Units: the Parmrwurk Ram{‘01
`“”3806 {What
`Approved tar ass mmwah GF’JSI‘HSGEZ. {EMS 1355191“?
`US, Fatént sand Tiadhmark Office; {3.3 DEFAR‘E’MEMT OF COM MEFECE
`it)”: Am at 1939 m} :‘mrssrms; SIB {at uis'ett {a msmmd tn 9. chimeric”; 5f infimmtjm miss»: it viii: 3.553 *5; a vaiivj OMB mutant mumhmz
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`Emsmme Transfar 0f Nucfleic A0395 is Cefis
`Codéak Sinciemzes, inc.
`{Name :3? Asség
`states that it is:
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`an assigns-e 0f teas than the entire right mien and interest in
`(The axtent {by percentaga} of its ownsmhip interest is
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`the patent appii-cattampatem ,idemifissd ahwa by vittuce m” eithm:
`An assignment ham the Enve‘monfis} of the patent appticaflon‘ipatam identified abmre. The asgignment was recorded in
`me Uni‘ed States PatENt and Tfaden-larg Qfiiae at Ree;
`.............................................................................. ’ 13$. for \‘9§3*Gt} a
`new tharefme £52 attached
`A chain at hike from the inventmfst of the patent appficationfpatent identified above. in the current assignea as foiihws:
`1‘ 9mm:
`Jan Lohratt, Ham Vafatfi. Jams Nitssmn
`m; Exosnma Vantum AB
`The document was; recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark affine at
`Re-ei 036729““““““““““““““““ ,
`or fer which a mpy‘ theme? is attached.
`2. Hum:
`Extrasome Venture AB
`Tc: V121 hm.
`The document was rammed in the United States Patent and Trademark Ofi‘ice at
`» .............................................. :
`or far which a new when? is attached-
`3‘ From:
`V1.2“?= the.
`Ta: Codiak Bitssciencas, inc.
`Thea Gammant was rewarded in the: United Statas Patent and Trademark Office at
`Ree! 037355
`Frame 55??
`\. m for which a can}; theme!“ is attachéd‘
`Adam-mat documssnts in time chain of titte are tisiled an a supptememasi ahee‘tta}.
`As :‘equarad by 3? CFR 3.?3(t))(1}(i}, the documentary evidence at the: chain of htie from the as'iginai nwner it: the: asmgnae was,
`or concurrentiy is being. sub-mittad for {atomization pursuant to 3? CFR 3.11.
`{NGTE A separate copy (:7 at, a Ema copy of tha magma} assignmant documenflsh must be :submtttad h: Assighmam Divismn in
`:acczm'dant:e with 3? CFR Part 3r tc: record the assignment in the remrds of the USPTO. ggg MPEF‘ 302.308}
`The undémigned {Mensa title is supp-fled beiuw} is autmrizad to act on behaif of the assignea.
`iGena H. Yea:
`Aprii 18‘ ms
`Gene 24. Ye-e
`Attorney — Reg N0, 57.4???
`Printed or T wad Name
`This miiactitsn at inmm‘cmim‘. i9 :aquimd by 3:? C-
`FR 3.73m}. The infmmat'son is zaquiz‘ad to obtain tar retain a tiauai‘it tsp“ this putaticwhists is to fiie {and by the 1.3891010
`pmmw} an appiication, Crmfiz
`n‘tiatiiy is gsrwm‘ned by 25$ USS. 122 am! 37’ CFR Hi and 1.14. This: caitacfin
`$1 miima‘lad {a {aka 12 minutes to Ccmpiete‘ imitating
`gathering, pmmrmg. anti mmmm’mg the t-ampiethd appticah‘m farm to the USPTQ, time wiii vary depending upon me indivéduai case. AW tommants on the amt-um a? time-
`you res-13mm to umnnmm M9 far
`amdfm‘ suggesttmna Fm reducing thia: human, {ctmuiw‘j his 5.9m it: the Chief informatim Officm‘. LL51 Rama and trafiamzssk Chime. 5.5.8‘
`Cap-mment of iiznmmeme, PO. flax 345th Atexamixia, VA Efittt3xt4533. {15} NOT SEEM) FEES {ER CQMPLETED FORMS TO THE? ABDRESB. SEND TD". Ca-mmissinnet
`for pawns, REL EM 1459, Afllaxandria, VA 223134453
`if you “sad ass-istamra in ssnipiamg the fan-:1: asst InSQQ-PTG«§E99 and sweet @230?) 2,


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`Chain of Title — Continuation
`Patent No. 93085,778
`Issue Date July 21, 2015
`Title: Exosome Transfer of Nucleic Acids to Cells
`From: Jan Lotvall, Hadi Valadi
`To: Exosome Venture AB
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel: 037855
`Frame: 0728
`From: Jan Lotvall, Hadi Valadi
`To: Exosome Venture AB
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel: 037958
`Frame: 0470

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