`Customer No. 22882
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box MEX)
`Aiexandria, VA 223134458
`Aooiicant hereby revokes the previous Power of Attorney in the aopiications
`identified in attached Appendix A, and hereby grants power of attorney to MARTEN 8t
`FERRARO, LLP; Thomas H. Martin, Reg. No“ 34,383; Arnedeo Ft Ferraro, Reg:
`No. 3?,128;Wesiey Ci i‘v’ieinerciing, Reg. No. 571925; and Brent it). iv’iartin, Reg. No.
`6231?; anci jointiy and separateiy as Appiicant(s) attorneys with fuii power of
`substitution and revocation to prosecute these appiicatiens and to transact aii business
`in the Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith, and to receive the Letters
`Piease send aii future correspondence concerning this aoniication tc Bonutti
`Skeietai innovations LLC at the toiicwing address:
`Bonotti Skeietai innovations LLC
`240E) Daiias Parkway, Suite zoo
`Piano, TX T5993
`(214) 29141632
`(214) 291—4833
`January 22, 20th
`\‘\‘\\\‘“ “\\\§
`Man/in Kev
`CEO, Bonutti Skeietai innovations LL53

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