7/9/2009 | 1-2-US-099110240UP1 | Abandonment Office Actions Communications |
7/9/2009 | | Email Notification |
7/9/2009 | | Mailing of Abandonment after Board of Appeals |
7/6/2009 | | Abandonment after Board of Appeals |
3/10/2009 | 1-17-US-099110240QP1 | Patent Board Decision - Examiner Affirmed Office Actions Communications |
3/10/2009 | | Electronic Review |
3/10/2009 | | Email Notification |
3/10/2009 | | Mail BPAI Decision on Appeal - Affirmed |
3/6/2009 | | BPAI Decision - Examiner Affirmed |
6/16/2008 | | Court Processing Terminated |
4/25/2008 | 1-14-US-099110240PP1 | Decision by CAFC - Remanded Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/25/2008 | 1-14-US-099110240SP1 | Decision by CAFC - Remanded Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/25/2008 | | Decision by CAFC - Remanded |
7/25/2007 | 1-4-US-099110240OP1 | Notice of Appeal Filed Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
7/25/2007 | | Appeal to Court of Appeals |
7/25/2007 | | Notice of Appeal Filed |
6/25/2007 | 1-3-US-099110240NP1 | Decision on Reconsideration - Denied Office Actions Communications |
6/25/2007 | | Mail BPAI Decision on Reconsideration - Denied |
6/25/2007 | | Dec on Reconsideration - Denied |
3/5/2007 | | Request for Reconsideration of Appeal Dec |
12/26/2006 | 1-5-US-099110240MP1 | Request for Rehearing of Patent Board Decision Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
12/26/2006 | | Amendment/Argument after BPAI Decision |
11/30/2006 | 1-6-US-099110240LP1 | Patent Board Decision - Examiner Affirmed in Part Office Actions Communications |
11/30/2006 | | Mail BPAI Decision on Appeal - Affirmed in Part |
11/30/2006 | | BPAI Decision - Examiner Affirmed in Part |
12/23/2005 | 1-1-US-099110240KP1 | Appeal Docketing Notice Office Actions Communications |
12/23/2005 | | Docketing Notice Mailed to Appellant |
12/23/2005 | | Assignment of Appeal Number |
11/10/2005 | | Appeal Awaiting BPAI Docketing |
10/5/2005 | 1-3-US-099110240JP1 | Order Returning Undocketed Appeal to the examiner from Patent Board Office Actions Communications |
10/5/2005 | | Order Returning Undocketed Appeal to the Examiner |
7/8/2005 | | Appeal Awaiting BPAI Docketing |
9/10/2004 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
7/21/2004 | 1-16-US-099110240HP1 | Examiner's Answer to Appeal Brief Office Actions Communications |
7/21/2004 | | Mail Examiner's Answer |
7/19/2004 | | Examiner's Answer to Appeal Brief |
5/24/2004 | | IFW TSS Processing by Tech Center Complete |
5/12/2004 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
5/3/2004 | 1-248-US-099110240FP1 | Appeal Brief Filed Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
5/3/2004 | 1-1-US-099110240GP1 | Extension of Time Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
5/3/2004 | | Appeal Brief Filed |
5/3/2004 | | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
1/26/2004 | 1-3-US-099110240EP1 | Notice of Appeal Filed Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
1/26/2004 | | Notice of Appeal Filed |
12/30/2003 | 1-12-US-099110240DP1 | Final Rejection Office Actions Communications |
12/30/2003 | | Mail Final Rejection (PTOL - 326) |
12/29/2003 | | Final Rejection |
9/26/2003 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
9/13/2003 | | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
9/12/2003 | 1-4-US-099110240CP1 | Transmittal of New Application Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
9/12/2003 | 5-1-US-099110240CP1 | Amendment/Req. Reconsideration-After Non-Final Reject Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
9/12/2003 | 6-1-US-099110240CP1 | Claims Application Documents |
9/12/2003 | 7-9-US-099110240CP1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
9/12/2003 | 16-1-US-099110240CP1 | Claims Application Documents |
9/12/2003 | | Response after Non-Final Action |
4/7/2003 | 1-1-US-099110240IP1 | Amendment/Req. Reconsideration-After Non-Final Reject Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/7/2003 | 2-2-US-099110240IP1 | Claims Application Documents |
4/7/2003 | 4-9-US-099110240IP1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/7/2003 | 13-2-US-099110240IP1 | Transmittal of New Application Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
4/7/2003 | | Supplemental Response |
3/31/2003 | 1-2-US-099110240BP1 | Notice to the applicant regarding a non-compliant or non-responsive amendment Office Actions Communications |
3/31/2003 | | Mail Notice of Informal or Non-Responsive Amendment |
3/28/2003 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
2/14/2003 | 1-3-US-099110240AP1 | Amendment/Req. Reconsideration-After Non-Final Reject Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
2/14/2003 | 4-9-US-099110240AP1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
2/14/2003 | 13-2-US-099110240AP1 | Non Patent Literature |
2/14/2003 | 15-9-US-099110240AP1 | Non Patent Literature |
2/14/2003 | 24-13-US-099110240AP1 | Non Patent Literature |
2/14/2003 | 37-22-US-099110240AP1 | Non Patent Literature |
2/14/2003 | 59-11-US-099110240AP1 | Non Patent Literature |
2/14/2003 | 70-8-US-099110240AP1 | Non Patent Literature |
2/14/2003 | 78-1-US-099110240AP1 | Extension of Time Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
2/14/2003 | | Informal or Non-Responsive Amendment after Examiner Action |
2/14/2003 | | Response after Non-Final Action |
2/14/2003 | | Request for Extension of Time - Granted |
9/16/2002 | 1-11-US-0991102409P1 | Non-Final Rejection First Office Action (substantive examination) |
9/16/2002 | 12-2-US-0991102409P1 | List of references cited by examiner Documents including citations |
9/16/2002 | 14-14-US-0991102409P1 | Foreign Reference Documents including citations |
9/16/2002 | 28-2-US-0991102409P1 | Non Patent Literature |
9/16/2002 | 30-2-US-0991102409P1 | Non Patent Literature |
9/16/2002 | 32-4-US-0991102409P1 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner Documents including citations |
9/16/2002 | | Mail Non-Final Rejection |
9/12/2002 | | Non-Final Rejection |
9/9/2002 | 1-14-US-0991102408P1 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
9/5/2002 | 1-5-US-0991102407P1 | Examiner's search strategy and results In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
8/26/2002 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
8/19/2002 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
5/30/2002 | 1-2-US-0991102406P1 | Petition Decision Office Actions Communications |
5/30/2002 | | Mail-Record Petition Decision of Granted to Make Special |
3/18/2002 | 1-5-US-0991102405P1 | Petition Entered Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
3/18/2002 | | Petition Entered |
11/28/2001 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
10/24/2001 | 1-1-US-0991102404P1 | Miscellaneous Action with SSP Office Actions Communications |
10/24/2001 | | Application Dispatched from OIPE |
8/14/2001 | 1-1-US-0991102403P1 | Miscellaneous Action with SSP Office Actions Communications |
8/10/2001 | | Correspondence Address Change |
8/2/2001 | | IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review |
7/24/2001 | 1-3-US-0991102401P2 | Transmittal of New Application Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
7/24/2001 | 4-101-US-0991102401P2 | Specification Application Documents |
7/24/2001 | 105-8-US-0991102401P2 | Claims Application Documents |
7/24/2001 | 113-1-US-0991102401P2 | Abstract Application Documents |
7/24/2001 | 114-89-US-0991102401P2 | Drawings-only black and white line drawings Application Documents |
7/24/2001 | 203-4-US-0991102401P2 | Oath or Declaration filed Application Documents |
7/24/2001 | 207-1-US-0991102401P2 | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
7/24/2001 | 1-1-US-0991102402P1 | Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc. Documents including classifications |
7/24/2001 | 2-1-US-0991102402P1 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notes Documents including classifications |
7/24/2001 | 3-1-US-0991102402P1 | Index of Claims In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
7/24/2001 | 4-3-US-0991102402P1 | Transmittal of New Application Written Arguments, Opinions, Incoming amendments, Papers received from applicants |
7/24/2001 | 7-1-US-0991102402P1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
7/24/2001 | 8-1-US-0991102402P1 | Fee Worksheet (SB06) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
7/24/2001 | 9-1-US-0991102402P1 | Claims Worksheet (PTO-2022) In-house documents including Examiner Notes/Search Results |
7/24/2001 | 10-1-US-0991102402P1 | Artifact sheet indicating an item has been filed which cannot be scanned Application Documents |
7/24/2001 | | Reference capture on IDS |
7/24/2001 | | Oath or Declaration Filed (Including Supplemental) |
7/24/2001 | | Initial Exam Team nn |