`International Bureau
`(5H internationai Patent Classification 5 i
`H04N 5/50. 5/445
`(11) International Putflication Number:
`i A}
`(#3) International Publication Date:
`28 January 19% (28.01.99) 1ii
`VVO 99/0456} L
`Road. SCCIIord. MA 01730 (US). NG. Art IUSKUS]; 209 ‘
`Burlington Road. Bradford. MA 01730 (US). O'NEIL.
`Scan IUSfUSI; 209 Burlington Road. Bedford. MA 01730
`(US). SCHOAFF. P.. Christopher [US/US];
`1 Swoatwoorl
`Circle, Wastford. MA 01886 (US). SUTTON. ion [US/US};
`209 Burlington Road. Bodford. MA 01730 (US). WARD.
`'E'homas, E. {US/US};
`3 Vilos Street. Woston. MA 02193 L
`(US). WES’I’BERG. Tom‘HJSr/US}. 209 Burlington Road.
`Bradford. M? 01730 (U5}. YUEN. Henry. C. {US/1.131.
`P.O BOX “39. RECIGRGD Beach. CA. 90278 (US).
`(7‘1) Agent: RAHN. LCROLJ. F. Chrisiic. Parker Si Haif. LLP. PHD
`{81} Designated States: AL. AM. AT. AU. AZ. BA. BB. BG. BR.
`BY. CA. CH. CN. CU. CZ. DE. DK. EE. ES. Iii. GB. GE.
`LC. LK. LR. LS. LT. LU. LV. MD. MG. MK. MN. MW,
`MX. NO. NZ. PL. PT. RO. RU. SD. SE. 56. SI. SK. SL.
`patent (GH. GM. KE. LS. MW. SD. 32. US. ZW). Eurasian
`palont (AM. AZ. BY. KG. KZ. MD. RU. ’12]. TM). Europcan
`palms. (AT, BE. CH. CY. DE, DK. ES. FI. FR. GB. GR.
`IE. IT. LU. MC. NL. PT. SE). OAF’I patent (BF.
`I11. CF.
`CG. CE. CM. GA. GN. GW. ML. MR. NE. SN. TD. TG).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending;
`claims and m be republ'irhed in the event offline receipt of 3
`WWW ..
`p“: mgmm
`PM M the w oomoson mama's
`AND SAND! tum.
`cc E
`(57) Abstract
`The present invention is an improvement ovor provious electronic programming guides ”13336” in that it prOViGCS. among other things:
`improved viewer interaction capabilities with tho EPG; improved viowor control of vidoo rocording (46} of futureoschcduleo programming;
`improved featuros of the EPG display and navigation (1U); parental control of the. EPG oisplay‘.
`improvod television program accoss by
`the, viewer (22);
`improved product opportunities for the commorcial advertiser to reach the vécwor’s profile: (lit. 16);
`improved products
`information access by the viewer (12'); creation of the. viewer‘s profile (36. 52): utilization of the viewer profile information to customizo
`various; aspoCts of the, EPG (24): and utilization ot’ viowor profile information to proviéc tho cugtomizeo presentation of advertising to the
`viewer ('24).
`(2‘1) Intumttona! Application Number.
`(2..) International Flimg Date.
`3 H.
`21 July 1998 (21.07.)§1) i
`(3m Erltjégjgsgggad
`6[)1'061.§ i9
`2i July 1997 (11.07.97)
`i2 August .997 (12.08.97)
`iaAIJgEJSI 1997 (14.089?)
`6 06$!)be 1997 (015L097)
`22 Decombor 1997 (22.12.97)
`20 ianum’y i998 (zoflfiigg)
`ms ;
`20 January 1998 (20.01.98)
`(71‘; Applicant (for m’! derignaica' States except US):
`ENC. [US/US]; Suite 870. 133 North Los Robles Avenue.
`E’rtsrzdcna. CA 91101 (US).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) inventors/Applicants (for US only): ALEXANDER. Ron :
`[US/US]; 209 Burlington Road, Bedford. Ma 01730 (US).
`DIAS. Steve [US/US]: 23 Norfolk Plato. Sharon. MA
`01730 (US). HANCOCK. Ken [US/US]; 64 Stiliwator
`Drivo. Nashua. NH 03062 (US). LEUNG. Elsie. Y.
`[US/US}; 1302 Via Del Ray. South Pasadena. CA 91030
`(US). MACRAE. Douglas
`20‘} Burliogton
`Codes used to identify Stains pany to the PCT or: the: from pages of pamphlets publishing inmmmional applical‘ions under aha PCT.
`flusn‘m and Elmzcgovinii
`Barkina FJL-su
`{Tammi Afiizrun Republic
`(flit: d’lvuim
`Czech RupulJEiC
`United Kingdnm
`Democratic l-‘coplu‘S
`Republic of Korca
`chublic uf Keith
`Saint Lucia
`Si‘i lekn
`L. E}
`M D
`M G
`M K
`Republic 0f Moldova
`’l‘ltc former Yugoslav
`Rupublic ul' Macadamia
`New Zmlund
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and 'l'otmgu
`Unilcd Slam; of Amrricn
`W0 99/0456?
`The present invention relates generally to television systems. and more particularly.
`to the display of. and recording control interface with. television programs, video. advertising
`information and program scheduiing information.
`Teievision viewers have historicallv anaivzed the information provided by television
`program schedule guides to select television programs to watch. Historically. television
`program schedule guides have listed the available television programs by day ofthe weelt,
`time of day. channel. and program title. Historically. only hardcopv television program
`schedule guides were available. More recently. as illustrated by the Levine Patent. US.
`Patent No. 4,9083%. teievision program guides have become available in electronic form.
`The earliest versions of on—screen electronic program guides (”EPG“) provided for the storage
`of program schedule information in an electronic memory connected to the television receiver
`and generally provided for the on—screen formatting and dispiay ofthe program schedule
`information on the television screen. The early EPGs typieaily overlaid the teievision
`programming. Furthermore. viewer interaction capabiiities with early EPGs was extremely
`Later EPGs provided vi_ewer-to~EPG interaction improvements and provided Picture-
`Ianuide (“PEG") display ofthe television program simultaneous with the display ofthe EPG.
`International Application No. PCT/U895]! i 173 (International Pubiieation No, WO
`96/07270), the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein For ali purposes.
`illustrates such an improvement.
`The present invention is an improvement over previous EPGs in that it provides.
`among other things:
`improved viewer interaction capabilities with the EPG;
`improved viewer control of video recording; of future-scheduled programming;
`Improved features to the E96 dispiav and navigation;
`we 99/045361
`D. Parental control of the EPC: dispiny;
`Improved televisitm program information access by the viewer-=
`improved opportunities for the commercial advertiser to tench the viewer;
`improved product information access by the viewer;
`H. Creation ofa viewer‘s pi‘otiie;
`i. Utiiizntion of viewer profile information to customize various aspects oi’the EPG;
`and 5. Utilization of viewer proiilc ini‘orrnntion to provide customized presentation
`of advertising to the viewer.
`These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the present invention will become
`better understood with regard to the t‘oliowing description, appended claims, and
`accon‘tpnnying drawings where:
`1316.] is a graphic representation ot‘ti sample screen display of the EEG.
`[736.2 is ti drawing of ti portion of it remote control device that shows keys for
`activating various functions of the EPG.
`FIG. 3 is a graphic representation oft-t sample on screen EPG display depicting the
`EPG°s on-sct'een Grid Guide in the programming scrolling mode.
`FIGS. 4n and 4b is ti graphic representation of a sampie on screen EPG dispinf;i
`depicting the EPG’s on—screen Grid Guide in the channel—scrolling.
`FIG. 5 is a graphic representation ol‘n sample on Screen EPC} display depicting the
`131%} in the Watch Scheduling Function.
`to U1
`FIG. (1 is a graphic represcntzsition ot'n ssmpie on screen ESPG display depicting the
`Watch/Record Schedule screen ot" the EPG.
`FIG. 7 is at graphic representation ol’n sample on screen iil’ti display depicting the top
`levci theme screen display of the E3336.
`FIG. 8 is a graphic representation ol‘n sample on screen EPG display depicting the
`3 C}
`seconddevel theme screen display of the EPG.
`FIG. 9 is at graphic representation oft; sanipie on screen EPG display depicting the
`Cl'tannel {itiide function ol'thc' EPG.
`ithr and 10h Ltt't: graphic representations ofsttmpie on screen EPG displays
`depicting one embodiment of the feature of presenting additional information concerning the
`subject matter oi‘s l'iigltiighted Panel Ad Window.
`W0 99/045631
`The disclosure of international .ritpplication Wt.)9(ii0727ti. published on March 7‘
`tons is incorporated fully herein by reference. The present invention is an improvement on
`the electronic program guide. {E136} disclosed therein. The apparatus disclosed in the
`referenced PCT application is used to generate the screen displays described below.
`In FIG.
`i of the drawing, one embodiment of the EPG with Ad Window and
`Advertising Messages is shown.
`In Fifi. l. a television screen display id is shown. Display
`it} could be generated by a conventional television receiver with inte 'laced scan lines by a
`VCR, by a PC monitor with progressive scan lines. or by another other type of video display
`device. In the upper left hand corner oithe screen is a PIP window l3. Below Wil‘lthW l2 are
`Panel Ad Windows i4, and to (“Ad Windows"). Windows IE, 14. and to each typically
`11“.) of the total screen area. The remainder of the screen area is typically
`occupy about
`occupied (moving from top to bottom of the screen) by an action lcey bar tilt a navigation bar
`20‘ a grid guide 22 (“Grid Guide”), and an information box 24 (the “detailed information
`In FIG. 2 of the drawing, one embodiment of a remote controller 26 for activating the
`functions of display 10 is shown. Remote controller 26 could have other keys for activating
`the functions of a user video device, such as a television receiver‘ a VCR. or a cable box.
`Remote control 26 has up, down, righa and left arrows keys 28. 30, 32, and 34, reSpectiveiy.
`for controlling the movement of a cursor 36 on display 10. Cursor 36 can select, i.e.
`highiight‘ any of windows l2, l4, or if} hy pressing arrow keys 28 to 34. any of the titles and
`channels in Grid Guide 22 by pressing arrow keys 32 and 34, or navigation har 20 hy pressing
`to? to
`arrow keys 32 and 34. Windows l2, l4‘ and lo are highlighted by adding a horder around
`the window or changing the color oi" the horder‘ if the border is permanent. The titles and
`channels in Grid Guide 22 and navigation bar 20 are l‘iighlighted by changing color.
`liviighlighting oi‘ windows andror viewer selections from the Grid {Stride and/"or
`navigation and IELPG on screen display components may be accomplished in a number oi‘ other
`ways. For instance. the border ofa selected wii‘idttiw, or the selected Grid Guide or navigation
`component, can be made to appear to flash. Another way to highlight a viewer selection is
`to make the selected window or feature appear to become brighter than the rest oi the on
`screen display. Yet another way to highlight a viewer selection is to blur all portions oithc
`on screen display. except for the viewer selected component. Still another way to highlight
`a viewer selection is to make all portions oi" the on screen disolay. except for the Viewer
`selected component, appear transparent. Still yet another way to highlight a viewer selection
`is to add animation to the selected component. When a portion of the RFC: is selected. the
`W0 99.104561
`PCT/U898” 5693
`system issues graphic display connnands to the on screen display (GSD) controller to
`implement one or more ol'the desired enhancement techniquets).
`The viewer enters the Guide Mode iilustrated in FIG.
`1 by pressing a “guide" key 35
`and returns to the full screen Television Mode by pressing key 35 again or by pressing the
`“select” key. A real time television program is displayed in window l2. A translucent
`overlay of the Pil’ Window l2 can displays the titlet channel {local number and/or station
`name), and status (locked or unlocked) of window l2 over the television program so the
`viewer can still see the entire image.
`The HP Window can-he locked or unlocked. The “lockfunlock” function is user
`controlled. To lock. or unlock the PIP Window, the viewer can use a Pllj button on the remote
`control device, or can highlight and press the Loclthnlocle EPG action button. The
`lock/unlock status is recorded and maintained until the status is reset by the viewer. That is:
`the lock/unlock status for the l’lP Window in the EPG is maintained when the viewer leaves
`the Guide and later re—enters the Guide, including when the viewer turns offthe television.
`ll'the viewer selects the “lock” status, the last channel to which the tuner was set in the Pll’
`Window continues to be displayed regardless ol'the actions exercised by the viewer.
`in the
`unlocked status, the channel highlighted by cursor 36 in Grid Guide 22 is displayed if the
`Grid Guide is displaying currently telecast programs and the inst currently telecast channel
`that was highlighted is dismayed ii" the Grid Guide is displaying future programs.
`There are generally three results to leaving the Guide, depending upon the way the
`viewer leaves the Guide.
`if the viewer, while in the Ell-’G, wants to watch in full screen mode
`the program shown in the PEP Window, then the viewer can press the Guide button on the
`remote control device.
`if the viewer; while in the Ei’G, highlights a particular channel in the
`Grid Guide. and then presses the “select” button. the Viewer will leave the Guide to view in
`the full screen mode the television program that the viewer highlighted in the Guide.
`viewer, while in the El’G, presses the “clear” or “cancel” button on the remote control device
`then the viewer will leave the Guide and return to the television program that the viewer was
`watching immediately before entering the Guide.
`’l'ypicaliy, an ad for a future telecast program is displayed in window l4. This ad is
`linked to the time and channel ol‘thc program in RAM so the viewer can watch or record the
`program automatically by pressing the blue let": action button to watch the program, or the
`green right action button to record the program.
`"l“ypically, an ad for a product or service is displayed in window 16. This ad is linked
`to more information about the product or service in RAM so the viewer can read one or more
`pages about the product or service in window to by pressing an "it‘ll‘h" ltey at} one or more
`:‘kltcrnatively. this ad is linked to the time and channel in RAM that an infon‘iercial
`/ 0
`is.) U!
`L/J L1:
`WU 99/0456]
`PCT/US$81! 5093
`l 5
`i“~.J Av
`about the product or service wilt be telecast so the viewer can watch or record the infomercial
`automatically by pressing "select" key 42.
`Bar 18 displays 3 blue button 44 and/or at green button do with legends that depend
`upon the context of the information displayed on the screen. Remote controlier 26 has
`corresporiding keys 48 and 50. respectively. to activate the functions represented by hiocks
`44 and 46.
`From window 12. 14, or Hi the viewer moves to grid guide 22 by pressing arrow key
`(From grid guide 22 the viewer moves to window l2. l4. or to by pressing arrow key
`34.) in grid guide 22 the viewer moves cursor 36 to highlight one ofthc nine tiles in which
`channel and title are displayed by pressing arrow keys 28 end 30. The viewer can view
`program listings scheduled at future times by pressing keys 3?. or 34 to move horizontally
`about the Grid.
`From grid guide 22 the-viewer moves to navigation her 20 by pressing arrow key 28.
`initially. the center button is highiighted. To highlight a different button. arrow key 32 or 34
`is pressed. To enter the screen represented by the highlighted button. "select" key 42 is
`in grid guide 22 details about the program represented by the highlighted tile are
`if more information is available. this fact
`is indicated by an icon and such
`information is displayed in the area occupied by grid guide 22, instead tit-the grid guide by
`pressing "info“ key 40. To return to the grid guide, "info” key 40 is pressed again. After an
`action button has been pressed or an icon on navigation bar 20 has been activated. an
`instructional prompt may be substituted for the program information in information box 24,
`In addition to the tiles representing teievision programs. a virtual channel rid can be
`displayed in grid guide 22 on a tile 52. A virtual channel rid may promote. for instance. a
`current or future teleVision program. Such a virtual channel ad {or it television program is
`linked to the time and channel oi‘the program in RAM so the viewer can watch or record the
`program automatically by pressing "select" key 42 in the manner described in the referenced
`application. More then one virtual channel ad may be stored in RAM, but preferabiy only one
`l...) C}
`such aid is displayed at a time.
`Reference is made to the TV Guide Plus‘r 98 User interface Specification vl .425tv,
`which is attached hereto as Appendix A, the disciosure ofwhich is incorporated by reference
`as if fully stated herein, for more description oi‘the invention.
`LA) ‘Ji
`One embodiment ofthe hardware for this invention includes 21 circuit board consisting
`of“ a gate array that provides all olthe control functions for access by the processor (cg.
`Motorola 68000). control oi" memory (dynamic RAM and external ROM"), and some
`peripheral functioi'is such as infrared {“iRw} input and output. frequency synthesizer for the.
`wo 99/0456:
`Inside there is a module for
`paging system, and data acquisition from the paging system.
`creating an on-screen display including a programmable DMA (direct memory access}
`controller, a color looktip table that provides for a field cailed a color index that can be used
`to select a more complicated color {more bits than can be expressed in the bit map),
`first—out (“MFG”) memory for ordering the pixels (which allows the system to write the
`pixels as last as the. system is capable ofwriting the pixels and then sending the pixels to the
`display accruding to a prescribed timing,
`lncltided in the chip is a timing; subsystem that
`produces a nui‘nhcr or different timing signals ol‘ varying li‘equency-d‘rotn clocks to long:’
`millisecond time measurement, and interrupts. Synchronization signals for the television
`The system also typically
`monitor are also generated by the internal timing subsystem.
`includes circuits for functions including but not limited to: data receiver, memory controller,
`timing interface with the processor, data deinterleaving, error correcting, and synchronous
`timing generator with horizontal and vertical counters.
`Another feature oi‘one embodiment ot‘the EPG system hardware is that display list
`hardware is capable oi‘both video input and output on the same DMA hardware. The display
`processor is comprised oi'a video section and a Ell-“O section in an ASlC. The system has
`multiple clocks. The display memory has the Capability to store 8 screen tiles in a horizontal
`lIJescribcd below in more detail are the following improvements to an EPG:
`A. Improved viewer interaction capabiiities with the EPO, including:
`in} L11
`A Variety of Operating Modes.
`Joy Stick and Track Ball Viewer Remote lnterface.
`Contextaaliy Sensitive Eii'jCi Oancreen Control Mechanisms.
`Watch Scheduling.
`“All Channel” Guide Format.
`.Channel Guide Format
`”Ncad/”Previous” Channel Guide.
`l3. improved viewer controi of video recording of l’uturoscheduled programming
`Recording program displayed in PIP window.
`Recording “Regularly.”
`Record Function rerun lilter for “Regularly” recorded programs.
`Skip recording instruction.
`Automatic Record List Update.
`Recording on recordable Digital Video Discs.
`Speed Sensitive 'l‘apc Capacity.
`Record instruction Conflict Resolution.
`Recording from Theme Guides.
`improved features to the lil’ti display and navigation. including:
`iii-moi l.
`Multiple Viewable “Windows.”
`'l'i'onslucency on-screcn effects.
`Orr—screen notifications.
`Theme navigation her.
`improved Scrolling. through the EPG and Smooth Scrolling.
`“Jumping” in the EEG.
`Thematic colorucoding ofprogram schedule.
`Controllable number ofdays of programming.
`)Etl‘t'lni‘dl control oftlte EPG display;
`Improved television program information access by tire viewer, including:
`Virtual Channel Ad Slots and Ad Window program advertisements.
`Additional detailed infonnation for viewer access including link to the
`improved opportunities for the commercial advertiser to reach the viewer.
`Ad Window product—related video clips and infon'iercini recording.
`Ad Window program-related recording.
`Panel Ads.
`Virtual Channel Ad Siting.
`l-llacel‘ioider Ads
`Full Screen ads.
`Automatic watch channel.
`Ad Featured
`Improved product information access; by the viewer, including:
`Ad Window product detail.
`Ad Window product-related recording.
`Ad Window progroin~reiated recording.
`l-l. Creation ofa viewer’s nroliie. including:
`Coliecting viewer profile information.
`Analyzing and characterizing viewer profile information.
`l. Utilization of viewer profile information to customize various aspects ol‘tlic RFC};
`and .l. Utilization ol‘viewet‘ profile information to provide customized presentation
`nfadvertising to the viewer.
`wo 99ftl-156l
`i’C’i‘lUSQSIl 5093
`1ch 'ch
`to.) U}
`A Variety of Operating Modes.
`Under the irriprovcd EPG system. there are multiple modes in which the viewer can
`operate the television.
`Television diode.
`In the Television Mode, the viewer watches a full screen display of the television
`video programming.
`in one embodiment, in order to enter the EPG, the viewer presses the
`“Guide” lacy on the viewer’s remote control device.
`In another cn‘ihodiment. the EPG Grid
`Guide is the de‘l'oult mode.
`in the case where the EPG Grid Guide is the default mode. when
`the viewer turns the television on, the first thing that the viewer sees is the EPG in Grid Guide
`Mode as is described more fully below.
`ln one en‘ibodiment, at the viewer‘s option. as
`identified in the Lil’G set up procedure the viewer can override the £3le Grid Guide default
`mode by selecting to automatically enter the Television Mode whenever the viewer first turns
`on the television. During setup procedures, the viewer can further instruct the EPG to
`automatically tune to the lust—wutched channel as identified when the viewer lost turned off
`the television. the viewer can further instruct the EPG to automatically tune to the viewer’s
`favorite channel, as is deduced from analyzing, the viewer’s profile iitlorn'tution. described
`below. Alternatively, the viewer can instruct the EPG to automatically tune to u pttrticulur
`channel. tag. it news chttnncl such as CNN.
`EPG Grid Guide Mode.
`to the EPG Grid Guide Mode, the EPG displays the Grid Guide, or in the alternative,
`21 Chrmnel Guide.
`'l'hc viewer can request that the Grid Guide occupy the entire screen, he
`displayed over £1 portion of the screen as on overlay ofthe video television programming, on
`in the preferred embodiment, occupy only a portion of the screen, typically 2/3 ol‘the entire
`screen, while continuing to show the video television progranm‘iing in the Pl? Window ol‘thc
`In the preferred embodiment, multiple Windows are displayed for the viewer. as are
`further described below, including at least: the EPG/Grid Guide Window, the HP ‘v‘v’intlow=
`Lind the Ad Window.
`Scrolling through the Guide is described below. The viewer cttn press the “Menu"
`key on the viewer’s remote control device to go to the top ofthc Guide.
`The viewer can return to the full screen display oi" the video television programming
`in ti number of ways, One wary is to press the “Guide" key on the viewer‘s remote control
`device. Another way is to press the “Select”“ lacy on the viewer’s remote control device
`when the onscreen highlighting/cursor is l‘iighlighting at particular program listing on the
`Grid Guide lor 2:1 program that is available tor rest—time viewing. Another wary is to press the
`WO 99164561
`PCT/U898“ 5093
`“test channel” key on the viewer‘s remote control device to return to the program the viewer
`was watching before entering the Guide, or the test program on Which the WP winder was
`locked (an option explained further below).
`Theme Guide Fauction.
`The EPG provides various Theme Guides, cg, sports, movies, news, etc, Each
`Theme Guide presents program listings associated with a particular theme, eg. all sports
`programs. The Theme Guide display format only displays program listings. and consequently
`channeis. for certain times ofthe day, with content appropriate for the selected theme. For
`instance. the Sports Theme Guide will display, typicallyr in schedule order, only listings for
`channels that carry sports programs that are scheduieri during; it certain period of‘time. 9R- ,_
`45% hours. 8 (toys, etc.
`Record Selection Function.
`In the Record Selection Function, also referred to as the Recording Function, the
`viewer instructs the EPG whet programs to add to the Record List. which is the iist of
`programs and related programming schedule information, for programs that the viewer want
`to have recorded.
`further described below,
`the viewer can identify the
`frequency/regularity with which the viewer wants to record each program listed in the Record
`The viewer can enter the Recording iiunction in a number of ways. The viewer can
`press the “Record" key, ifthere is one. on the viewer‘s remote control device. Alternatively
`the viewer can “press“ a “Record” action button on the EPG display.
`I'J if!
`Watch Scheduling Function.
`In the Watch Scheduling, Function, also referred to as the Watch l’iunction.
`the viewer
`instructs the FPS what programs to acid to the Watch List, which is the list of programs and
`related programming schedule information, for programs that the viewer want to watch. As
`is further described beiow, the viewer can identify the freqtiencvfreguiarity with which the
`viewer wants to watch each program listed in the Watch List.
`The viewer can enter the Watch Function in a number of ways, The viewer can press
`the “Watch” key, it“ there is one, on the viewer’s remote control device, Aiternmively. the
`'4) {it
`viewer can “press” 21 ”Watch” action hutton on the FIFO display.
`Data Download Function.
`wo 99/0456!
`in some einbt‘iditnents, data for the EPC} schedule, and/or supplemental information
`relevant to the program listings, and/or advertising data, can be downloaded to the memory
`resident at the viewer's television system.
`In the prelerred et‘nboditnent of the doWnIoad data
`system, the viewer will ask the EPG to make certain types of information available; the EPG
`will use an index of where to lind the information and will attton'iaticallv connect to the
`appropriate data source and will download the information. Data for the EPG schedule,
`and/or supplemental information relevant to the program listings, andi’or advertising data. can
`be downloaded from various sources.
`In one embodiment, data is dtiwnloaded from the
`In other embodiments of the download data system, the viewer is asked to tune to
`a particular channel at a particular time.
`if the viewer is interested in accessing and
`downloading particular types of information.
`Internet Moder
`1 5
`Not all embodiments require that data be downloaded to the EPG memory,
`in one
`embodiment, the EPG scheduling data, supplemental data and/or advertising data and the
`software to l’orrnat‘ display, and navigate the EPG scheduling data. supplemental data andfor
`advertising data is accessed by the viewer’s television system through a direct link between
`the viewer‘s television system and the internet.
`in one embodiment ol‘the above~described directdinlt to the Internet, the viewer’s
`television is connected to theilnternet by telephone line via modern, by cable modern, by
`other two—way communication device, including wireless modern communication devices and
`by other conventional methods ofcommunicating with the Internet. The initial connect web
`site address may be supplied, for instance, through information transmitted to the viewer’s
`television over the vertical blanking interval (the ”VBl”). The viewer may also be provided
`h} (.1)
`with a selection of multiple EPG Internet web sites. The viewer uses the remote control
`device to select one of the [-3138 Internet web sites
`The viewer’s television system is programmed to emulate computer on»linc access
`to the Internet. Once the connection between the viewer’s television system and the lnternet
`is made, the user has two~wav communication with the on—line internet service provider ol‘
`the EPG related iriiortna-ition. "l”he user can then navigate through the EPG.
`l'iurtl'iennorc, in
`one embodiment- in which keyboard user interiacc is available, the user can enter chat rooms
`or other interactive services.
`w) LA
`Joy Stick and Track Ball Viewer Remote interface.
`The viewing user‘s video interface (Ul') comprises the viewer‘s remote control device
`and the television monitor screen display.
`in one embodiment of‘the present invention, one
`W0 99/3456?
`PCT/U898” SEW}
`improvement in the LR offered by the present invention is the use otn joy stick as it substitute
`{or the traditional remote control device configuration o i" a circle of four (4) arrow keys (up.
`down. left and right} with n scicct ltcy in the center. The joy stick Lit provides a user—friendly
`interface with the EPG. Use of the joy stick is intuitive. The viewer/ user does not have to
`look at
`the remote once the viewer‘s tingc' contacts the remote control
`joy stick.
`the viewer can control
`the Lil white simultaneously watching, without
`interruption, the onscreen display.
`In another embodiment ot‘the present invention, one improvement in the Ul offered
`by the present invention is the use of rt track hall as a substitute for the traditional remote
`control device configuration oi‘n circle oft‘our (it) arrow keys (up. down, left and right) with
`it select key in the center.
`in both the track ball and the joy stick embodiments, there is an on—scrccn “cursor.“
`The viewer uses the track ball or joy stick remote control device to navigate the cursor to any
`iocation on the screen, much as a PC user navigates a cursor on a PC; terminal window.
`Contextually Sensitive EPG Oancreen Controt Mechanisms.
`“Keys.” “buttons." menu “liars,“ and other such visuzii control mechanism devices are
`(typically, the visual control mechanism
`dispiaved {in—screen for the control ot‘ the {Silt},
`devices are sensitive to user—interaction.
`'l‘ypicnllv. the viewer uses the lit remote control
`device to highlight a particular tin-screen control device. Typically. the viewer then uses the
`ill remote control device to select the highiighted on screen control device.
`In one embodiment of the present invention, p