FMS Smiwfi WWW? EmSWM § 559531;!
`5 3 QM“ ,
`iNTEfiNfiTiQfiAL SEAfififi HEPQRT
`{PST Artieie 18 and Rates 43 and 44)
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`text‘s er agent’eiiie reference
`gag FUR'EHEQ $3953N13JL4 mt eiTrenemitieiei m. .
`riei'Sees-rm were ,‘a
`{Form PCTJESNEQQ) es wett as, where appiicataie, item 5 beiew.
`\“..‘..,.““\““‘““““ w...\\\\\\\m-\\5m\~\\V\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\.\\\\\V
`i‘eifi {253902
`PCTl'iiS {Sig/{31366
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`iremietienei iiiang date {easy-mi
` ~\\\\.\\\\\\
`his internatiettai Search Fteeert has been prepared by this internetienai Searching Autherity and is transmitted t0 tne appiicent
`eeerding te Artiste i8. A mm: is being transmitted ta the internetienai Bureau.
`This interr‘ieiienei Search Report consists at e teiei of ________ ii
`it is also accemgieniee by a copy of eaeh pate! ett document cited in this report.
`“““u‘uu... ..‘.‘.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~\\\x»\~“\\“\\\x\\\\\\x\\..\\\\\\\\\\\\v.5'."v.\\\\\\\““\\V\\\\“>>\\"\\\\\\‘\"\\\\‘\\\\\555\'~\‘\\\\“““\\‘3H‘."H‘\\\\\\\\"\\'~5"\\\\'~\~~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\““\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W\\\\\\\\\\“\\\\\\\~>\\\\\“\wwn
`fleets; of the repeat
`a. With regard to the ieegeege, the internetioneai stretch was carried cut an the basis at the internatiioriel eepticatien in the
`iatiguage in which it was fiied, unieee otherwise irifiieeted under this item,
`the inierneiienei search was carried out on the tt-esis (it e trensiatien at the iniernetieriei ageiiizeiiori iurniehed to ihie
`Autheriiy (Huie 23.1633,
`b. With regard t0 eny ntasimtiee Meier emieo mitt sequence dieeieeee in the internetienei azimiimtieits the internatienei search
`was carried out en the basis at the sequence iisting :
`eentained in the interneiionei appiieetion in written form.
`flied together with the internaiicmai eppiicetien in computer reedabie term.
`furnished subsequently to this Aetiteriiy in written term.
`iut'rziehed subaequeetiy it:- this Authority in computer reedbie term.
`the statement the? the subsequentiy iurnieiieci written sequence iistirig does not gs beyond the elecieeure in the
`internationei emit-cause as flied hee been itimiehed.
`the statement that the intermetien receieee in sew-peter readabie item is ieenticei it) the written sequence iieiing itee been
`Certain cieime were twee uneeetchebie {See em: iii
`units; at invention is Peaking {see Beat it).
`4. With regard in the titie,
`the text is appreved as submitted by the eepiieent.
`D the text has been estabiteired by iitis Authority to read as ieiiewe:
`55. With regard te the abstract,
`the text is appreved es eutamitted by the applicant.
`the text has been estebtished, according to Ftuie 38.2%}, by this Autherity as it appears in Sex iii; The eepiicant may,
`within me month item the date of mailing of this internzitiertai search resort. eubmii statements it”: this Autherity.
`v3. The figure {31 the firewiflgge to be publishes: wait“. the aestreci is Figure N0. ?
`as suggested by the eppiicent.
`Name at the figures.
`because the applicant taiien‘ te suggest a figure.
`W E
`because this figure better characterizes the invention.
`. ‘\\“‘\\\\~.\\\\5~\\m5-.\v"""\\""‘““\\\\.\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\5\\\\\\\\~\\mssss‘«\\\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\55v.5\\\\\\\\\\‘x‘x‘v\\~>r\.\\\\\\\
`Farm FCTHSNQW (first: sheet)- iJuty 1996i


`5357/33 33] {31353
`3m: iii
`TEXT :3? THE AESYRRQY {Conifinuaiien e? hem e a? flea fire: Meet)
`A system and methee fer etreeming media camerieee e atreem renting
`greeeeeer {2&2}, e ewiteh centreller {204}, a stream master {296!208),
`media storage {210}, and a yachet ewitch (214}? The stream routing
`(202) determines if the Stream eeeter (266,268)
`is configurefi
`t0 stream requested media. The switeh eeatreller (204} monitors the status
`of all deviaee and events and netifiee the stream renting processor (2G6)
`if an errer er alarm cenditien Queers. The stream caeter (206,208) etreame
`media upon receiving a valid reeervation identificatien. The media starege
`{219) stores the media fer retrieval by the etream caster {206;208), The
`packet switch (21¢)
`transmite signaling and mefiie from the system and
`between deviees 0f
`the system,
`including the etream routing proceeeer {296),
`the switch controller {204},
`the stream caster {236;208}, and the media
`storage {210}.
`i i 1
`Cnrm DIATHQA!‘31A{Ariflolflnflflnr‘ M mm chem {CM a ham mam


`i PCT/US 62/31356
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`safimmw 3:335 3 again" mrrm
`IFC ?
`HQfiLZg 56
`“3 or :0 1:19:33 naiionaa ciaasmcetion and PC
`iCiasasiflcaiion g
`Accurdlsig 10 h
`Minlmum {Sc-cu
`chad (massif).
`system fclérjwed by ciassmmiion aymbuls)
`EPC 7
`3943 HaaL
`N\\“‘“‘..unu“.»\\““\m“-.-.-.~-.~v.““~«~««xx-nuxxxx>>x “m““w.
`.» .ad mnar man mini
` Dmtumantailon
`.t-n tr:- tfse extent ihai such documsms are Ens!
`In she iieids saarcézad
`' E
`323 base consumed mum-g ihe Entemaiicnai aeam'n {reams a? dam heme and. where prawml: search terms users)
`EFQwInternaE, WPI
`fi&ta, PAJ,
`Ciiaiion of accuman‘.‘ with inflicaiion: Where appmpriate‘ of she reifivam 53888333136
`(Imagery 1'
`R-aflewani is ciaim No.
`"Issues a? reserving
`resources in advance“
`ANfi ¥1DEQ,
`2?~3?, XPaazzaaazz
`1995, Ecstan, NA, USA, Bastan Univ, USé
`Retrieved from the Int9rnet:
`> ‘retrieved an EGGEwfiawali
`the whnie document


`_. Il
`V i
` ~~~~~‘s‘\‘x‘~\§\\\\\\\\\\~\\\\\\\
`Paiem Emmi): members am Eisied in annex;
`Ex j
`){E Purifier documems are iisaad in She coniinuafiion 0! box C
`N .
`’51 Gunman! daiansng fine generafi Eaaifi of the 3:1 whim :3 no?
`considered is be oi fiafilcutm reiavanca
`’E’ EEEFHESF fiasumani bu! pubfished an or afierine imemaléonai
`flimg Eiflié
`“L“ documam which may ihmw mums on priofiiy ciaim(3) or
`which is chad to esiahiish ma pubiicaflan daie of another
`cliauoa or miner special reason (as Emailed)
`’0‘ (16-3333sz feigning $0 an we! dkciosum‘ um. emit-Mon or
`oiher means
`‘P' document pubiished prior to 15m iniernaimna! fiimg date me
`lager than the prioriiy daia ciaimed
`Date a! aha 39mm mmplmlma of ihe Eniemaflona! search
`at wet-my time: and no: in cannic‘. wait; the as) IElcaEEen bul
`cilgd to Endemam ma: waiacipie or shear}! unideriyéssg ma
`‘10 documeni of psfiiculae reievanca' fihe dame-~11 inveniicn
`mum be cansidered nova? as came: be considered to
`Envoive an Ssavamwe step when ihe documeni E35 {3558f} 3mm
`.iha slaimed invamlan
`riqr‘zirwm -
`w: an invaniiva $13333 when iha
`«an-e or mat-3 other such docu-~
`documsni i
`3;; Obviaass 10 a wens-3s; akiiied
`mews, m
`an the 3”
`a! :3;me
`‘5: c'ocmmam memher -.3- iha same paw-s
`Data 0? madam} a!
`earch report
`1 August 2092
` \\\-.-.5\\\C““"‘\\‘\‘\‘\\\‘>x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\§\\\\\\\\\\\h
`~~.~v.~-.~~““‘s““"‘uxuuxuuxn»“““xx-.v.-.-.-.\\~-.-.~-.“““xx‘x‘xu"‘nun».~\\\\\\\\\~\“\“\~v.~~x~\\\\\x‘\“xxxuxxx>>xxxx> “““x‘w-~w»-.w«~“««uuuuxuuw»
`Name and maiimg address 0? the ESA
`xi Riga».
`3350 Hefiguera,
` Farm PCMSAws-s (manna: mneei‘; Huh; 1992')
`Auihmimd c-Fficer


`1 PCT/US G2/Gl360
`\ \\\\\\
`Raiesvem to ciaim No.
` ms} apprapriaia. a? the Mayan: passages
`\\\\\m\\\\\ m“““

`“‘5‘...“w“\"“\“-“\\»,“\w.“““w.“““"“nu“x“““““w.-.-.~-.“hm“--«“u‘xmwxmmxnww.““«u “nu
`“Resaurgg reservation in
`advance in heterageneaus netwerks with
`partia? ATM infrastructures"
`INFafifiaYififi REvfihwfiflN,, FfiflfiEEDIfiQSVISEE
`KflBE, éfifififl ?~11 RFREL l§§?; has ALAEETSS}
`? Rprii 1g§? {1§§?~fléwe?}, pagsg 51&w5181
`ISBN: G~8186~7?80w5
`paragraph ‘d 3,?
`paragraph ‘4.5.1E
`paragraph ‘GGGSE
`E? 1 1§1 4&1 A (SONY COR?)
`27 March zeaz (20G2mfi3w2?)
`paragragh ‘Glégi ~ paragraph ‘017é3;
`figures 1,12


`-. M
`internationampgiicaflen No, 9CT£JS 532 331360
`““W -“\\\\\\\\\\\\\'~\\\
`Cantinuation 9f Box 1.2
`Ciaims N03,:
`In vfiew 9f the Earge number and aiso fiha Ngrfling a? the tkaimavaésgntEy
`on fiie* which render it difficuit, if net $mfi§8$ik§fi,
`to dfitfirmifig ififi
`matter fer which pratection is saughty'ihg‘prg3gnt gfifiifcatifin faiEs fig
`comply with the aiarity and concisenaaa rgquiwemfints a? grtfiaia fi ?CT
`(see 3130 Ruie 6 lie) PCT)
`fie such $3 exiént tfiai a meafiingfu} Sga?uh ES
`impossibEe. Ccnsequantiyg the search has been carried out far these parts
`of the appiicatien which d3 appear ta be ciear (and cancise), nameiy
`ciaims 1_g_
`Tha gggiiaant'fi attfintian ix érawn'fia the fact that ciaims, a? parts Qf
`c§aim3k Fe3&ting tfi §RV&niiQns $3 résnect af which no finiarnatiana?
`aéfirch rggnri has bggn ssiahiixhafl need fiat be the subjact 6% an
`intfirnatianai prfiiiminary @xaminatfafi
`(RuEe 55.1(e) PQT)‘ The appfiicant
`$5 advised that the EFQ policy when acting as an Internatiuna?
`fire3fimfnary £xamififng Ruthawity i3 mermaiiy mat to carry sat a
`prfiiiminary @xaménfitfiaa um matier which has net been searched. This is
`tha Ca$@ irré$pectiva af‘whathfir 3? net the cfiaims are amended fGEEOWing
`remefpi af tha saavch repfirt a? Surfing any Chapter II pracadure.


`PCT/US 93’ 313%
`imammmm smma REPQHT
`\\\\\\\\\55“\\\\\xx\\\\\\\V‘xx‘“\\\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m55Mv.5M\\“"\\s~§§\x\\‘,‘,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~5-.55\\\\»\\“\V\\\\x\xx\\,\\\,\\\\>,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ x\-\\\\KK\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)>\\\\\\\\\m\\“~\\s\\s\---\s\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M\M\\\\-\\\\
`Bax i Ghaawmiam whara wrists; ciaims wem fauna anmarchahia {Cantimmtion a? itam ‘t at that sham}
`2(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1\\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\55\\55xxx\\xx\\\\\"‘ss‘“\\\\->\\\\\\\\)\\\\\\\\\\\\\555v.5555\\\\“““‘~x"kx,“\h>\\\\\\\\\\\\\m\xM55v.5\\\\\\\s‘\\\\.\.\,\,\\\\~>>>>\\\\\\\\\\\\\'~5v.55\\\555\~\\\\\§\\\\\\\x\h\\\\\\xxx\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“55xx\xx\\§“\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\““\ :
`This internatienni Search Report has not. been estabiisned in remnant of cartain ciaims tinder Artiste iffi2iia) for the foiiowing reasens:
`C—iaims Nos;
`because they raiaia tr; subject matter nei required :0 be searched by inis Autiinrity. nameiy:
`Ciaims Nest:
`because they relate i0 parts of the inismatimai Anniicafiicn inat do mt tummy wiih ihg presmibead requiraments is such
`an extent thai no niaafiingfui iniamatiC-nai Search can be Cai‘iiéd oui‘ $p-ecliicaiiy:
`3. E: Ciaimss Nos;
`{381231.686 they are dependent ciaimss and ate riot waited in accordance with the semnci send thin: sentenceg of Huts: 6.4173).
`amt ii Ghaewatiana when; unity in? inwniian i3 igniting tanniinua’iign 0% item 2 at first Shaw's)
`This iniemaiicnai Saar-shim Autismiiy icimd inuitipie inventions in this intiai‘rtaiicnai appiicatien, as foiiaws:
`\- As all inquired adrjitionai search tees wares timeiy paid by the appiicani‘ this internatioiiai Snatch Fiepmi cavera ail
`~~ ssai‘cnanie claims,
`A3 a! searchabie claims; CQUid be searcheci without etfmtiusiifying an additionai tee, this Minority did mt invite payment
`““““ oi ‘ nv additional inn.
`As only same; at the require-i: adfiiiionai seamen teen were timely paid by the anniicant, this internzsticinzai Search Fisport
`' amass. Only those ciaims kit which 5995 wsre paid, spaciiicaily céaims Nos;
`E NCI- sequired addiiionai snatch iees were iimeiy mid icy the applicant. Conaaqueniiy, this, internisiicnai Search Hepori is
`resiiicied is the inventian first mantisned in the claims; it i3 severe-ti by eiiaiins N03,:
`Hawaii: ms F’mtmi
` ‘
`The afidiiienai search tees wane: accompanied by the appiicant‘a gratesiv
`N0 protest accozngianieci the paymant 9i additionai search iaea.
`:Nm DPTIiQAIOiG tnnniimmiirm nf “fit? aimm H‘i‘. {.liilw i


`E PC?KU§ 32/31355
`Pafiant family
`llglééi A2
`2&52352951 A:
`.,.¢G§’mfl3i0fi €331 fiflflfll vamisy FHWWBGffi
`Patent dmuméni
`alien! in ssaarch tapers:
`\\\ mvm-M M-Mam-M- w ‘«‘K‘Q- >v> m m x m-

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