Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 1 of 75 PageID# 34462
`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 1 of 75 PagelD# 34462


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 2 of 75 PageID# 34463
`Civil Action
`No. 1:20-cv-00393-LMB/TCB
`June 8, 2022
`1:55 p.m.
`Counterclaim Plaintiff,
`Counterclaim Defendant.
`For the Plaintiffs:
`Maximilian Antony Grant, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (DC)
`555 11th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`Clement Joseph Naples, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`885 Third Avenue 25th Floor
`New York, NY 10022
`Gregory K. Sobolski, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`505 Montgomery Street
`Suite 2000
`San Francisco, CA 94111-6538
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 3 of 75 PageID# 34464
`Let's go to the next demonstrative, Dr. Abraham,
`Number 66. So in summary, what do you find about this fifth
`part of Claim 1, the one that talks about the blind hole for the
`I find that the Alto has the fifth part of Claim 1.
`And that gets us, Dr. Abraham, again to the last, the
`sixth part of Claim 1. What do you find for the Alto on that
`Well, I investigated this claim as well, and I found that
`the Alto has this part of the claim as well.
`And let's show the jury how you know that, Dr. Abraham.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: Let's please turn to Demonstrative 67.
`So on your screen you see Figure 4 from the patent, and
`you see an image from the CAD file, PX 265B, and remember the
`patent tells us how to make the measurement. It tells us that
`you measure it from one side to the other of the cavity, and I'm
`showing -- I've added the yellow horizontal lines to show that
`the -- to show how I'm going to make the measurement on the Alto
`product, and you'll also know -- notice that the Alto has the
`same arrangement of cavities, one on top and one below, so it's
`got two cavities just like Figure 4 of the patent, but I took
`that measurement that I'm showing on the screen.
`Let's turn to Slide 68, that demonstrative, sir, and
`explain to the jury how you confirmed that the -- what you've
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 4 of 75 PageID# 34465
`identified as the blind hole in the Alto has the sizes that the
`patent requires?
`Well, I made the measurements, and you can see my
`measurement on the screen at PX 265B. On the right-hand side is
`PX 265A, and my measurement is less than 1 millimeter, which is
`in the range claimed by the cavity, and on the right-hand side
`you can see that I measured perpendicular to the longitudinal
`Dr. Abraham, when you were testifying about the Solo and
`you were talking about the size of the cavity, you mentioned
`that there was a dispute from Reynolds about that. Do you
`recall that?
`I do.
`What about for the Alto? Does Reynolds dispute the size
`of what you've identified as the Alto cavity, the way to make
`the measurement?
`They do dispute it.
`Explain that to the jury, please.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: Let's bring up Slide 69.
`Well, remember I was talking about the so-called
`capillaries in the context of trees, essentially little tubes
`that bring the water up to the leaves? That's how you make the
`measurement. You make the measurement from wall -- from one
`side of the cavity to the other side, from one wall to the other
`wall. That's how the patent tells us how to do it; that's how
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`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 5 of 75 PageID# 34466
`these cavities are measured, and that's how I did my
`Now, Reynolds's expert, Mr. Kodama, made a different
`measurement. His measurement does not go from one wall to
`another, and that's why I disagree with his measurement.
`And just so it's clear, in Slide 69, the measurement,
`that Reynolds's expert, that gentleman performed, that's what
`you've indicated in red; is that correct?
`That is right, and it's a -- I just want to say the name
`of the exhibit, it's PX 265B, but, yes, his measurement is in
`red and my measurement is in yellow.
`Thank you, Dr. Abraham.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: Let's go to Demonstrative 70. Go back to
`the claims.
`In sum, what did you find on that last element of Claim 1
`for the Alto.
`The Alto meets the last element of Claim 1.
`And let's turn to the -- to dependent Claim 2, sir. Tell
`the jury what you conclude.
`So I found in my investigation that the Alto has an
`aerosol-generating system, according to Claim 1, wherein at
`least one cavity contains a capillary material.
`And tell the jury a little bit about what that capillary
`material element means in the context of the '911 Patent and the
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 6 of 75 PageID# 34467
`In fact, isn't the Hahn Patent one of the Shell family
`patents that you talked about?
`It is.
`The Hahn Patent came before the '911 Patent, correct?
`That is correct.
`And the Hahn Patent discloses a leakage prevention
`structure, doesn't it?
`If I recall, the Hahn Patent discloses an area for the
`collection of droplets.
`To prevent leakage, right?
`Yeah, that's right.
`In fact, Mr. Kodama, Reynolds' expert on the '911 Patent,
`he contends that the Hahn Patent invalidates the '911 Patent,
`That is correct.
`This now, you said you have a few of your own patents,
`You're pretty familiar with the parts of a patent?
`A patent has several parts. We saw that in the video
`this morning. Were you here for that?
`I was.
`And there's patent specification that describes the
`invention, right?
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`Yes, that's correct.
`And the patent specification discloses something called
`an embodiment; is that right?
`It does.
`In fact, the patent specification may describe multiple
`embodiments, right?
`And an embodiment is just one example of how an invention
`might work, correct?
`I agree.
`The patent also includes claims, right?
`You talked a lot about the claims of the '911 Patent
`today. We saw them in the video, right?
`And the bounds of the patent are limited by the plain
`language, correct?
`And the specification and the embodiments that we talked
`about earlier, that's not what defines the protection of a
`patent, correct?
`You can't sue somebody for infringing the specification
`of your patent, right?
`That's my understanding.
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`You can only sue someone for infringing a patent claim,
`That's my understanding.
`Would you agree that the patent claims are the most
`important part of the patent?
`Yes, I would.
`Now, the claims in a particular patent may not cover all
`of the embodiments that are disclosed in the specification,
`That is correct.
`And if an embodiment is not covered by a claim, that
`embodiment is not protected by the patent rights, correct?
`Let's talk about the Vuse Alto product. We heard a lot
`about that today, and I wanted to make sure the jury
`understands. Your opinions about the infringement of the '911
`Patent, you're pointing to the mouthpiece of the Alto, correct?
`I was referring to the cartridge part that comes out of
`the device.
`Right, but when you're pointing to what you contend is a
`blind hole, you're pointing to the mouthpiece, correct?
`And the mouthpiece is this black cap that's on the top of
`the cartridge, correct?
`It -- yes, that's correct.
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 9 of 75 PageID# 34470
`Now, I'm going to go back to the Vuse Alto and your
`opinions about infringement. The claims require --
`MR. MAIORANA: And sorry for being repetitive, Your Honor,
`but I want to make sure this is clear.
`The claims require the measurement of the largest
`cross-sectional dimension of the blind hole, right?
`And that language in the claim, "largest cross-sectional
`of dimension," tells a person of skill in the art where and how
`to make the measurement to determine that the particular blind
`hole is within that claim, right?
`I agree.
`Now, you said earlier on your direct examination
`something about wall-to-wall measurement, right? Do you
`remember that?
`The '911 claims don't say anything about measuring
`wall-to-wall, right?
`Well, they show it in the figures. They don't say it in
`I was asking about the claims, so let me ask it again.
`The '911 claims don't say anything about wall-to-wall
`measurement, right?
`You are correct, and I apologize for misunderstanding
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`your question.
`No need to apologize. My question was unclear.
`Let's talk about your opinions about the Solo G2.
`MR. MAIORANA: Could I have that identified, Mr. Burns.
`Now, you showed a lot of cross-sectional pictures of the
`G2 during your direct examination; is that right?
`I showed cross-sectional views of the G2 during direct.
`And you had like pictures of the cross-section next to
`the patent figures, and you had yellow lines to try to make it
`look like the Solo G2 space was the same as the '911 Patent
`figures, right?
`That's correct.
`But the correct legal comparison for determining
`infringement is not between the accused products and the figures
`of the patent, right?
`I agree.
`The proper legal comparison is between the accused
`product and the claim language, right?
`I agree.
`So looking at this Demonstrative Number 5, that is the
`mouthpiece of the Solo G2, right?
`Well, it is a cross-section of the Solo G2. There's a
`mouthpiece and some other structures.
`Thanks for clarifying. Appreciate it.
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`It is, thank you.
`Yep. This is a picture from -- withdraw that.
`This is an image you took of the Vuse Alto mouthpiece,
`Now, I'm going to show you another image of what you
`contend is the blind hole in the Vuse Alto.
`MR. MAIORANA: If you can pull up Dem 11, please,
`Mr. Burns.
`Now, we saw this picture during the video deposition of
`Mr. Hunt. Do you remember that?
`That pink space is what you contend is a blind hole in
`the Vuse Alto, right?
`Now, I'm going to go back to RX 539. I apologize for
`jumping around. I want to show the jury what you measured in
`the Alto mouthpiece.
`This is from your report, right?
`And the two green lines, those are the dimensions that
`you measured to try to show what the largest cross-sectional
`dimension is of the alleged blind hole in the Alto mouthpiece,
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`And you only took measurements in one direction, right,
`going up and down in this photo, RX 139?
`That's correct.
`Now, let's go to Dem 12 and show again the pink picture
`that's from the Alto CAD drawings. I've added a line to this
`demonstrative, which is labeled A. That's the dimensions that
`you measured, right?
`And you never took a measurement of the Dimension B that
`we see here on Demonstrative 12, right?
`That's correct, I did not.
`And you agree that Dimension B meets the part of the
`claim that requires a cross-sectional dimension perpendicular to
`the longitudinal direction of the cavity, right?
`I disagree.
`You think B is not cross-section to the -- excuse me.
`You think B is not cross-sectional -- a cross-section of
`dimension perpendicular to the longitudinal cavity?
`B -- it's my opinion B is not the cross-sectional
`dimension as claimed in the patent.
`That's not what I asked you, Dr. Abraham. Please answer
`my questions.
`I'm sorry, restate the question.
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`Sure. I asked you a different question. I know you
`don't believe B is the largest cross-sectional dimension. I'm
`going to get to that. What I'm asking is a different question.
`You agree that Dimension B meets the part of the claim
`that requires the largest cross-sectional dimension -- I know
`what the problem is in my question. Let me try it again.
`You agree that Dimension B is a cross-sectional dimension
`of what you allege is the blind hole perpendicular to the
`longitudinal direction of the cavity, right?
`I disagree.
`B and A are on the same plane, correct?
`And you contend A is a cross-sectional dimension
`perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the cavity,
`And yet you contend B is not perpendicular to the
`longitudinal direction of the cavity, right?
`B is perpendicular to the longitudinal direction.
`Right. And B is also a cross-sectional dimension of what
`you allege is the blind hole, right?
`I disagree.
`Why is that?
`Because that's not how the cross-section is measured.
`That's not what I'm asking you, Dr. Abraham. You're
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`answering a different question because you don't want to answer
`my question. I would appreciate it if you can answer my
`THE COURT: Counsel, hold on.
`He's asking you just, I believe, a generic question about
`what this type of cross -- what this type of measurement is. So
`forget the patent.
`As I understand what you're doing; is that right?
`MR. MAIORANA: Let me try to clarify, Your Honor --
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. MAIORANA: -- because I think maybe we're talking past
`each other. I apologize.
`The claim of '911 Patent requires to you look at a
`cross-sectional dimension of the blind hole that's perpendicular
`to the longitudinal direction of the cavity, right?
`You agree -- now I understand, you don't contend B is the
`largest cross-sectional dimension, but you do agree that B is a
`cross-sectional dimension of what you contend is a blind hole,
`and that is taken in a direction perpendicular to the
`longitudinal direction of the device, right?
`I disagree.
`THE COURT: Would you explain why you disagree?
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`THE WITNESS: Because it -- he's using the word
`"cross-section," and B is not a cross-section.
`THE COURT: What would you call B?
`THE WITNESS: A longitudinal direction or a length -- a
`length direction.
`THE COURT: A length direction. That's his view.
`THE COURT: Move on. All right?
`THE COURT: Thank you, Doctor.
`You agree that lines -- withdraw that. You agree that
`Dimension A and Dimension B are on the same plane, right?
`And yet your opinion is that A is a cross-sectional
`dimension, but B is not?
`You never took a measurement of Dimension B, right?
`I did not.
`The dimension that's Label A is shorter than the
`dimension Label B, right?
`And of those two dimension, A and B, B is the largest
`dimension of those two, right?
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`Now, Mr. Kodama actually did measure Dimension B, right?
`He did.
`MR. MAIORANA: Could we have the next slide, please,
`Mr. Burns.
`Mr. Kodama measured Dimension B, and he found it was 2.82
`millimeters, right?
`And you don't dispute that Mr. Kodama made that
`measurement, right?
`No, I don't dispute that.
`You don't dispute the accuracy of that measurement, do
`No, I don't.
`And you agree that 2.82 millimeters is outside of the
`claim range of .5 to 1 millimeters, right?
`Yes, it is.
`Now, if the jury agrees with Mr. Kodama that that is the
`correct measurement, you agree that the Vuse Alto does not
`infringe Claim 1 of the '911 Patent, correct?
`Well, it would be outside of the -- it would be outside
`of the claimed range.
`That's not what I asked you. If the jury agrees with
`Mr. Kodama that the measurement we see on the screen, 2.82
`millimeters, is the proper dimension to measure to determine
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`that this Alto --
`THE COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry, counsel. Slow down a
`little bit.
`If the jury agrees with Mr. Kodama that the measurement
`we see on the screen, 2.82 millimeters, is the proper dimension
`to be measured, then you agree that the Vuse Alto mouthpiece
`would not infringe Claim 1 of the '911 Patent, correct?
`Now I'm going to pull another one of your demonstratives.
`MR. MAIORANA: Mr. Burns, PDX 2, page 67.
`And here you're -- again, you're comparing the accused
`device to the patent figure, right?
`I'm showing the accused device and a figure from the
`And the reason you're doing that is you're trying to
`compare the patent figure to the accused product, correct?
`No. I'm showing how the measurement should be made.
`And you're doing that by comparing -- withdraw that. You
`drew yellow lines around the outside of blind hole 305, and you
`drove those all the way across to the space you contend is a
`blind hole in the accused product, right?
`Yes, that's correct.
`And your testimony is you're not doing a comparison
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`the U.S., right?
`And we looked at the PMTA for the Solo product, right?
`And you're aware, aren't you, that the FDA actually
`approved Reynolds's application for the Solo product?
`That's my understanding.
`MR. MAIORANA: I have no further questions, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Any redirect?
`MR. SOBOLSKI: Yes, Your Honor, if I may.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: May I proceed, Your Honor?
`THE COURT: Yes, sir.
`Dr. Abraham, counsel asked you some questions about the
`Rose reference. Do you recall that?
`But I don't think he actually showed you the Rose
`reference, right?
`Correct, he did not.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: Let's pull up that Rose reference that he
`referenced from the file history of the patent. Think it's
`Exhibit RX 374. Let's give it a moment to load. Let's blow that
`up, please, so the jury can see it.
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`RX 374, Dr. Abraham, is this the Rose reference that you
`were being asked about?
`It is.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: Now, let's turn to Figure 5 of the Rose
`reference for a moment. It's on the third page there. Let's
`blow that up.
`Do you see that, Dr. Abraham?
`I do.
`Would you explain to the jury what the Rose reference is
`Yes. This is, again, a cross-sectional image where the
`device has been cut open, and the top and bottom have what are
`called hashmarks -- hatch marks. That means that they've been
`cut through, and there are a bunch of diagonal items numbered
`62, and those are called fingers in Rose, so those are like
`fingers sticking off of the wall, and this device is very
`different from the invention of the '911, and the applicants
`were attempting to show the difference between fingers emanating
`from a wall from the cavities of the '911.
`Tell the jury more about what that difference is.
`Well, first of all, there's no cavities, and secondly,
`these are -- these aren't blind. These are visible from the
`outside. So that's another difference.
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`MR. SOBOLSKI: Now, let's, if we can leave that figure up
`there, but bring up Dr. Abraham's slide, Number 56, so we can put
`them side-by-side. Why don't we blow up the image on Slide 56.
`Now, to remind the jury, what's on the right-hand side
`from your Demonstrative 56, Dr. Abraham?
`The right-hand side shows two images from Reynolds's
`engineering CAD files, PX 698 at page 4 and PX 595 at page 3,
`and I've highlighted the cavities in that -- in that image and
`that's for the Alto.
`And from your perspective as an expert in mechanical and
`thermal engineering, how does Rose on the left compare to the
`cavity blind hole that you've identified in the Alto?
`MR. MAIORANA: Your Honor, objection. We're getting into
`the {indiscernible} here asking him to compare the prior art to a
`picture of the --
`THE COURT: Well, this issue -- whether it does or
`doesn't, this topic was adequately raised in direct and cross,
`and I want the jury to be as unconfused as possible, so I'm going
`to permit it. Overruled.
`MR. MAIORANA: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE WITNESS: They're totally different. In Rose you have
`fingers sticking out from a wall, and in the Alto you have this
`cavity that's confined by walls, and those are different, very
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`And what would happen if the structure from Rose were
`applied to the Alto CAD? What would be the result?
`It would not function. It would not prevent leakage.
`Thank you, sir.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: We can take that down.
`Dr. Abraham, you were also asked whether in Figure 6 that
`that structure 505 is a blind cavity or a blind hole. Do you
`recall that?
`I do.
`Now, let's bring up your Demonstrative 16.
`MR. SOBOLSKI: And let's zoom in on that "Interview
`Summary" on the bottom half, please.
`Explain to the jury what we're looking at on the screen.
`What we're looking at on the screen is PX 8A at page
`16296, and this is the conclusion or the view of the patent
`examiner after an interview with the applicant, so this is what
`the patent examiner wrote, and the patent examiner wrote that
`"The two blind holes of Figure 3 and 4 and/or the blind hole
`being toroid of Figures 5 and 6" -- so the patent examiner
`agreed -- or I agree with the patent examiner that the toroid or
`the doughnut of Figure 5 and 6 is a blind hole.
`And just to make it clear for the jury, what's the
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 22 of 75 PageID#
`Civil Action
`No. 1:20-cv-00393-LMB/TCB
`June 9, 2022
`2:05 p.m.
`Counterclaim Plaintiff,
`Counterclaim Defendant.
`For the Plaintiffs:
`Maximilian Antony Grant, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (DC)
`555 11th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`Clement Joseph Naples, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`885 Third Avenue 25th Floor
`New York, NY 10022
`Gregory K. Sobolski, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`505 Montgomery Street
`Suite 2000
`San Francisco, CA 94111-6538
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 23 of 75 PageID#
`Mr. Walbrink did give a doctrine of equivalents opinion on the
`vaporizer membrane, but that's a separate element or a limitation
`of Claim 1. And for the three limitations that I have just
`discussed, the configured to be connected to the mouthpiece,
`metallic foil or thin sheet, and substantially the same as a
`cross-section of a cigar or cigarette, there was no testimony
`from Mr. Walbrink on the doctrine of equivalents. So only
`literal infringement would satisfy those three limitations.
`And then finally they have asserted Claim 4 of the '265
`Patent. I have no further arguments about that, but it's a
`dependent claim.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. BURNETTE: All right. And then for the '911 Patent,
`we are moving on the claim limitation of Claim 1 that it
`contained a cavity. The Alto product does not contain a cavity.
`Those raised lips that you saw yesterday and the presentation
`from Dr. Abraham do not contain a cavity because they are open on
`two sides. Claim 1 also requires a blind hole. The Solo does
`not contain a blind hole because it has that annular groove and
`the annular groove is not a blind hole.
`The Alto, you recall the prosecution history about the
`Rose prior art, and I had the fingers extending into the area,
`and they were open on the sides. Under the prosecution
`disclaimer, there can be no literal infringement when the
`arguments to the examiner disclaimed something that could be a
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`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


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`blind hole because it was open around the sides.
`I will note this issue was raised at summary judgment and
`later in the Daubert briefing before Judge O'Grady, and he had
`rejected the disclaimer arguments, finding that they weren't
`clear and unmistakable. But we do think this is clear and
`unmistakable disclaimer of patent coverage for asserted blind
`holes when they were open around the sides.
`The applicant, PMP in this case, repeatedly told the
`examiner that this is the opposite of what is claimed, that these
`are non-blind. We had the same in the Alto. It is non-blind, it
`is open around the sides; it is simply the space between the
`outside wall of the mouthpiece and that lip inside that holds the
`gasket around the mouthpiece on the inside. That's the
`contention here about what creates a blind hole in a cavity in
`the Alto product.
`And turning to the dimensional requirements of the '911
`Patent, the largest cross-sectional dimension between
`0.5 millimeters and 1 millimeter. For the Solo, Dr. Abraham
`arrived at a measurement of .77 millimeters by just considering
`the segments of the groove that goes around the mouthpiece. The
`patent requires measuring from the outer diameter of the ring
`itself, the angular groove.
`If you measure between the outer groove of one side to the
`outer groove of another side, then that's 4 millimeters, well
`outside of the -- there was no evidence, I should say, from
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR, Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 25 of 75 PageID#
`Civil Action
`No. 1:20-cv-00393-LMB/TCB
`June 10, 2022
`9:13 a.m.
`Counterclaim Plaintiff,
`Counterclaim Defendant.
`For the Plaintiffs:
`Maximilian Antony Grant, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins LLP (DC)
`555 11th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`Clement Joseph Naples, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`885 Third Avenue 25th Floor
`New York, NY 10022
`Gregory K. Sobolski, Esq.
`Latham & Watkins, LLP
`505 Montgomery Street
`Suite 2000
`San Francisco, CA 94111-6538
`Scott L. Wallace, RDR, CRR
`Official Court Reporter


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LMB-TCB Document 1386-1 Filed 07/13/22 Page 26 of 75 PageID#
`THE COURT: All right. Counsel.
`MR. MAIORANA: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Good morning, Mr. Kodama.
`Good morning.
`Could you introduce yourself to the jury, please?
`Yes, my name is Kelly Kodama. I'm the CEO of a company
`called Zoe Design Associates, which I founded in 1991, and we're
`a product design and industrial design company that consults for
`a wide range of different products and product companies.
`Have you ever testified in court before, Mr. Kodama?
`I have not, no. This is my first time.
`How long have you been working in product development?
`I graduated in 1988 and I've been working in product
`development ever since, so about 34 years.
`And you can make sure you're close enough to the mic so
`everyone can hear you?
`Oh, sorry. Sure.
`Thanks. Tell us about your educational background,
`Yes. I have a bachelor of science in product design
`engineering, which is part of the

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