Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 947 Filed 02/07/22 Page 1 of 5 PageID# 26203
`Alexandria Division
`RAI Strategic Holdings, Inc., et. ai..
`Altria Client Services, LLC, et. ai..
`Civil Action No. 1:20-cv-393
`Hon. Liam O'Grady
`This matter comes before the Court regarding the counterclaim Plaintiffs', Phillip Morris
`USA Inc. and Altria Client Services LLC (collectively "PM/Altria"), Motion for Summary
`Judgment. Dkt. 695. The matter has been fully briefed by the Parties.
`Procedural Background
`The Parties in this action are all companies that manufacture, design, and produce
`electronic cigarettes. See Dkt. 199 at 2. The Parties are moving to trial on counterclaims asserted
`by PM/Altria which allege that several of their patents have been infringed.' Dkt. 199. The
`counterclaim Defendants, RAI Strategic Holdings and R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company
`(collectively "RJR"), have filed an answer to the counterclaims in which they assert several
`affirmative defenses. Dkt. 523 at 17. PM/Altria has moved for summary judgment seeking a
`' These Patents are U.S. Patents number 9,814,265 (the '265 patent); 10,555,556 (the
`'556 patent); and the 10,104,911 (the '911 patent).


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`declaration that would preclude RJR from raising these affirmative defenses. Dkt. 695 at 8. The
`Court has previously issued two Orders regarding the competing Motions for Summary
`Judgment filed in this case. Dkt. 803; Dkt. 804. At the request of PM/Altria, the Court now
`issues this Order in the hopes ofoffering clarification on the issues raised in PM/Alltria’s
`Summary Judgment Motion. See Dkt. 925.
`Legal Standard
`A party may move for summary judgmentby identifying either a claim or defense, or a
`part of a claim or defense, on which summary judgment is sought. Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure 56. Summary judgmentwill be granted “if the movant showsthat there is no genuine
`dispute as to any material fact.” /d. A party opposing a motion for summary judgment must
`respond with specific facts, supported by proper documentary evidence, showing that a genuine
`dispute of material fact exists, and that summary judgment should not be granted in favor of the
`moving party. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 250 (1986). The Fourth Circuit has
`held, “the mere existence of somealleged factual dispute between the parties will not defeat an
`otherwise properly supported motion for summary judgment; the requirementis that there be no
`genuineissue of material fact.” Bouchat v. Baltimore Ravens Football Club, Inc., 346 F.3d 514,
`519 (4th Cir. 2003) (quoting Anderson, 477 U.S. at 247-248). “It is the responsibility of the party
`seeking summary judgment to inform the court of the basis for its motion, and to identify the
`parts of the record which it believes demonstrate the absence of a genuine issue of material fact.”
`Hyatt vy. Avco. Fin. Servs. Mgmt. Co., 2000 U.S. Dist. Lexis 13645, at 11 (E.D. Va. March 2,
`2000) (citing Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 323 (1986)); aff'd, 22 F. App’x 81 (4th Cir.


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`As an initial matter, PM/Altria has requested summary judgment on four affirmative
`defenses asserted by RJR against the counterclaim. Dkt. 696 at 26. PM/Altria contends that some
`of these defenses will not be pursued by RJR. /d. at 29. RJR has represented to the Court that
`some of these defenses have been withdrawn. Dkt. 735 at 18. RJR has withdrawn the defenses of
`estoppel, acquiescence, waiver, or unclean hands on the ‘911 and ‘556 patents. /d. RJR has
`withdrawn the equitable defense of unclean handsas to the ‘545 patent. /d. RJR has withdrawn
`the equitable defense of estoppel, acquiescence, or waiver as to the ‘374 and ‘265 patents. RJR
`has also withdrawn the equitable defenses of limitation of damages and extraterritorial claims.
`Id. at 19, 22. RJR has also withdrawn the defense of inequitable conduct as to the ‘545 patent. /d.
`at 6. Although PM/Altria makes a strong argumentin favor of granting summary judgment, the
`Court will decline to do so. Therefore, based on the representations made by RJR in their
`memorandum, the Court will DISMISS WITH PREJUDICEthe equitable defenses that are
`identified above.
`Second, PM/Altria has asserted that “For those affirmative defenses not expressly
`abandonedat the eleventh hour, RJR has failed to point amy factual allegations to support their
`Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Eleventh Affirmative Defenses.” Dkt. 696 at 29 (emphasis in original).
`These affirmative defenses are the equitable defenses of estoppel, acquiescence, and waiveras to
`the ‘545 patent. /d. In their memorandum in opposition, RJR argues that facts within the record
`support the denial of summary judgment. Dkt. 728 at 25. Namely, RJR argues that the issue date
`of the ’545 patent can establish a timeframe upon which a Court could find the factual predicate
`for these equitable defenses. /d. At this time, the Court does not find it is appropriate to grant


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`summary judgment on these equitable defenses. Accordingly, the motion for summary judgment
`regarding these defenses is held in ABEYANCE.
`Third, PM/Altria argues that summary judgment should be granted to dismiss the defense
`of ensnarement becausethere are no facts that would support this defense. Dkt. 751 at 9. A party
`cannot prove a doctrine of equivalence theory for infringementif a hypothetical claim that covers
`the accused device would be “ensnared”by the prior art. Depuy Spine, Inc. v. Medtronic Sofamor
`Danek, Inc., 567 F.3d 1314, 1322 (Fed. Cir. 2009). Even if a jury finds infringement based on
`the doctrine of equivalence, a court can still find ensnarement as a matter of law. /d. at 1323. To
`defeat ensnarement, the person asserting the patent has the burden of production to propose a
`hypothetical claim that covers the accused device. Jang v. Boston Sci. Corp., 872 F.3d 1275,
`1287 (Fed. Cir. 2017) (Because, as a threshold matter, Dr. Jang failed to submit a proper
`hypothetical claim for consideration, he was unable to meet his burden of proving that his
`doctrine of equivalents theory did not ensnare the priorart.”) The Federal Circuit has held that
`district courts have discretion upon when and upon what type of motion to decide ensnarement.
`Id. at 1374 (The Federal Circuit held that a district court can--but isn’t required--to decide
`ensnarementeither during summary judgmentor on a judgmentas a matter oflaw).
`In the current case, PM/Altria has not proposed a hypothetical claim construction upon
`which the Court could evaluate a finding of ensnarement. In an abundance ofcaution, and as
`there is no requirement to decide the issue of ensnarement at present, the Motion for Summary
`Judgmentas to this asserted defense is DENIED.
`Finally, PM/Altria has argued that the Court should deny the defense that the ‘374 patent
`is invalid. Dkt. 696 at 25. PM/Altria argues that the ‘374 patent cannot be invalid because the


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`inventor, Mr. Liu,
`is the same inventor ofthe Chinese Utility patent that is allegedly priorart.
`Dkt. 696 at 18. PM/Altria argues that because Mr. Liu is the same inventor, the Chinese Utility
`patent cannot be found to anticipate. /d. at 18.
`What canbeasserted as priorart will be determined by what priority date is given to the
`“374 patent. The Court has previously found that “there is a triable issue of fact as to whether the
`‘374 patentis entitled to the earlier June 29, 2010 filing date of the 949 PCT.” Dkt. 803 at 2. This
`issue of fact will determine what prior art or
`invention can be asserted to claim either
`obviousness or anticipation. Therefore, a genuine issue of material
`facts exists regarding the
`validity of the ‘374 patent. Therefore,
`the Motion for Summary Judgment on the issue of
`invalidity is DENIED.
`For the foregoing reasons, the Motion for Summary judgment (Dkt. 695) is DENIED IN
`Itis so ORDERED.
` February |, 2022 Liam ah
`Alexandria, Virginia
`United States District Judge
`* The Parties dispute whether Mr. Liu is the same inventor that is listed on the Chinese
`utility patent. The dispute appears to originate from conflicting Chinese to English
`translations. Currently, RJR appears to concede that Mr. Liu is the same person, but that
`PM/Altria should not be able to assert this at trial because it was not properly disclosed
`during discovery. Dkt. 728 at 5.
`is unnecessary to resolve this dispute in the current
`Order, but the Parties are encouragedto confer with each other to see what action (if any)
`would be necessaryto resolve this issue.

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