`DATE : November13,2007
`TOSPEOF -:ARTUNIT—2800(2154)
`SUBJECTno.7035914: Request for Certificate of Correction for Appl. No.09/350467patent
`Please review the requested changes/corrections as shown in the COCIN document(s)in
`the IFW application image. No new mattershould be introduced, nor should the scope or
`meaning of the claims be changed.
`Comments: Art Unit
`Please respondto this requestfor a certificate of correction within 7 days.
`Please complete the response (see below) and forward the completed response to scanning
`using document code COCX.
`Certificates of Correction Branch
`703-308-9390 ext. 116
`Thank You For Your Assistance
`‘The request for issuing the above-identified correction(s) is hereby:
`Note your decision on the appropriate box.
`C1 Approved
`All changes apply.
`Q) Approvedin Part
`Specify below which changes do notapply.
`Q) Denied
`State the reasons for denial below.
` PTOL-306 (REV. 7/03)