
`B 355 - Qos
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to subsystems communications and more particularly to a
`subsystem communication control system.
`Discussion of the Prior Art
`Many computers and electronic systems handle complex processes by dividing a
`given process into subprocesses and using different elements of the system
`(“subsystems”) simultaneously to execute respective subprocesses. To coordinate this |
`type of distributed processing, the subsystemsare typically interconnected by a
`communications “bus”or busses, and are provided with interface circuits for enabling
`communications of commands and data. Thus, in a distributed processing systern, one
`subsystem performsits task and communicates the result to another subsystem, and so
`on, until the entire process has been completed.
`Subsystem interconnections may have any of several configurations
`(“topologies”) including one or moreserial and/or parallel busses and multiple bus
`subdivisions (“sub-busses”). Address and data bus-lines can be separate (“non-
`multiplexed”) or shared (“multiplexed”). The term “bus” herein refers to a linear bus
`topology, whichis a parallel, multiplexed or non-multiplexed bus of continuouslines
`which are designated for certain kinds of connections to subsystems. An example of such
`a busis the typical personal computer (“PC”) configuration illustrated by Fig. 1. PC bus


`101 interconnects processor 120, memory 130, host video I/O controller 140, host audio
`V/O controller 150, user-I/O controller 160 (for connecting user interface control devices.
`such as a keyboard and/or mouse) and system expansion interface 170. A secondary bus
`102 connects video I/O controller 140 to monitor 145, and another secondary bus 103
`connects system expansion interface 170 to other subsystems, not shown.
`Overall communication-flow (“bus traffic”) is typically controlled by designated
`bus-master subsystems capable ofinitiating communications to each other and to slave
`subsystems capable only of responding to communications.
`Conventional master subsystems control communications among subsystems ona
`communication-by-communication basis. A bus having only one communications
`pathway allows only one communication at a time and therefore, before attempting to-
`communicate over a one-path bus, a master must wait until the bus is not being used.
`Then, since at any time more than one master might attempt a communication,the
`requesting master must acquire exclusive control of the bus. When the bus becomes
`available, the master typically begins arbitration by communicating a message over the
`bus requesting control of the bus. If no other master is communicating a similar request,
`then the requesting master may initiate communication. Conflicting contemporaneous
`requests can be resolved using typically a combination of predeterminedprioritization
`and first-come-first-served criteria to allocate the bus to a prevailing master. Thus,
`arbitration times are often unpredictable and, with many contemporaneously requesting
`masters, can be long.
`A master, having acquired control of a bus,typically initiates a transfer by issuing
`a command which includes the address of a slave that is to send or receive data. If the


`slave is available, then it begins sending or receiving. Otherwise, the master generally
`waits for the slave to become available. Alternatively, if another capable slave exists, the
`master may attemptto utilize it. Typically, however, the master must yield control of
`the bus and then request control anew. If meanwhile other masters have begun requesting
`control of the bus, then all the masters must conduct an arbitration. Once communication
`is initiated with a slave, there are few limitations on the length of time utilized for the
`communication, and meanwhile any other subsystems requesting communications must.
`wait. Communicationitself is typically conducted by a master by addressing a slave and
`transferring data on a word-by-wordbasisin orderto clearly identify the intended data
`Conventional subsystem-directed communications, as described thus far, are well
`matched to the needs of conventional personal computers (“PCs”) and other less complex
`systems. The Personal Computer Interface (“PCI’’) bus of a conventional PC, for
`example, supports essentially predictable communication. Typically, since each ofthe
`three or four subsystems supported performs a unique function in an essentially
`repetitious manner, a subsystem sendsdata resulting from a given type of processing to
`the same next-subsystem. For example, a PC-based sound-processing subsystem
`repeatedly sends processed sound-data to the same audio-controller for output. Thus,
`subsystem communication control by masters according to predetermined and fixed
`priorities is sufficient. PCs also do not typically require or provide for the highly robust
`responsesofreal-time systems. Thus, the potentially substantial delays associated with
`waiting for an available bus, seeking control ofthe bus,arbitration and waiting for an


`uninterruptable slave have been acceptable, as have delays associated with word-based
`transfer controls typically directed by the master.
`Unfortunately, delays inherent to master-slave systems may be unacceptable in
`systems requiring more robust responses, such as real-time systems. To make matters
`worse, communication patterns are far less predictable in more complex systems, and
`designation of masters and predetermined priority-criteria becomeless effective in
`coordination of subsystems as the number and complexity of the subsystems increase.
`As the numberof subsystemsincreases, the possibility that an equal or higher-priority
`master might monopolize the bus increases and the possibility of time-consuming
`arbitration also increases. Other delays inherent to master-slave systemsarealso likely to
`be magnified as system complexity increases. Additionally, master subsystemsare highly
`complex and use expensive components.
`Thus, there is a need for a dynamic, robust, flexible and well-coordinated means
`for directing subsystem communications.
`The present invention provides a dynamic, robust, flexible and well-coordinated
`meansfor directing subsystem communications. The invention comprises a centralized
`subsystem communication controller that allocates communication resources and
`conducts subsystem communications according to dynamic system needs.
`In a preferred embodiment, a system communication controller (“coordinator”) is
`coupled via a main control bus and other connections to each subsystem,andis also
`connected to a host PC for user control and monitoring. The coordinatorassigns time-


`sharing communications “channels” to selected subsystem pairs and then,utilizing the
`main control bus and dedicated control connections, dynamically and interruptably
`enables assigned communication channels. In further accordance with the preferred
`embodiment, a dynamic memory access (“DMA”) type communicationis utilized.
`Preferably, the coordinator monitors communications and limits message-lengths, thereby
`leaving an integral coordinator processor free for other tasks.
`Advantageously, the use of a dedicated and centralized subsystem
`‘communications controller maximizes responsiveness to system requirements while
`minimizing system cost. The centralized coordinatoris better equipped than individual
`non-dedicated subsystem masters to dynamically apportion available communication
`resources according to ongoing user control, known system parameters and ongoing
`communications monitoring.
`Further advantage is gained through avoidance of unnecessary delays. The
`combined use of a channel assignment, dedicated controllines, independently monitored
`DMAtransfers and dynamic decision making by the coordinator provides immediate,
`interruptable and switchable accessto the bus.
`These and other advantages and benefits of the present invention will become
`apparent from the drawings and specification that follow.


`Fig. 1 is block diagram showing the functional elements of a conventionalhost
`personal computer;
`Fig. 2 is a functional block diagram showing subsystems and interconnectionsof a
`video system in accordance with the invention, including its connection to the host
`personal computerofFig.1;
`Fig. 3 is a flowchart of method steps for providing subsystem addresses in
`accordance with the invention;
`Fig. 4 is a detailed block diagram showing subsystem communication control
`functions and interconnections in accordance with the invention; and
`Fig. 6 is a flowchart of method steps for dynamic communication channel
`assignment and monitoring of subsystem communication accordingto the invention.
`Fig. 2 shows how subsystem communication requirements are met according to
`the present invention in an independently operable audio-video processing system
`(“video system”) 200 having a peripheral connection 103 to host PC 100.
`Video system 200 isa modular, re-configurable and expandable system of
`elements needed for real-time mixing and/or processing of one or more audio and/or video
`data input streams. Video data streams supplied by external video sourcesare, for
`example, input through respective I/O control subsystems (not shown), then pre-
`processed (not shown) to provide a consistent internally-utilized format and then
`communicated over video bus 209 for individual and/or combined-stream (“mixed”)


`processing. Actual processing varies from addingtitles and splicing video segments to
`animation, video effects and virtual-world type enhancement. Video system 200 also
`provides sophisticated audio and time-locked audio-video processing.
`Video system 200 comprises subsystems including coordinator 240, video
`processing subsystems “video card-1” 250 through “video card-N” 260, switcher 270,
`and interconnections including main control bus 201, communications“enable”lines 203
`and video bus 209. Video card-1 250 through video card-N 260 manipulate the video
`data. Additionally, a peripheral communication link 103 to system expansion interface
`170 of PC 100 provides use of PC-based resources for user control, downloading and
`audio-video previewing.
`Operation of video system 200 is centrally monitored and controlled by
`coordinator 240 according to user audio-video manipulation selections and other input
`received through connection 103 from host PC 100 system expansion interface 170.
`Coordinator 240 provides for subsystem address assignment, busutilization and other
`subsystem communications and control functionsthat utilize main control bus 201.
`Coordinator 240 also controls operation of switcher 270, which in turn directs audio and
`video data flow over video bus 209.
`Video system 200 real-time performance and overall flexibility at a minimized cost
`are achieved in several ways. Many subsystems, including the video cards (c.g., video
`card-1 250, video card-N 260), are socketed such that subsystems can easily be added or
`replaced. Another example is that many video cards and other subsystems provide
`programmable audio-video processing functionality. Thus, maximized functionality is
`provided by continuously maximizedutilization of available subsystems. A further


`example is that while the numberof bus-linesis limited to minimize cost, use of available
`bus throughput is maximized throughefficient and dynamically assignable bus utilization
`by coordinator 240,
`Subsystem addresses allow directing communications to and from specific
`subsystems. While video card-1 250 to video card-N 260 each receive all communications
`over shared main control bus 201, the video cards decode only communications including
`their address.
`The Fig. 3 flowchart, with reference to Fig. 2, illustrates how during system reset
`' a unique addressis statically assigned to each subsystem. In step 310, coordinator 240
`polls a first card slot for the presence of a subsystem card. If in step 320 a card is found
`in the first slot, then in step 330 coordinator 240 transfers a first available address over
`bus 201 to the card and, in step 340, the card stores the address in its memory (eg. 257b
`or 267b, Fig. 4). If instead, in step 320, a subsystem cardis not foundin thefirst slot,
`‘then no address is assigned. Whetheror not there is a subsystem card in the first slot, in
`step 350 if video system 200 has moreslots that have not been polled, then in step 360
`coordinator 240 polls a nextslot and returns to step 320. If instead, in step 350, no more
`slots remain to be polled, then all subsystem cards present have been assigned unique
`addresses and address assignment is complete.
`Subsystem addresses are thus assigned in a sequential mannerfor all subsystems _
`found during initialization. Contrary to conventional bus-mastering however, subsystem
`addresses are not utilized throughout subsystem communication as a meansfor allocating
`main control bus 201. Rather, coordinator 240 utilizes subsystem addressesforalerting


`respective subsystems as to an assigned communication channel, thereby rapidly re-
`assigning bus channels.
`Fig. 4 is a detailed view of Fig. 2 showing components used by video system 200
`to coordinate and control communications. Coordinator 240 comprises ongoing
`communication control elements including bus master I/O controller 243a and. message
`length counter 243b, processing elements including processor 245a and processor-
`memory 245b, and bus allocation elements including enable I/O controller 246a and
`allocation queue 246b. Coordinator 240 is connected by connection 201a to main control
`bus 201 control lines, connection 201b to main control bus 201 address and data lines, and
`connection 203 to subsystem communications enable lines 203a and 203b.
`Video card-1 250 comprises communication elements including slave I/O controller
`253 and subsystem controller 255, as well as video processing elements including video
`processor 257a and memory 257b. Video card-1 250 is connected by connection 201c to
`main control bus 201 control lines, connection 201d to main control bus 201 address and
`data lines, and connection 203b to enable lines 203. Similarly, video card-N 260
`comprises communication elements including slave I/O controller 264 and subsystem
`controller 264, as well as video processing elements including video processor 267a and
`memory 267b. Video card-N is also connected by connection 201e to main control bus
`201 control lines, connection 201f to main control bus 201 address and data lines, and
`connection 203c to enable lines 203.
`Coordinator 240 preferably contains no video processing components.It is
`responsible for all monitoring and control ofsubsystem communications, and is therefore
`the only subsystem requiring expensive bus mastering components. Conversely, video


`cards 250 through 260 are dedicated primarily to processing of received video data and
`therefore only require less expensive components.
`Subsystem communication is coordinated by coordinator 240 based upon user
`control information received over connection 103 from PC 200 (Fig. 3), system activity
`monitored over main control bus 201 and known system characteristics, records of which
`are stored in processor memory 245b. Since coordinator 240 controls all communication
`over main control bus 201, coordinator 240 keeps informed of each dataset andits
`processing from the time the data is input. Coordinator 240 also controls system 200
`configuration and therefore has related information available as well. Processor 245a
`evaluates such information to continuously determine the most appropriate
`communication and then dynamically initiate and control such communication. All
`communications are handled similarly except for a priority given to interactive user
`Processor 245a generates, as a result of communication-need evaluation, a time-
`based transfer-window (“communications channel”) designation. The designation
`preferably includes subsystem addresses for a subsystem that will send a dataset and for
`a subsystem that will receive the dataset, as well as the numberof a channel according to
`which data will be sent. A channel numberis a re-assignable code that coordinator 240
`stores in allocation queue 246b and then, along with respective send and receive
`instructions, communicates over main control bus 201 address and data lines to the
`currently assigned subsystems. Coordinator 240 later (during an allocated transfer
`period) asserts a “channel on” message and a selected channel number through connection


`201a onto main bus 201 control instruct sets of assigned subsystems to begin or
`continue transferring data.
`Since coordinator 240 can change the control code on main control bus 201 control
`lines to re-allocate main control bus 201 almost instantly, the use of channel assignments
`provides for robust dynamic bus assignments.
`Coordinator 240 additionally provides subsystem enabling control for each
`subsystem such that channels can be re-assigned without the needto first clear a prior
`assignment. Prior to assigned subsystem communication, processor 245a, using enable
`I/O controller 246a to assert selected enable lines 203, preferably enables each of the
`assigned subsystemsto drive main control bus 201 independently.
`Subsystem controller 255 of video card-1, for example, is connected through
`connection 203b to one of enable lines 203 while video card-N is connected through
`connection 203c to a different one of enable lines 203. Another advantage of such dual
`control is that, by continuously disabling one enable line pair while enabling another, a
`single channel can be used to switch among multiple-subsystem pair communications.
`Thus a minimum numberof main control bus 201 controllines can be used to greater
`During subsystem communication, bus master I/O controller 243a and counter
`243b offload lower-level monitoring and control from processor 245a to enhance system
`performance. Processor 245ainitiates communication by setting counter 243b and
`sending to bus master I/O controller 243a a command code to “turn on” an included
`channel number. Bus master I/O controller 243a asserts main control bus 201 control
`connections 201a to latch the command codes on main control bus 201. Bus master I/O


`controller 243a, through main control bus 201 address and data bus connections 201b,
`monitors bus activity and decrements counter 243b for each data word received by'a
`subsystem. Counter 243b, upon being decremented to zero, asserts an interrupt signal on
`connection 244b to processor 245a. The counter 243b starting valve thus defines, unless
`superseded by processor 245, a data transfer block size limit for each communication
`block. While the counter-set value 243b is variable depending upon particular system
`performanceconstraints, a counter-set value indicating a block size of sixty four is
`preferably used for video system 200.
`Subsystem communication is otherwise conducted by the communicating
`subsystemsutilizing slave I/O controllers 253 and 263 according to a DMAprotocol.
`An enabled subsystem, having received on main control bus 201 address and data lines a
`control code designating it a sending subsystem on, for example, channel-1, and having
`received a channel-1 control code on main control bus 201 control lines, will send a next
`data word and then wait for an acknowledge signal. Similarly, an enabled subsystem,
`having received a control code on main control bus 201 address and datalines designating
`it as a receiving subsystem on a given channel, and having received the given channel
`control code on main control bus 201 control lines, will expect a data word.
`The specific embodiment of bus master I/O controller 243a and of slave I/O
`controllers 253 and 263 may be varied according to cost, response time andother criteria
`Eachslave I/O controller is, however, preferably configured to receive from coordinator
`240 and respond appropriately to commandsincluding subsystem address designations,
`channel designations and the presence or absence of appropriate channel-on codes. Two
`main control bus 201 control lines are used for indicating one ofup to four channels, and


`two more are used for command codes. In addition, slave I/O controllers 253 and 263
`preferably acknowledge received data words, in response to which coordinator 240 bus
`master I/O controller 243a decrements counter 243b.
`The Fig. 5 flowchart illustrates how coordinator 240 (Fig. 2) allocates main control
`bus 201 for subsystem communications. This illustration assumesthat no other transfers
`are pending and that a sender subsystem is sending a complete dataset. Since processor
`245a has determined that a subsystem communication (“transfer”) is required, a transfer
`is initiated in steps 515 through step 540, the transfer occurs in steps 545 through 560
`and post-transfer steps occur in steps 565 through 575.
`In step 515, processor 245a polls allocation queue 246b to determine the next
`available communications channel number. In step 520, coordinator 240 sends the
`communications channel designation including the allocated channel number and
`notification that the subsystem will send data, to a first subsystem (“sender”), and then
`coordinator 240 enables the sender. In step 525, coordinator 240 sends the
`communications channel designation including the allocated channel number and
`notification that the second subsystem will receive data, to a second subsystem
`(“receiver”), and then enables the receiver. In step 530 processor 246a sets counter
`243b. In step 535, processor 246a sends a “channel-on” message includingthe allocated
`channel numberto bus master I/O controller 243a. In step 540, controller 243a latches
`the received channel-on message on main control bus 201 controllines, and in step 545
`the sender and receiver begin the transfer.
`If bus master I/O controller 243a in step 550 detects an acknowledge,then in step
`555 it decrements counter 243b by one. If, in step 560, counter 243b has not been


`decremented to zero, then there remains data to be transferred and the process repeats
`steps 550 through 560. However,if in step 560 counter 243b has been decremented to
`zero, then in step 565 counter 243b interrupts processor 245a. Processor 245a in step
`570 changes the control code and in step 565 disables the sender and receiver and clears
`the allocated request from allocation queue 246b.
`Since none ofthe conventional master-slave bus acquisition and arbitration delays
`are present and coordinator 240 is freed from video processing and lower-level control to
`continually analyze system-wide communication needs,initiation of a new transferis
`robust. Therelative priority of a communication is in most cases continually known by
`coordinator 240 and even a new channelassignmentincurs little delay. In addition, once
`established, a channel can be re-activated quickly by re-enabling designated subsystems
`and/or issuing a channel-on messageindicating that channel.
`The use of robust channel assignment, channel pausing, channel switching and
`other capabilities of the invention also providesflexibility in typical cases of more than
`one concurrent request for subsystem communication. This is particularly the case where
`subsystem communications control is dynamically provided by a dedicated centralized
`controller such as coordinator 240.
`Communicationon any assigned channelcontinues only while a corresponding
`channel-on codeis present onmain control bus 201 address anddata lines and while the
`communicating subsystemsare enabled. Thus, an ongoing communication can be paused
`while, for example, coordinator 240 transfers configuration data to another subsystem, A
`pause might also be appropriate while another channelis utilized for a higherpriority
`transfer, a transfer upon which further tasks depend, or simply a short message that in a


`conventional master-slave system might wait inordinately long. Pausing a transfer might
`also be appropriate where one or more communicating subsystemsfails to operate
`properly, so that the channel could be altered for receipt by an alternative subsystem.
`Controlled broadcasting is also possible by setting multiple receiving subsystemsto the
`same channel. Numerous other examples exist. In addition, pausing and other capabilities
`are provided dynamically. Thus, less than complete data sets might be utilized, among
`other available dynamic selection and/or manipulation. Centralization further removes
`complexity attributable to coordination of, for example, multiple masters.
`Another example of such flexibility is the use of channel switching for
`dynamically interleaving subsystem communications. Since switching from one
`communications channel to another is almost instantaneous, repeated switching will result
`in communication according to each channel appearing to occur almost continuously.
`Dynamic control by processor 245a not only provides for interleaving, but also provides
`for interleaving initiation and discontinuance, unequal time (“weighted”) interleaving and
`variably weighted interleaving either singly or in a mixed fashion. In addition to an
`equivalent need to move larger amounts of data among various subsystems, such
`capability might also be utilized for seemingly simultaneousbi-directional (“full duplex”)
`communication or other functionality.
`While the above description contains many specifics, these should not be
`construed as limitations on the scope of the invention but rather as examples ofpreferred
`embodiments thereof. Many other possibilities exist within the spirit and scopeofthis
`invention. For example, while video system 200 is usefulfor illustrative purposes,
`dynamic centralized subsystem communications control accordingto the present


`invention is also applicable to a variety of other systems in whichefficient utilization of
`available communication resources is desired.
`A second exampleis that the invention is also applicable to systems employing
`topologies other than the linear bus modelillustrated, as well as systems in which
`multiple topologies are utilized and/or where no specific topology model predominates.
`Similarly, the number and types of communications connections may vary substantially
`from thoseofthe illustrated video system. This includes, for example, the use of multiple
`busses and/or sub-busses for communication as well as varied error reporting and
`resolution. Control according to the invention is, for example, especially well suited to
`more complex systems including any numberofsubsystems and/or communications
`A third exampleis that a broad range of coordinator 240 configurations, control
`messaging and commandsets might be used. Processor 245a need not employ a particular
`decision making model andit is likely that some decision making characteristics might be
`shared with another processor, bus master I/O controller 243a or other components,
`particularly but not necessarily where control methods are repeated. Such functionality
`might be distributed and/or utilize specific processor 245a commands. Various channel.
`control structures other than a queue might be utilized. Discrete channel assignment
`means, while not preferred, might also be utilized. In addition, numerous control codes or
`messages other than channel-on might be utilized.


`A system for coordinating and controlling communications overa plurality of
`communication connections betweena plurality of subsystems, comprising:
`a communications controller for allocating available communication connections
`according to ongoing determinations of system communication needs; and
`allocation communication meansforinitiating communications among said
`subsystems according to said determinations.


`A communication control system provides dynamic centralized control of
`subsystem communications. In a preferred embodiment, a dedicated subsystem
`communications coordinator is coupled to a main control bus whichis utilized for
`subsystem communication. The coordinatoris further coupled to each subsystem for
`enabling subsystem communication. The coordinator preferably assigns each pending
`communication a time-based transfer-window channel designation which, while asserted
`on the control lines of the main control bus, signals corresponding enabled subsystemsto
`transfer data. The coordinator further preferably monitors all subsystem communications
`for limiting message length and for continuously determining the most effective main
`control busutilization according to current system-wide communications needs.


`Host Computer
`Host Video
`Host Audio
`Interface (PCI)
`User /O
`Sys. Expansion
`Fig. 1
`Prior A


`Host Computer
`Host Video
`Host Audio
`User I/O
`Sys. Expansion
`Interface (PCI)
`Processing System
`240 Enabl
`Lines Coordinator
`Video CardSe
`Video Card
`Fig. 2


`polls first slot
` Coordinator
`address YES
`assigns subsys.
`an address
`Subsys. stores
`polls next slot
`Fig. 3


`Slave I/O
`a Bus Master
`pe //O Control
`tS Allocation

`Pe| Seve ti


`Proc. determines
`transfer is required
`Master decrements
`counter by 1
`Proc. checks queue
`and assigns next CH
`Coord. sends sender
`CH assignment and
`enables sender
`enables receiver
` Proc. sets counter
` Fig. 5
`Coord. sends receiver
`CH assignment and
`Processor changes
`control code
`Processor disables
` Proc. sends "CH on"
`subsystems & clears
`and CH# to master
`queue entry
`Master latches CH on
`control message
`assigned subsystems
`begin dma

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