`In re Application of:
`Docket No.:
`Application No.:
`Patent No.:
`Art Unit:
`Confirmation No.:
`Commissioner for Patents,
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`This is in response to the Petition decision mailed March 9, 2015. Please
`reconsider the decision in view of the following remarks.


`The decision states:
`3'? CFR 1.783333:
`The abovc~captioned 0.8. patent issued from an application filed alter November 29,
`2000, and the corrected benefit claim under 35 120 is submitted afier the expiration oi’thc
`time period specified in 37 CFR i.78{a)(2)(ii). Under the circumstances present here, the
`petition is properly considered under 37 CFR i.?8{a}(3). gag MPEP section l48l .03.
`A gramabic petition under 3’? CFR i.78(a}(3) must be accompanied by the following:
`the mic-fence: required by 35 U513. 112i} and 3'? CFR
`'l ,78(a){2)(i) to the priormfiicd application, unless
`previously submitted;
`the surcharge set forth in 37 CPR 1.173); and
`a statement that the entire delay between the data the claim was due
`under 37' CFR i.?8(a){2){ii) and the date. the claim was filed was
`Item (1): With regard to Item (1) the decision states the Application Data
`Sheet filed on November 24, 2014 does not comply with 37 CFR 1.76(c)(2)
`allegedly because it is not entitled “Supplemental Application Data Sheet” and
`does not identify the information that is being changed, preferably with
`underlining for insertions and strike-through or brackets for text removed.
`Applicant submits herewith a Marked-up Supplemental Application Data
`Sheet in the format as originally filed identifying information being changed, a
`Marked-up Supplemental Application Data Sheet PTO form identifying
`information being changed and a Clean Application Data Sheet PTO form.
`Item (2): With regard to item (2), the decision states the surcharge set
`forth has been previously submitted.
`Item (3): With regard to item (3), the prior Request for Reconsideration
`states, “The entire delay between the date the claim was due under 37 CFR
`1.55(a)(1) and the date the claim was filed was unintentional.” This remains true.
`The entire delay between the date the claim was due and the filing of this petition
`was unintentional.


`The decision states the statement previously submitted of unintentional
`delay is acceptable.
`37 CFR 155$}
`Tire abov'ecaptioned US. patent issued from an appiicaiiori filed after November 29,
`2000, and the foreign priority ciaim under 35 U.S.C. i l9(a)*(d) or 365(3) directed to French
`application number FR 9609420 was not submitted prior to the expiration of the time period
`Specified in 3'! CFR i.,55{a)(l). Accordingiy, this is an appropriate petition under the provisions
`of 3? CFR 155(0).
`A grantable petition under 37 CFR i.55(c} to accept an unintentionaliy delayed claim for
`foreign priority requires the foliowmg:
`the ciaim under 35 U.S.C. l i9{a}*(d) or 365(21) and this scction to the prior
`foreign appiication, unicss previousiy submitted;
`the surcharge as set forth in 3? CFR 1.177(1);
`a statement that the entire delay between the date;- rhe ciaim was due under 3?
`CFR 155(3)“) and the date the claim was filed was unintentionai.
`Item (1): With regard to Item (1) the decision states the Application Data
`Sheet filed on November 24, 2014 does not comply with 37 CFR 1.76(c)(2)
`allegedly because it is not entitled “Supplemental Application Data Sheet” and
`does not identify the information that is being changed, preferably with
`underlining for insertions and strike-through or brackets for text removed.
`Applicant submits herewith a Marked-up Supplemental Application Data
`Sheet in the format as originally filed identifying information being changed, a
`Marked-up Supplemental Application Data Sheet PTO form identifying
`information being changed and a Clean Application Data Sheet PTO form.
`Item (2): With regard to item (2), the decision states the surcharge set
`forth has been previously submitted.
`Item (3): With regard to item (3), the prior Request for Reconsideration
`states, “The entire delay between the date the claim was due under 37 CFR


`1.55(a)(1) and the date the claim was filed was unintentional.” This remains true.
`The entire delay between the date the claim was due and the filing of this petition
`was unintentional.
`The decision states the statement previously submitted of unintentional
`delay is acceptable.
`No additional surcharge should be owed, but the Director is hereby
`authorized to charge any deficiency in fees filed, asserted to be filed, or which
`should have been filed herewith (or with any paper hereafter filed in this
`application by this firm) to our Deposit Account 14-1437. Please credit any
`excess fees to such account.
`Date: March 17 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Michael P. Byrne/
`Michael P. Byrne, Reg. No. 54,015
`525 Okeechobee Blvd.
`15th Floor
`West Palm Beach, FL 33401
`Phone: (561) 847-7800
`Fax: (561) 847-7801

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