`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 1 of 15
`Third-Party Plaintiffs,
`STMicroelectronics N.V., STMicroelectronics,
`Inc., and CyWee Motion Group Ltd.
`Third-Party Defendants.
`CASE NO.: 2:17-cv-00932-JLR
`HTC Corporation and HTC America, Inc. (together, “HTC” or “Third-Party Plaintiffs”),
`by and
`their undersigned counsel, bring
`this Third-Party Complaint against
`STMicroelectronics N.V. and STMicroelectronics, Inc. (together, “STM”), and CyWee Motion
`Group Ltd. (“CyWee Motion”) (collectively, “Third-Party Defendants”) pursuant to Rule 14(a)
`of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and allege as follows:
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 2 of 15
`1. On information and belief, Plaintiff CyWee Group Ltd. (“CyWee” or “Plaintiff”) is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, with its principal
`place of business at 3F, No. 28, Lane 128, Jing Ye 1st Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10462.
`2. Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff HTC Corporation is a corporation organized and
`existing under the laws of Taiwan, with its principal place of business located at No. 88, Section
`3, Zhongxing Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City 231, Taiwan 231.
`3. Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff HTC America, Inc., is a Washington corporation,
`with its principal place of business located at 308 Occidental Avenue South, Floor 3, Seattle,
`Washington, 98104.
`4. On information and belief, Third-Party Defendant STMicroelectronics N.V. is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Netherlands, with its principal place of
`business located at WTC Schiphol Airport, Schiphol Boulevard 265, 1118 BH Schiphol, The
`Netherlands, where it can be served with process.
`5. On information and belief, Third-Party Defendant STMicroelectronics N.V. is a
`major semi-conductor company that does business, directly or through its subsidiary or
`intermediaries, in the State of Washington and in this District and elsewhere in the United States,
`including, without limitation, using, promoting, offering to sell, importing, and/or selling
`integrated circuit devices and enabling end-user purchasers to use such devices in this District.
`ST Microelectronics N.V.’s shares are traded, among other places, on the New York Stock
`6. On information and belief, Third-Party Defendant STMicroelectronics, Inc., is a
`Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business located at 750 Canyon Drive, Suite
`300, Coppell, Texas, 75019. STMicroelectronics, Inc., is registered to do business in the State of
`Washington and can be served with process in this District through its registered agent, CT Corp
`System, 711 Capitol Way South, Suite 204, Olympia, Washington, 98501. On information and
`belief, STMicroelectronics, Inc., is a wholly-owned subsidiary of STMicroelectronics N.V.
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 3 of 15
`7. On information and belief, Third-Party Defendant CyWee Motion is a corporation
`organized and existing under the laws of Taiwan, with its principal place of business located at
`114-45 Wenhu Street, Neihu District, Taipei City 11445, 5th Floor, 12-2, Taiwan, where it can
`be served with process.
`8. On information and belief, CyWee Motion is affiliated with CyWee. On information
`and belief, CyWee Motion and CyWee have common and overlapping shareholders.
`9. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this impleader action pursuant to Rule
`14 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. This Court further has supplemental subject matter
`jurisdiction over this impleader action under 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a) because this action is so related
`to the claims brought by Plaintiff that it forms part of the same case and controversy.
`10. This Court further has subject matter jurisdiction over this dispute pursuant to 28
`U.S.C. § 1332 because this is an action between citizens of different states and because the value
`of declaratory and injunctive relief sought, the value of HTC’s rights that this action will protect
`and enforce, and the extent of the injury to be prevented exceed the amount of $75,000,
`exclusive of interest and costs.
`11. On information and belief, STM are subject to this Court’s general personal
`jurisdiction, consistent with the principles of due process and the Washington Long Arm Statute.
`On information and belief, STMicroelectronics, Inc., maintains offices and facilities in the
`Western District of Washington, has employees in the Western District of Washington, offers
`products in the Western District of Washington, and/or has transacted business in this District.
`In addition to maintaining an office in Redmond, Washington, STMicroelectronics, Inc., also has
`offices throughout the United States, including California, New Jersey, Alabama, Colorado,
`Indiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan, New York, South Carolina, Illinois,
`Oregon, and Missouri. Accordingly, STMicroelectronics, Inc., transacts substantial business in
`this District and throughout the United States, and thus voluntarily avails itself of the laws of the
`United States and Washington so as to be subject to the jurisdiction of this Court.
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 4 of 15
`12. On information and belief, STMicroelectronics N.V. is the parent company of
`STMicroelectronics, Inc., and thus does business, directly or through its subsidiary or
`intermediaries, in the State of Washington, in this District, and elsewhere in the United States,
`including, without limitation, using, promoting, offering to sell, importing, and/or selling
`integrated circuit devices and enabling end-user purchasers to use such devices in this District.
`13. Third-Party Defendants are also subject to specific personal jurisdiction in the State
`of Washington. Third-Party Defendants designed, implemented, manufactured, sold and
`provided products and technology to be incorporated into products sold by HTC Corporation and
`HTC America, Inc. Third-Party Defendants knew that these products were sold in the United
`States, including in this District and the State of Washington.
`14. On information and belief, in a 2015 press release issued in San Jose, California, and
`Taipei, Taiwan, CyWee Motion identified HTC as one of its “[c]ustomers that have licensed our
`Sensor Fusion Hub solution”.1
`15. Because Third-Party Defendants engaged in conduct purposefully directed to the
`State of Washington, they are subject to the jurisdiction of this Court.
`16. Venue for this Third-Party Complaint is proper under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b)-(c)
`and/or 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) in that the acts underlying this Third-Party Complaint were
`performed in full or in part in this District and because Third-Party Defendants are subject to
`personal jurisdiction in this District.
`17. Founded in 1997, HTC pioneered the smartphone market, credited with many
`industry firsts and technology breakthroughs over the past twenty years—a history defined by
`innovation, design and engineering excellence, and the building of strategic partnerships to
`1 CyweeMotion’s Sensor Fusion Hub Software Now Available on Cadence Tensilica Fusion DSP, PR
`Newswire (Dec. 15, 2015),
`now-available-on-cadence-tensilica-fusion-dsp-300192855.html (last visited January 11, 2018) (emphasis added).
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 5 of 15
`facilitate the development of an industry ecosystem. HTC invested heavily in research and
`development, which accounts for about a third of HTC’s employees.
`18. In its First Amended Complaint, CyWee alleges that HTC infringes United States
`Patent No. 8,441,438 (“the ’438 Patent”) and United States Patent No. 8,552,978 (“the ’978
`Patent”) (together, “Patents-in-Suit”) by making, using, selling, offering to sell, and/or importing
`into the United States products that embody or practice the apparatus and/or method covered by
`one or more of the claims of the Patents-in-Suit, including the HTC One M9, HTC One A9, HTC
`10, HTC Bolt, and HTC U Ultra (collectively, “Accused Products”).
`19. HTC does not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the ’438 Patent or the ’978
`20. HTC’s Accused Products do not use the accused system and software implementation
`as alleged by CyWee in its Complaint (Dkt. 1), its First Amended Complaint and Exhibits (Dkts.
`20, 20-1, 20-2, 20-3), and its infringement contentions served on HTC on December 29, 2017.
`21. CyWee’s infringement allegations focus upon the motion sensor device and
`functionalities in a wireless device.
`22. STM design, manufacture, offer to sell, and sell motion sensor devices—including
`those found in HTC’s Accused Products—that incorporate software provided by CyWee Motion.
`23. To the extent HTC’s Accused Products incorporate systems or software that allegedly
`or substantially practice one or more claims of the Patents-in-Suit, those motion sensor devices
`and software were provided by STM as part of the Sensor Fusion Hub and by CyWee Motion as
`part of the Sensor Fusion Hub Software, commonly referred to as the “CyWee library.”
`24. On or about January 18, 2013, HTC, CyWee Motion, and STM entered into a
`commercial relationship to jointly develop and incorporate sensor hub device technology into
`HTC products, including the Accused Products.
`25. CyWee Motion and HTC understood that this commercial relationship would provide
`HTC with a license to the Sensor Fusion Hub technology.
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 6 of 15
`26. On information and belief, CyWee Motion has advertised that HTC is a licensed
`customer of the “Sensor Fusion Hub solution” in a press releases as follows:
`Customers that have licensed our Sensor Fusion Hub solution
`include HTC, Lenovo, ZTE, Gionee, Meizu, etc. CyweeMotion is
`headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan with sales offices in both Taiwan and
`Beijing, China.2
`27. On information and belief, CyWee Motion promoted and continues to promote the
`sale and use of its Sensor Fusion Hub Software, including through its website, press releases, and
`at trade shows around the world and in the United States.
`28. On information and belief, CyWee and/or its affiliate, CyWee Motion, entered into a
`patent license agreement with STM granting STM the right to make, use, or sell sensor hub
`devices that allegedly practice or embody the Patents-in-Suit.
`29. On information and belief, CyWee Motion is affiliated with CyWee and holds itself
`out as an authorized and licensed technology provider for the CyWee Motion Sensor Fusion Hub
`and Sensor Fusion Hub Software and related motion sensor technology.
`30. On information and belief, CyWee has known, since at least January 18, 2013, that
`HTC’s Accused Products incorporate sensor hub devices purchased from CyWee’s licensee,
`STM, and technology supplied by CyWee’s licensee, CyWee Motion.
`31. On information and belief, the authorized sale by CyWee’s licensees to HTC of the
`sensor hub devices with technology and software that allegedly embody or substantially embody
`one or more claims of the Patents-in-Suit exhausts CyWee’s patent rights in those products.
`32. STM sold and supplied to HTC certain motion sensor devices and technology,
`including the Sensor Fusion Hub, that incorporate Sensor Fusion Hub Software that STM taught
`as being required to operate the Sensor Fusion Hub, pursuant to purchase order agreements that
`obligate STM to defend and indemnify HTC with respect to claims of patent infringement.
`2 CyweeMotion’s Sensor Fusion Hub Software Now Available on Cadence Tensilica Fusion DSP, PR
`Newswire (Dec. 15, 2015),
`now-available-on-cadence-tensilica-fusion-dsp-300192855.html (last visited January 11, 2018) (emphasis added).
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 7 of 15
`33. On information and belief, at the time when STM and CyWee Motion offered for
`sale, sold, and provided to HTC the Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software, STM
`and CyWee Motion knew that the Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software would be
`incorporated into products sold by HTC Corporation and HTC America, Inc., worldwide,
`including in the United States and the State of Washington.
`34. Any and all allegations by CyWee that HTC infringes any of CyWee’s patents are
`based upon the Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software that were designed, used,
`manufactured, taught, required, offered for sale, and/or sold by Third-Party Defendants.
`Accordingly, HTC asserts that STM and CyWee Motion have induced infringement of, or
`contributorily infringed and continue to induce infringement of and/or contributorily infringe
`CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit by, among other things, offering to sell or selling the Sensor Fusion
`Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software and/or requiring or teaching that the Sensor Fusion Hub
`and Sensor Fusion Hub Software must be used with the allegedly infringing technology.
`35. Third-Party Plaintiffs have incurred and continue to incur attorney fees and other
`expenses in defense of the lawsuit brought by CyWee, and Third-Party Plaintiffs will continue to
`incur such fees and expenses until resolution of the lawsuit. As such, Third-Party Plaintiffs have
`been injured and continue to be injured by the failure of STM and CyWee Motion to defend
`HTC against CyWee’s claims.
`36. With respect to the claims of patent infringement against accused products and
`technology supplied by STM and CyWee Motion, some or all alleged liability will have resulted
`from HTC’s use of devices and software provided to HTC by STM and CyWee Motion.
`37. As a result, impleader is proper under Rule 14 of the Federal Rules of Civil
`38. Third-Party Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the preceding paragraphs of the Third-Party
`Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 8 of 15
`39. Without admitting, and on the contrary denying, the allegations of infringement of the
`’438 Patent and the ’978 Patent made by CyWee, Third-Party Plaintiffs are entitled to indemnity
`and defense from STM, together with costs, interest, and attorneys’ fees.
`40. STM knew facts material to HTC’s continued purchase of the Sensor Fusion Hub and
`Sensor Fusion Hub Software: (1) HTC incorporated the Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion
`Hub Software into its mobile products; (2) HTC sold the mobile devices incorporating the Sensor
`Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software in the United States, including in the State of
`Washington; (3) CyWee claimed to own the Patents-in-Suit pertaining to motion sensor device
`technology; and (4) Third-Party Defendants’ technology was subject to a license agreement with
`41. The Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software used by HTC are used in
`the ordinary and anticipated operation, and in accordance with manufacturer STM’s and their
`software provider’s teachings and/or requirements, which STM instructed HTC to follow, and
`which STM claimed are necessary for their ordinary and anticipated operation.
`42. STM did not and has not informed HTC of their knowledge of CyWee’s Patents-in-
`Suit and their knowledge of the infringement risk of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit by the Sensor
`Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software provided, taught, and/or required by STM along
`with their software provider CyWee Motion. HTC first learned of the infringement accusations
`by CyWee from CyWee’s June 2017 Complaint, and informed Third-Party Defendants of the
`Complaint and its allegations, seeking indemnity from STM. STM refused to indemnify HTC
`despite its obligation to do so.
`43. STM’s refusal to indemnify HTC has damaged HTC in an amount to be determined at
`trial, which includes, but is not limited to, any amount or other consideration that Third-Party
`Plaintiffs are required to pay to CyWee either as a result of any judgment resulting from
`CyWee’s First Amended Complaint or as a result of any settlement or compromise of claims in
`that First Amended Complaint, any and all damages to HTC’s business and reputation, including
`any and all consequential damages, including losses, damages, and expenses should CyWee be
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 9 of 15
`granted any injunctive relief resulting from its First Amended Complaint against the motion
`sensor device technology in HTC’s mobile products and provided, taught, and/or required by
`Third-Party Defendants, and HTC’s costs and fees in having to bring legal action to seek STM’s
`compliance with their indemnification obligation.
`(Breach of Warranty of Title)
`44. Third-Party Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the preceding paragraphs of the Third-Party
`Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`45. Without admitting, and on the contrary denying, the allegations of infringement of the
`’438 Patent and the ’978 Patent made by CyWee, STM are liable to HTC for breach of the
`warranty of title under Section 2-312 of the Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”), or in the
`alternative, under Article 42 of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
`Sale of Goods (“CISG”).
`46. STM knew facts material to HTC’s continued purchase of the Sensor Fusion Hub and
`Sensor Fusion Hub Software: (1) HTC incorporated the Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion
`Hub Software into its mobile products; (2) HTC sold the mobile devices incorporating the Sensor
`Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software in the United States, including in the State of
`Washington; (3) CyWee claimed to own the Patents-in-Suit pertaining to sensor device
`technology; and (4) Third-Party Defendants’ technology was subject to a license agreement with
`47. The Sensor Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software used by HTC are used in
`the ordinary and anticipated operation, and in accordance with manufacturer STM’s and their
`software provider’s teachings and/or requirements, which STM instructed HTC to follow, and
`which STM claims are necessary for their ordinary and anticipated operation.
`48. STM did not and have not informed HTC of their knowledge of CyWee’s Patents-in-
`Suit and their knowledge of the infringement risk of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit by the Sensor
`Fusion Hub and Sensor Fusion Hub Software provided, taught, and/or required by STM. HTC
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 10 of 15
`first learned of the infringement accusations by CyWee from CyWee’s June 2017 Complaint,
`and promptly informed Third-Party Defendants of the accusations, seeking indemnity from
`STM. STM refused to indemnify HTC despite their obligation to do so.
`49. STM’s breach of the warranty damaged HTC in an amount to be determined at trial,
`which includes, but is not limited to, any damage to which Third-Party Plaintiffs are entitled to
`pursuant to the UCC, or in the alternative, under the CISG, any amount or other consideration
`that Third-Party Plaintiffs are required to pay to CyWee either as a result of any judgment
`resulting from CyWee’s First Amended Complaint or as a result of any settlement or
`compromise of claims in that First Amended Complaint, any and all damages to HTC’s business
`and reputation, including any and all consequential damages, including losses, damages, and
`expenses should CyWee be granted any injunctive relief resulting from its First Amended
`Complaint against the motion sensor device technology in HTC’s mobile products and provided,
`taught, and/or required by Third-Party Defendants, and HTC’s costs and fees in having to bring
`legal action to seek Third-Party Defendants’ compliance with this warranty.
`50. HTC seeks a declaratory judgment stating the respective duties and obligations of the
`parties as set forth herein.
`51. Third-Party Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the preceding paragraphs of the Third-Party
`Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`52. Without admitting, and on the contrary denying, the allegations of infringement of the
`’438 Patent and the ’978 Patent made by CyWee, Third-Party Plaintiffs are entitled to
`contribution from STM and CyWee Motion, jointly and severally, together with costs, interest,
`and attorneys’ fees.
`53. Third-Party Plaintiffs are entitled to a declaratory judgment stating the respective
`duties and obligations of the parties as set forth herein.
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 11 of 15
`(Violation of the Unfair Business Practices-Consumer Protection Act)
`54. HTC repeats and realleges the preceding paragraphs of the Third-Party Complaint as
`though fully set forth herein.
`55. On information and belief, CyWee Motion promoted the Sensor Fusion Hub Software
`for incorporation into HTC’s mobile products, and advertised, sold, and offered for sale the
`Sensor Fusion Hub Software to customers and potential customers in the United States, including
`HTC America, Inc., in the State of Washington and elsewhere.
`56. On information and belief, CyWee Motion promoted the motion sensor devices and
`technology solutions, including the Sensor Fusion Hub Software, and distributed, sold, and
`offered for sale the motion sensor devices and technology solutions to customers and potential
`customers in the United States, including in the State of Washington, California, and elsewhere.
`57. On information and belief, CyWee Motion has not informed customers and potential
`customers of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit and the infringement risk by the Sensor Fusion Hub
`Software provided, taught, and/or required by CyWee Motion, despite having knowledge of the
`Patents-in-Suit, which CyWee claims to own.
`58. CyWee Motion’s failure to inform customers of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit and the
`infringement risk is likely to deceive customers and potential customers into believing that use of
`the Sensor Fusion Hub Software is free from infringement of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit.
`59. CyWee Motion has engaged in unlawful, unfair, and/or fraudulent business acts or
`practices and/or unfair, deceptive, untrue, or misleading advertising within the meaning of the
`State of Washington’s Unfair Business Practices-Consumer Protection Act under Sections
`19.86.010 to 19.86.920 of the Revised Code of Washington. These violations include selling
`and/or offering for sale the Sensor Fusion Hub Software, while advertising and directing HTC to
`comply with the motion sensor technology and software, without informing customers, including
`HTC, of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit and the infringement risk, despite having had knowledge of
`CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit, since at least 2013. As such, Third-Party Defendants contributorily
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 12 of 15
`infringed and/or actively induced infringement of CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit, and committed acts
`of fraud, fraudulent concealment, deceit, and/or misrepresentation.
`60. HTC relied upon CyWee Motion’s teachings and requirements and have used its
`Sensor Fusion Hub Software in its ordinary and anticipated operation, in accordance with
`CyWee Motion’s teachings and/or requirements.
`61. HTC has been injured by using, incorporating, and complying with CyWee Motion’s
`Sensor Fusion Hub Software products and requirements by being the subject of and having to
`defend against CyWee’s patent infringement claims, which focus on CyWee Motion’s motion
`sensor technology.
`HTC respectfully request that this Court order judgment in their favor on each and every
`claim set forth above, and award them relief including, but not limited to, the following:
`a. A judgment that STM are liable to HTC for indemnification of any amount or other
`consideration that Third-Party Plaintiffs are required to pay to CyWee either as a result of any
`judgment resulting from CyWee’s Complaint or as a result of any settlement or compromise of
`claims in that Complaint, any and all damages to HTC’s business and reputation, including any
`and all consequential damages, including losses, damages, and expenses should CyWee be
`granted any injunctive relief resulting from its First Amended Complaint against the sensor
`device technology in HTC’s mobile products and provided, taught, and/or required by Third-
`Party Defendants, and HTC’s costs and fees in having to bring legal action to seek STM’s
`compliance with its indemnification obligation;
`b. A judgment that Third-Party Defendants are liable to HTC for contribution of any
`judgment of patent infringement, or payment paid in compromise or settlement, for infringement
`allegations made in this case under CyWee’s Patents-in-Suit, including any enhanced damages,
`costs, or attorneys’ fees;
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 13 of 15
`c. Injunctive relief preventing CyWee Motion from soliciting sales for, offering for sale,
`and/or selling the Sensor Fusion Hub Software under Washington Revised Code Sections
`19.86.010 to 19.86.920;
`d. Damages in an amount to be determined at trial;
`e. Costs and attorneys’ fees to the full extent available at law;
`f. For pre-judgment and post-judgment interest; and
`g. Such other and further relief as the Court deems just, equitable, and proper.
`Third-Party Plaintiffs hereby request a trial by jury, pursuant to Rule 38 of the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure, on all issues so triable.
`Dated: January 11, 2018
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Gregory L. Watts
`Gregory L. Watts, WSBA #43995
`Professional Corporation
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Telephone: (206) 883-2500
`Facsimile: (206) 883-2699
`James C. Yoon, CA Bar #177155
`(pro hac vice)
`Ryan R. Smith, CA Bar #229323
`(pro hac vice application pending)
`Albert Shih, CA Bar # 251726
`(pro hac vice)
`Jamie Y. Otto, CA Bar # 295099
`(pro hac vice)
`Ty W. Callahan, CA Bar # 312548
`(pro hac vice application pending)
`Professional Corporation
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
`Telephone: (650) 493-9300
`Facsimile: (650) 565-5100
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 14 of 15
`Attorneys for Defendants
`HTC Corporation and HTC America, Inc.
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699


`Case 2:17-cv-00932-JLR Document 43 Filed 01/11/18 Page 15 of 15
`I hereby certify that on January 11, 2018, I filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the Court
`using the CM/ECF system, and served all parties via ECF.
`Dated: January 11, 2018
`s/ Gregory L. Watts
`Gregory L. Watts
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104-7036
`Tel: (206) 883-2500
`Fax: (206) 883-2699

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