`Publication Title:
`Server reservation
`1483 Abstract of EP1191441
`To allow many users to efficiently use the functions of a processing server that
`performs predetermined processing, via a network and also to prevent
`interference by illegal users.
`In a content supply system 100,
`in order to use a
`streaming server 102 to performalive distribution, a user PC 106 to be used
`makes a reservation for a time zone, etc. to a server reservation control center
`101. When the reservation is accepted, the user PC 106 sends a reconfirmation
`(reconfirmation of the reservation) to ihe server reservation control center 101 by
`six hours before the distribution start time according to the reservation.
`If the
`reconfirmation is not made by six hours before, the server reservation control
`center 101 cancels the reservation. On the other hand,
`if the reconfirmation is
`made by six hours before, the server reservation conirol center 101 confirms the
`reservation and carries outbilling processing.
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`(19) 9d
`Europaisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`EP 1191 441 A2
`(51) Int cl.?: GOBF 9/50, HO4L 29/06
`* Ihara, Keigo
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (JP}
`* Nishimura, Takanori
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (JP)
`* Fukuda, Junko
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (JP)
`* Sueyoshi, Takahiko
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (JP)
`{74} Representative: Ayers, Martyn Lewis Stanley
`JA. KEMP & CO.,
`14 South Square,
`Gray's Inn
`London WC1R 5JJ (GB)
`{43) Date of publication:
`27.03.2002 Bulletin 2002/13
`{21} Application number: 01307379.6
`(22) Dateof filing: 30.08.2001
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`(30) Priority: 34.08.2000 uP 2000264559
`(71) Applicant: SONY CORPORATION
`Tokyo (JP)
`(72) Inventors:
`» Yoshimine, Takao
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo (JP)
`Server reservation
`To allow many usersto efficiently use the func-
`tions of a processing server ihat performs predeter-
`mined processing, via a network and also to prevent in-
`terference by illegal users. In a content supply system
`100, in order to use a streaming server 102 to perform
`a live distribution, a user PC 106 to be used makes a
`reservation for a time zone, etc. to a server reservation
`contre! center 101, When the reservation is accepted,
`the user PC 106 sends a reconfirmation (reconfirmation
`of the reservation} to the server reservation control cent-
`er 101 by six hours before the distribution start time ac-
`cording to the reservation. If the reconfirmation is not
`made by six hours before, the server reservation control
`center 101 cancels the reservation. On the other hand,
`if the reconfirmation is made by six nours before, the
`server reservation control center 101 confirms the res-
`ervation and carries out billing processing.
`FIG. 19
`EP 1 491 441 A2
`that the content creator who has been preparing for live
`distribution in the time zone may not perform five distri-
`bution in that time zone.
`{0001} The present invention relates to a serverres-
`[0G08}=In order to prevent such a problem and insure
`ervation method for making a reservation for the use of
`efficient use of the strearning Server to perform five dis-
`functions of a processing server that performs predeter-
`tribution, itis possible to use the streaming server based
`mined processing, by accessing the processing server
`on areservation system. However, adopting such a res-
`via a network, a reservation control apparatus that con-
`ervation system may present the following problem.
`trols reservations for the use of the processing server
`That is, when a reservation system is adopted, illegal
`and a prograrn to be executed by the reservation control
`users may makefictitious reservations (making a reser-
`vation but not fuifilling it} in many time zones, which pre-
`In a computer network system, an individual
`vents other users from making reservations. Suchficti-
`generally opens a homepage to provide created content
`over the Internet.
`tious reservationsbyillegal users can put in danger the
`continuation of the reservation system.
`[0003] When a user personally opens a homepage,
`the user acquires a homepagecreation program with a
`Such a problem can occur not only in the res-
`ervation system of the streaming server for carrying out
`personal computer(hereinafter referred to as "PC*}, cre-
`a live distribution but also in the case where a user PC
`ates a homepage hyper-linked with a plurality of content
`uses the functions of a processing server that carries
`based on the homepage creation program and stores
`out predetermined processing other than live distribu-
`the homepagein a serverof an Internet service provider
`tions, via a network such as the internet and adopts a
`(hereinafter referred to as "ISP").
`reservation systern taking into account the processing
`{0004] Then, the ISP provides the homepagetoacli-
`ent who has accessed it over the Internet fromthe server
`capacity of the processing server and securing of the
`communication path between them, etc.
`and when an anchor on the hornepageis clickec, then
`{0010}=[t Wouid be desirable to provide for server res-
`the ISP provides linked content.
`ervation capable of allowing many users to efficiently
`in recent years, contents to be supplied to cli-
`ents overthe Internet include many motion pictures and
`use the functions of a processing server that performs
`predetermined processing via a network and, prefera-
`sounds in addition to still pictures, To provide content
`bly, also to reduce interference by illegal users.
`such as motion pictures, motion picture files and audio
`files created by the user are uploaded beforehand in a
`{0011} According to one aspect of the invention, the
`following steps are taken when the user terminal appa-
`predetermined storage area in a streaming server ofthe
`ratus makes a4 reservation for the use af the processing
`ISP. Then, upon receiving aclient's request, the stream-
`server, via the network in orderfor the user terminal de-
`ing server of the ISP distrinules corresponding files to
`vice to use the functions of the processing server that
`the client by streaming over ihe internet.
`performs predetermined processing, by accessing ihe
`Furtherrnore, the technique ofdistributing con-
`processing server via the network. Atfirst, the user ter-
`tent such as motion pictures to clients over the internet
`minal apparatus sends reservation request information
`includes a technique called "live distribution’, in addition
`including a desired service time to use the processing
`to "on-demand distribution” whereby a motion picture
`server fo the reservation control apparatus via the net-
`file is uploaded in a streaming server beforehand and
`work. When the reservation forthe use of the processing
`distributed in response to a request from a client as de-
`server during the desired service time inciuded in the
`scribed above. In the live distribution, motion picture da-
`la created by acontent creator, for example, using a dig-
`reservation request information is accepted, then per-
`mission notification information notifying that the reser-
`ital camera, is encoded in real time and is sent to the
`streaming server over the Internet, etc. Then,
`vation is accepted is sent to the user terminal apparatus
`via the network. Then, reconfirmation information forthe
`streaming server reproduces the motion picture data
`accepted reservation is sent from the user terminal ap-
`supplied in real time from the content creator while re-
`cording it in a dedicated storage area, and can thereby
`paratus to the reservation control apparatus via the net-
`wark, The reservation is confirmed when the . reserva-
`supply the motion picture data in real time te the request-
`tion control apparatus receives the reconfirmation infor-
`ing client.
`[0007] When the above-describedlive distribution is
`mation sent from the user terminal apparatus by a pre-
`determined time before the desired service time, andthe
`performed, the content creator needs to send motion
`reservation is canceled when the reservation control ap-
`picture data to the streaming server in real time, and it
`paratus does not receive the reconfirmation information
`is necessary to secure acommunication path to transmit
`by a predetermined time before the desired servicetime,
`motion picture data between the streaming server and
`a persenal computer (hereinafter referred to as "PC") of
`f0012] Adopting such a reservation system to use the
`the content creator while live distribution is performed,
`functions of the processing server allows many users of
`This limits the number of content that can be distributed
`user terminal apparatusestoefficiently use the process-
`by live distribution using the streaming server during the
`ing server. Furthermore, since the reservation is can-
`same period, and ina rush lime zone, there is a problem
`celed whenthe userof the userterminal apparatus does
`EP 1191 441 A2
`not send reconfirmation information of a reservation te
`the reservation control apparalus by a predetermined
`time before, it is possible to preveniillegal users from
`making fictitious reservations in many time zones, On
`the other hand, legal users can confirm reservations by
`sending the reconfirmation infarmation andif the legai
`users do not send the reconfirmation information by a
`predetermined time before, they can cancel the reser-
`vation, without taking any reservation cancellation pro-
`(0013] As described above, the present invention al-
`lows many users to efficiently use the functions of the
`processing via a network and can aiso preveni interfer-
`ence byillegal users.
`Preferred embodiments of this invention will
`now be described by way of non-limitative example with
`reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
`is a block diagram showing an outlined overall
`Fig. 1
`configuration of a content supply system to which a
`methad of using a server according to an embedi-
`ment of the present invention is applied;
`Fig. 2 is a block diagram showing a configuration of
`a user PC thatutilizes a personal casting servicein
`the content supply system;
`Figs. 3A to 3D are perspective views showing con-
`figuration examples of appearance of the user PC
`Fig. 4 is a drawing showing an initial screen when
`an application program of the user PC slaris;
`Figs. 5A and 5B are drawings showing a display
`screen of the display section of the user PC in a
`capture mode;
`Figs. 6A to 6C are drawings showing a display
`screen of the display section of the user PC in an
`upload mode;
`Figs. 7A and 7B are drawings showing a display
`screen of the display section of the user PC in a
`Web check mode;
`Figs. 8A and 68 are drawings showing a cisplay
`screen of the display section of the user PC ina live
`reservation mode:
`Figs. 9A and 9B are drawings showing a cisplay
`screen of the display section of the user PC ina live
`distribution mode;
`Fig. 10 is a drawing showing an effect displayfieid
`in the live distribution mode:
`Figs. 11A to 11C are drawings showing 4 display
`screen during effect setting processing in the live
`distribution mode;
`Fig. 12 is a block diagram showing a configuration
`of a server reservation control apparatus of the con-
`tent supply system,
`Fig. 13 is a drawing showing the top page of a Web
`page stored in a hard disk of a live casting server
`of the server reservation control apparatus;
`Figs. 14 to 17 are drawings showing the Web page
`stored in the hard disk of the live casting server;
`Fig. 18 is a drawing showing the contentsof the res-
`ervation database of ithe server reservation control
`Fig, 19 is a sequence flow chan showing processing
`operations by the user PC and the live casting serv-
`er during memberregistration;
`Fig. 20 is a drawing showing a display screen of the
`display section of the user PC during the member
`Fig. 21 is a sequenceflow chart showing processing
`operations by the user PC and ihe live casting serv-
`er during distribution reservation;
`Fig. 22 is a drawing showing a display screen
`shown on the display section of the user PC during
`the distribution reservation;
`Fig. 23 is a drawing showing a display screen
`shown on the display section of the user PC during
`the distribution reservation;
`Fig. 24 is a drawing showing a display screen
`shown on the display section of the user PC during
`the distribution reservation above;
`Fig. 25 is a sequence flow char showing processing
`operations by the user PC andthe live casting serv-
`er during reconfirmation processing in the distribu-
`tion reservation;
`Fig. 26 is a drawing showing a display screen
`shown on the display section of the user PC during
`the reconfirmation processing;
`Fig. 27 is a drawing showing a display screen
`shownon the display section of the user PG during
`the reconfirmation processing;
`Fig. 28 is a drawing showing a reservation setting
`information file created by the live casting server
`and sent to the user PC during the reconfirmation
`Fig. 29 is a drawing showing a dispiay screen
`shownon the display section of the user PC during
`the reconfirmation processing;
`Fig, 30 is a drawing showing the contents of e-mail
`to be sent to e-mail addresses specified during the
`reconfirmation processing;
`Figs. 31 to 33 are drawings showing a display
`screen shown on the display section of the user PC
`when a reservation is changed;
`Figs. 34 and 35 are drawings showing a display
`screen shown on the display section above of the
`user PC above when 4 reservation is canceled;
`Fig. 26 is a drawing showing a display screen
`shown on the display section of the user PC when
`a reservation is confirmed;
`Fig. 37 is a Sequenceflow chan showing processing
`operations in the content supply system during the
`live distribution;
`Fig. 38 is a drawing showing a display screen of a
`client PC that receives a content supply during the
`live distribution;
`Fig. 39 is a schematic drawing showing an overall
`EP 1 191 441 A2
`configuration of a network system according to a
`modification of the embodiment;
`Fig. 40 is a schematic perspective view showing an
`external configuration of acamera-integrated digital
`cellular phone:
`Fig. 41 is a schematic perspective view showing a
`display section of the camera-integrated digital cel-
`iular phone when the camerais rotated; and
`Fig. 42 is a biock diagram showing a circuit config-
`uration of the camera-integrated digital cellular
`A. Configuration of contents supply system
`A-1. Outlined overail system configuration
`is a block diagram showing an
`[0015] At first, Fig.
`overall configuration of a content supply syste100 that
`supplies a personal casting service using a method of
`using a server according to an embodiment of the
`present invention. This embodiment describes a case
`where the present invention is applied ta a methed of
`using a streaming server with a function of distributing
`content such as motion picture data by streaming, but
`the present invention can also be applied to methods of
`using servers with differant processing functions.
`[0016] As shownin Fig. 1, this content supply system
`100 comprises a user PC (distributor terminal appara-
`tus) 106 connected to the Internet 103 via an Internet
`service provider (not shown) and telephone network
`104, a server reservation control canter 101 connected
`to the Internet 103, astreaming server(processing serv-
`er) 102 and a plurality (ihreein the figure} of client PCs
`107 connected to the Intemet 103 with a telephone line
`(not shown) or a dedicatedline (not shown). The stream-
`ing server 102 is connected to a dedicated server con-
`nection netwerk 108, and when dala is sent from the
`user PC 106 to the streaming server 102 during a live
`distribution, which will be described later, the user PC
`106 connects to an access port of the dedicated server
`connection network 108 based on point-to-point proto-
`col (PPP}via the telephone network 104. This estabiish-
`es a communication path between the user PC 106 and
`streaming server 102 and the content data can be sent
`using this communication path. A dedicated line 109 is
`aiso laid between the streaming server 102 and the
`server reservation control center 101 and dataIs trans-
`ferred between them using the dedicated line 109 in au-
`thentication processing, etc. which will be describedlat-
`In this content supply system 100, thé user of
`the user PC 106 sends content data (e.g., video data,
`etc. obtained by shooting a music live) shot by a digital
`camera, etc. to the streaming server 102 in a reserved
`time zone (e.g., 15:00 to 16:00), while the streaming
`server 102 distributes the content data by streaming to
`the client PC 167 that has requested. In this way, the
`content supply system 100 can provide a personal cast-
`ing service that implements personal broadcasting such
`that content data shot by the user of the user PC 106
`using a digital camera, etc. is received and reproduced
`by the client PG 107 in real time.
`Furthermore, this content supply system 100
`adopts 4 reservation system whereby each user makes
`a reservation for using or accessing the streaming serv-
`er 102 in order to implement a personal casting service
`that allows the user to reliably transmit personal broad-
`casting in a desired time zone. Thatis, the user requests
`the server reservation control center 101 overthe Inter-
`net 103 fora reservation of a time zone during which the
`user wants to carry out personal broadcasting, thatis,
`a time zone during which the user (PC) wants to access
`the streaming server 102 and use the stream distribution
`function of the streaming server 102, Then, when the
`reservation is permitted by the server reservation con-
`trol center 101, the user PC 106 can access the stream-
`ing server 102in the time zone basedon this reservation
`and perform the live distribution.
`[0019] The content supply system 100 is a system
`that provides the personal casting service utilizing the
`above-described reservalion system, and the compo-
`nents of this content supply system 100 will be explained
`in detail below.
`A-2, User PG
`[G920) At first, the user PC 106 will be explained. In
`this embodiment, ihe user PC 106 is kind of a PC which
`is used to transmit content data by a user who has the
`right to become a broadcasting party who creates and
`transmits content data after completing a registration
`procedure, etc. which will be described later in a per-
`sonal casting service by the content supply system 100.
`[0021] As shownin Fig. 2, the user PC 106 comprises
`a central processing unlit (CPU) 120 that performs vari-
`ous kinds of operation processing and controls each
`section, a random access memory (RAM) t21 used as
`a work memery of the CPU 120, a read only memory
`(ROM) 122 that stores a set of programs to be read and
`executed by the CPU 120, a hard disk 123 that stores
`a set of programs such as an operating system (é.g.,
`“Windows 95/98/2000" (Microsoft Corporation)) and ap-
`plication programs,etc. to be read and executed by the
`CPU 120, a display section 124 such as a liquid crystal
`display that displays an image for the user, a display
`interface 125 to display an image based on data sup-
`plied from the CPU 120 on the display section 124, an
`operation section 126 such as a keyboard, mouse and
`rotatable diai and operation button which will be de-
`scribed later, used by the user te enter instructions, an
`operation section interlace 127 that supplies data indi-
`cating instructions entered via the operation section 126
`to the CPU 120, a network interface 126 that transmits/
`receives data to/from devices connected to the internet
`103 (see Fig. 1} and the dedicated server connection
`network 108 {see Fig. 1) via a telephone network 104
`EP 1191 444 A2
`{see Fig. 1), and a digital video camera 129 incorporated
`in the user PC 106. By the way, data in the hard disk
`123 is read/written by the CPU 120 and the hard disk
`123 also stores motion picture data and various kinds
`of contro! data.
`web (WW) browsing by the CPU £20 executing an ap-
`plication pregram stored in the ROM 122 and the hard
`disk 123 based on turning ON of a power supply (not
`shown) and instructions input by the user with the oper-
`ation section 126. Hereinafter, focused on various func-
`[0022] Here, Figs. 3A to 3D illustrate configuration ex-
`tions realized by the CPU 120 executing the processing
`amples of appearance of the user PC 106 with the built-
`according to the application program, the functions of
`the user PC 106 will be explained with reference to the
`in digital video camera 129. As shown in Fig. 3A, the
`display screen, etc.
`user PC 106 shownin this example comprises, as in the
`Atfirst, when the user PC 106 executes the ap-
`case of a general notebook personal computer, a dis-
`plication program, an initial screen as shown in Fig, 4
`play side case 106a provided with a liquid crystal screen
`124a and a keyboard side case 106b provided with a
`appears on the display section 124 under the control of
`keyboard 126a and both are connectedinarelatively
`CPU 120. As shownin the same figure, this initial screen
`pivotable manner by a hinge 106c. Furthermore, the dis-
`showsa large-size main screen display area 40 for cis-
`play side case 106a is aiso maderelatively pivotable
`playing an image taken with the digital video camera
`with respect to the keyboard side case 106b in the di-
`129, etc. and a small-size sub image display area 41 for
`rection indicated by an arrow A in the figure. Further-
`displaying a preview of the last image taken when the
`more, a rotatable operation dial 126b is provided on one
`appiication program was executed previously an the up-
`side of the display side case 106a. This operation dial
`per right side of the screen. Furthermore, a graphical
`126b can be not only roiated but also pressed.
`user interface (GUI) to select a mode, type of image
`[0023] On one end face of the keyboard side case
`(camera), setting and the contenis of an instruction (op-
`106b are atiached a bution case 106e with a plurality
`eration) is displayed under the sub image display area
`(four in the figure} of operation buttons 12G¢ and the
`41. By selecting and setting these items, the user can
`above-described digital video camera 129. The button
`select a mode, select the type of image suchas still pic-
`ture (STILL} or motion picture (MOVIE), change the set-
`case 106e is fixed to ihe keyboard side case 106Gb as
`illustrated. On the other hand, the digital video camera
`tings and enterinstructions, ete.
`129 is supported at one point on the lateral end face of
`In this application, the user can select an mode
`the keyboard side case 106b in a pivotable manner,
`from five modes of a capture mode (a mode when "Cap-
`ture” on the GUI is selected), an upload mode (a mode
`which allowsthe digital video camera 129 to rotatefreely
`in the direction shown by an arrowBin the figure.
`when "View/send" on the GUI is selected), a Web check
`[@024] With such a structure, the user PC 106 can be
`mode (a mode when "View Web" on the GUI is select-
`used not only in the mode similar to a general notebook
`ed), alive reservation mode (a mode when “Talive res-
`personal computer shown in Fig. 3A but also in modes
`ervation/check" on the GUI is selected) and a live distri-
`shown in Figs. 3B to 3D. For example,
`in the mode
`bution mode (mode when "To lve distribution" on the
`shown in Fig. 3B, the user can hold the user PC 106 to
`GUI is selected). By the way, the capture mode is se-
`take pictures of the user himself/nerself using the digital
`lected in the initial state of the time when the application
`video camera 129.
`In this case, since a liquid crystal
`program is started.
`[0028] The capture modeis a modein which pictures
`screen 124a faces to the user side asillustrated, the
`user can take pictures while checking the video. In this
`are taken with the digital video camera 129 incorporated
`in the user PC 106 and when this modeis selected or
`mode, the keyboard 128a is located on the side opposite
`to the user, and it is difficult for the User to operate the
`keyboard correctly, Taking inte account this point, oper-
`ations related to photographing and processing of video,
`sic. of the digital Video camera 129 (¢.g., operations to
`instruct start and stop of photographing, zooming, addi-
`tion of effects, saving of motion picture data and trans-
`mission, etc.) in a processing according to an applica-
`tion program described later can be performed by oper-
`ating the above-described operation dial 126Gb and ap-
`eration buttons 126c¢. Furthermore, in the mode shown
`in Fig. 3C, the user can hold the user PC 106 to take
`pictures of a target in front while watching the LCD
`screen 124a.
`[0025] Returning to Fig. 2, the user PC 106 is config-
`ured to perform various kinds of processing such as mo-
`tion picture data distribution processing serviced from
`the above-described content supply system 100, crea-
`tion/processing of motion picture data and warid-wide
`in the initial state, a screen as shownin Fig, 5A is dis-
`played under the control of CPU 120. As shown in the
`same figure, the display screen in the capiure mode
`shows the main image display area 40 and sub image
`display area 41 in the same way as in the above-de-
`scribedinitial screen (see Fig. 4), and the main image
`display area 40 showsthe picture currently being taken
`and the sub image display area 47 showsa preview of
`the last image taken before the current capture.
`In this mede, too, the above-described GUI is
`shown under the sub image display area 41. As shown
`in Fig. 5B, the GU1 in this mede shows selection items
`such as "mode", "camera", "setting’ and “operation”.
`The selection item "operation" in this mode includes an
`item (“capiure") to instruct a capture of an image and an
`item to instruct connection/disconnection with the Inter-
`net ("net connect/disconnect), etc. and i is possible to
`select and decide a desired item by rotating the opera-
`EP ¢ 191 441 A2
`tion dial 126b, moving the focus F (shown with bold line)
`to the desired itern and then pressing the operation dial
`Furthermore, in this capture mode, if a com-
`mand, eic. which is required for capture (é.g., command
`to instruct a selection of an effect ic be given to an im-
`age) is assigned to the operation button 126c (see Fig.
`3} provided on the button case 106e, the user can per-
`form operations in the capture mode only through oper-
`ations of the operation dial 126b and operation buttons
`126c without using the keyboard 126a (see Fig. 3) mak-
`ing it possible to easily perform a capture operation in
`the mode when the keyboard 126a is in a position that
`makesit difficult to operate the keyboard as shown in
`Fig. 3B and Fig. 3C. By the way, the above-described
`command can be assigned to the operation butions
`126c as default, but
`in this capture mode and other
`modes which will be explained below,it is also possible
`to allow the user to freely select a command to be as-
`signed to the operation buttons 126c for each mode. In
`this way, the user sets so that commands frequently
`used in each mode are assigned to the operation but-
`tons 126c¢ and can thereby reduce the necessily of op-
`erating the keyboard 126a and improve the operability
`in each mode.
`[0031] The status window SW shownatthe bottom of
`the screen in Fig. 5A shows the current condition of the
`user PC 106 (e.g., the battery level and the vacant stor-
`age spaceof the hard disk drive, etc.}, processing con-
`dition in the selected mode (e.g., data size of the image
`being taken), a specified storage medium (hard disk and
`network, etc.) and information on the command assign-
`ment of the operation buttons 126c.
`[0032] Then, the upload modeis a modein which the
`image data taken in the above-described capture mode
`is displayed or referenced or the image data is selected
`and transmitted to a server (nat shown) at a predeter-
`mined upload destination connected to the Internet 103
`(see Fig. 1). When this modeis selected, a screen as
`shown in Fig. 6A is displayed on the display section 124
`under the contro! of CPU 120. As shown in the same
`figure, the display screen in the upload mode shows a
`preview area 42, a list display area 43 that shows imag-
`es taken fn a tile form (lined vertically in the exampie in
`the figure), a GUI, a status window SW and a transmis-
`sion capsule icon SC.
`{0033} As shown in Fig. 6B, "operation" of the GUI in
`the upload modeincludesan item to instruct connection/
`disconnection with the Internet (‘connect/disconnect
`Net"), an item to instruct start/end of transmission of im-
`age data ("transmit start/stop"), an item to instruct move-
`ment of the focus F to the list display area 43 (“Move
`focus"), an item to instruct a view inside the transmission
`capsule icon SC, that is, a view of the list of image data
`selected to be sent ("see transmission capsule’}, etc.
`and it is possible to select a desired item byrotating the
`operation dial 12€b to move the focus F to a desired
`item and then pressing the operation dial 126b.
`Furthermore, in the upload mode, the opera-
`tion buttons 126c¢ are assigned commandsto instruct
`replay/stop of a motion picture in the preview area 42
`and display of a stilt picture, etc. Furthermore, the status
`window SW in this mode showsthe file name of image
`data, file size, format (joint photographic experts group
`(JPEG) and moving picture experts group (MPEG), etc.)
`and information indicating the transmission destination
`currently specified (the name of the server ta be upload-
`ed and its uniform resource locator (URL)).
`[0035] Here, when an item instructing the move of the
`focus F to the list display area 43 ("Mevefocus’) is se-
`lected, the focus F moves to the list display area 43.
`When the focus F movesto the list display area 43, the
`focus F sequentially moves from one listed image to an-
`other according to the rotation operation of ihe operation
`dial 126b. When the user wants to send some image
`data, the userrotates the operation diai 126b and moves
`the focus F onto the relevant image data, Then, pressing
`the operation dial 126b shows a SUBGUI to instruct
`processing on the image data as shownin Fig. 6A and
`the focus F moves onte an item of this SUBGUI. As
`shownin Fig. 6C, the SUBGUI includes instruction iterns
`such as "Save", "Deiete*, "Preview" and "Enter into
`transmission capsule". Here, when the user rotates the
`operation dial 126b to move the focus F onto “Enterinto
`transmission capsule" which is desired processing and
`presses the operation dial 126b, the relevant image data
`is added to the list of image data to be seni. When the
`user selects image data to be sent and sends the image
`data in this way, the user returns the focus F onto an
`iter of the GU! and selects "transmit start/stop". When
`“transmit start/stop" is selected, the processing of trans-
`mission of the image data selected by the CPU 120 of
`the user PC 106 is executed.
`[0036} Next, the Web check modeis a mode for con-
`necting to a network such as the Internet and carrying
`out browsing. When the Web check modeis selected,
`a screen as shownin Fig. 7A is displayed on the display
`section 124 under the control of CPU 120. As shown in
`the same figure, the Web check mode shows a browser
`display screen 44 that shows a Web browser, a URL
`display field 45 that shows URLs entered to display re-
`sources on ihe browserdisplay screen 44, a GUI anda
`status window SW. Here, when the Web check mode is
`ihe CPU 120 executes browser sofiware
`stored in the hard disk 123 (e.g., Internet Explorer (Mi-
`crosoft Comoration) and Netscape Navigator (regis-
`tered trademark of Netscape Communications Inc.})
`and the display screen is shown on the browser display
`screen 44 by the browsersoftware.
`(0037) As shownin Fig. 7B, the GUI in the Web check
`mode shows “browsing” fo select an instruction item in
`browsing and "browsing” shows an item to instruct a
`jump to a predetermined Web page ("Jump") and an
`item to operate ihe browser (e.g., "Next" or "Return",
`ete.). “Operation” in this mode includes an item to in-
`struct connection/disconnection with the Internet ("Con-
`EP ¢ 191 441 Aa
`neci/disconnect Net), an item to instruct movement of
`the focus F to the browser
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