Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-WEF Document 1469-5 Filed 04/05/23 Page 1 of 5 PageID# 41163
`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-WEF Document 1469-5 Filed 04/05/23 Page 1 of 5 PagelD# 41163


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-WEF Document 1469-5 Filed 04/05/23 Page 2 of 5 PageID# 41164
`For the Defendants:
`Michael Shamus Quinlan, Esq.
`Jones Day (OH-NA)
`901 Lakeside Avenue
`Cleveland, OH 44114-1190
`Fax: 216-579-0212
`Jason Todd Burnette, Esq.
`Jones Day (GA)
`1420 Peachtree Street, NE
`Suite 800
`Atlanta, GA 30309
`David Michael Maiorana, Esq.
`Jones Day (OH)
`901 Lakeside Ave
`Cleveland, OH 44114
`William Edward Devitt, Esq.
`Jones Day (IL)
`77 West Wacker
`Suite 3500
`Chicago, IL 60601
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, RMR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter
`United States District Court
`401 Courthouse Square
`Alexandria, VA 2231-5798
`Court Reporter:
`Proceedings reported by machine shorthand, transcript produced
`by computer-aided transcription.
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter
` C O N T E N T S
`Plaintiff's Exhibit PX 749 admitted
`Civil Action
`No. 1:20-cv-00393-LMB/TCB
`June 8, 2022
`1:55 p.m.
` Counterclaim Plaintiff,
` v.
` Counterclaim Defendant.
`For the Plaintiffs:
`For the Plaintiffs:
`For the Defendants:
`Maximilian Antony Grant, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (DC)
`555 11th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`Clement Joseph Naples, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`885 Third Avenue 25th Floor
`New York, NY 10022
`Gregory K. Sobolski, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`505 Montgomery Street
`Suite 2000
`San Francisco, CA 94111-6538
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter
`Thomas W. Yeh, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (CA)
`355 South Grand Avenue
`Suite 100
`Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560
`Matthew John Moore, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (DC)
`555 11th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`Dale Chang, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (CA)
`355 South Grand Avenue
`Suite 100
`Los Angeles, CA 90071-1560
`Lawrence Jay Gotts, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (DC)
`555 11th St NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`Charles Bennett Molster, III, Esq.
`The Law Offices of Charles B. Molster
`2141 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite M
`Washington, DC 20007
`Stephanie Ethel Parker, Esq.
`Jones Day (GA)
`1420 Peachtree Street, NE
`Suite 800
`Atlanta, GA 30309
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter
`1 of 41 sheets
`Page 151 to 154 of 311
`06/21/2022 08:42:01 AM


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-WEF Document 1469-5 Filed 04/05/23 Page 3 of 5 PageID# 41165
`the left-hand side, that would be the heater. It's a coil of
`wire that electricity is passed through, and it's wrapped around
`a bundle of fibers which go through it. That's the white part.
`And then those fibers extend down into longitudinally along the
`length of this yellow area on the top and area -- or top and
`bottom, and that area contains the e-liquid which is transported
`up to the heater, and when electricity is applied to the heater,
`it gets hot, and it actually vaporizes the e-liquid, and then of
`course as you draw on the device on the left-hand side, put it
`And, Mr. Walbrink, did the '265 Patent describe some
`Yes. It described in particular that after repeated
`heating of these fibers, the heater and the fibers would become
`carbonized, which means they would get soot on them or carbon on
`05:35PM 1
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`up to your mouth, that vapor is sucked into your mouth.
`05:36PM 11 Q.
`05:36PM 12
`problems with devices like the one you just described?
`05:36PM 13 A.
`05:36PM 14
`05:36PM 15
`05:36PM 16
`them, and it would affect the taste delivered to the user.
`05:36PM 17 Q.
`05:36PM 18
`05:37PM 19
`05:37PM 20
`05:37PM 21
`were unable to solve the problems you just described?
`05:37PM 22 A.
`05:37PM 23
`05:37PM 24
`05:37PM 25
`Now I'm going to put up Slide Number 7 and, this has an
`excerpt from PX 002, again the '256 Patent in the section called
`"Prior Art."
`So Mr. Walbrink, does the '265 Patent tell us why folks
`Yes. In the prior art, they talk about -- well, first of
`all, it takes a lot of energy to create a hot fluid stream and
`adequately vaporize the fluid, and at the time of the invention
`or at the prior art, the heaters -- the heat exchangers that
`Now, Mr. Walbrink, to step back for a second, what is a
`A vaporizer membrane is basically a barrier that allows
`And would fluids be liquids or gases or both?
`Yes. They could be.
`And I think you referred to the thermal resistor as well.
`05:39PM 1
`thermal resistor -- permeable thermal resistor coil.
`05:39PM 2 Q.
`05:39PM 3
`vaporizer membrane?
`05:39PM 4 A.
`05:39PM 5
`selective passage of fluids.
`05:39PM 6 Q.
`05:39PM 7 A.
`05:39PM 8 Q.
`05:39PM 9
`Can you tell us what a thermal resistor is?
`05:39PM 10 A.
`05:40PM 11
`05:40PM 12
`05:40PM 13
`as it does, it heats up.
`05:40PM 14 Q.
`05:40PM 15
`05:40PM 16
`talking about with the older systems?
`05:40PM 17 A.
`05:40PM 18
`05:40PM 19
`05:40PM 20
`vaporization of the e-liquid.
`05:40PM 21 Q.
`05:40PM 22
`05:40PM 23
`thermal resistor that you were describing?
`05:40PM 24 A.
`05:41PM 25
`A thermal resistor is an element, typically metal, that
`conducts electricity, and when current passes through it, it
`gets very hot, so it resists the flow of current through it, but
`And, Mr. Walbrink, how does the vaporizer membrane and
`thermal resistor of the '265 patents solve the problems we were
`Well, with this configuration, the fluid is held in the
`membrane against the heater element, the resistive thermal
`resistor, and it results in very efficient and complete
`And I'm going to put up Slide Number 9 now.
`What details does the '265 Patent provide about the
`Well, it describes two of them, and they're shown from
`Figure 1 on the left-hand side of this illustration, and at the
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter
`were available or the means to generate this large amount of
`heat just were not practical to make a cigarette e-cig that
`would mimic the experience of holding it in your hands and
`Now, Mr. Walbrink, you mentioned the term "fluid." Can
`Oh. Well, a fluid -- fluids are anything that is able to
`flow. I mean, that's an obvious characteristic. They're
`typically air flow you talk about, or gas flow, and you also
`have liquids. Water flows. Other liquids flow. So it can be
`either gas or it can be a liquid like the e-liquid that we have
`And did the '265 Patent solve these problems with the
`Yes. It overcame these problems.
`Let's take a look at how it did that. So I'm putting up
`Slide Number 8 now, and this is a annotated figure of Figure 2
`05:37PM 1
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`smoking it like a cigarette.
`05:37PM 5 Q.
`05:37PM 6
`you tell us what that means?
`05:37PM 7 A.
`05:38PM 8
`05:38PM 9
`05:38PM 10
`05:38PM 11
`05:38PM 12
`in the e-cigarettes.
`05:38PM 13 Q.
`05:38PM 14
`older devices that you had described?
`05:38PM 15 A.
`05:38PM 16 Q.
`05:38PM 17
`05:38PM 18
`from the '265 Patent. Can you tell us what this is showing?
`05:38PM 19 A.
`05:38PM 20
`05:39PM 21
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`05:39PM 24
`05:39PM 25
`Yes, this, as you mentioned, is Figure 2 from within the
`patent. And on the left-hand side you'll see a couple of
`elements highlighted in colors. First of all, in green you'll
`see what is called a vaporizer membrane, and the table within
`the patent calls this a vaporizer membrane. It says it's
`permeable vaporizer membrane, and then highlighted in red is a
`thermal resistor, and again in the table it's identified as a
`top in red you'll see what is called a dual coil as a thermal
`resistor, and then moving further down towards the bottom of the
`illustration, you'll see what is highlighted in orange, and the
`05:41PM 1
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`05:41PM 4
`description calls it a sinuous line as a thermal resistor.
`05:41PM 5 Q.
`05:41PM 6
`What is a sinuous line?
`05:41PM 7 A.
`05:41PM 8
`05:41PM 9
`05:41PM 10
`05:41PM 11
`05:41PM 12 Q.
`05:42PM 13
`looked at in forming your opinions for this case?
`05:42PM 14 A.
`05:42PM 15 Q.
`05:42PM 16
`05:42PM 17
`05:42PM 18
`05:42PM 19
`05:42PM 20
`05:42PM 21
`05:42PM 22 Q.
`05:42PM 23
`your hands?
`05:42PM 24 A.
`05:42PM 25
`Now, Mr. Walbrink, I think you mentioned a sinuous line.
`A sinuous line is nothing more than a wavy-type line,
`curvy line.
`MR. YEH: And so at this point, I'll change gears a
`little, so let's take down the slides for a minute.
`Mr. Walbrink, which of R.J. Reynolds's products have you
`Yes. In particular, I looked at the Vuse Alto system.
`And at this point, with Your Honor's permission, I would
`like to ask the courtroom deputy to hand Mr. Walbrink what was
`previously admitted as PPX 8 and PPX 9.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. YEH: Thank you very much.
`THE WITNESS: Thank you, sir.
`So, Mr. Walbrink, can you tell us what you have there in
`Yes, this is the Vuse Alto system. I think you saw it
`before. And it's comprised of a power unit, and it's comprised
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`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-WEF Document 1469-5 Filed 04/05/23 Page 4 of 5 PageID# 41166
`And can you tell us what the accused products of '265
`Well, the accused product is this part of the device.
`It's the disposable cartridge of the Vuse system.
`THE COURT: I'm sorry. So that cartridge has both the
`liquid in it and the element that makes the liquid hot?
`THE WITNESS: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. YEH: And let's take a closer look at that element.
`If we can pull up Slide PDX 3.010, please.
`05:42PM 1
`of a cartridge which has a mouthpiece and a heater in it.
`05:42PM 2 Q.
`05:42PM 3
`Patent is?
`05:42PM 4 A.
`05:43PM 5
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`05:43PM 13 Q.
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`And so, Mr. Walbrink, I think what we have up here is a
`demonstrative that has PX 315 shown on there. Can you please
`explain to the jury what this is showing?
`THE WITNESS: Yes, this is a promotional piece put out by
`R.J. Reynolds, and it's talking about the Vuse Alto, and if you
`look in the upper right-hand corner, it shows that it's a Vuse
`vapor system and they call it a revolutionary system, but in
`particular on this right-hand image, pay attention to the top
`narrated area which is exploded on the left-hand side of this
`slide, and there are three different elements identified here.
`First of all, in green is a vaporizer membrane, and that's
`part of the heater, and that's identified with a green arrow. In
`red is a sinuous thermal resistor, that's that S or wavy line on
`this device, and it's my opinion that Claims 1 and 4 of the '265
`So let's jump right in to Claim 1.
`MR. YEH: We'll put up Slide Number 12.
`Mr. Walbrink, what does the first requirement of Claim 1
`It says, "a vaporizer device for vaporizing a substance
`And using I think what you have up there with you, the
`vaporizer -- the Vuse Alto device, can you explain your opinions
`Yes. Even going back to the previous slide for the
`promotional, they call it vaporizing system, and it's -- after
`examining this system with a -- when it's powered by this power
`system, this cartridge is a vaporizer. It takes the e-liquid,
`puts it against the heater, and when you draw through the outlet
`here, it -- the vaporized e-liquid is drawn into your mouth, so
`05:46PM 1
`05:46PM 2
`Patent are infringed by this device.
`05:46PM 3 Q.
`05:46PM 4
`05:46PM 5
`05:46PM 6 Q.
`05:46PM 7
`05:46PM 8 A.
`05:47PM 9
`containing at least one active and/or aroma material."
`05:47PM 10 Q.
`05:47PM 11
`05:47PM 12
`with respect to this requirement?
`05:47PM 13 A.
`05:47PM 14
`05:47PM 15
`05:47PM 16
`05:47PM 17
`05:47PM 18
`05:47PM 19
`it's definitely a vaporizer.
`05:47PM 20 Q.
`05:47PM 21
`vaporizing device?
`05:48PM 22 A.
`05:48PM 23 Q.
`05:48PM 24
`material that you've identified?
`05:48PM 25 A.
`And to be clear, the cartridges are what you call the
`Yes, this is the vaporizer device.
`And, Mr. Walbrink, what is the one active and/or aroma
`Yes, it would be this yellow-amber e-liquid that's
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter
`the back of the membrane. And then up above identified in yellow
`is the e-liquid that we've talked about.
`Now, Mr. Walbrink, can you explain in the Vuse Alto how
`the e-liquid is heated by what you've annotated as a vaporizer
`Yes, the e-liquid -- as I mentioned, a membrane, is a
`barrier that transports fluid, so the e-liquid is in contact
`with that membrane and is transported through it to the back of
`the membrane where the resistive heating element is positioned,
`and when the element heats up, current's passed through it, it
`vaporizes, and if you remember back in the diagram of Figure 2,
`05:44PM 1
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`05:44PM 4 Q.
`05:45PM 5
`05:45PM 6
`membrane and sinuous thermal resistor?
`05:45PM 7 A.
`05:45PM 8
`05:45PM 9
`05:45PM 10
`05:45PM 11
`05:45PM 12
`05:45PM 13
`these are all the elements that are in the '265 Patent.
`05:45PM 14 Q.
`05:45PM 15
`05:45PM 16
`05:45PM 17 Q.
`05:45PM 18
`05:46PM 19
`the '265 patent did you look at?
`05:46PM 20 A.
`05:46PM 21 Q.
`05:46PM 22
`Claims 1 and 4 of the '265 Patent?
`05:46PM 23 A.
`05:46PM 24
`05:46PM 25
`MR. YEH: And let's turn to the next slide.
`So at this point, let's turn to the claims of the '265
`Patent. This is Slide 11. First, Mr. Walbrink, which claims of
`Yes, I looked at Claims 1 and 4 of the 265.
`And can you summarize your conclusions with respect to
`Yes. As I examined all the materials in the case and
`also conducted my own teardown of this cartridge, I found that
`all the claims of Claim 1 and Claim 4 were actually found in
`So, Mr. Walbrink, in your opinion, do the Vuse Alto
`Yes, I find the first limitation met.
`What does the second requirement of Claim 1 recite?
`It requires a mouthpiece having at least one fluid inlet
`and at least one fluid outlet.
`MR. YEH: Now let's put up Slide Number 13.
`This has PX 079 shown on it. First, Mr. Walbrink, what
`This is a photograph of the teardown I did when I took
`the Vuse cartridge apart, and it's -- basically, the components
`are separated out, and no e-liquid in it at this point, and it
`shows the black tip here of the mouthpiece. It's where you
`actually inhale the vapor, and that is the fluid outlet, and
`And so going to Slide 14, in your opinion, Mr. Walbrink,
`did the Vuse Alto accused products meet the limitation or
`05:48PM 1
`contained within the cartridge.
`05:48PM 2 Q.
`05:48PM 3
`accused products infringe the first requirement of Claim 1?
`05:48PM 4 A.
`05:48PM 5 Q.
`05:48PM 6 A.
`05:48PM 7
`05:48PM 8
`05:48PM 9
`05:48PM 10 Q.
`05:48PM 11
`is PX 079 showing?
`05:48PM 12 A.
`05:48PM 13
`05:49PM 14
`05:49PM 15
`05:49PM 16
`05:49PM 17
`there's a fluid inlet on the left-hand side of this photograph.
`05:49PM 18 Q.
`05:49PM 19
`05:49PM 20
`requirement beginning "a mouthpiece"?
`05:49PM 21 A.
`05:49PM 22 Q.
`05:49PM 23 A.
`05:49PM 24
`to the mouthpiece.
`05:50PM 25 Q.
`Yes, I find that limitation is met as well.
`What does the next requirement of the '265 Patent recite?
`It requires a heating device configured to be connected
`So let's take a look at the next slide. This shows
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`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-WEF Document 1469-5 Filed 04/05/23 Page 5 of 5 PageID# 41167
` C E R T I F I C A T E
` I, Scott L. Wallace, RDR-CRR, certify that
`the foregoing is a correct transcript from the record of
`proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
` /s/ Scott L. Wallace 6/9/22
` ---------------------------- ----------------
` Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR Date
` Official Court Reporter
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