`Attorney Docket No. 115094
`Filed Via EFS-Web
`The present applicationis a divisional of U.S. Patent Application Serial No.
`10/051,406, filed January 18, 2002, and entitled System and Method for Routing Media, whichis
`a continuation-in-part of U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 09/838,993, filed January 19, 2001,
`and entitled System and Method for Streaming Media, and takes priority to U.S. Patent
`Application Serial No. 60/263,044, filed January 19, 2001, entitled Media Routing Algorithm,
`the entire contents of which all are incorporated herein by reference, andis related to co-pending,
`co-owned U.S. Patent App. Attorney Docket No. 115092, entitled System and Methodfor
`Routing Media, and U.S. Patent App. Attorney Docket No. 115093, entitled System and Method
`for Routing Media, both filed on the samedate as this application, the entire contents of which
`all are incorporated herein by reference.
`Not Applicable.
`Not Applicable.
`The present inventionis related to the fields of management and
`administration of media streaming.
`Real time transport of audio, video, and other data commonlyreferred to as
`“media” may be manipulated and rendered using computers and/or digital appliances, such as a
`set top box. A digital appliance is a product that uses computer based technology and/or a
`telecommunication network or other packet based network to access, retrieve, interact with,
`report, and/or handle media or other information.
`As computers and computer based appliances gain popularity, the demand for
`digital media streaming services also increases. This occurs, for example, because digital media
`streaming can be used to create enhanced consumerand business services. For example, a
`manufacturer ofa refrigerator mayinstall a digital appliance that connects the refrigerator’s
`digital appliance to the Internet. A consumercan usethe refrigerator’s digital appliance to
`receive digital audio/video explaining howto prepare a favorite recipe.
`The digital appliances and other computers can use real time media streaming
`services to render media while it is streamed from the media’s server computer. Real time media
`streaming often is preferred over pure downloading since media streaming permits a consumerto
`view video and/or hear audio shortly after it is requested instead of waiting for a delayed
`downloadof the complete media and a subsequent playing of the media by the digital appliance.
`Real time media streamingis difficult to implement on diverse networks, such
`as the Internet, corporate private networks, corporate intranets, and other packet based
`networking solutions. This is because real-time media applications typically are resource
`intensive and lack sufficient state control models to ensure proper quality of service.
`Enhanced media streaming services generally compoundthedifficulties
`because multiple digital media streams are transmitted for enhanced services instead ofa single
`digital media stream, such as for non-enhancedservices. In the instances of enhancedservices,
`current technologies treat each digital media stream as an individual session withlittle or no
`association to the viewer. Moreover, existing digital media streaming devices focus on the
`technical transmission and delivery of media, and placelittle control over the viewer
`management and media content management. Finally, the current streaming video networks lack
`sufficient notions of network-wide and multi-level resource allocation and control, trouble
`detection and automatic fail-over transparent to the viewer, and sophisticated anti-spoofing,
`denial of service prevention, and unauthorized access prevention techniques.
`Enhanced media streaming services generally compoundthedifficulties
`because multiple digital media streams are transmitted for enhanced services instead ofa single
`digital media stream, such as for non-enhancedservices. In the instances of enhancedservices,
`current technologies treat each digital media stream as an individual session withlittle or no
`association to the viewer. Moreover, existing digital media streaming devices focus on the
`technical transmission and delivery of media, and placelittle control over the viewer
`management and media content management. Finally, the current streaming video networks lack
`sufficient notions of network-wide and multi-level resource allocation and control, trouble
`detection and automatic fail-over transparent to the viewer, and sophisticated anti-spoofing,
`denial of service prevention, and unauthorized access prevention techniques.
`Figure 1 is a block diagram of a streaming system in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 2 is a block diagram of a reservation system in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 3 is a block diagram of a name routing processor in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 4 is a block diagram of a control manager for a name routing processor
`in accordance with an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 5 is a block diagram of the nameresolution system for a name routing
`processor system in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Figure 6 is a block diagram of the routing engine for a name routing processor
`in accordance with an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 7 is a block diagram of the switch manager for a namerouting
`processor in accordance with an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 8 is a block diagram of a routing data structure used in a namerouting
`processor in accordance with an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 9 is a block diagram of a stream control table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 10 is a block diagram of a network status table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 11 is a table diagram of treatment table access points in accordance
`with an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 12 is a block diagram of an active reservation table in accordance with
`an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 13 is a block diagram of a network access table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 14 is a block diagram ofa signal mapping table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 15 is a block diagram ofa signal access point table in accordance with
`an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 16 is a block diagram ofa stream percent skipped table in accordance
`with an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 17 is a block diagram of a stream rate table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 18 is a block diagram of a treatment table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 19 is a block diagram ofa referring host table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 20 is a block diagram of an exception table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 21 is a block diagram ofa personalidentification numbertable in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.
`Figure 22 is a block diagram of a content screening table in accordance with
`an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 23 is a block diagram of a content location table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 24 is a block diagram of a network status table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 25 is a block diagram ofa day of year table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 26 is a block diagram of a day of week table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 27 is a block diagram ofa time of day table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Figure 28 is a block diagram ofa signal route choice table in accordance with
`an embodimentof the present invention.
`Figure 29 is a block diagram ofa class of service table in accordance with an
`embodimentofthe present invention.
`Media streaming, both live and on-demand, also provides an environmentfor
`viewers to experience multimedia by establishing a logical, one-to-one connection between the
`media and the audience (a “session”’). Sessions enable a rich media, interactive experience and
`provide a foundation for a reliable streaming service platform. Media may include audio, video,
`images, moving text messages suchasstock ticker tapes, and other data. Media may include one
`or more mediaclips or a part of a media clip. A session may include an internet protocol
`session, a broadband connection, or other session parameters. For simplicity, “session” may be
`used in some instances to mean only an internet protocol (IP) session, only a broadband
`connection, or both, depending on verbiage. In a different embodiment, more than one session
`can exist to a given audience membersimultaneously. However, improved systems and methods
`are needed for implementing control features, such as real time routing of requests for media
`service, dynamic matching of content to the viewer, and enforcement of media content owners’
`rights and distribution criteria.
`In one embodiment, the present invention is directed to an overall integrated
`and distributed media routing algorithm (MRA)that correlates the diverse needs of a media
`content owner and/or an agent (“content owner” or “media owner’), a packet distribution
`network owner, one or more viewers, and the health of a network traversed in the media delivery
`process. The MRA enables the content owner to control who viewsits content and what content
`is actually streamed for viewing. In another embodiment, the MRA enables a network ownerto
`efficiently control the network andits devices to maximize quality of service while enabling the
`devices to respond automatically and transparently to viewer problems.
`In another embodiment, the present invention enables content owners to create
`viewing programsthat can be targeted at viewers based on the amount of information known
`about an individual viewer. The content owner may create a program having one or more media
`items. A viewer may desire to receive one or more of the mediaidentified in the program. The
`viewing programsand viewer information may be used to dynamically create a presentation
`tailored for that viewer. For example, the presentation may containalist of media from the
`program, possibly with or without one or more other media items,that is to be streamed to the
`viewerandthat is combined to make a single viewing experience. In another example, a movie
`trailer followed by a full-length movie may combine two different media to make a simple
`A program, however, can contain media selectors that identify a set of media.
`A mediaselector is used in the presentation creation process when the content ownerdesires to
`target different media at an audience, based on audience characteristics, and to create different
`presentations for different groups of audiences. Examples of audience characteristics may
`include the individual’s sex, age, hobbies, historical viewing habits, or other data the viewer
`would provide.
`In another embodiment, systems and methodsofthe present invention control
`a state model, such as a basic streaming state model (BSSM), for streaming media through
`enhanced communications between communication devices coupled over disparate packet
`networks, such as the Internet, intranets, virtual private networks, cable systems, frame relay
`networks, asynchronoustransfer mode (ATM) networks, satellite networks, and/or any
`combination of interconnected, data communication networks.
`The state model data identifies a viewer using a reservation, identifies the
`switch or switches from which media is streamed, the media that is streamed, the duration the
`media is streamed, and other state changesin the streaming, such as whether a stream is paused,
`canceled, forwarded, or reversed. If a presentation is streamed, the state model data identifies
`the presentation and the mediain the presentation. The state model data includes stream state
`changes, viewing session state changes, device mode changes from a switch or signaling routing
`processoranderror and alarm conditions for any switch, signaling routing processor,
`managementsystem, service routing processor, or other communication device in the streaming
`system. A state model is kept for each NRP and each MMS asdescribed more fully below.
`Multiple levels of the BSSM enable event generation, tracking information, and storing
`information for transitions within a presentation from its initial generation to its completion or
`Figure 1 depicts an exemplary embodimentof a streaming system ofthe
`present invention. The streaming system 102 of Figure 1 comprises a service processor, a
`managementsystem, a reservation system, a routing processor, and a media switch, such as an
`enhancedservice routing processor (ESRP) 104, a real time switch management system
`(RTSMS) 106, a reservation system 108, a name routing processor (NRP) 110, and a managed
`media switch (MMS) 112, respectively, each communicating through a packet network 114. A
`portal 116 may communicate with the reservation system 108 of the RTSMS 106 via the packet
`network 114, and one or more viewers 118 and 120 may communicate with the NRP 110, the
`MMS 112, and/or the portal 116 via a packet network 122.
`The streaming system 102 has a network ownerthat controls the streaming
`system and controls what entities use network operators to perform work on the streaming
`system. For example, a network provider may build a streaming system andsell streaming
`services to a publishing customer. The network provider is the network owner. The network
`owner and the publishing customersell a product, i.e. media, to customers via a website or a
`contract with a web portal using the streaming system.
`In someinstances, the publishing customer also may be the network provider.
`This may occur, for example, where a corporate enterprise is streaming media to its employees
`or customers directly. Other examples exist.
`Identifying the network ownerof the streaming system 102 or another
`network enables the streaming system to track legal, financial, contractual, and service auditing
`issues associated with crossing signaling and/or other communications, such as media, from one
`network to another. For example,afirst streaming network and a second streaming network may
`agree to inter-connect their networks to build a large viewing audience. This may occur, for
`example, if a media owner desires as many viewersas possible to see its media, and the media
`owneris less concerned with what network owner the vieweruses to receive the media.
`In this example, the first network owner and the second network owner may
`agree on a revenue sharing, based on what the viewerreceives, and the revenue generated from
`that viewer receiving the media may besplit according to the revenue sharing agreement. In this
`example, the first network owner and the second network ownercannot control each other’s
`service, network distribution rules, and/or other routing or operational processes. Thus, thefirst
`network ownerand the second network ownerare required to agree on the revenue sharing and
`howtheir networks will interconnect in order to provide distribution of media and receive
`revenue basedon that distribution.
`The streaming system 102 also enables a media ownerto identify a program
`or a portion of a program that is made available for streaming. The program typically identifies
`the sequencing, whether sequential, parallel, timing, or other, in which media clips are to be
`streamed, where the mediaclips are to be placed, and, in someinstance, to whom the mediaclips
`can be transmitted.
`A program may havea list of media, an order, and/or other media rules. The
`program mayalso have program creation rules and/or program routing rules. Network
`distribution rules generated by the owner and/or operator of the streaming system 102 (hereafter,
`“network owner’’) or one or more other packet network suppliers also may be associated with the
`program. The networkdistribution rules, the medialist, the order, and any other special media
`rules, such as program creation rules and/or program routing rules, govern the transmission of
`the media for a program.
`Program creation rules are defined by a media owner. Program creation rules
`may identify if a program can be created from one or more other programs and how the one or
`more other programs may be combined. For example, a program may have program creation
`rules identifying which individuals are allowedto alter the program rules, listings of
`identifications of other media owners that have agreed to share media, and other administrative
`Program routing rules are defined by the media owner. Program routing rules
`define where and/or how media may be routed. Program routing rules may be superceded by
`network distribution rules.
`Network distribution rules are defined by the network owner and/or one or
`more other packet network suppliers. Network distribution rules are used to manage capacity,
`load, bandwidth, switch resources, and/or other events and/or resources, including resources for
`sessions and connections. For example, a program can be configured to stream ten minutes of a
`sitcom based media, insert an advertisement, and then return to the sitcom based media. The
`publisher may define the program rules to transmit greater than 30 frames per second, but the
`network distribution rules may berestricted to 30 viewing frames per second by the network
`supplier. The program would not be streamedsinceit violated the network distribution rules. The
`network distribution rules may manage and/or identify resources neededto transfer media
`between the streaming system 102 and one or more other packet networks.
`The medialist may include one or more different media references identifying
`one or more media clips and one or moredifferent types of media. For example, the media list
`may contain media namesor other media references. The media list may include referencesto
`one or more of recorded media, live media, a media alias, a media selector including an
`advertising selector, and/or other media.
`Recorded media typically directly references a media file name. Live media
`typically has connection instructionsto a live ingress switch. A mediaalias typically references
`one or more other media clips. A media selector typically contains rules identifying how to
`select one or more of several possible media clips. An advertising selector is a type of media
`selector used to select an advertising mediaclip.
`Each type of media may contain one or more of the above-stated identifiers or
`other identifiers. Additionally, each media clip may havea title assigned to it by the media
`An orderis a request by a paying or collecting entity for the network ownerto
`provide somesort of streaming or related service, such as storage. Typically, the order is made
`by a paying or collecting entity, such as a publisher, another streaming network service provider,
`a viewer, a private company, an advertising service, or another entity that desires to enter into a
`contract with the network ownerfor streaming service or related services, such as real time usage
`An order may be associated between multiple entities. For example, a
`publisher may be primarily responsible for payment to the network ownerfor streaming services,
`but an advertiser has agreed to pay the network owner based upon the number of people viewing
`their ads. Thus, two paying entities and one collecting entity are associated with the order. In
`this example, an entity can be both a paying entity and a collecting entity. For example, a
`publisher can pay for streaming services andalso collect a portion of the fee generated by
`streaming media.
`An order can contain several order components, suchasservice billing rules,
`storage billing rules, collection rules, viewing rules, settlement rules, and other fiscally important
`information. This fiscal information allows a network ownerto generate an invoice for
`streaming services rendered. The associated invoiced revenue may be collected based on the
`fiscal information, and other collection entities, such as publishers and other networks, may be
`paid based onthat fiscal information.
`Service billing rules normally are related to making the media available for
`viewing. Multiple media items can be associated to a single service rule. Service rules allow the
`publisher to describe to the network owner how the media viewing will be paid. For example,
`pay-per view media may require the viewer to pay for the service. A fee for service may require
`the publisher to pay a fee based on the numberofdata bytes transmitted to all viewers for a
`defined period of time. An advertising revenue share may require the network ownerto collect a
`percentage of the advertising revenue generated by the program being viewed. Other payment
`methods and combination of payments may be used.
`An order also can contain storage rules for determining where the media or
`program will be located and the costs associated with the physical storage of the media. Storage
`rules allow the publisher to target media to MMSlocationsthat they believe will provide the
`most streaming service. For example, advertising media that is localized to the mid-west of the
`United States of America could be located on only MMSs within that region. Storage rules can
`specify a single MMSdevice, an offline storage location that is not attached to any MMS,
`multiple MMSdevices, all MMS devices, and other networks that can provide the same media,if
`needed. Storagerules also allow the network ownerto bill for the amount of storage a publisher
`uses on a periodic basis, such as an average daily storage use. A storage order can have multiple
`media and programsattachedtoit.
`An order may contain collection rules identifying which entity or entities are
`collecting a payment for services rendered. For example, a service rule that designates pay-per-
`view might require an immediate credit card payment by the viewer. The collection rule may
`identify the credit card collection agency, collection account, and other vital settlement data for
`the processing of the viewer’s credit card. In another example, the viewer may select pay-per-
`view and simply be billed the amount on their monthly cable bill. Collection rules also apply to
`the invoicing of charges to corporate type accounts, such as how soon paymentis due after the
`invoice is printed. Collection rules focus on receiving the paymentportion of the transaction.
`Multiple collection rules may be applied to a single order.
`An order may contain viewing rules for the media and/or programsthat are
`attached to it. Viewing rules associated with an order allow the publisher to determine who sees
`the media or program based on the viewer’s account status. For example, a viewingrule for a
`subscription based service in which a vieweris 90 days or more behind in payments might block
`the service.
`In another example, if a viewer selects a pay-per-view media item that
`requires a credit card payment, and the credit card collection agency returns a code declaring the
`card is overits limit, the viewing rule might block the service. Order viewingrules typically are
`associated to a credit rating or current collection status of an account for the person requesting to
`view the media or the publisher wishing to make the media available for distribution.
`An order can contain settlement rules for determining how collections are
`divided and whichentities participate in the settlement. For example, a program may be created
`by a publisher in which advertisers agree to pay the publisher and the network ownerfor
`targeting their advertising to a specific set of viewers. The vieweris allowed to view the
`program free of charge, except the viewer will receive advertisements. The settlementrules
`would describe the agreed upon advertising rates that will be applied on a per viewerbasis, the
`percentageor fixed fee being supplied to the network owner for each viewer, and other
`There may be a many-to-manyrelationship between an order and a program.
`That is, one program or multiple programs may appearin a single service order, and a single
`program may appearin a one order or multiple orders. For example, in the former instance, an
`order may associate multiple programsthat are the publisher’s $4.99 pay-per-view programsfor
`distribution in the United States. Whereas, in the latter instance for example, a single program
`may be associated with one order for pay-per-view customers and another order for subscribers.
`In some embodiments, the program has a program identification. The
`program identification may be usedto track use of the program, such as how manytimesthe
`media for a program is streamed and the numberofusers receiving that program. Additionally,
`the program identification may be used to track otherattributes associated with the program,
`such as viewerattributes associated with the viewer receiving the media, streaming times, other
`media or programs streamed with a particular program, and/or other tracking purposes.
`When a program andits order are complete, it may be published. Publishing
`is the act of making a program available on the streaming network 102 for distribution to one or
`more viewers via a switch, such as the MMS110.
`After a program is published, a presentation may be generated based on the
`program. A presentation results from applying a viewerprofile to a program, including the
`program’s order and any other mediarules, at the time a reservation is made for the program by
`the viewer. A viewerprofile may be anysetof attributes of interest for a viewer and their
`values. Thus, the presentation typically is customized for an individual viewing session, and the
`program and the viewerprofile are what are used to generate the presentation.
`The presentation may identify the media to be streamed to a viewerfor the
`requested program and the resources needed to stream the media. The presentation also may
`include special instructions, such as special media sequencinginstructions, late binding media
`instructions, and/or special routing instructions.
`In one embodiment, the presentation contains one or more program
`identifications. The program identification may be used to track one or more programsidentified
`for the presentation and/orotherattributes for the viewer, the resources used for the presentation
`or its streaming, reporting associated with the program or other media or programsassociated
`with the program, and/or other purposes. For example, a viewer may attempt to view multiple
`programswithin a single reservation. However, a media ownerfor one of the programs may
`wantreports identifying how many people received the program andthestatistics for that
`streaming. Therefore, the program identification is used to provide tracking and reporting on the
`program level, as opposed to the reservation level. The program identification enables the
`streaming system 102 to track and report individual programsandtheir usage.
`The presentation typically is transmitted to an NRP in a reservation along with
`the reservation identification. In some instances, the viewer profile and/or a reservation window
`may be included in the reservation. The reservation windowis the starting time and the ending
`time for which a reservation and the resources for a reservation are valid and available for a
`viewing session. Preferably, a viewing session should be started and completed within the
`reservation window. Although, enforcement may be configured as a matter of network owner
`At the time a reservation is made for the program by the viewer, a play script
`also is created. The play script containsa list of one or more media references for the
`presentation and a reservation identification. In one embodiment, the play script contains one or
`more universal resource locators (URLs), and each URL identities a media clip and contains the
`reservation identification.
`The play script may be formatted accordingto the type of player the vieweris
`using and may contain information identifying how to contact a resource, such as the MMS 110
`or a device on the MMS, to receive the media. In someinstances, such as some configurations
`where the vieweris a set-top box, the device streaming the mediato the set-top box mayinitiate
`the connection to the set-top box, and information identifying how to connect to the resource is
`not needed. The play script typically is transmitted to a viewer.
`The ESRP 104 enables media owners to place media on the ESRP for
`distribution to various switches, such as to various multimedia switches in the streaming system
`102. The ESRP 104 allows each media ownerto create a program for the media, including
`creating a list of media, with one or more different types of media or one or more different media
`clips and the media rules to determine the sequence in which the mediaclips are to be streamed,
`wherethe mediaclips are to be placed, and in some instances to whom the mediaclips can be
`The ESRP 104 also enables a media owner and/or a publishing agent of the
`owner(hereafter “media owner’) to generate the settlement rules that define who will be billed
`or credited when mediais transmitted to a viewer or another device and the termsof the bill or
`credit. For example, a media owner may have a contract with a service provider, and the service
`provider will share in the revenue generated by viewers viewing the content. Alternately, the
`media owner may haveto pay the service provider for use of an amount of bandwidth when the
`media is transmitted. In addition, part of the media sent to a viewer may include advertisements,
`and the media ownercan define a rule to bill the advertising entity a dollar amount each time the
`media is transmitted.
`The ESRP 104 also enables a media ownerto create special viewing rules
`and/or routing rules for the program. The viewing rules and/or routing rules may identify any
`restrictions or other customizations, such as geographic or agerestrictions, preferred language, or
`substitutions on the streaming of the program. For example, if a football game is a program, the
`game may be blocked from a specific region when the streamingis free, but not blocked if the
`gameis part of a subscription or pay-per-view service. In this instance, the media owner may
`generate two or more different orders for the same program, and a viewer 118 or 120 would be
`blocked or not blocked from the program depending on whichorder the viewer was attempting
`to use.
`The ESRP 104 publishes programs when the programsand the orders for the
`programsare complete. Thus, when a program andits order are complete, the ESRP 104 may
`transmit the mediaidentified in the program to one or more switches, such as the MMS 112,
`according to one or more mediarules so that the program is available to be streamed to a viewer.
`The ESRP 104 also publishes the program, including a program identification, a media list for
`the program, and the media rules for the program, to the RTSMS 106.
`One or more ESRP devices mayexist in the streaming system 102. One
`ESRPis depicted in Figure 1 forclarity.
`The RTSMS 106 accepts program
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