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`{PCT Ariicie 36 and Rifle 79)
`\“nxng... .Wh‘“
`See beautification m ’i‘rwszmimi of inieinaiiemi
`Praiiminary Examinatisn Ragori (Form PCTfiPBAMié} E
`'?Ii\33.,y dais i‘dqyx‘nws:
`E Iiimiiaiimiai fiiing date 55!:
`«‘\\\\\\\\\(\r\m\\\\ “iv« -'-~\\\\'“~\~““u~n“
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`This internatianai gn'eiiminary examination report has ham prepared by ibis International Piaiiminary
`Examining Aushsriiy and is transmitted in the sippiicani according 10 Article 36.
`This REFQRT CQIiSiSiS of a totai of?!” sheets, insiuding this (30%: Sherri:
`:2 This rapori is also acmmgiaiiied by ANNBXES, 1,3,: shcets 9f the descripiion, claims midfor drawings
`which have ham amended and are m: basis for this report audio: sheets containing reciifieaiions madc
`hefms this Aiiihmity {see Rub: 70.16 and Seciim 607 of the: Aiiminisii’aiive instructions undati’ the PCT),
`These amen-s cosisiSt (if a {iii-3i 0i i‘ shaeis.
`..““““““w.».u«..\“\““‘ "\\“‘“‘»»“““““““““.,“n“
`This remit contains indicatims reheating m the faiiowiiig fitting:
`i E Basis aft-‘15; remit
`E\\\\\E Priority
`EiiiiiE Nomestaiiiisimem cf repair: with regard to naveiiy, invmiive step and iudustriai appiicabiii-ty
`w E Lack 0f unity of im'antimi
`V E Rammed statement under Article, 35% with regard to noveity, inveniiw stag; or industriai
`agaplicabiiity; ciiaiims and axpianatiens supparting such siatemcm
`Vi ENE Certain dacummis cited
`ENE Ceriain defects in the international applicaiioii
`EEEEEEEE Certain observaiims omiie internationai application
` 23 Aprii 2003 (23.041003)
`Auihsrizgiiuéiiicer W
`. Mehmct B. Gee-Edi fm ‘
`‘giciaphoneire. 7&«305‘3909
`E' a. 53+":
`i E
`Bax PCT
`wishingm. 0.0; 2923':
`Efiis‘igiiie Naif: i
`Farm iii; ..
`- iiiiiii
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`iitztorizsittontti agpiiozetioo Not
`1 PC’E‘fUSGZfQ 1426
`f 1. Basis oi‘ tho rooort
`“WM“‘ “““uo.\Mm“~ww““u‘\......M .\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~~~~\\\\\\\\\\\~\\\\~\~\\=“v"“‘-.xx“‘““‘\‘\\\\‘\“~AA-V“\x,““~~~.~\\\\\\\\\5v.\\\~~~~\\~~\~\~\\\\\\\\\‘-1Ao
`1. With regard. to the eiemosits of the intomatiooai appiicatioutt‘
`the international apoiicatioo. as origioaiiy that
`the description:
`333333 17°?
`pages NGNE
`_as otigihaiiy tiioti
`, tiled with the demand
`gatesmm "Vt filedwiththe:taterct
`pages NONE
`, as amehszie-d (togethot with any stateroom) under Article 19
`E the oiaims:
`pages 78
`, as origihaiiy flied
`pages NQNE mam, t'iieti with. the demand
`pagesMt him with it“: letter of V\\\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V
`tho drawings:
`t as originaiiy fiiod
`pagos M?
`, flied with tho demand
`pagos NOISE-3
`Pattfifi WW» @6431 With 36% letter 0?
`tho sequence listing gait of the description:
`, that with tho demand
`pagos iinNE
`, fitted with tho iottor of
`pages NGNE
`its-iii; rogm‘d to the iangmgo, all the oiomonts marked above were avaiiabio or furnished to this Authority in the
`iattgttagoih wit"
`1 the intomationai application was iiioci, unless othorwise indicated under this item.
`That-e- oietttmtis was avaiia‘oie or 'hirnishod to this; Authority in the. foiiowing language
`which is:
`E i s
` tho firawings, shootsftig NONE
`1» “J
`This report has; heen ostabiishod as if (some of) tho amendments had not been motto. since they have boon considered to go
`beyond the disoiosure as filed. as indicated in the. Supplementai Box (Rule 176263).”
`3‘ Repiacetrxeni sheets which have been fitrm‘sited to the receiving (twice its response to em invitation wedar girticie 14 am referred to it: ~
`t’tt’i report as ”art’gt’noity flied" and are not annexed to this report since they do not catttae‘tr amattdmenm (Rides mm and @137}.
`E W Atty reptacemeritt sheet creiiszaim‘ttg such amendment: must be rqferrett to {matter item I and annexed to this report.
`“m“.u...\“\“\\..... ...n..‘fl“\~~““““““““““AA“.V...‘.“fix“..“xx“.““““““~“\»»V“““WMu...“w.““\“»~“u““. m ...““w.““~“»»»~\-
` iBoxthiuiinS)
`i E
`the language of yobiioation of the intomationai appiioatioo (undo: itqu 48333)),
`i i
`tits: iattguage of the transiatioti furnishoti for tho homoses of intomationai preliminary oxamintttiootutttiot Rulos
`552 andior 553‘),
`1 3. With togarti to any nooieotitie audios: amino aoid sequence: disoiosed in the. iotamationoi application, the
`' contained in the intomatiooai application in printed form.
`flied together with the ihtornationai application in computor roadahio form.
`furnished sobsoquontiy to this Authority in writtott form.
`furnished subsoquohtiy to this Authority in computer roadahio form.
`x The statement that; tho sobsoqoohiiy furnishod writton soquenco listing flees not go beyond the disclosure in the
`international appiication as flied has been furnished.
`has been furnishodt
`. Tho amondmonts have rosuitoo in the cancellation of:
`rrrrmmrtrrmr, rmrmmmr EXAMBNATIGN arrow?
`AA“ A ,7,» . . .
`‘flt\\\\“““““u““““““ _\ _ ,.
`V. Rearmed statemétttuttr‘trter Elsie tagger? ) with regard it} ametty, inventivr: st‘é‘rtbr industriai applicahitityg
`13.11;; Stick statemmt
`citatiqrtr and myfiramstierarsrrr
`g 1
`. . ..“..““\-.
`Neveity (N)
`Ciahns ,1.
`t\-.vt\~~~~xxxx»“u““fi‘tu‘wm. “rm, . m . m“. . ...nn.nn-.-.-.-.~~~~~~~~~~~t~xt~~~~~\\“u‘“«»~--~-V«-~~~
`C‘saims NDNE
`hwentive Step (ES)
`Claims E
`Ciaims {NGNE
`Industrial Agplicabiiity (1A.)
`“\“\\\\“\““VMW “‘- A,... w w A.....n“..““\\..ttxxxxxx~~~~~~~uuu~~x~ttwttwn,“‘.V.Vu,,........r.
`Claims NONE
` \\““““‘uu-~......~xx\‘xxx\\\'~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\55555h\\V\\\\\\\\V\\\«““““«,« .. . . . . .xnnxntuuyxx\\\\\\\\\5‘5‘\KVVVVVV\\\\\\\\\‘\\£:—--« A.t\.\\““‘n-
`Chaim 1 meets the: criteria set cut Eta E301“ Articie 33(2)~(3), because: the: prim" art riser not teach or feairiy suggest a marked for muting
`madia compriaing the stars if rcceiving a request for media; determining a grogram in which the: requasted media is identified;
`amazing at presentation having a présmtatiort identificatimx biased an thr timgram; generating a retarvzztirm cmnpriaing a reservaticrz
`identification and Eh?) presertmtinn; generating a pity script cemprising the resez‘vaticm idcntificatisn and at teas: (me media
`itientifimstitm far the request‘cti media; receiving the resarvatten, the rrservation édcntificzztian, and the: media idantificafien at a
`muting grmfiwsurg wrtiittarittg at the. trusting gtrgaressor 11m t‘cset‘VrfiiQfi iiiérntizificat‘ém:with 1:111: rmrrratiwn arts} rtrtmfmr‘mifig: a. mrtiia
`swim-Er wafigurmt ta strrrm rm: ’xrmrlia. mam by the: inertia idfi-rrtifirmnrr; grmrstéfirxg 1m afl'ai'w: 2 fear {1st arieitir Witt-31 139%
`NEW fig :1»; r .JéfE‘YStfifl-fl tdasrtit‘iratim and timrminirtg tits: mmiitz matrix; anti atmami‘ag? Elm mafia tries
`I by the. interim
`iciéniziimam; {mm the: wait swim 131921321 swam-bring itiltiatm} at: that adrirrzrs, Erratum” fifths. ait¢r1rrt .rrz . “in the r’errrlh report,
`e.g., Watt“ L t: at at, amt SCHILL £5! at dfies teach alone at in cmrstt-irxtzium at; rm: mutter! stage: as» rrCirrd tr {trim 1‘ ,Esglwirily,
`vaiidat‘mg at the reusing processcr. generating an address, and streaming rarticuiars lack in these refcrcrmas.
`Claim 1 meets Eh: criteria sat out in PCT Article: 33(4), and {has meets tnduszriaé agrpiicability because the suhjrct matter claimed can
`be mad: or used in industry.
`r NEW CETATIONS .......,............
`Mt~.x.xn\t~x“xrutxx~rkKr“““r‘u‘uu‘ruw...H .
`rr..\,“xtxxxtt“~x“““tu‘ut‘tuuuwr1““. .... ....
`Pmm ¥CTIIW€AMGQ (Box 1?} (IuEy i998)