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`First Named Inventor
`Charles Jennings
`Art Unit
`| 2143
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`Attorney Docket Number
`I 115094
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`EFS Web 2.0.2
`Alexander et al.
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Charles Jennings
`Art Unit
`| 2143
`Examiner Name
`Not Yet Assigned
`Attorney Docket Number
`I 115094
`International Search Report, dated 2010812002, PCT/U802101420, System and Method for Routing Media, 4 pages.
`European Patent Office Official Communication, dated 1310112005, Application No. 02 702 014.8-1525, System and
`Method for Routing Media, 4 pages.
`European Patent Office Official Communication, dated 0310112006, Application No. 02 702 014.8-1525, System and
`Method for Routing Media, 4 pages.
`Method for Routing Media, 4 pages.
`European Patent Office Official Communication, dated 2610612007, Application No. 02 702 014.8-1525, System and
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