`Paper No. 7
`Filed: December 4, 2017
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2017-01432
`Patent 5,978,876
`McGRAW,Administrative Patent Judges.
`McGRAW,Administrative Patent Judge.
`Institution of Jnter Partes Review
`37 C.F.R. § 42.108


`Patent 5,978,876
`STMicroelectronics Inc., (“Petitioner”) filed a Petition requesting an
`inter partes review of claims 1-19 (“the challenged claims”) of U.S. Patent
`No. 5,978,876 (Ex. 1001, “the ’876 patent”). Paper 1 (‘“Pet.”). Semcon IP
`Inc., (“Patent Owner’) filed a Preliminary Response. Paper 6 (“Prelim.
`Wehavejurisdiction under 35 U.S.C. § 314(a), which provides that an
`inter partes review maynotbeinstituted unless the information presented in
`the Petition shows“there is a reasonable likelihood that the petitioner would
`prevail with respect to at least 1 of the claims challenged in the petition.”
`Petitioner contends the challenged claims are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C.
`. §§ 102 and 103 on the following specific grounds(Pet.2):
`Rerene ae[eeeCs
`Lambrecht °484!
`Lambrecht °484
`Lambrecht °484 and Craft’
`Taking into account the arguments presented in the Petition and
`Preliminary Response,for the reasonsset forth below, we determinethat the
`present record demonstrates a reasonable likelihood that Petitioner will
`prevail in establishing the unpatentability of claim 1 of the ’876 patent, but
`not claims 2-19. For the foregoing reasons, we grantthe Petition for inter
`'U.S. Patent No. 5,682,484, filed November 20, 1995, issued October 28,
`1997 (Ex. 1005, “Lambrecht °484”).
`2U.S. Patent No. 5,438,666, filed June 30, 1992, issued August 1, 1995 (Ex.
`1007, “Craft’”’).


`Patent 5,978,876
`partes review ofthe ’876 patent as to claim 1 and we donotgrant the
`Petition as to claims 2-19.
`Our factual findings and conclusionsatthis stage of the proceeding,
`including claim construction, are preliminary and are based on the
`evidentiary record developed thus far. This is not a final decision as to
`patentability of claims for which inter partes review is instituted. Ourfinal
`decision will be based on the record as fully developed duringtrial.
`A. Related Proceedings
`Wehave been informed that the ’876 patent is involved in the
`following legal proceedings: Semcon IP Inc. v. STMicroelectronics Inc.,
`2:16-cv-00439 (E.D. Tex.) and Semcon IP Inc. v. Texas Instruments Inc.,
`2:16-cv-00440 (E.D. Tex.), which have been consolidated as Semcon IP Inc.
`v. Huawei Device USA Inc., et al., 2:16-cv-00437 (E.D. Tex.). Pet. 4-5;
`Paper 3, 1. Patent Ownerfurtheridentifies the following district court cases
`as also being consolidated under lead case Semcon IP Inc. v. Huawei Device
`USA Inc. et al.: Semcon IP Inc. v. MediaTek Inc. et al., 2:16-cv-00438 (E.D.
`Tex.) and Semcon IP Inc. v. ZTE Corporation et al., 2:16-cv-00441 (E.D.
`Tex.). Paper 3, 1. In addition, the parties state the ’876 patentis also the
`subject of a petition for inter partes review, IPR2017-001425. Pet. 1-2;
`Paper 3, 1. Patent Ownerfurtheridentifies IPR2017-01431, in which
`STMicroelectronics challenges U.S. Patent No. 5,566,627, as a related
`matter. Paper3, 1.
`B. The ’876 Patent
`The °876 patent, titled “System and Method for Controlling
`Communications between Subsystems,” issued November 2, 1999 from U.S.


`Patent 5,978,876
`Patent Application No. 08/834,242, filed on April 14, 1997. Ex. 1001, at
`[54], [45], [21], [22]. The °876 patent issued on a continued prosecution
`application filed under 37 C.F.R. § 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year
`patent term provision of 35 U.S.C. § 154(a)(2). Id. at [*].
`The “invention comprises a centralized subsystem communication
`controller that allocates communication resources and conducts subsystem
`communications according to dynamic system needs.” Jd. at 2:58-61.
`A block diagram of a preferred embodimentof the invention showing
`subsystemsand interconnections of a video system is shownin Figure 2,
`reproduced below. Jd. at 4:30-34, 2:43-50.
`Host Computer
`User VO
`Control Processing System
`FIG. 2
`Figure 2 depicts independently operable audio-video processing system 200
`having a peripheral connection 103 to host PC 100. Jd. at 3:45—-50. Video


`Patent 5,978,876
`system 200 is modular, re-configurable, and expandable system of elements
`needed for real-time mixing and/or processing of audio and or video data
`streams. Id. at 3:51—54.
`Video system 200 comprises coordinator 240, video processing
`subsystems (video cards 250, 260), interconnections including main control
`bus 201, communications “enable” lines 203, and video bus 209.
`Operation of video system 200 is centrally monitored and controlled
`by coordinator 240 according to user audio-video manipulation selections
`and other input received through connection 103 from host PC 100 system
`expansion interface 170. Coordinator 240 provides for subsystem address
`assignment, bus utilization and other subsystem communicationsand control
`functions that utilize main control bus 201. Coordinator 240 also controls _
`operation of switcher 270, which in turn directs audio and video data flow
`over video bus 209.
`Subsystem addressesallow directing communications to and from
`specific subsystems. Id. at 4:31-32. While each subsystem (video cards
`250, 260) receives all communications over shared main control bus 201, the
`video cards only decode communications including their address. Jd. at
`Figure 4, reproduced below,is a detailed view of Figure 2 showing
`components used by video system 200 to coordinate and control
`/d. at 4:61-63.


`Patent 5,978,876
`| Allocation
`Bus Master
`YO Contro}
`Save VO
`Save I/O
`Lut Controller

`209 “a
`Figure 4, above, illustrates coordinator 240, comprising bus master
`I/O controller 243a, message length counter 243b, processing elements
`including processor 245a and processor-memory 245b,and busallocation
`elements including enable I/O controller 246a and allocation queue 246b.
`Id. at 4:61-5:1. Coordinator 240 is connected by conncction 201a to main
`control bus 201 control lines, connection 201b to main control bus 201
`address and data lines, and connection 203 to subsystem communications
`enable lines 203b and 203c. Jd. at 5:1-S.


`Patent 5,978,876
`C. Illustrative Claims
`Ofthe challenged claims, claims 1, 2, and 15 are the only independent
`claimsat issue and are reproduced below.*
`1. and_controllingA system for coordinating
`communications overa plurality of communication connections
`betweena plurality of subsystems, comprising:
`[b] ahost computer;
`avideo processing system coupled to the host computer
`receiving control
`information from the host
`computer, the processing system comprising:
`[d] a plurality of subsystems connected in parallel with a
`communications controller by a control bus so that
`pairs of the subsystems can directly communicate
`with each other over the control bus; and
`the communications controller allocating available
`communication connections according to ongoing
`determinations of system communications needs by
`dynamically assigning communications channels to
`communications between the subsystems according
`to the ongoing determinations.
`A system for
`coordinating ‘and
`communicationsovera plurality of subsystems, comprising:
`a plurality of subsystems for sending and receiving
`communications; and
`a communications controlling coordinator coupled to each
`of the subsystemsfor controlling said communications
`between said subsystems;
`the communications controlling coordinator including a
`processor for determining a need for communication
`between a pair of the subsystems, assigning a channel
`3 Bracketed material and formatting added to be consistent with usage by


`Patent 5,978,876 ,
`transmitting information
`regarding the
`assigned channel
`to the pair of
`subsystems, and instructing the pair of subsystems to
`commence communication on the assigned channel.
`15. A method of dynamically controlling communications
`betweena plurality of subsystems, comprising:
`providing a plurality of subsystems;
`assigning an address to each subsystem;
`determining a need for communications betweena pairofthe
`assigning one ofa plurality of communications channels to
`the communication between the pair of
`transmitting a communications channel designation to the
`pair of subsystems to alert
`the subsystems of the
`assigned communications channel; and
`exchanging said communications between said subsystems
`over the assigned communications channel.
`D. Asserted Grounds of Unpatentability
`Petitioner challenges claims 1-19 of the ’876 patent based on the
`asserted grounds of unpatentability (“grounds”) set forth in the table below.
`Pet. 2.
`Lambrecht ’484 and Craft
`Lambrecht ’484
`Lambrecht °484


`Patent 5,978,876
`A. Claim Construction
`As acknowledgedbytheparties, the ’876 patent has expired.’ Pet. 9;
`Prelim. Resp. 9. For claims of an expired patent, the Board’s claim
`interpretation is similar to that of a district court. See In re Rambus, Inc.,
`694 F.3d 42, 46 (Fed. Cir. 2012). In construing a claim term, we must look
`at the term’s ordinary and customary meaning,as understood by a person of
`ordinary skill in the art, in the context of the written description and the
`prosecution history. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1313 (Fed. Cir.
`2005) (en banc). A patentee may act as a lexicographer by giving a term a
`particular meaning in the specification with “reasonable clarity,
`deliberateness, and precision.” In re Paulsen, 30 F.3d 1475, 1480 (Fed. Cir.
`1994). Where an inventor choosesto be his own lexicographerand to give
`terms uncommon meanings, he mustset out his uncommondefinition in
`some mannerwithin the patent disclosure so as to give one of ordinary skill
`in the art notice of the change. Id.
`In this section, we provide a preliminary claim construction forthe
`sole purpose of determining whetherto institute review. We emphasizethat
`4 The °876 patent issued on a continued prosecution application filed under
`37 CER. § 1.53(d) andis subject to the twenty year patent term provision of
`35 U.S.C. § 154(a)(2). Ex. 1001 [*]. Therefore, the °876 patent expired no
`later than April 4, 2017, which is twenty years after April 4, 1997, the filing
`date of the application that gave rise to the ’876 patent. See Ex. 1001 [22];
`35 U.S.C. § 154(a)(2) (2012 & Supp.III 2015)(stating,inter alia, patent
`term ends twenty (20) years from the date on which the application for the
`patent wasfiled in the United States).


`Patent 5,978,876
`our construction in this Decision is based on the current record andis a
`preliminary construction. Ourfinal claim construction will be based upon a
`complete record developed during the proceeding.
`Petitioner proffers constructions for several claim phrases, namely:
`99 66
`“channel,” “bus master I/O controller,” “enable I/O controller,”
`queue,” and “dynamically and interruptably.” See, e.g., Pet. 9-14. Patent
`Ownerproffers a construction, either explicitly or implicitly, for
`29 66
`“communication channel(s),”
`99 66
`“commence communication,”
`“channel for the communication,” “host
`“exchanging said
`communications.” See Prelim. Resp. 9-10.
`Weare not bound bythe parties’ or by a district court’s constructions.
`See Power Integrations, Inc. v. Lee, 797 F.3d 1318, 1326 (Fed. Cir. 2015)
`(“There is no dispute that the board is not generally bound bya priorjudicial
`construction of a claim term.”).
`3 66
`“communications channel(s),’’and “channelfor
`The term “channel” is recited a numberoftime in each of the asserted
`independentclaims. See claim 1 (“assigning communications channels to
`pairs of subsystems”), claim 2 (“assigning a channelfor the communication”
`betweena pair of subsystems, “transmitting information regarding the
`assigned channelto the pair of subsystems”andinstructing the pair of
`subsystems to commence communication on the assigned channel’), claim
`15 (“assigning one of a plurality of communications channels to conduct the
`communication,” “transmitting a communications channel designation to the
`pair of subsystems,” and “assigned communications channel”).


`Patent 5,978,876
`Relying on statements in the ’876 patent, Petitioner contends that one
`of ordinary skill in the art would understand the ordinary meaningofthe
`term “channel,” as used in the ’876 patent, to mean “time-based transfer-
`window.” Pet. 10 (citing Ex. 1001, Abstract, 2:65-3:3, 5:45-61).
`Patent Ownerstates thatit does not dispute this construction for
`“purposes of this proceeding.” Prelim. Res. 10 (also stating that the district
`court construed the phrases “communication(s) channel(s)” of claims 1, 15,
`and 20, and “channel for the communication” of claim 2, as meaning a
`“time-based transfer window. Prelim. Resp. 10 (citing Ex. 2001, 41).
`At this stage of the proceedings, we do not construe the term
`“channel”as recited in claims 2 and 15 asbeinglimited to a “time-based
`transfer-window.” “Time-based transfer-window” is notrecited in the
`claims. Althoughthe claimsare interpretedin light of the specification,itis
`improperto read limitations from the specification into the claims. See, e.g.,
`Inre Van Geuns, 988 F.2d 1181, 1184 (Fed. Cir. 1993); see also Thornerv.
`Sony Computer Ent. Am. LLC, 669 F.3d 1362, 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (“It is
`likewise not enoughthat the only embodiments,orall of the embodiments,
`contain a particular limitation. We do not read limitations from the
`specification into claims; we do not redefine words.”). Noneofthe
`statements in the 876 patent identified by Petitioner limit the meaning of the
`term “channel” to be a time-based transfer-window.
`For example, the ’876 patent states that in a preferred embodiment,
`the “coordinator assigns time-sharing communications ‘channels’ to selected
`subsystem pairs and then, ... enables assigned communication channels.”
`Id. at 2:66-3:3. Here, the ’876 patent is describing the communication
`channels in the preferred embodimentas time-sharing communication


`Patent 5,978,876
`channels andis not defining all communication channels as time-sharing
`communications channels.
`The °876 patentalso states that “[p]rocessor 245a generates, as a
`result of communication-need evaluation, a time-based transfer-window
`(‘communications channel’) designation.” Ex. 1001 5:45—47. Here, use of
`quotations around “communications channel”indicates that the time-based
`transfer-window is a communications channel, not that all communications
`channels must be a time-based transfer-window. Moreover, this statement
`describes a preferred embodimentandis not limiting all embodiments of the
`invention. See id. at 3:43-45 (“Detailed Description of the Preferred
`Similarly, in the Summary of the Invention, the ’876 patent states in
`“a preferred embodiment,”the “coordinator assigns time-sharing
`communications ‘channels’ to selected subsystem pairs.” Jd. at 2:65—67.
`The Abstract further states that the “coordinator preferably assigns each
`pending communication a time-based transfer-window channeldesignation”
`that signals the subsystemsto transfer data.
`Assuch,at this stage of the proceeding, based on the current record,
`we do not construe communication “channel”as recited in the claims of the
`’876 patent(e.g., “communications channel(s), “channel for the
`communication”) as limited to a “time-based transfer-window.” Weinstead
`construe this term to have its ordinary and customary meaning, whichis “a
`mcdium for communication or passage of information.”


`Patent 5,978,876
`2. “commence communication,” and “exchanging said
`Claim 2 recites “instructing the pair of subsystems to commence
`communication on the assigned channel.” Claim 15 recites “exchanging
`said communications between said subsystems over the assigned
`communications channel.”
`Petitioner does not provide an explicit construction for these terms.
`Patent Ownerarguesthat Petitioner proffered a narrower construction in
`related district court proceedings and cannot argue in this proceeding a claim
`construction different from the position that it took during. Prelim. Resp.
`11. Patent Ownerstates that Petitioner argued in the district court
`proceedings that the claims “must exclude communication ‘routing through
`a central controller’” and that Petitioner may not be permitted to argue in
`this proceedingthat the claims terms “commence communication” and
`“exchanging said communications” include communication routing through
`a central controller.
`/d. at 10-11.
`Patent Owner’s argumentthat Petitioner is precluded from arguing a
`different claim construction than it proffered in the district court proceeding
`is not persuasive based on the present record. Presumably, Patent Owneris
`relying on a theory of“judicial estoppel” which “bindsthe party to a
`position that it advocated and successfully achieved.” See Skye Hawke
`Technologies, LLC v. Deca Int'l Corp., 828 F.3d 1373, 1376 (Fed. Cir.
`2016). However, Patent Ownerhasnot clearly articulated its legal theory;
`nor has Patent Owner submitted evidence that was prepared by Petitioner
`setting forth the position taken by Petitioner in the district court. Instead,
`Patent Owner merely submitted a copy ofthe district court’s claim


`Patent 5,978,876
`construction memorandum opinion andorderandasserts that the district
`court relied on Petitioner’s arguments “and substantially adopted its
`constructions.” See Prelim. Resp. 11 (citing Ex. 2001, 47-48). Therefore,
`the record presently before us is insufficient to determine whether (1)
`Petitioner is precluded from arguing a claim construction position
`inconsistent with that taken in the district court, and (2) whether the Boardis
`prevented from adopting such a claim construction. As such, we do not find
`Patent Owner’s preclusion argument persuasive on the present record.
`At this stage of the proceeding, we also do not construe the terms
`“commence communication” and “exchanging said communications”to
`require communication routing through a central controller.
`Statements made during prosecution are relevant to understanding the
`meaning of claim terms and cangiverise to prosecution history estoppel or
`prosecution disclaimer. For example, “where the patentee has unequivocally
`disavowed a certain meaningto obtain his patent, the doctrine of prosecution
`disclaimer attaches and narrows the ordinary meaning ofthe claim
`congruent with the scope of the surrender. Shire Dev., LLC v. Watson
`Pharm., Inc., 787 F.3d 1359, 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2015). However, “while the
`prosecution history can inform whetherthe inventor limited the claim scope
`in the course of prosecution,it often produces ambiguities created by
`ongoing negotiations between the inventor and the PTO. Therefore, the
`doctrine of prosecution disclaimer only applies to unambiguous disavowals.”
`Id. at 1366.
`‘“‘When the purported disclaimers are directed to specific claim
`terms that have been omitted or materially altered in subsequent applications
`(rather than to the inventionitself), those disclaimers do not apply.”


`Patent 5,978,876
`Saunders Grp., Inc. v. Comfortrac, Inc., 492 F.3d 1326, 1333 (Fed. Cir.
`Here, because the statements in the prosecution history relating to
`“direct” communication between subsystems were not unambiguous
`disavowals of claim scope, but rather were statements madeinrelation to
`terms that were later omitted from the claims, we determine that the phrases
`“commence communication” and “exchanging said communications”recited
`in claims 2 and 15 do not require “directly exchangeor directly exchanging
`data on the assigned channel without passing through a central controller.”
`For example, during prosecution, the applicant made statements
`distinguishing certain pending claims overa priorart reference (“Cheng”),
`stating the claims requires “direct” communication between the subsystems,
`a feature allegedly not taught by Cheng. Ex. 1002, 44-45, 50-51. For
`example, in the September 21, 1998 amendment, claims 1 and 2 were
`amendedto require “direct communication” between the subsystemsand the
`applicant presented argumentsdirected to these limitations. See Ex. 1002,
`44 (claim 1 amended to requireinitiating “direct” communications
`“between” the subsystems), 45 (claim 2 amendedto require “direct
`communication” between a pair of subsystems), 50-51 (arguing Cheng does
`not disclose “controlling direct communications between multiple
`subsystems”). Significantly, pending claim 15 did notrecite “direct” and the
`applicant did not rely upon “direct” communication in attempting to
`distinguish claim 15 overthe prior art. Ex. 1002, 52 (arguing Cheng only
`discloses “assigning a communications channel betweenthe central
`controller” and therefore does not disclose “dynamically and interruptably
`assigning a communications channel betweenpairs of subsystems”as recited


`Patent 5,978,876
`in pending claim 15). Ex. 1002, 52. The fact that the applicant did not rely
`upon “direct” communication in attempting to distinguish claim 15 over the
`prior art indicates that the statements were madeto specific claim terms in
`claims 1 and 2, and notto the “invention”itself.
`Moreover,the applicant later amended claim 2 to remove the term
`“direct.” Jd. at 67-68. Following the Examiner’s October 21, 1998 Office
`Action, in which the Examiner found Cheng teaches direct communications
`between subsystems (Ex. 1002, 59-60), the applicant filed an amendment on
`January 25, 1999 that, inter alia, amended claim 2 to remove the “direct”
`communication limitations.
`/d. at 67-68. The applicant then attempted to
`distinguish amended claim 2 by arguing that Chengfailed to provide a
`method by which collisions between communications are prevented. Jd. at
`71. For these reasons, the statements made during prosecution were not an
`unambiguous disavowalof claim scope and we donotfind that claims 2 or
`15 require direct communication between the subsystems without routing
`through the controller.
`3. Whether the “host computer” must be separate fromthe
`“communication controller”’
`Claim 1 recites a system comprising “a host computer” and a “video
`processing system coupled to the host computer” comprising “a plurality of
`subsystems connectedin parallel with a communications controller by a
`control bus.”
`Patent Owner implicitly argues that claim 1 requires that the “host
`computer” be separate from the “communication controller.” See Prelim.
`Resp. 19 (contending that Petitioner failed to show a “host computer”
`separate from the “communication controller” because Petitionerrelies on


`Patent 5,978,876
`Lambrecht °484’s CPU for both claim elements). However, simply because
`a claim recites two claim elements does not necessarily require that the two
`elements be separate from each other. See Powell v. Home Depot U.S.A.,
`Inc., 663 F.3d 1221, 1231-32 (Fed. Cir. 2011) (stating that claim language
`“cutting box interior in fluid communication with dust collection structure
`for collecting sawdust” did not require that “cutting box” and “dust
`collection structure” must be separate components); see also NTP, Inc.v.
`Research in Motion, Ltd., 418 F.3d 1282, 1310 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (noting that
`the asserted claim language did not support a limitation requiring that the
`claimed “RF receiver” and “destination processor” be separate and distinct).
`Atthis stage of the proceeding Patent Ownerhas not provided any argument
`in support of a claim construction that requires the host computer to be
`separate, either physically or functionally, from the “video processing
`system coupled to the host computer” or from the “communications
`controller.” Nor has Petitioner provided a claim construction that addresses
`this issue. Therefore, based on present record, we do not construe claim 1 as
`requiring the host computer to be separate from the communication
`4. Remaining Claim Terms
`For purposes of this Decision, based on the record before us, we
`determine that none of the remaining claim terms require an explicit
`construction. See Vivid Techs., Inc. v. Am. Sci. & Eng’g, Inc., 200 F.3d 795,
`803 (Fed. Cir. 1999) (“[O]nly those terms need be construed thatare in
`controversy, and only to the extent necessary to resolve the controversy.”).


`Patent 5,978,876
`B. Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`Petitioner contends a person ofordinary skill in the art at the time of
`the alleged invention of the ’876 patent (a “POSITA”) would have a
`Bachelor of Science degree in electrical or computer engineering with two
`years’ experience in computer systems design or an equivalent combination
`of training and experience. Pet. 9 (citing Ex. 1003 { 46).
`Patent Owner contends that a POSITA would have a bachelor’s
`degree in electrical or computer engineering with one to two years of
`experiencein the field of computers with courses pertinent to processor
`operations and/or design, and digital data processing systems with a focus on
`computerarchitecture and/or intra-systems connections and
`communications. Prelim. Resp. 9. Patent Owner further contends that
`extensive experience and technical training may substitute for education
`requirements, while advanced education might substitute for experience. Id.
`Althoughthe parties articulate different level of skill for a POSITA,
`neither party explains how their recited level of skill impacts the
`obviousness analysis. For the purposes of this Decision, we determinethatit
`is not necessary to state explicitly a specific level of skill; the priorart itself
`reflects an appropriate level of skill. See Okajima v. Bourdeau, 261 F.3d
`1350, 1355 (Fed. Cir. 2001).
`C. Asserted Anticipation of Claims 1-17 by Lambrecht ’484
`“A claim is anticipated only if each and every elementas set forth in
`the claim is found, either expressly or inherently described, in a single prior
`art reference.” Verdegaal Bros. v. Union Oil Co., 814 F.2d 628, 631 (Fed.
`Cir. 1987). The “reference must clearly and unequivocally disclose the
`claimed compoundordirect thoseskilled in the art to the compound without


`Patent 5,978,876
`any need for picking, choosing, and combining variousdisclosures not
`directly related to each other by the teachings of the cited reference.”
`Application ofArkley, 455 F.2d 586, 587 (CCPA 1972).
`Petitioner contends that claims 1-17 are anticipated under § 102 by
`Lambrecht ’484. Pet. 19-55. Petitioner relies upon the declaration of David
`Albonesi, Ph.D. (Ex. 1003, the “Albonesi Declaration’) to support its
`positions. Jd.
`1. ‘Overview ofLambrecht ’484°
`Lambrecht °484 generally relates to systems and methodsfor
`transferring periodic data streams on a multimedia bus. Ex. 1005, [54], [57].
`Figure 7, shown below,illustrates a computer system according to one
`embodimentof the invention.
`5 A different Lambrecht reference (U.S. Patent No. 5,905,879) is at issue in
`related proceeding, Case No. IPR2017-01425. Although the two Lambrecht
`references do not share any commonclaim forpriority, both Lambrecht
`references do share a similar disclosure.


`Patent 5,978,876
`Figure 7 above,illustrates a system having multimedia devices 142A—
`146A connected to PCI expansion bus 120, real-time or multimedia bus 130,
`and separate control channel 502. Ex. 1005, 12:50-56. The multimedia
`devices use multimedia bus 130 to communicate data between the devices
`and use dedicated control channel for addressing and controlfor the
`multimedia bus transfers. Jd. at 12:56—-59, 13:44-47.
`Arbitration logic 504 is coupled to control channel 502 and performs
`arbitration for the multimedia devices andis responsible for arbitrating and
`Jd. at 14:35. Alternatively,
`granting accessto the real-time bus 130.
`arbitration logic 504 is incorporated into PCI Bridge Chipset 106. Jd. at
`14:6-7. Regardless of the location of arbitration logic 504, “multimedia
`devices 142A—146A provide request signals on control channelto arbitration


`Patent 5,978,876
`logic 504, and .. . arbitration logic 504 grants bus access according to a
`desired arbitration method.” Jd. at 14:7~10.
`In one embodiment, multimedia bus 130 is “time sliced” wherein time
`slices or time slots are allocated in proportion to the required bandwidth. Id.
`at 17:60-63. In this embodiment, multimedia devices include timeslotting
`logic 644 for controlling access of the device to the multimedia bus 130. Jd.
`at 18:9-11, Fig. 11. The time slotting logic can use one or more timers and
`counters 646 for determining the respective time slot. Jd. at 18:14—-16,Fig.
`11. Multimedia bus interface logic 174A also includes programmable
`timeslot registers that are programmedbya “central agent”, such as CPU
`102, with the respective timeslot position and length on the multimedia bus.
`Id. at 18:14-17, Fig. 11. In one embodiment, CPU 102 programsa timeslot
`into each of the multimedia devices at startup or boot time, thus providing a
`static allocation of time slots.
`/d. at 18:17-20. Alternatively, software
`executing on CPU 102 dynamically programstimeslots in each of the
`multimedia devices dependent uponreal-time process and applications
`occurring in the computer system. Jd. at 18:20-24. The time slots may be
`equally sized, or may be dynamically sized and allocated to data streams in
`proportion to the required bandwidth. /d. at 18:39-41.
`Figure 13, shownbelow,illustrates another embodimentofthe
`invention having a “centralized multimedia I/O processor.” Jd. at 6:34-37.


`Patent 5,978,876
`_» I
` ie Ei
`se(ATBus0 FIG. 13
`Figure 13 aboveis a diagram of a computer system having dedicated
`multimedia I/O processor 702 coupled to multimedia bus 130.
`/d. at 19:8—
`13. Preferably, I/O processor 702 is implemented within PCI Bridge Chipset
`106 (not shown),or alternatively may be implemented external to the chipset
`as shownin Figure 13.
`/d. at 19:11-14.
`“In one embodiment, the centralized I/O processor 702 ‘byte slices’
`the multimedia bus to allow different data streams to use different byte
`channel simultaneously.” Jd. at 19:39-41. The centralized multimedia I/O
`processor may assign one data stream to a subsystem ofthe total byte lanes
`on bus 130, andfill the unused byte lanes with another data stream. Jd. at


`Patent 5,978,876
`2. Asserted Anticipation of Claim 1 by Lambrecht ’484
`Petitioner argues that Lambrecht ’484 disclosesall the limitations
`recited in independent claim 1. Pet. 19-24.
`Patent OwnerarguesPetitioner has not shown Lambrecht °484
`anticipates claim 1 because Petitioner’s anticipation argument improperly
`combines embodiments comprising an I/O processor with embodiments
`involving “time-sliced communications.” See Prelim. Resp. 1, 12-16.
`Patent Ownercontends that Lambrecht ’484’s I/O processor does not set up
`“time-sliced communications”(e.g., “time-slicing’’), but rather is used to set
`up “byte-sliced communications”(e.g., “byte-slicing”). Jd.
`Weagree that the Petition can be read as arguing that combination of
`various embodiments of Lambrecht ’484 anticipate claim 1. However, the
`Petition also can be read as arguing that certain embodiments individually
`anticipate claim 1. We address Petitioner’s arguments below.
`Claim element 1(e) requires the “communications controller” to
`“assign[] communications channels”to pairs of subsystems. Petitionerrelies
`on Lambrecht ’484’s “time slot window”as satisfying the “communications
`channels”limitation. For example, Petitioner states that “Lambrecht
`explains that a time slot window (‘communications channel’) is dynamically
`assigned to pairs of multimedia subsystems by the central controller,e.g., the
`I/O processor.” Pet. 23 (citing Ex. 1005, [4]:39-50). Petitioner also states
`that “the CPU may program eachof the multimedia device

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