`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`:2019/06/1 :
`: 3 and (@ad<"20010119"
`rule$1 with distribut$3 with media with
`:(geograph$4 or location$1 or geolocation$1) )
`: 5 and (@ad<"20010119"
`restrict$4 with distribut$3 with media with
`:(geograph$4 or location$1 or geolocation$1) )
`: L7 and (@ad<"20010119"
`restrict$4 with host$3 with media with
`5(geograph$4 or location$1 0r geolocati0n$1) )
`:((rule$1 restrict$4 regulation$1) with h08t$3
`:with media with (geograph$4 or locati0n$1 or
`10 and (@ad<"20010119"
`restrict$4 with media with (geograph$4 or
`:Iocation$1 or geolocation$1 or region$4) )
`(rule$1 restrict$4 regulation$1)
`:with (geograph$4 or locati0n$1 or
`13 and (@ad<"20010119"
`: L14 and ((media or file$1 or content or song$1
`:or movie$1 or fi|m$1) with (owner$1 or
`13 same ((media or file$1 or content or
`:song$1 or movie$1 or fi|m$1) with (owner$1 or:
`L16 and (@ad<"20010119"
`file:///C/Users/dblair/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSeaIChHistory.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/14/2019 5 : 34:5 8 PM]
`: $
`EAST Search History
`$pr0fi|$3 near viewer$1
`$82 with (attribute$1 0r parameter$1)
`$83 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 0r
`$84 and(G?ad<"20010119"
`$83 same (ad or ads or advertis$6 0r
`$86 and(G?ad<"20010119"
`$88 and profile$1 with attribute$1
`$810 and (@ad<"20010119"
`89 and stream $3
`$812 and (@ad<"20010119"
`$83 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`$advertis$6 0r 00mmer0ia|$1))
`S$14 and (@ad<"20010119"
`presentation with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads 0r$
`$advertis$6 0r 00mmer0ia|$1))
`$816 and 85
`stream$3 with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`$advertis$6 0r 00mmer0ia|$1))
`$17 14
`$17 24
`$17 24
`$17 34
`file:///C/Users/dblair/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSeaIChHistory.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/14/2019 5 : 34:5 8 PM]
`EAST Search History
`rofi|$3 near viewer$1
`22 with (attribute$1 or parameter$1)
`23 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`24 and (@ad<"20010119"
`(823 same (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`26 and (@ad<"20010119"
`(829 and media
`:830 and (@ad<"20010119"
`29 and stream$3
`:832 and (@ad<"20010119"
`823 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`§advertis$6 or commercial$1))
`5834 and (@ad<"20010119"
`tream$3 with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`5 advertis$6 or commercial$1))
`825 827 831 833 835 S37) and
`2011/01/2 ‘
`52011/01/2 :
`:201 1/01/21§
`52011/01/2 ‘
`file:///C/Users/dblair/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/14/2019 5 : 34:5 8 PM]
`EAST Search History
`“555555553 “555555555“.
`3b|air.xp. and douglas.xp. and google.as.
`3Herz.in. and (stream$3 or video) and target
`3near2 profile$1
`3843 and(G?ad<"20010119"
`3(stream$3 with (unavailable or offline$1 or
`inaccessib$4) with alternat$4 near2 (server$1
`guséegiesfil >>
`3farber.in. and repeater adj server$1
`"20120096231 ".pn.
`profil$3 near viewer$1
`(attribute$1 or parameter$1)
`3852 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`3853 and(G?ad<"20010119"
`852 same (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`3855 and(G?ad<"20010119"
`315 12
`314 11
`314 11
`314 13
`file:///C/Users/dblair/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/14/2019 5 : 34:5 8 PM]
`EAST Search History
`$857 and profile$1 with attribute$1
`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\¢ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$
`858 and media
`= 0748
`$2017/11/2 ‘
`$21 :46
`2018/03/2 ‘
`$859 and (@ad<"20010119"
`$858 and stream $3
`$861 and (@ad<"20010119"
`$852 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`5advertis$6 or commercial$1))
`63 and (@ad<"20010119"
`stream$3 with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`gadvertis$6 or commercial$1))
`$ 854 856 860 862 864 866) and
`67 and (@ad< "20010119"
`5 20070198739".pn.
`ail$4 or error$1 or fault$1) near stream$3
`$with ((switch$3 or find$3 or new or locat$3 or
`$se|ect$3 or second) near2 (server$1 or
`‘ esource$1>>
`71 and (@ad<"20010119"
`$(fail$4 or error$1 or fault$1) near stream$3
`$same ((switch$3 or find$3 or new or locat$3 or$
`§select$3 or second) near2 (server$1 or
`$873 and (@ad<"20010119"
`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\“\\“\J \\\\\\\\\\“\\“\¢ \\\\\\\\\\\\\“\\\\\\“\3 \\\\\\\\\\\\\“\“\:
`5 chunk$3 or split$4 or segment$3 with file
`chunk$3 or split$4 or segment$3 with file
`$with title
`201 8/ 1 2/03$
`95 ‘
`file:///C/Users/dblair/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/14/2019 5 : 34:5 8 PM]
`EAST Search History
`‘ 77 and(epad<"20010119"
`chunk$3 segment$3) with file and (title near2
`tor$3 near2 (chunk$1 or segment$1) with
`5 network$1 or server$1)
`E881 and (@ad<"20010119"
`hunking with file$1
`:883 and(epad<"20010119"
`chunk$3 or split$4 or segment$3 or divid$3)
`5with (file or movie$1 or fi|m$1) with clip$1
`5(chunk$3 or split$4 or segment$3 or divid$3)
`§with (movie$1 or fi|m$1) with clip$1
`‘886 and (@ad<"20010119"
`2018/12/0 :
`EAST Search History (I nterference)
`<This search history is empty>
`6/ 14/ 2019 5:34:53 PM
`C:\Users\dblair\Documents\ EAST\Workspaces\11680452.wsp
`file:///C/Users/dblair/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/14/2019 5 : 34:5 8 PM]
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