`Pat-enthnher “393357-78
`FAYENT .. FS‘WEQ €183“: A‘1‘?€SRNEY
`.I-21y 22 2015
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`a, Power 0f Niamey is submittefi herewith.
`PTGISB/SM (1100}
`Approvad farmaihmugafi'3012011. OMSIBSI13935
`11.8.Paéem‘ and:{a emark affine; L52;° DEPAR'(MEN: 0.“ MIIERCE
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`Under the Paaezwcrk Reductim Act of 1:195, m) permns are requireti ts rsspone’ to a ouiiectém fl-fmrormafion uniass it c}?Gpiays a vaiid {ma mum hammer.
`i hereby appcin :‘i’mttianerfs} ass-:Iciated with the. feiiomhg CuStamer Number as myicw
`attamey{s) Gr age?is} with {aspect {a the hatemt ifientified above and I0 hams"act 53‘!nusirzeass in
`QR the Unéted States Esta:‘1 and Tradamazk (3mm <30an363d therewith:
`m I hereby appcin; Practéfienefis} named aeIow as mys'c-r afiomefis} a: agemfijs} wkh I'ezsheci to the pafeht Magnified
`above and £0 transacf 331525322182?» k": the Unh‘ed Shakes Peaism: and Trademark Qfiécg scammed therewith:
`Registratian Numb .
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`Pieasae remgnize or change that,‘orrespsndenw :address for‘{he shavesiden'fifiezfi patent16.”
`1X1...” The adda‘sss asscciated wfih the ab:3ws--m=‘snfim1=3§ Custamex‘ Numbes.
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`f 0f 53- the iIIiantors or patent owneIs of {he emire Infierest or thefi reprasentats’va’s) are I‘eguirmfi, Submit mufliaie forms if more than one
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`This ccflaciion 6f infomIaticn is required by
`CPR 1.33, ”L32 and 7.33, The infan‘naiicn is mquimd in Obtain Cr retain a hersefi‘:by‘he- pubiicvshirhI2: tr; fiie {and by the
`am: is governed by 35T 1.3 (3.12"? and 37 CF? '1 1I and 1 M This :21.5195130; is estimated 10 take 3I'I’Iinuies ic mingleta
`TJEPTO’IX‘: pumess} an appiicaficn. Confia‘
`51131165:ng nathedng preparing antissubmuzm-zs me wmp§eied appIImtI'rsn {arm I93136'IJSF‘TQ. Tim3wiiivaw depending ups. he indivm‘ua: case. Any ccmmems (II
`the amcum of Lima 31:32.- requin'. is campiete {N5 {mm and/gr suggestions far reducing Shis bu:mien sI;Quid be as1“ to the Chief {nmeI51km fiffmar U. 8..“ardent 6:Id
`Tradem"rk Ofii0:? 13.3 Dem I,
`.It of Commerce .‘....) 30x 1:251) MEX-Emilia \IA 24c.33‘450 80 NQT SEND FEES DP COMPLETED FORMS T0 : HIS
`A‘IDDRESS. SEND TO: fiammsssgiomr far Mam, Rf}. E63: ’5' 135%}, Mexana‘t‘ia, VA 233§3~§6§511
`{fyou med assisfaime in wmpieiing I‘m: form. ca?! f~BGG~PTG-91§Q am} seiécf apfion 2.
`Ps‘ivacy Ami 5333233338333
`The flimsy A33 {3? 1333 {$3.53. §3~5?§‘ rsqmrss met you im- given certaén infafmafim in cannficticre
`with yum $ubm§$sim 9? {ha aétached farm reiated to a gamma: appéinaitimn a; mien: AmardingSy.
`pursuant is the izaqasiremems <32“ ihe Amt, gfiaass he 2333:3583 that: {3} the gefiea'aS autmrity fa: the
`miiecéim‘. afthés infmrmaiicsn is 3.5 2(b){2}; {2} furnishing cf Em i'n‘fcsrmaticn 33333330: is miuniary;
`and {3} the principai {Mimosa far which {he mfwmméon is used by the 5.3 Patent and Ta‘ademas'k
`Caffice is it) macaw andt‘mr examine yew subm-iasicn refia’saa‘ is a mtiant zippiisaiiw Gr paieni. if you SQ
`not 332mm 5m: requesteé imfm‘ma‘ém. the US. 5323mm? 3:33 “fradamark @3303 may mat be sat-fa in
`3350:3933 andfar examine yam“ submésaém. whim may resufi in imminaéém cf pmcee *ings or
`abandonment af {rm agpiicatien Gi’ exgiratéan 93‘? the. 2323’sz
`The infarmaiéan provided by you in tifis farm wiéi be 3313;9th the fsifowing muffins; was:
`'3. Tbs informatics“: cm 333 farm 3333? be mama canfidantéafiy is me extent afimwd time: the
`Freezfiom 0f infm‘mafion Act {5 USE 552} and the: Privacy Ac? (5 53.3.0 55222}. 33309de 333m
`this system <31" racerds may he 333330332? :0 the Degafimant Of Justice 5:: detarmine whether
`discfiesura :33“ these mamas $3 requie'efi 53y ihe Fs'eadsm 0f Enfarmatim Act.
`2. A recarfi i‘mm 375$ sysi‘em cf regards. may {we discimea‘, as a mufine U38, 33 the $013233 87'
`press "ding; evidesnce 253 a cam, magigérats, 0r afiménis‘wafiiva tribunai, énciuu‘im discéssures it)
`cmoging munsei in tha CGUFSE a? sefimsmfii negatéatéms.
`t0 3 Mamba of
`3. A racmd in this 33:35am :3? magma may be disdosm, as a masking Use,
`Congrasss submifiing 2s rfiquest éuvcfivéng an inda‘viéuai, to Wham {he fECGE‘d gamma, when the
`333343333: has z‘ecgue35ed amistzmce item 333 Mamba with respsci is the Subject matter :33“ éhe
`4. A record in thia system cf regards may ha disdasad. as 33 {amine a333, fish a crorairacim 0f the
`figem‘y having new far thee informatien in maize: it) gamma 3 00:35:33: Recipéents a?
`ififaa‘mation ghaii has; required is samgfly wiéh $53.53 mauémmems <3? the F’rivacy Am <3-‘ 19M, 33
`amandecé, pursuant is 5 USC. 5523(m}.
`5. A a‘emrd reiatea‘ in an émarnaiianaé Appfisaiicsn flied unfiw {.9333 Peters? Cmgerafi‘icm Tram}; 3“:
`this; system a? mama‘s may be disscEc-sed, a3 a regime use. in the Enigmatésxnm Eureau its?" {519
`Warm Entefiieatuai Pmpas‘ty Qrganézafign, pursuant {a the Pa‘iem‘, Gangs-fawn Tmaiy.
`8 A remix} 3: ihis system 0? r‘eccrds may be 3333:9333, as, a mufine use. is) amine? federai
`agency fer purpasgzs a? Natianaé Sammy <ev§ew {35 USS-C3 33‘?) and fa? revéaw pursuant t0
`the Mamie Energy Ave": (41?. U.S.C:. 218(8)}.
`.1. A reams“ {mm this system 0? racmds may be ziéssfiweg‘, as a mutina use. {a the Afiminisératcr,
`Genesrai Sewicesa, 9r hisiher des§gnee. during an insmcfiofi cf {Scams cenfiucéed hy GSA as
`past a?“ that agency‘s respcnamiéiiy ks recammem impz'cvemenia in z'amm‘s managemené
`practises and gaa‘ograms, uncéar autmriiy <35 44 236% am 29536 Sum discEcsura shat?!
`he made is accmdama with we: GSA reguiaticns gamming Enspecéicn a? 932st far this
`gamma. and any ether reimrsané (£39.. GSA m fiemmerce) dix'eciixie. 8:39.53 éésciassuna shafi mt
`be 533% is) maka dsmmzinaiians abcut findividuais.
`8. A regard {ram this swig-am sf racards may be §§$G3G$éfii as a {mime use, to éhe pubéis afiaz"
`eithef pubficafiim of the. agxpiicatian pursuant m 333 33.3.0. 32263) <35 issuance of a patent
`pursuant is 35 USE). $5.1. Further, a rsacm’d may be (3333;533:333, gubject it) 5.53 iimifiafians cf :37?
`{231352 M4, as 23 muffins use. f9 5529. gmbéic if the record wag flied in as: ang-icaficn whéch
`became abandmneé {31' in whish the praceedings were tenninai‘ad and which apmicatim $3
`ra‘ferencad by 83?.th a gmhiéshad appfiicaéém. an agapficafim men :8 pubiic Enzsgzactian m“ an
`E33383 paiam.
`A mean: fmm this sysifim (sf records may be disséased, are: a raui’ine 133:3. ”:23 a Federai. 8553369,
`0r Ema? Saw enfm‘cemené agency, if 339 U‘SPTG bewmes swam of a viaiaiian or mmniiai
`visiaz‘écm :3? 52333! (N reguiation.

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