPO;POOR (OFF2010/03/08
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$5) near (private or
`Dad<"20020417"and(((securedorUS ‘OR (OFF2010/03/08
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol)) with (indicat$4 or
`‘represent$6 or corespond$4 or associat$4)
`ith (confidential or private))AEBSES,SAE
`d<"20020417" and (((icon$2 or
`ithumbnail$1 or symbol)) with (indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6 or corespond$4 or associat$4)
`‘with (confidential or private))
`ad< "20020417" and (((icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$1)) with (indicat$4 {PGPUB;
`ior represent$6 or corespond$4 or associat
`'$4) with (confidential$5 or priva$4 or
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((secured or
`‘secure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol or indicat$4 or
`irepresent$6)) with (display$3 or view$3 or
`i(pop$4 near up))) and ("715"/$.ccls. or
`"705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls. or "726'/$.
`ad< "20020417" and (((secured or
`ssecure or security) near (icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbolor indicat$4 or
`‘represent$6)) with (display$3 or view$3 or
`‘(pop$4 near up))) and ("715"/$.ccls. or
`*"705"/$.ccls. or "709"/$.ccls.)
`4 not S65
`‘@ad<"20020417" and (((icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$1)) with (indicat$4 ‘PGPUB;
`ior represent$6 or corespond$4 or associat
`:$4) with (confidential$5 or priva$4 or
`isecurity)) and ("715"/$.ccls. or "705"/$.
`Is. or "709"/$.ccls. or "726"/$.ccls.)
`‘@ad< "20020417" and (((icon$2 or
`‘thumbnail$1 or symbol$1)) with (indicat$4. {PGPUB;
`ior represent$6 or corespond$4 or associat
`:$4) with (confidential$5 or priva$4 or
`isecurity)) and ("715"/715,740-
`:743, 768, 765,836-
`3/9/2010 2:12:10 PM
`C:\ Documents and Settings\ Inguyen15\ My Documents\ EAST\ Workspaces\ 11_889685, 10_124179.
`file:///Cl/(Documents%20and%20Settings/Inguyen15/My%20...9685/EASTSearchHistory.1 1889685_AccessibleVersion.htm (6 of 6)3/9/2010 2:12:30 PM

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