Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 1 of 48 PageID #: 48533
`Cased 2227:00066I-SRKORM DBacoreen646822hethEHR3 Fied 04/282Pakalle a dBs33
`PagelD #: 29394
`Exhibit 27


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 2 of 48 PageID #: 48534
`Céssd 2D2tc00006I-SEK0NVM DBacomentaG220-tSIO0ERs Filed 24/252Paballt 2 dBs34
`PagelD #: 29395
`Case No. 1:22-cy-00061-TSK
`Pursuant to Rules 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Rule 33.01 of the Local
`Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Plaintiffand/or
`“Regeneron”), by and through its counsel, hereby submits the following objections and responses
`to Defendant Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s (“Defendant” and/or “Mylan”) First Set of
`Interrogatonies (Nos. 1—17) (“Interrogatories”).
`These objections and responses are based on information currently available and without
`prejudice to Regeneron’s right to produce evidence of any subsequently discovered fact or
`information, to add, modify, or otherwise change, amend, or supplementits responses as
`appropriate or to correct any inadvertent errors, mistakes, or omissions.
`Regeneron incorporates by reference these General Objections into each and
`every specific response below. A specific response may repeat a General Objection for emphasis
`or for other reasons. The omission of any General Objection in any specific response to an
`Interrogatory is not intended to be and should not be construed as a waiveror limitation of any


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 3 of 48 PageID #: 48535
`Césad 22tcR0006IFSRKIONM Diacormen646227tSEOMWERS Filed 94/252Pakalfe 2 dB485
`PagelD #: 29396
`General Objection to that response.
`Regeneron objects to the Instructions and Definitions to the extent that they
`seek to impose on Regeneron any requirement or discovery obligation greater or different than
`those imposed by the Court, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, or the Local Rules of the
`United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia (collectively, the
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks information
`(including electronically stored information) or documents that are already in the possession,
`custody, or control of Defendant or counsel for Defendant, or to the extent that it seeks
`information or documents that are in the public domain and would be no more burdensome for
`Defendant to obtain than for Regeneron to obtain. Unless otherwise specifically indicated
`below, Regeneron will not produce any such information or documents.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks any
`document or electronically stored information that is not within the possession, custody, or
`control of Regeneron.
`Regeneron objects to producing documents in response to any Interrogatories
`or any parts of Interrogatories relating to patents not currently at issue in thelitigation, as set
`forth in the Court’s Scheduling Order of October 25, 2022 (ECF No. 87), and Regeneron’s
`Stipulation Regarding Case Narrowing and Injunctive Relief of October 28, 2022 (ECF No.88).
`Regeneron only will produce documents in response to Interrogatories or parts of Interrogatories
`to the extent they relate to the Initial Patents currently at issue in the litigation.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks “each”or
`“any” or “all” documents and electronically stored information responsive to the Request. Such


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 4 of 48 PageID #: 48536
`Cased D222G0006-SEK0VM Dicacorment4627ietSWHes Page 4082Pagalit A 48536
`PagelD #: 29397
`demands are unduly burdensomeand overly broad, and they seek documents and electronically
`stored information that are not relevant to the claims or defenses of any party nor proportional to
`the needs of the case. Regeneron will consider as responsive to any Interrogatory that seeks
`documents or things “concerning,”
`39 6.
`ot ce
`“regarding,” or “relating” (or similar language)
`to a designated subject only those documents or things that discuss the subject on their face.
`Regeneron has undertaken a substantial document collection and review, the parameters of
`which are described in Exhibit A to Regeneron’s Objections and Responses to Mylan’s First
`Requests for Production (Nov. 2, 2022), in which Regeneron noted it stands ready to work
`cooperatively with Mylan regarding the provision of additional information that is relevant and
`proportionate to the needs of the case. With respect to any other searches and review to which
`the parties agree, Regeneron will conduct such searches and review based on Regeneron’s
`assessmentof the locations mostlikely to contain documents in any additional agreed categories.
`In furnishing these objections and responses to these Interrogatories and in
`producing documents and electronically stored information in response to these Interrogatories,
`Regeneron does not admit or concede the relevance, materiality, authenticity, or admissibility in
`evidence of any such request, document, or electronically stored information. All objections to
`the use, at trial or otherwise, of any document produced or information provided in response to
`the Interrogatories are hereby expressly reserved.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it uses language
`incorporating or calling for a legal conclusion or making an erroneous statement of law. By
`incorporating the need to make a legal conclusion or erroneous statement of law, such
`Interrogatories are vague and ambiguous. Such Interrogatories also intrude upon the attorney
`work product protection by seeking an identification of the information that counsel believes


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 5 of 48 PageID #: 48537
`Céssd 22tcQ0006IFSRKONM DBacormen6482-PetSIOMWERS Filed 04/282Paka & 484387
`PagelD #: 29398
`satisfies the legal contention. Regeneron’s responses herein shall be as to matters offact only,
`and shall not be construed as stating or implying any conclusions of law concerning the matters
`referenced in any Interrogatory or concerning any matter relevantto this litigation.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it prematurely seeks
`production of information to be provided during expert discovery. Regeneron will not
`prematurely produce documents or information that are to be provided during expert discovery,
`but will only produce such documents and information in accordance with the Court’s schedule
`for expert discovery.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent thatit calls for the
`production of documents or disclosure of electronically stored information protected by any
`privilege, including, without limitation, the attorney-client privilege, the work product doctrine,
`the commoninterest privilege, or any other available and valid grounds for withholding
`documents and electronically stored information from production. Regeneron will not produce
`such privileged documents or information—all Interrogatories have been read to exclude the
`discovery and/or production of such privileged information and documents, and any indication
`by Regeneronthat it will produce documents or electronically stored information, including in
`these responses, shall be read to exclude the production of such privileged documents and
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks information
`or documents containing private, confidential, secret, trade secret, proprietary, and/or sensitive
`business information of Regeneron, its employees, and/or third parties (hereinafter referred to as
`“Confidential Information”). Regeneron will only disclose Confidential Information, including
`trade secret, proprietary, personal, commercially sensitive, third-party confidential, or other


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 6 of 48 PageID #: 48538
`Céssd 22tc00006-SRK0NVM Diacoment4G22eetSIOERs Filed 04/252Pahalie 4 48538
`PagelD #: 29399
`confidential information, that is responsive, relevant, and not otherwise protected, pursuantto the
`Protective Order entered in this case (ECF No. 91). Regeneron may withhold information or
`documents on this basis, and Regeneron may redact Confidential Information from documents
`that it has otherwise agreed to produce. For example, Regeneron will exclude personnelfile
`materials such as evaluations and reviews because those documents lack relevance and reflect
`sensitive, personal information. Regeneron may, for its sole convenience, produce documents
`and/or information in response to an Interrogatory without agreeing that other, similar documents
`or information in its possession, custody, or control are responsive and without waiving any
`objections it may have to the production of such documents or information.
`Regeneron may, in response to particular Interrogatories, refer to or produce
`documents from custodians or non-custodial sources located outside the United States. Foreign
`privacy laws, over which Regeneron has no control, may have a substantial impact on the nature
`and extent of information or documents that Regeneron can disclose or produce from such
`sources. Regeneron objects to the Interrogatories to the extent that they call for production of
`information from any jurisdiction outside that United States that (i) pertains to a specific
`individual that can be linked to that individual; or(it) is reasonably believed by Regeneron to
`contain information about orpertaining to a specific individual that can be linked to that
`individual and that reveals race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, political opinions, religious or
`philosophicalbeliefs, trade union or political party membership or that concerns an individual’s
`health. Regeneron is withholding such documents or information on this basis and will redact
`such information from any documentsthat it produces in this action.
`Regeneron will withhold and redact Confidential Information from documents
`and electronically stored information that it produces, to the extent that such Confidential


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 7 of 48 PageID #: 48539
`Cased 222200005:SKKIAVM Docamenh6462 PiethES0HR3 Page VOPS&Pagall> 7 dB539
`PagelD #: 29400
`Information is not relevant to any claim or defense in this action. The Confidential Information
`that Regeneron will withhold and/or redact may include, but is not limited to, Confidential
`Information pertaining to individual patients involved in clinicaltrials; clinicaltrial
`investigators’ personal information; the personal information of Regeneron’s employees; the
`configuration of Regeneron’s information technology systems; Regeneron drugs not investigated
`or developed as part of the development of Eylea®; and proprietary manufacturing information to
`the extent not relevant to Regeneron’s claims. All of Regeneron’s responses should be read to
`exclude the production of such documents and information.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks the
`production of publicly available documents or electronically stored information gathered by
`counsel in connection with litigation involving the Initial Patents or Eylea®.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it is not limited to a
`particular time period. Regeneron will limit its review and production by date limitations as set
`forth in Exhibit A to Regeneron’s Objections and Responses to Mylan’s First Requests for
`Production (Nov. 2, 2022). To the extent Mylan believes additional documents are needed
`outside of the specified date parameters, Regeneron will meet and confer with Mylan about what
`additional documents reasonably should be subject to review in light of the volumeofdata, the
`issues in the case, and whether the requested additional documents are proportionate to the needs
`of the case.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent that it seeks production
`of documents and electronically stored information relating to Regeneron’s aflibercept products
`in countries other than the United States—including but not limited to documents and
`electronically stored information relating to foreign counterparts to the Initial Patents (including


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 626 Filed 09/01/23 Page 8 of 48 PageID #: 48540
`Cased 22200005:SKHAVM Docamenh6462 PiethES0HR3 Page 8OPS2Pagaliz & 48540
`PagelD #: 29401
`any foreign litigation or patent office proceedings involving such patents), foreign regulatory
`documents, and foreign sales and marketing information—on the grounds that such
`Interrogatories are overly broad, unduly burdensome,and seek information not relevant to any
`party’s claim or defense nor proportional to the needs of the case in accordance with Federal
`Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1)}. Regeneron will not produce such documents and
`electronically stored information, and Regeneron’s responses should be read to exclude the
`production of such documents and electronically stored information.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory to the extent thatit calls for
`production of documentsorelectronically stored information based on a subjective conclusion or
`determination about what the document or information shows, means, supports, or contradicts.
`Regeneron objects to each Interrogatory incorporating or calling for a subjective judgment that
`information “supports” a particular issue or “refutes” a particular issue. Such Interrogatories are
`necessarily vague and ambiguous and may intrude upon the attomey work product protection by
`seeking an identification of the information that counsel considers to support orrefute a
`particular position.
`Regeneron objects to Defendant’s definition of “Plaintiff,” “Regeneron,”
`“You,” and “Your” as overly broad. Regeneron will construe the Interrogatories to require
`production of such documents or electronically stored information to the extent that they are in
`Regeneron’s possession, custody, or control. Regeneron will interpret all references to
`“Plaintiff,” “Regeneron,” “You,” and “Your” to mean Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,Inc.
`Regeneron’s responses herein are based on facts presently known to
`Regeneron and represent a diligent and good faith effort to respond to the Interrogatories based
`on the claims and defenses currently at issue in the litigation. Further, Regeneron’s discovery


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`Cased 22200005:SKHAVM Docamenh6462 PiethiS0HR3 Page 9OPS&Pagall> ® 48541
`PagelD #: 29402
`and investigation into the matters specified are ongoing. Accordingly, Regeneron reserves the
`right to supplement, alter, or change its responses and objections and to produce additional
`responsive information or documents, ifany, that Regeneron has in its possession, custody, or
`control at the time the Interrogatories were propounded. Regeneron also reserves the right, at
`trial or during other proceedings, to rely on documents, evidence, and other matters in addition to
`the documents or information produced in response to these Interrogatories, whether or not such
`documents, evidence, or other matters are newly discovered or are now in existence but have not
`been identified or produced despite diligent and good-faith efforts.
`“Initial Patents” means U.S. Patent Nos. 10,888,601 (“the *601 patent”);
`11,084,865 (“the ’865 patent”); 11,104,715 (“the °715 patent”); and 11,253,572 (“the 7572
`‘“Yancopoulos Patents” means U.S, Patent Nos. 10,888,601 (“the °601 patent”)
`and 11,253,572 (“the °572 patent”).
`“Furfine Patent” means U.S. Patent No. 11,084,865 (the °865 patent).


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