`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`§Ref Hits 3Search Query
`383 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`advertis$6 or commercia|$1))
`S314 and (@ad<"20010119"
`3presentation with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads
`or advertis$6 or commercia|$1))
`EASTSearchHistory.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/27/2016 2: 16:28 PM]
`3profil$3 near viewer$1
`382 with (attribute$1 or parameter$1)
`383 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`384 and (@ad< "20010119"
`383 same (ad or ads or advertis$6 or
`86 and (@ad<"20010119"
`388 and profi|e$1 with attribute$1
`389 and media
`3810 and (@ad<"20010119"
`89 and stream$3
`8312 and (@ad<"20010119"
`‘ 7:15
`' 7:24
`3 2010/06/303
`' 17:32
`EAST Search History
`insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`:advertis$6 0r commercia|$1))
`profil$3 near viewer$1
`82:2 with (attribute$1 0r parameter$1)
`:823 and (ad or ads or advertis$6 0r
`824 and (@ad< "20010119"
`823 same (ad or ads or advertis$6 0r
`826 and (@ad<"20010119"
`:828 and pr0fi|e$1 with attribute$1
`829 and media
`:330 and (@ad<"20010119"
`:@r|ad< "2oo1o119")
`829 and stream$3
`332 and (@ad<"20010119"
`:@r|ad< "2oo1o119")
`823 same (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`a:dvertis$6 0r commercia|$1))
`:334 and (@ad<"20010119"
`EASTSearchHistory.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/27/2016 2: 16:28 PM]
`= 7:38
`:201 1/01/21:
`‘ 8:06
`: 2011/01/21:
`EAST Search History
`:S36:1:324 3stream$3 with (insert$3 near2 (ad or ads or
`3advertis$6 or commercial$1))
` ..........\ .
`3&5 827 831 333 S35 S37) and
`= 8:06
`'3'200701 98739".pn.
`3("6034746".pn- "6389467"-pn-
`« 2222222222222: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x:
`22222222222222222222~ xx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘ 2222222222222222222“““““““““““““““““
`3b|air.xp. and douglas.xp. and googleas.
`3("5933811" "5823879" "5754938").pn.
`« 2222222222222: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x:
`222222222222222222~ xx\«x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘x‘ 2222222222222222222“““““““““““““““““
`Herz.in. and (stream$3 or video) and target
`3near2 profi|e$1
`3843 and (@ad< "20010119"
`\ ..........é ............e .......................................................................................................¢, ....................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
`3(stream$3 with (unavailable or offline$1 or
`inaccessib$4) with alternat$4 near2 (server$13
`\ ..........¢ ............a .......................................................................................................a ....................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
`3farber.in. and repeater adj server$1
`\ ..........¢ ............a .......................................................................................................a ....................: .........................: ...................a ..........................:
`6/ 27/ 2016 2:16:23 PM
`C:\ Users\ dblair\ Documents\ EAST\Workspaces\11680452.wsp
`EASTSearchHistory.11680452_AccessibleVersion.htm[6/27/2016 2: 16:28 PM]