`PTO/SENSE (07-09)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651—0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COi‘J‘iE‘J‘iERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a coiiection of inform on uniess it '
`‘piays a valid OMB control number.
`Appiicant/Patent Owner: Peter M Ionutti
`em No.3Wwfl Fiiediissue Date:%
`Ionutti Skeietai innovations LLC
`(Name otAssignee)
`1 a
`(type of Assignee. e.g.. corporation, partnership, university. government agency. etc.
`states that it is:
`the assignee of the entire right. titie, and interest in:
`an assignee of iess than the entire right, titie. and interest in
`(The extent (by percentage) of its ownership interest is
`9/0); or
`D the assignee of an undivided interest in the entirety of (a comniete assignment from one of the joint inventors was made)
`the patent appiication/patent identified above, by virtue of eitrzhe
`A. D An assignment from the inventor(s) of the patent appiicationipatent identified above. The assignment was recorded in
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Reei
`, or for which a
`copy therefore is attached.
`A chain of titie from the inventorts), of the patent application/patent identified above, to the current assignee as foiiows:
`1. From: PETER i‘v’i. BONUTTE
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Ree! 013993
`or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`2. From: THE BONUTTE 2983 TRUST - A AND THE Fifi
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`": i:
`or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`3_ From: BONUTTE EF’, LLC
`To: i‘v’iARCTEC, LLC
`The docum ,nt was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Ottice at
`or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`Frame {3207
`Additiohai documents in the chain of titie are iisted on a suppiementai sheetis).
`X As required by 37 (ii-"R 3.721(t))(‘i)(i), the documentary evidence of the chain oftitie from the originai owner to the assignee was,
`or concurrentiv is hein,g submitted for recordation pursuant to 3? CFR 3.11.
`[NOTE A separate copy (i.e., a true copy of the original assignment document(s)) must be submitted to Assignment Division in
`accordance with 37 (ii-"R Part 3, to record the assignment in the records of the USPTO. See MPEP 302.08}
`The undersigned (whose titie is suppiied beiow) is authorized to act on behalf of the assignee.
`[Brent D. Martin!
`March 31,2014
`Brent D. Martin
`Atty of Record. Reg. #62217
`‘- a benet .by the pubiic which is to file (and by the USPTO to
`ed red to obtain or r
`3 red red by 7 CFR 373(k)). The information
`This coiie ttion o informatior
`process) an appiicaiion. Confidentiaiity is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 3'. o R 1.11 and 1.14. This coiiection is estimated to take 12 minutes to compieie, inciuding
`gathering. preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time wiii vary depending upon the individuai case. Any comments on the amount of time
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`if you need assistance in compiet‘i'ng the form. caii' i~800~PTO~9199 and seiecl option 2.
`4. From: MARCTEC, LLC
`The document was; recorded in the United States. Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reef 022859, Frame 0060, or for which a copy thereof is attached,
`5. From: P TECH LLC
`The document was; recorded in the United States. Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reef 028930, Frame 0557, or for which a copy thereof is attached,
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reef 028943, Frame 0803, or for which a copy thereof is attached,
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reef 028959, Frame 0109, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
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`The Privacy Act of 13%- (Pt. 33*579) requires that you be given certain information in connection
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`A record from this system of records may be disciosed, as a routine use, to the public after
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`CFR 1.4 as a routine use, to the public it the record was flied in an application which
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`referenced by either a pubiished appiication, an appiication open to public inspection or an
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`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federai, State,
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