`In re: Application of PIRIM
`Confirmation No.
`Patent No.
`7,650,015 B2
`Issue Date:
`January 19, 2010
`Application No.
`I l/676,926
`Docket No.
`Filing Date:
`February 20, 2007
`ATTN: Certificate of Corrections Branch
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313 -1450
`Sir or Madam:
`On behalf of Image Processing Technologies LLC,
`the assignee of record,
`undersigned hereby requests that a Certificate of Correction pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.323 be
`issued on the above-entitled patent. The corrections are indicated in appropriate form on
`attached Form PTO/SB/44.
`The requested corrections either (i) relate to perfecting delayed priority claims which
`were imperfectly submitted by applicant; or (ii) relate to typographical errors which were made
`by the applicant. All of the requested corrections do not constitute new matter, do not affect the
`scope of any claim and do not require reexamination.
`With respect to the requested correction for priority claims, 37 CFR 1.78 states:


`(2)(i) Except for a continued prosecution application filed under § 1.53(d), any
`nonprovisional application or international application designating the United
`States of America claiming the benefit of one or more prior-filed copending
`nonprovisional applications or international applications designating the United
`States of America must contain or be amended to contain a reference to each such
`identifying it by application number (consisting of the
`prior-filed application,
`series code and serial number) or
`international application number and
`international filing date and indicating the relationship of the applications. Cross
`references to other related applications may be made when appropriate (see §
`(iii) If the later—filed application is a nonprovisional application, the reference
`required by this paragraph must be included in an application data sheet (§ 1.76),
`or the specification must contain or be amended to contain such reference in the
`first sentence(s) following the title.
`* * >l<
`(3) If the reference required by 35 U.S.C. 120 and paragraph (a)(2) of this section
`is presented after the time period provided by paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section,
`the claim under 35 U.S.C. 120, 121, or 365(0) for the benefit of a prior—filed
`copending nonprovisional application or international application designating the
`United States of America may be accepted if the reference identifying the prior-
`filed application by application number or international application number and
`international filing date was unintentionally delayed. A petition to accept an
`unintentionally delayed claim under 35 U.S.C. 120, 121, or 365(0) for the benefit
`of a prior—filed application must be accompanied by:
`(i) The reference required by 35 U.S.C. 120 and paragraph (a)(2) of this
`section to the prior-filed application, unless previously submitted;
`(ii) The surcharge set forth in § 1.17(t); and
`(iii) A statement that the entire delay between the date the claim was due
`under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section and the date the claim was filed was
`unintentional. The Director may require additional information where there is
`a question whether the delay was unintentional.
`Applicant included references to priority claims to the applications for US Patent No. 7,181,047
`and US. Patent No. 6,486,909 and International Application No. PCT/EP98/053 83 in the
`Application Data Sheet and Preliminary Amendment filed on February 20, 2007, but did not
`indicate the relationship of the applications.
`In the Request for Corrected Filing Receipt filed on
`August 27, 2007, applicant further identified International Application No. PCT/FR97/01354 and
`French Application No. FR 96 09420 and clarified the relationships of the applications.
`In the
`Corrected Filing Receipt mailed on April 22, 2008, the USPTO acknowledged the following:


`Domestic Priority data as claimed by applicant
`This application is a DIV of 09/792,29402/23/2001 PAT 7,181,047
`which is a CIP of 09/230,502 09/13/1999 PAT 6,486,909
`which is a 371 of PCT/FR97/01354 07122/1997
`Foreign Applications
`EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE (EPO) PCT/EP98/05383 08125/ 1998
`FRANCE 96 09420 07/26/1996
`Assignee notes that PCT/FR97/01354 and PCT/EP98/053 83 are international applications, each
`designating the United States and identifying Patrick Pirim as the inventor. Subsequently, the
`Bibliographic Data Sheet dated December 1, 2009, lists no applications under Continuing Data
`or Foreign Applications and indicates that Foreign Priority was claimed but the conditions of 35
`USC 119(a)-(d) had not been met. A copy of the cited documents is filed herewith. As the
`record indicates, applicant attempted to claim priority to the applications for US Patent No.
`7,181,047 and US. Patent No. 6,486,909, International Application Nos. PCT/FR97/01354 and
`PCT/EP98/053 83, and French Application No. FR 96 09420.
`Assignee submits that the requirements set forth in 37 CFR § 1.78(a)(1) are met in US.
`Patent No. 7,650,015, but that the references required by 35 U.S.C. § 120 and 37 CFR §
`1.78(a)(2) were unintentionally delayed. Assignee also submits that the requirements set forth in
`MPEP § 1481.03 have been met in; therefore a Certificate of Correction is a valid means for
`amending US. Patent No. 7,650,015 to include the delayed priority claims to the applications for
`US Patent No. 7,181,047 and US. Patent No. 6,486,909 and International Application Nos.
`PCT/FR97/01354 and PCT/EP98/05383. See MPEP § 1481.03.
`Additionally, a petition for unintentionally delayed priority claims under 37 CFR
`1.78(a)(3) is filed herewith.
`With respect to the requested correction for the delayed foreign priority claim to PR 96
`09420, MPEP § 201.16 states: “a certificate of correction under 35 U.S.C. 255 and 37 CFR 1.323


`may be requested and issued in order to perfect a claim for foreign priority benefit in a patented
`continuing application if the requirements of 35 USC 119(a)—(d) or (i) had been satisfied in the
`parent application prior to the issuance of the patent and the requirements of 37 CFR 1.55(a) are
`met.” MPEP § 201.16. Such a delayed claim “constitutes in essence a mere affirmation of the
`applicant's previously expressed desire to receive benefits under 35 USC. ll9(a)~(d) or (i).” Id.
`US. Patent No. 7,650,015 is a divisional of US. Patent No. 7,181,047, which is a
`continuation—impart of US. application no. 09/230,502, filed on September 13, 1999, now US.
`Patent No. 6,486,909 (hereinafter, “Parent Application”). Assignee notes that
`the Parent
`Application is a national stage of International Application No. PCT/FR97/01354, which claims
`priority to FR 96 09420. As noted above, applicant attempted to claim domestic priority claim to
`the Parent Application during prosecution of the application for US. Patent No. 7,650,015 and
`Assignee now submits a request to perfect the delayed claim. Additionally, Assignee submits
`that the priority claim to FR 96 09420 was perfected in the Parent Application and the priority
`claim to FR 96 09420 is identified on the first page of the issued patent for the Parent
`Application. A copy of the first page of US. Patent No. 6,486,909 is filed herewith. The
`requirements of 35 USC § ll9(a)-(d) or (i) had been satisfied in US. Patent No. 6,486,909 prior
`to the issuance of the patent and the requirements of 37 CFR § 1.55(a) are met; therefore a
`Certificate of Correction is a valid means for amending US. Patent No. 7,650,015 to include the
`delayed foreign priority claim. See MPEP § 201.16.
`Additionally, a petition for an unintentionally delayed foreign priority claim under 37
`CFR 1.55(c) is filed herewith.


`For the foregoing reasons,
`it is respectfully requested that the Commissioner issue a
`Certificate of Correction making the aforementioned requested corrections. Please contact the
`undersigned if clarification is required.
`Credit card payment in the amount of $100.00 accompanies this Request. Although no
`additional fees are believed to be due, the Commissioner for Patents is hereby authorized to
`charge any underpayment in fees to Deposit Account No. 14-143 7.
`In the event that the Office
`requires additional
`information regarding this Request, please contact
`the undersigned
`representative Karen Kline (direct line: 561-847-7814).
`Date: August 19, 2010
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Gregory A. Nelson/
`Gregory A. Nelson, Reg. No. 30,577
`Karen C. Kline, Reg. No. 59,907
`525 Okeechobee Blvd, 15th Floor
`West Palm Beach, FL 33401




`W13A licanaflgfgmgiiw
`'Imentm“ {I} mama:
`Mailing Adds‘ws:
`9811M, Patrick
`Paris, Francs:
`56 Rue Patay. @aris 735013, Francs.
`Come-spandama Adflmss:
`{3L3mlicalicm Information
`Tum! N0 0f Drawing Sheets:
`Suggasted FE gust:- far Publication: M
`Atmmcty Basket Number:
`Type :3? Rpm-maxim:
`Rizpresenmive In formation:
`Gregery M. chkowitz, Registmtion No. 56,216
`RC}. 893:; 3M8
`West Pahn Smith, FL 334028188
`Telephmm: {551} (:53 5000
`5’53 Daggggstio Ps‘imtii' r
`US. Afigzpficatim} Ne. 09:’?92,294, flied February 23. 2801.110“!
`US Paiam‘ N0. YJSZQW;
`US Ayplicatiom NO. (39."230,312, fiiafl Ianuary' 2:53 1.999, new
`US imam Na. 5,486,9(39
`inicmaiianak Application No. PC":‘;":E1’98IQ§383, filed
`August 25, 1993
`{WPWZMEg ?}


`11} m- Applicmimn 0f PIRflv’i
`Appiicatifln No.
`Date Filed:
`Febmmfy' 20;. 200:?
`qup M Um?
`Carm'nissimmr for ‘i’a‘tflnts
`$3.0, Box 145%
`Aiexam‘iria, VA 223 13—1450
`Prim m examixmtion cm the marina, amt}; 0f this: foikm‘ing ammémems is mapesi‘fufly
`Amandnmms m the Specificatim} begin 0:} page. 2.
`Mawfimems ta ma Claims agpaat in the {ii-aim Listing, which begins 0:) gage 3.
`Remarks bsgvin 3311 page 6.


`On page 1, {has mic: 0f the invamtim:
`On gage i, bef‘me the Sectinn entitisd "BACKGRUUND OF TEE ENVENTION “, ‘lmifift- ihe
`The present; appliaatio—n shims {hit primiiy ef‘UwS-i Applicminn “Na, G9f?92.,:2943 flit-xi
`February 233 2001, new US Pawn Na. 7,181,843 which. claims primity to US Apglication Nu.
`Enies‘naiienai Applimfimi Ne. PC’E‘EEPQSEQSESB, fiied August 25, BEES; all ai‘which am
`inmmmatsd hercin by refereacc in their entirety,
`:WFS'TEES“: Fl}


`In :1: appiicatian {sf
`PERIEM fit at
`(ifmnfizmaiian N0:
`305 Ti.
`Appiicafim No:
`I 31’636326
`Date: Filed:
`February ‘20 2007
`Army Docket No.3.
`(Zonmnisaiamr far Patents
`13.0. Bax 1459
`Aisxandfi a, VA 22313! 450
`It is mted that in 231:: FIG Elficimnia file, them are {we Officiai Fifing Receipts ofremrd,
`sane. mails-fl cm March 13, EEK]? and tht‘: oiher mailed on. March 1'4, 29f}? Fm” {he ‘pumgsss {)ffi‘lifi‘:
`Rcaguest, the: undersigned wafers it: the must ream: Qfficia} Fiiing Rsssipt which was maiicd on
`March H, 200?.
`The Gfficiai Filing ch‘sipt indicates the instant application is a: divisionai cf US. Patent
`Appiieation N0 09!"?92394; hawaver, thew me- afidiiionfl priority applicatims which Shouid be
`listed. Ag gated in. the. 0fi3ciai filing Recsipt», the insizmt application is a diviaisna} ofUS
`09:79:51,294. The ‘294 appE-ication ciaims prieri‘iy in twn appi‘icationg: it is a {5:33} nationai phase:
`appliaatfim} of PCTEBFQSEQSBSE and a {ZIP appficafim‘i 9371.38 {}9f23f},5{)2. Thfi “502 appliaatian
`is a §3’?1 natianai phase appiiwtion of PCT!’FR9?!GIB§¢¥3 which claimg tht': priority bmwfii 0f FR
`95f0942fl Accardingiy, it is respactfuiiy requested thai‘ the fifficial Filing Recaipt bi: revised as
`This appficafiam is; 3 EN 05 Q9f792,294, 0223:1091 , PAT ’?,3S1,G4?,
`whim is a 533?“ madam! Magi: entry {31“ PUEI’EPS‘SJ'GSEESBS (38.12:?!1938 and a {233’
`of 0?:“2305023 093133199513, P31? 6,485,389, which is {$37} nationai stage entry mi"
`PC'UFngliH 354, July 2-2, 199?, which ciaims the benefit of FR 96:“09420, {)Wfififlfi‘fifi.
`{mumszm }


`Attachad is a cap}: fifthfi Uffigial P‘iiimg Receipt indicating the requitst‘cd revisiensg‘
`(301130th of the primity flares {mt} prompt issuance afa cemented Filing Ramipt is respectfizfiy
`rm;mated. AME/laugh no fee is heiieved m be due- that: C‘mmmssmnez13 harsh} authm‘ized to
`charge any underpaymentm fact-s t0 Dcpasit Account No SG-09§L Phase {:Qntflct the
`nudersigmd if further c'ia-rificatien 0%? this ahuva is madad.
`x by}g;
`Respectffiy submitted,
`fly? li’figf
`.r"..-' ,f/
`x i: ./
`Grrvggérv MEI}efkm; .2; x” .I
`Re%tzz1tig’n Ne SAM} ,1"
`Wt:st Palm Beach E‘i334923188
`Teigpxma; {551} *5;336600
`{WP'd-ZB‘TQM §


`*2; {harm S’izax‘i‘xis kam‘ am ”Kiwimmmi (1):??sz
`mm {at}; —,.
`~ fifl‘fiv‘b
`P‘Q BOX 3188
`WEST PALM BEACH, FL 3361023388
`Date Maiied: EMEQZJ‘EDGS
`Receipt b3 asknmwi‘edged <3? ihis 'nmmrovisiona; patent apgiination.‘ The application wit: be taken mt: fm‘ examination
`in due smir‘sa Apniicant Wm ma natified as {10 the resufts 61‘ the examination. Any szrrasmmdeme cmmeming ma
`apmication must include. this fOEiowing idantifi‘caiian Enfmmafian: $319 US. APPUCA‘HQH NUMBER, FILING DATE,
`NAME CLIP AWLKZANT, and THU: OF iNVEN‘E‘KZEN Fees fiansmittad by check 03’ draft are subject to some Eon.
`Pfizasa Ves‘if}; the accuracy of tha {jam grammar: m“: {his ,rvzscmpi. if an errm is: makes! an this. Fifing Receipt, please
`wrs‘te m the {Mime at initial Patent Exanfinati‘on’s Fiiing Raceipt Carma-fleas. Flease prwétie a copy of this
`Fifing Raceipt with the changes noteci therean, 33' you received a “Nmice to Ffie Missing Parts" for this;
`appficafinn, pieasa submit any correctiuns in this ‘Fiiing Receim with year remy to the Nance. When the
`USP‘IQ pracesses the raping m the Marine, the USPTO will generate another Fifimg Regain: incorparating ma
`requested carrecti‘ons
`Powar of Niamey: Name
`Bumasfic Prfiari‘éy data as Mame-d by appiicant
`This apaiicatian is a Di‘s!‘ of OQJWQEQII 035333200? RAT $181304?
`whim is a ESP of 033238.502 0335“ f3f199§ PAT 6486§i38
`which, is a 3?”: of PCTIF'RWfDiBfi'i U?!EZ;'1Q§?
`Foreign Agpiicatiens
`FRANCE 95 @9420 0?:‘265‘153‘36
`If Required, Forafign Fiiing Unease Granted: 03.11 2I2GQ?
`The counw made and number of your priozity agspticaimn: to be used far Wing abmad under me Paria Convenfian;
`us; wwagea
`Pruiected Pumicatiun Sate: Nat Amficabie
`NowPubiicafian Request: No
`Early Pumicatiun Request: No
`page ‘11 ~23? S






`Bureau international
`- gmfi
`(51) Classification internationale des brevets 6 =
`G06T 7/20
`(11) Numéro de publication internationale: W0 98105002
`(43) Date de publication Internationale:
`5 février 1998 (05.02.98)
`(21) Numéro de la demande internationalc:
`(22) Date de dépét international:
`22 juillet 1997 (22.07.97)
`(30) Données relatives a la priorité:
`26 juillet 1996 (26.07.96)
`(71) Déposant (pour tous les Etals désignés sauf US): CARLUS
`MAGNUS LIMITED [—/—]; Victoria House, Main Street,
`Gibraltar (GI).
`(72) Inventeur; et
`(75) Inventeur/Déposant (US seulemem‘): PIRIM, Patrick [FR/FR];
`56, rue Patay, F-75013 Paris (FR).
`(74) Mandataire: LE BRUSQUE, Maurice; Cabinet Harle & Phelip,
`21, rue de la Rochefoucaud, E75009 Paris (FR).
`Avec rapport de recherche internationale.
`Avec revendications modifiées et déclaration.
`(81) Etats désignés: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY,
`CA, CH, CN. CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl, GB, GE, HU,
`IL. 13. JP. KE. KG. KP. KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS. LT, LU.
`LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO,
`RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, 1‘], TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US,
`UZ, VN, brevet ARIPO (GH, KE, LS, MW, SD, 82, U6,
`ZW), brevet eurasien (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), bievet europeen (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR,
`GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), brevet OAPI (BF,
`BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`I W"
`‘2 '
`Is -
`n \
`/ »
`(57) Abstract
`A method and device for real-time detection, location and
`determination of the speed and direction of movement of an area
`of relative movement in a scene, are disclosed. According to
`the method, the digital video input signal S(PI) is subjected to
`a time—based processing step wherein changes in the value of
`each pixel between one frame and the corresponding previous
`frame are used to generate a binary signal DP representing a
`significant change or the lack thereof. and a digital signal CO
`representing the degree of change; and to a spatial processing
`step wherein both signals are distributed over a matrix for a
`single frame passing therethrough, and the relative movement
`to be sensed as well as the parameters thereof are deduced from
`the resulting matrix distribution. For this purpose, the device
`comprises a time processing unit (15) combined with a memory
`(l6) and a spatial processing unit (17) combined with a delay
`unit (18). Clock (20) and control (19) units are provided for clocking the operation of units (15) and (17).
`in {3
`w ’47
`‘9 “
`7. _'
`(57) Abrégé
`L‘invention a pour objet un precede et un dispositif, fonctionnant en temps réel, pour le repérage, la localisation, la determination de
`la vitesse et de la direction du deplacement en temps reel d’une zone on mouvement relatif dans une scene. Le procédé realise un traitement
`temporel du signal video numérique d’entrée S(Pl), consistant a déduire, des variations de la valeur de chaque pixel entne une trame et la
`trame correspondante antérieure, un signal binaire DP de variation ou non-variation significative et no signal numerique CO représentatif
`de l’importance de cette variation, et un traitement spatial, consistant a ropartir sur unc matrice par roulement ces deux signaux pour une
`meme name qui defile a travers la matrice et a deduire de cette repartition matricielle 1e mouvement relatif recherche et ses parametres. A
`cet effet, le dispositif comporte une unite de traitement temporel (15) associee a nut: memoire (16) et une unite de traitement spatial (l7)
`associée a une unité a retards (18); les unites d’horloge (20) et de commando (19) cadencant 1e fonctionnemcnt des unites (15 et 17).


`Codes utilisés pour identifier les Etats parties au PCT, sur les pages dc couvcnurc dcs brochures publiant des demandes
`intemationalcs en vcnu du PCT.
`Republique de Moldova
`Ex-République yougoslave
`dc Macédoine
`Fédéruion dc Russic
`Burkina Faso
`Republique centrafricaine
`Cbte d'lvoire
`Republique (cheque
`République populaire
`democmique dc Conic
`Republiquc dc Conée
`Sri Lanka
`Elm—Unis d'Amérique
`Vie! Nam


`WO 98/05002
`La présente invention a pour objet un procédé et un dispositif permettant de repérer et de
`localiser une zone en mouvement relatif dans une scene et de determiner la vitesse et la direction
`orientée de ce mouvement relatif, et ceci en temps re'e].
`Par mouvement relatif, on entend aussi bien le mouvement de ladite zone (qui peut étre
`constituée par un «objet», au sens le plus large incluant un étre vivant ou une portion d’un étre
`vivant, une main par exemple) dans un environnement sensiblement immobile, que l’immobilité
`plus ou moins complete de ladite zone (ou ((objet») dans un environnement en déplacement au
`moins partiel.
`L’invention est relative au traitement d’un signal video numérique en provenance d’un
`systeme d’observation, constitue’ par un systéme optique d’entrée ou objectif, apte a former une
`image de la scene observée, et par un systéme de conversion optoélectronique ou capteur, apte a
`convertir ladite image qu’il reeoit en no signal numérique de sortie.
`En general le systeme d’observation est constitué par une camera video ou caméseope, qui
`observe la scene a surveiller (ledit signal de sortie numérique étant alors constitue’ par le signal
`video numerique débité par une camera a sortie numérique ou par la sortie d’un convertisseur
`analogique/numérique dont l’entrée est connectée a la sortie d’une camera débitant un signal
`video analogique).
`Le systeme d’observation pourrait également étre constitué par l’objectif d’un instrument
`d’optique (jumelles,
`lunette d’observation, viseur), dont on préléve au moins une portion du
`faisceau lumineux sortant, ct par un capteur photo-électronique, de type CCD ou CMOS par
`exemple, avec l’électronique associée habituelle, capteur recevant
`l’image formée par ladite
`portion de faisceau lumineux et le convertissant, par I’électronique associee, en un signal video
`numérique de sortie.
`L’invention consiste essentiellement a traiter le signal vidéo nume'rique de sortie d’un
`systeme d’observation, notamment d‘une caméra video, a sortie numerique pour en déduire des
`signaux signalant l’existence et la localisation d‘une zone en déplacement relatif dans ladite scene,
`ainsi que la vitesse et la direction orientée du déplacement dans le cas ou ladite zone se déplace
`effectivement dans ladite scene relativement a un environnement sensiblement immobile. et ceci en
`temps reel.


`WO 98/05002
`Le systéme le plus perfectionné pour repérer et localiser un objet en mouvement relatif et
`detemijner sa vitesse et sa direction orientee de déplacement est le systeme de la vision animale
`ou humaine, par exemple d’un chasseur a l’afii‘it localisant le déplacement d’un animal, ainsi que
`la direction et la vitesse de ce déplacement.
`Dans la technique ante'rieure on a propose des dispositifs de surveillance du type rétine
`artificielle, soit analogiques (Giocomo Indiveri et al.
`in Proceedings of MicroNeuro‘96 p, 15 a
`22), soit numeriques (Pierre-Francois Rijedi in Proceedings of MicroNeuro‘96 p. 23 a 29), mais il
`s’agit dans le premier article de détecteurs et unites analogiques a structure complexe et dans le
`second article de moyens de repérage des bords d’un objet ', en outre dans les dispositifs decrits
`on a recours a des me’moires tres rapides et de grande capacité pour pouvoir ope’rer en temps reel,
`et on obtient des renseignements limités en ce qui concerne les zones ou objets en mouvement.
`On a ainsi propose de me’moriser, dans une premiere mémoire bi-dimensionnelle, le signal
`d’une trame en provenance d’une camera video, on analogue, constitue par une suite de données
`concemant les pixels repre’sentatifs de la scene observée par la caméra a un instant to, puis, dans
`une deuxieme mémoire bi-dimensionnelle, le signal vide'o, pour la trame correspondante suivante,
`representatif de ladite scene a un instant 1,. Si un objet s’est déplace entre la et 1., on determine,
`d’une part, la distance d parcoume par celui-ci dans la sce'ne entre I, et (0 et, d’autre part, la durée
`T = I; - to entre les débuts de deux trames correspondantes successives relatives aux mémes
`pixels. La vitesse du déplacement est alors égale a (”I Un tel systeme ne'cessite une capacite'
`totale de memoire tres importante si on desire obtenir des indications précises de vitesse et de
`direction orientée caractérisant
`le déplacement. En outre, un certain retard existe en ce qui
`conceme l’obtention des indications de vitesse et de direction du déplacement ; en ef’fet de telles
`infon’nations ne sont disponibles qu’a l’instant
`I; + R, en appelant R la duree des calculs portant
`sur l’intervalle to - 1,. Ce double inconvenient (nécessité d’une grande capacité de memoire et
`retard a l’obtention des informations de'sirées) limite les applications d’un tel systeme.
`Par ailleurs le brevet francais No 2.611.063, dont l’un des inventeurs (Monsieur Patrick
`Pirim) est l’inventeur de la présente invention, décrit un procéde’ et un dispositif dc traitement en
`temps réel d’un flot de données sequence, constitue’ en paniculier par le signal de sortie d’un
`caméscope, afin de réaliser une compression des données. Selon ce brevet antérieur, on forme
`l’histogramme des niveaux du signal suivant une loi de classification pour une premiere sequence,
`on mémorise la fonction de Gauss representative associée a cet histogramme. dont on extrait les
`niveaux maximum at minimum, on compare les niveaux de la sequence ultérieure, ou deuxieme
`sequence, aux dits niveaux du signal pour la premiere sequence, me'morisé avec une constante de
`temps constante, identique pour chaque pixel, on engendre un signal binaire de classification qui


`WO 98/05002
`caractérise ladite sequence suivante par rapport a la loi de classification, on engendre, a partir de
`ce signal binaire, un signal auxiliaire représentatif de la duree et de la position d’une plage de
`valeurs significatives et enfin on engendre, a partir dudit signal auxiliaire, un signal de localisation
`de la plage ayant la plus longue durée, dite plage dominante; et on répéte ces operations pour les
`sequences suivantes du signal sequence, Ce proce'dé et ce dispositif de classification pennettent
`une compression des données en ne retenant que les paramétres inte’ressants du flot traite' de
`données sequence. En particulier ce procédé permet de traiter un signal vide’o numérique
`représentatif d’une image vide'o en vue d’extraire et localiser au moins une caractéristique d’au
`moins une zone de ladite image, On peut ainsi classer les niveaux de luminance et/ou de
`chrominance du signal et caracteriser et localiser un objet dans l’image,
`Quant au brevet des Etats-Unis n° 5 488 430, il réalise la detection et l’cstimation d’un
`de’placement en determinant séparément les changements horizontaux et verticaux de l’image de
`la zone observée. On y utilise des signaux de difference pour de’tecter des déplacements de la
`droite vers la gauche, ou inversement et du haut vers le bas, ou inversement, clans les directions
`horizontale et verticale respectivement, en effectuant la fonction logique 0U EXCLUSIF sur des
`signaux de difference horizontaux/verticaux et des signaux de difference de trames, d’une part, et
`en utilisant un rapport des sommes de signaux horizontaux/verticaux et des sommes des signaux
`cle difl‘érence de trames par rapport a une fenétre K x 3,
`d’autre pan. Dans ce brevet
`US. 5 488 430 on utilise les valeurs calcule'es de l’image suivant les deux directions orthogonales

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