`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`Search Query
`$(stream$3 with (unavailable or 0ffline$1 0r
`$ina00essib$4) with alternat$4 near2 (
`$farber.in_ and rGDGater adj server$1
`$pr0fil$3 near Viewer$1
`$82 with (attribute$1 0r parameter$1)
`$83 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 0r
`$84 and (@ad<"20010119"
`$83 same (ad or ads or advertis$6 0r
`$ 5:23
`201 woe/30$
`i 7:18
`$ 201 woe/30$
`201 woe/30$
`$201 woe/30$
`201 O/O6/30$
`201 woe/30$
`$ 17:24
`$86 and (@ad<"20010119"
`$88 and profile$1 with attribute$1
`$89 and media
`$810 and (@ad<"20010119"
`89 and stream$3
`$812 and (@ad< "20010119"
`$83 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`$advertis$6 0r 00mmer0ial$1))
`filez/l/CI/Users/dblair/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSearchHistory.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[1/22/2015 3:25:28 PM]
`EAST Search History
`gs14 and (@ad<"20010119"
`@grlad< "2001 01 1 9")
`$presentation with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads
`gor advertis$6 or commercia|$1))
`stream$3 with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`gadvertis$6 or commercia|$1))
`profil$3 near viewer$1
`= 7:35
`‘ 8:06
`gS22 with (attribute$1 or parameter$1)
`gS23 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`$824 and (@ad<"200101 19"
`g@r|ad< "2001 01 19")
`gszs same (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`gszs and (@ad<"20010119"
`@grlad< "2001 01 19")
`gS28 and profile$1 with attribute$1
`gS29 and media
`gsso and (@ad<"20010119"
`g@r|ad< "2001 01 19")
`S29 and stream$3
`$832 and (@ad<"20010119"
`@rlad<"200‘|0‘| 19")
`file:///C I/U sers/db1air/Documents/e—Red%20Folder/1 1680452/EASTSearchHistory.1 1680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[1/22/2015 3:25:28 PM]
`EAST Search History
`$823 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`$advertis$6 or commercia|$1))
`$834 and(€@ad<"20010119"
`1324 $stream$3 with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`$advertis$6 or commercia|$1))
`= 8:06
`$14 20
`$b|air.xp. and douglas.xp. and googleas.
`$("5933811" "5823879" "5754938").pn.
`$Herz.in. and (stream$3 or video) and target
`near2 profile$1
`$843 and (@ad<"20010119"
`EAST Search History (I nterference)
`<This search history is empty>
`1/ 22/ 2015 3:25:25 PM
`filez/l/CI/Users/dblair/Documents/e—Red%20F01der/11680452/EASTSearchHist0ry.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[1/22/2015 3:25:28 PM]