Chiles v. Salazar, et al

22-1445 | U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit

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Filed Dec. 21, 2022
Terminated Sept. 12, 2024
Nature of Suit 3440 Civil Rights - Other
Original Case 1:22-cv-02287
Last Updated: 2 weeks, 1 day ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
  • Order
[11138518] Order filed by Judges Hartz, Moritz and Rossman granting appellees attorney motion to withdraw as attorney. Bianca E. Miyata is hereby withdrawn as counsel. Served on 11/21/2024. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 11/21/2024 10:07 AM]
11/20/2024[11138306] Motion filed by Appellees Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, Appellants Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 23-1002 for attorney Bianca Miyata to withdraw as counsel. Served on: 11/20/2024. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] BM [Entered: 11/20/2024 02:40 PM]
  • Motion
[11136762] Petition for writ of certiorari filed by Kaley Chiles on 11/08/2024. Supreme Court Number 24-539. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 11/14/2024 02:45 PM]
10/4/2024[11126218] Mandate issued. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 10/04/2024 07:43 AM]
  • Motion for Judgment
[11120245] Judgment for opinion filed. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 09/12/2024 10:17 AM]
9/12/2024[11120240] Affirmed;Terminated on the merits after oral hearing; Written, signed, published; Judges Hartz (dissenting) Moritz and Rossman (authoring). Mandate to issue. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 09/12/2024 10:05 AM]
  • Response
[11066274] Response filed by Patty Salazar, Karen Van Zuiden, Amy Skinner, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Sue Noffsinger, Jennifer Luttman, Theresa Lopez, Kalli Likness, Crystal Kisselburgh, Anjali Jones, Marykay Jimenez, Erkia Hoy, Mr. Richard Glover, Halcyon Driskell, Kristina Daniel and Jonathan Culwell in 22-1445 to Appellant/Cross-Appellee's Notices of Supplemental Authority. Served on 02/09/2024. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] HN [Entered: 02/09/2024 03:42 PM]
2/1/2024[11064141] Supplemental authority filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 02/01/2024. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] CSB [Entered: 02/01/2024 04:35 PM]
2/1/2024[11064139] Supplemental authority filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 02/01/2024. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] CSB [Entered: 02/01/2024 04:34 PM]
11/17/2023177[11045837] Cases argued and submitted to Judges Hartz, Moritz and Rossman. Arguing attorneys: Mr. Cody S. Barnett for Appellant and Helen Norton for Appellees [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 11/17/2023 12:25 PM]
10/26/2023[11039541] Calendar Acknowledgment Form filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445. Served on 10/26/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] HN [Entered: 10/26/2023 03:50 PM]
9/22/2023[11031094] Calendar Acknowledgment Form filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 09/22/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] SWS [Entered: 09/22/2023 09:12 AM]
9/18/2023[11029495] Calendar Acknowledgment Form filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 09/18/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] CSB [Entered: 09/18/2023 02:36 PM]
9/14/2023[11028504] Oral argument notice filed. This matter is set for IN PERSON oral argument on 11/17/2023 at 8:30 A.M. Mountain Time in Courtroom II of the Byron White United States Courthouse, Denver, CO. Arguing counsel must carefully review the attached notice. Within 10 days of today's date, arguing counsel must download, complete, and e-file the required oral argument form(s). Counsel for amici parties may not participate in argument without written permission from the court. Arguing counsel must check-in at the Clerk's Office 45 minutes prior to the start of arguments. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 09/14/2023 12:18 PM]
  • Order
[11023476] Order filed by Clerk of the Court - This matter comes before the court on a Motion to Withdrawal as Counsel by Maxwell A. Baldi for amici curiae parties, The Trevor Project, Inc., the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and the American Association of Suicidology. The motion is granted. Attorney Maxwell A. Baldi is withdrawn as counsel for amici parties. Abbey Hudson will remain counsel of record. Served on 08/24/2023. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 08/24/2023 03:20 PM]
8/24/2023[11023412] Motion filed by Amici Curiae American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Trevor Project, Inc. in 22-1445, 23-1002 for attorney Maxwell A. Baldi to withdraw as counsel. Served on: 08/24/2023. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] MAB [Entered: 08/24/2023 12:55 PM]
  • Response
[11017499] Response filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, 23-1002 to Notice of Supplemental Authority. Served on 07/31/2023. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] BM [Entered: 07/31/2023 03:53 PM]
7/17/2023[11013939] Supplemental authority filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 07/17/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] CSB [Entered: 07/17/2023 02:20 PM]
6/21/2023153[11007529] Paper copies of cross appeal reply brief received from Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 06/21/2023 10:32 AM]
  • Order
[11006888] Minute order filed - the fourth brief on cross appeal submitted by appellees/cross appellants is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies of fourth brief on cross appeal due 06/26/2023 by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 06/16/2023 03:27 PM]
6/16/2023[11006886] Cross-appeal reply brief filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on: 06/16/2023. Manner of service: email. Word/page count: 3622. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] BST [Entered: 06/16/2023 03:16 PM]
6/2/2023147[11003619] Paper copies of third brief on cross-appeal received from Kaley Chiles. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 06/02/2023 01:21 PM]
6/1/2023148[11004000] Attorney Jessica Sawadogo for American Psychological Association admitted to the bar of this court. [22-1445] [Entered: 06/05/2023 01:28 PM]
  • Order
[11002115] Minute order filed - the brief submitted by appellant/cross-appellee is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Fourth brief on cross-appeal now due 06/16/2023 by Theresa Lopez, Jonathan Culwell, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Jennifer Luttman, Amy Skinner, Karen Van Zuiden, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Crystal Kisselburgh, Anjali Jones, Marykay Jimenez, Kalli Likness, Sue Noffsinger and Erkia Hoy.. Paper copies of third brief on cross-appeal due 06/05/2023 by Kaley Chiles. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/26/2023 03:12 PM]
5/26/2023[11002068] Third brief on cross-appeal filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on: 05/26/2023. Manner of service: email. Word/page count: 8619. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] JJB [Entered: 05/26/2023 01:56 PM]
5/12/2023142[10999014] Paper copies of amici curiae District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont and State of Washingson. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/12/2023 02:29 PM]
5/10/2023140[10998161] Paper copies of amicus brief received from American Psychological Association. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/10/2023 11:32 AM]
5/10/2023139[10998141] Paper copies of amicus brief received from One Colorado. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/10/2023 11:10 AM]
5/9/2023138[10997856] Paper copies of amicus brief received from Carlos A. Ball, Ashutosh Bhagwat, Alan E. Brownstein, Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael C. Dorf, Thomas E. Kadri, Suzette M. Malveaux, Toni Massaro, Neil Richards, Jocelyn Simonson, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Catherine Smith, Kyle Courtenay Velte, Ari E. Waldman and Erin Carroll. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/09/2023 12:11 PM]
5/9/2023[10997716] Entry of appearance filed by Amalia Y. Sax-Bolder and Mr. Craig M. Finger for One Colorado in 22-1445 & 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/08/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/09/2023 08:44 AM]
5/8/2023136[10997666] Entry of appearance submitted by Craig M. Finger; Amalia Y. Sax-Bolder for Amicus Curiae One Colorado in 22-1445, 23-1002 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/08/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 05/09/2023 by LG to remove PDF from entry, as pleading was filed on 5/9/2023] CMF [Entered: 05/08/2023 05:28 PM]
5/8/2023[10997657] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Shannon Price Minter for One Colorado in 23-1002, 22-1445. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/08/2023. Manner of Service: email [23-1002, 22-1445] [Entered: 05/08/2023 04:33 PM]
5/8/2023133[10997651] Entry of appearance submitted by Shannon Minter for Amicus Curiae One Colorado in 23-1002, 22-1445 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/08/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 05/08/2023 by NA] SPM [Entered: 05/08/2023 04:21 PM]
5/8/2023[10997616] Admissions letter sent. Response date set to 06/07/2023 for Jessica J.W. Sawadogo. [22-1445] [Entered: 05/08/2023 03:27 PM]
5/8/2023[10997557] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Luke A Barefoot and Mr. Thomas Kessler for Mr. Erwin Chemerinsky, Ashutosh Bhagwat, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Carlos A. Ball, Alan E. Brownstein, Erin Carroll, Michael C. Dorf, Thomas E. Kadri, Suzette M. Malveaux, Toni Massaro, Neil Richards, Jocelyn Simonson, Catherine Smith, Kyle Courtenay Velte, Ari E. Waldman and Michael Boucai in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y. Parties listed are amici parties for this entry of appearance. Served on 05/08/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 02:41 PM]
5/8/2023131[10997494] Entry of appearance submitted by Thomas S. Kessler and Luke A. Barefoot for Amici Curiae Carlos A. Ball, Ashutosh Bhagwat, Michael Boucai, Alan E. Brownstein, Erin Carroll, Mr. Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael C. Dorf, Thomas E. Kadri, Suzette M. Malveaux, Toni Massaro, Neil Richards, Jocelyn Simonson, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Catherine Smith, Kyle Courtenay Velte and Ari E. Waldman in 22-1445, 23-1002 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 05/08/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 05/08/2023 by JM PDF removed filed 5/8/23] TK [Entered: 05/08/2023 01:10 PM]
5/8/2023130[10997461] Paper copies of amicus brief received from American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Trevor Project, Inc.. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 12:06 PM]
  • Order
[10997377] Minute order filed - Notice of appearance due by attorneys Barefoot and Kessler 05/15/2023 for Carlos A. Ball, Ashutosh Bhagwat, Michael Boucai, Alan E. Brownstein, Erin Carroll, Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael C. Dorf, Thomas E. Kadri, Suzette M. Malveaux, Toni Massaro, Neil Richards, Jocelyn Simonson, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Catherine Smith, Kyle Courtenay Velte and Ari E. Waldman. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 10:13 AM]
  • Order
[10997373] Minute order filed - the brief submitted by amici is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies of amici brief due 05/15/2023 by Carlos A. Ball, Ashutosh Bhagwat, Michael Boucai, Alan E. Brownstein, Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael C. Dorf, Thomas E. Kadri, Suzette M. Malveaux, Toni Massaro, Neil Richards, Jocelyn Simonson, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Catherine Smith, Kyle Courtenay Velte, Ari E. Waldman and Erin Carroll. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 10:06 AM]
  • Order
[10997303] Minute Order Filed - Amicus Curiae One Colorado in 22-1445, 23-1002's brief lists one or more attorneys who have not yet entered an appearance in this appeal. Tenth Circuit Rule 46.1(A) requires formal entries of appearance from all attorneys whose names appear on briefs filed with the court. No later than 05/09/2023, SHANNON MINTER, CRAIG M. FINGER and AMALIA SAX-BOLDER must file an entry of appearance or Amicus Curiae One Colorado in 22-1445, 23-1002 must file a corrected brief that does not list any attorney who does not intend to enter an appearance in this appeal. If a corrected brief is filed, the paper copies provided to the court shall be copies of the corrected brief. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 08:54 AM]
  • Order
[10997299] Minute order filed - the brief submitted by amicus One Colorado is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies of amicus brief due 05/15/2023 by One Colorado. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 08:52 AM]
  • Order
[10997257] Minute order filed - the amicus brief submitted by American Psychological Association is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies of amicus brief due 05/15/2023 by American Psychological Association. (Text Only - No Attachment) [23-1002, 22-1445] [Entered: 05/08/2023 07:56 AM]
5/8/2023[10997256] Amicus Curiae brief filed by American Psychological Association in 23-1002. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445] [Entered: 05/08/2023 07:54 AM]
5/5/2023[10997370] Amicus Curiae brief filed by Carlos A. Ball, Ashutosh Bhagwat, Michael Boucai, Alan E. Brownstein, Erin Carroll, Mr. Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael C. Dorf, Thomas E. Kadri, Suzette M. Malveaux, Toni Massaro, Neil Richards, Jocelyn Simonson, Scott Skinner-Thompson, Catherine Smith, Kyle Courtenay Velte and Ari E. Waldman in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email.--[Edited 05/08/2023 by SDS to add party filer] [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 09:59 AM]
5/5/2023[10997297] Amicus Curiae brief filed by One Colorado in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/08/2023 08:50 AM]
5/5/2023118This entry has been removed from the docket. Brief docketed as filed by clerk. [sds]
[10997228] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Constitutional Law and First Amendment Scholars. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 6318. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] TK [Entered: 05/05/2023 07:04 PM]
5/5/2023[10997213] Entry of appearance filed by Ms. Jessica Ring Amunson and Jessica J.W. Sawadogo for American Psychological Association in 23-1002, 22-1445. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email [23-1002, 22-1445] [Entered: 05/05/2023 04:34 PM]
5/5/2023115This entry has been removed from the docket. [lg] Removed as this brief was refiled by the Clerk's office. [10997210] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Amicus Curiae American Psychological Association. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 6471. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [23-1002, 22-1445] JRA [Entered: 05/05/2023 04:31 PM]
5/5/2023114[10997206] Entry of appearance submitted by Jessica Ring Amunson and Jessica J.W. Sawadogo for Amicus Curiae American Psychological Association for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 05/05/2023 by NA] JRA [Entered: 05/05/2023 04:25 PM]
5/5/2023113This entry has been removed from the docket. Brief docketed as filed by clerk. [sds]
[10997197] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Amicus Curiae One Colorado. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 3785. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] CFS [Entered: 05/05/2023 04:13 PM]
5/5/2023[10997187] Rule 26 Disclosure Statement filed by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, American Association of Suicidology and Trevor Project, Inc. in 22-1445, 23-1002. More than 50 parties disclosed: no. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] AJH [Entered: 05/05/2023 03:48 PM]
  • Order
[10997180] Minute order filed - the brief submitted by amici curiae is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. In addition, a notice of appearance is due from all attorneys listed on the amici brief who did not already file one. (Notice of appearance from attorneys due on 05/08/2023 for District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont and State of Washingson.) (Paper copies of amici brief due 05/12/2023 by District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont and State of Washingson.) (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 03:32 PM]
  • Order
[10997176] Minute order filed - the amici curiae brief is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies due 5/12/2023 by American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Trevor Project, Inc. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 03:25 PM]
5/5/2023[10997168] Amicus Curiae brief filed by District of Columbia, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of Oregon, State of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont and State of Washingson in 22-1445, 23-1002. Original and 7 copies.. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 03:21 PM]
5/5/2023108This entry has been removed from the docket. [KLP] Brief filed. [10997160] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Amici Curiae Washington, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 6496. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] CS [Entered: 05/05/2023 03:03 PM]
5/5/2023[10997147] Rule 26 Disclosure Statement filed by One Colorado in 22-1445, 23-1002. More than 50 parties disclosed: no. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] CFS [Entered: 05/05/2023 02:37 PM]
5/5/2023[10997141] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Christopher F. Stoll for One Colorado in 23-1002 and 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 02:27 PM]
5/5/2023104[10997136] Entry of appearance submitted by Christopher Stoll for Amicus Curiae One Colorado for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 05/05/2023 by KLP to delete the attachment; entry filed.] CFS [Entered: 05/05/2023 02:14 PM]
  • Order
[10997123] Minute order filed - Rule 26.1 disclosure statement due on 05/19/2023 for American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Trevor Project, Inc.. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 01:45 PM]
5/5/2023[10997118] Amicus Curiae brief filed by American Association of Suicidology, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Trevor Project, Inc. in 22-1445, 23-1002. Original and 7 copies. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 01:34 PM]
5/5/202399This entry has been removed from the docket. [KLP] Brief filed. [10997097] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by The Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and American Association of Suicidology. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 6223. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] AJH [Entered: 05/05/2023 12:59 PM]
5/5/2023[10997094] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Mark Christopher Davies for Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and American Association of Suicidology. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 12:49 PM]
5/5/2023[10997093] Entry of appearance filed by Ms. Abbey J. Hudson for Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and American Association of Suicidology. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 12:47 PM]
5/5/2023[10997089] Entry of appearance filed by Cristina Sepe for State of California, State of Pennsylvania, State of Massachusetts, State of Maine, State of Nevada, District of Columbia, State of Rhode Island, State of New York, State of Illinois, State of Connecticut, State of Hawaii, State of Minnesota, State of Michigan, State of Delaware, State of Oregon, State of Vermont, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico and State of Washingson in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 12:40 PM]
5/5/2023[10997070] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Maxwell A. Baldi for Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and American Association of Suicidology in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 12:10 PM]
5/5/2023[10997065] Entry of appearance filed by Ms. Shireen Barday for Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and American Association of Suicidology in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 12:03 PM]
5/5/2023[10997062] Entry of appearance filed by Kelly Herbert for Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and American Association of Suicidology in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/05/2023 11:53 AM]
5/5/202389[10997036] Entry of appearance submitted by Cristina Marie Sepe for Amici Curiae Washington, California, Connecticut, Delaware, The District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 05/05/2023 by KLP to delete the attachment; entry filed.] CS [Entered: 05/05/2023 11:17 AM]
5/5/202388[10997003] Entry of appearance submitted by Maxwell A. Baldi for The Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and American Association of Suicidology for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 05/05/2023 by NA] MAB [Entered: 05/05/2023 10:48 AM]
5/5/202387[10997001] Entry of appearance submitted by Mark C. Davies for The Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and American Association of Suicidology for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 05/05/2023 by SDS to remove pdf from entry as the pleading has been filed] [22-1445, 23-1002] MCD [Entered: 05/05/2023 10:46 AM]
5/5/202386[10997000] Entry of appearance submitted by Kelly E. Herbert for The Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and American Association of Suicidology for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 05/05/2023 by KLP to delete the attachment; entry filed.] KH [Entered: 05/05/2023 10:44 AM]
5/5/202385[10996995] Entry of appearance submitted by Shireen A. Barday for The Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and American Association Association of Suicidology for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 05/05/2023 by NA] SB [Entered: 05/05/2023 10:41 AM]
5/5/202384[10996993] Entry of appearance submitted by Abbey Hudson for The Trevor Project, Inc., American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and American Association Association of Suicidology for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 05/05/2023. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 05/05/2023 by SDS to remove pdf from entry as the pleading has been filed] [22-1445, 23-1002] AJH [Entered: 05/05/2023 10:38 AM]
5/4/202383[10996625] Paper copies of second brief and appendix on cross appeal received from Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden . [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/04/2023 09:45 AM]
  • Order
[10995696] Minute order filed - the second brief on cross-appeal and supplemental appendix is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filings, including all attachments and number of volumes filed for appendices. Paper copies of second brief on cross-appeal due 05/08/2023 by Jonathan Culwell, et al. Third brief on cross-appeal now due 05/31/2023 by Kaley Chiles. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/01/2023 01:29 PM]
5/1/2023[10995679] Supplemental appendix filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, 23-1002. Total number of volumes filed: 2. Served on 05/01/2023. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] BM [Entered: 05/01/2023 01:11 PM]
5/1/2023[10995676] Second brief on cross-appeal filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on: 05/01/2023. Manner of service: email. Oral argument requested? Yes. Word/page count: 12810. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] BM [Entered: 05/01/2023 01:07 PM]
5/1/2023[10995580] Notice of deficient second brief on cross-appeal and supplemental appendix received from Jonathan Culwell, et al. Type of deficiencies for brief: Order(s) appealed not attached. Type of deficiencies for appendix: Voume 2 is missing bookmarks. See attached letter for specifics. Second brief on cross-appeal and supplemental appendix due 05/04/2023 by Jonathan Culwell, et al. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 05/01/2023 11:00 AM]
4/28/202375This entry has been removed from the docket. Corrected appendix filed 05/01/2023. [sds]
[10995415] Supplemental appendix filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 23-1002, 22-1445. Total number of volumes filed: 2. Served on 04/28/2023. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [23-1002, 22-1445] BM [Entered: 04/28/2023 04:36 PM]
4/28/202374This entry has been removed from the docket. Corrected brief filed 05/01/2023. [sds]
[10995219] Second brief on cross-appeal filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 23-1002, 22-1445. Served on: 04/28/2023. Manner of service: email. Oral argument requested? Yes. Word/page count: 12810. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [23-1002, 22-1445] BM [Entered: 04/28/2023 11:28 AM]
4/28/2023[10995159] Entry of appearance filed by Helen Norton and Mrs. Shannon Wells Stevenson for Karen Van Zuiden, Amy Skinner, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Patty Salazar, Sue Noffsinger, Jennifer Luttman, Theresa Lopez, Kalli Likness, Crystal Kisselburgh, Anjali Jones, Marykay Jimenez, Erkia Hoy, Mr. Richard Glover, Halcyon Driskell, Kristina Daniel and Jonathan Culwell in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 04/28/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 04/28/2023 10:11 AM]
4/28/202372[10995135] Entry of appearance submitted by Shannon Wells Stevenson, Helen Norton for Appellants Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 23-1002, Appellees Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 04/28/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 04/28/2023 by NA] SWS [Entered: 04/28/2023 09:48 AM]
3/20/202368[10984719] Paper copies of amicus curiae brief received from Ethics and Public Policy Center. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/20/2023 12:27 PM]
3/20/202367[10984716] Paper copies of amicus curiae brief received from Associations of Certified Biblical Counselors. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/20/2023 12:25 PM]
3/17/202366[10984260] Paper copies of amicus curiae brief received from Institute for Justice. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/17/2023 11:37 AM]
  • Order
[10983731] Minute order filed - the amicus curiae brief submitted by Ethics and Public Policy Center is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall be filed with the court by 3/22/23. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing (Text-only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 04:05 PM]
3/15/2023[10983728] Amicus Curiae brief filed by Ethics and Public Policy Center in 22-1445. Original and 7 copies. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 04:02 PM]
3/15/2023[10983720] Entry of appearance filed by Peter Christopher Breen and Michael George McHale for Ethics and Public Policy Center in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 03:45 PM]
3/15/202361This entry has been removed from the docket. [KLP] Filed on 3/15/23. [10983711] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Ethics and Public Policy Center. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 4742. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [23-1002, 22-1445] MGM [Entered: 03/15/2023 03:36 PM]
3/15/202360[10983707] Entry of appearance submitted by Michael G. McHale and Peter Breen for Ethics and Public Policy Center for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 03/15/2023 by SDS to remove pdf from entry as the pleading has been filed] [23-1002, 22-1445] MGM [Entered: 03/15/2023 03:32 PM]
  • Order
[10983653] Order filed by Clerk of the Court granting appellees/cross-appellants' unopposed motion for extension of time to file the principal-response (2nd xap) brief to 04/28/2023 by Theresa Lopez, Jonathan Culwell, Richard Glover, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Jennifer Luttman, Amy Skinner, Karen Van Zuiden, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Crystal Kisselburgh, Anjali Jones, Marykay Jimenez, Kalli Likness, Sue Noffsinger and Erkia Hoy.. Served on 03/15/2023. Text only entry - no attachment. (21-day extension.) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 01:38 PM]
3/15/2023[10983613] Motion filed by Appellants Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 23-1002, Appellees Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445 to extend time to file second brief on cross-appeal until 04/28/2023. Served on: 03/15/2023. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [23-1002, 22-1445]--[Edited 03/15/2023 by KLP to correct the relief code.] BM [Entered: 03/15/2023 12:34 PM]
3/15/202356[10983609] Paper copies of amicus curiae brief received from Institute for Faith and Family. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 12:25 PM]
  • Order
[10983547] Minute order filed - the brief of submitted by amicus curiae is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies of amicus brief due 03/22/2023 by Institute for Justice. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 10:37 AM]
3/15/2023[10983545] Amicus Curiae brief filed by Institute for Justice in 22-1445, 23-1002. Original and 7 copies.. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 10:35 AM]
3/15/2023[10983537] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Robert McNamara and Mr. Paul Sherman for Institute for Justice. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/15/2023 10:18 AM]
3/15/202351This entry has been removed from the docket as the amicus brief has been filed. [NA][10983531] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Institute for Justice. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 3751. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] PS [Entered: 03/15/2023 10:09 AM]
3/15/202350[10983525] Entry of appearance submitted by Paul M. Sherman and Robert J. McNamara for Institute for Justice for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 03/15/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 03/15/2023 by KLP to delete the attachment; entry filed.] PS [Entered: 03/15/2023 10:00 AM]
3/14/2023[10983304] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Michael S. Overing and Mr. Edward C. Wilde for Associations of Certified Biblical Counselors. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y. Party listed previously dislosed to the court. Served on 03/14/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445] [Entered: 03/14/2023 02:32 PM]
3/14/202348[10983285] Entry of appearance submitted by Edward Charles Wilde for Amicus Curiae Associations of Certified Biblical Counselors for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 03/14/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445]--[Edited 03/14/2023 by JM PDF removed filed by the court on 3/14/23.] ECW [Entered: 03/14/2023 01:24 PM]
3/14/202347[10983240] Paper copies of appellant's brief and appendix received from Kaley Chiles. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/14/2023 12:20 PM]
  • Order
[10983229] Minute order filed - the brief submitted by amicus curiae is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Notice of appearance due on 03/17/2023 for Associations of Certified Biblical Counselors. Paper copies of amicus brief due 03/21/2023 by Associations of Certified Biblical Counselors. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/14/2023 12:02 PM]
3/14/2023[10983224] Amicus Curiae brief filed by Associations of Certified Biblical Counselors in 22-1445, 23-1002. Original and 7 copies.. Served on 03/14/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/14/2023 12:01 PM]
3/14/202343This entry has been removed from the docket as the amicus brief has been filed. [NA][10983201] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by ASSOCIATIONS OF CERTIFIED BIBLICAL COUNSELORS. Served on 03/14/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 5373. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445] ECW [Entered: 03/14/2023 11:36 AM]
  • Order
[10982822] Minute order filed - the amicus brief submitted by amici cuirae is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing. Paper copies of amicus brief due 03/20/2023 by Institute for Faith and Family. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/13/2023 08:46 AM]
3/13/2023[10982820] Amicus Curiae brief filed by Institute for Faith and Family in 22-1445 & 23-1002. Original. Served on 03/13/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/13/2023 08:45 AM]
  • Order
[10982817] Minute order filed - Notice of appearance due on 03/27/2023 for Institute for Faith and Family. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/13/2023 08:43 AM]
3/13/2023[10982811] Entry of appearance filed by Ms. Deborah Jane Dewart for Institute for Faith and Family in 22-1445 and 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n (note, the interested parties are disclosed by the entry of appearance). Served on 03/13/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/13/2023 08:38 AM]
3/13/202335This entry has been removed from the docket. [lg] Brief was refiled by the Clerk's office on 3/13/2023
[10982804] Amicus Curiae brief submitted by Deborah J. Dewart for Institute for Faith and Family. Served on 03/13/2023. Manner of Service: email. Word/page count: 5620. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] DJD [Entered: 03/13/2023 08:23 AM]
3/13/202334[10982801] Entry of appearance submitted by Deborah J. Dewart for Institute for Faith and Family for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 03/13/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 03/13/2023 by NA] DJD [Entered: 03/13/2023 08:21 AM]
  • Order
[10982025] Minute order filed - the First Brief on cross appeal (and appendix) submitted by appellant/appellee is accepted for filing. Paper copies shall now be filed with the court within 5 business days of this order. All copies must be exact replicas of the electronic filing(s), including all attachments and number of volumes filed (for appendices). Second cross-appeal brief now due 04/07/2023 by Theresa Lopez, Jonathan Culwell, Richard Glover, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Jennifer Luttman, Amy Skinner, Karen Van Zuiden, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Crystal Kisselburgh, Anjali Jones, Marykay Jimenez, Kalli Likness, Sue Noffsinger and Erkia Hoy.. Paper copies of First Brief on cross appeal due 03/15/2023 by Kaley Chiles. (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 03/08/2023 01:48 PM]
3/8/2023[10982002] Appellant's appendix filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445. Total number of volumes filed: 1. Served on 03/08/2023. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] JJB [Entered: 03/08/2023 01:09 PM]
3/8/2023[10982000] First brief on cross-appeal filed by Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. Served on: 03/08/2023. Manner of service: email. Oral argument requested? Yes. Word/page count: 11944. This pleading complies with all required privacy and virus certifications: Yes. [22-1445, 23-1002] JJB [Entered: 03/08/2023 01:06 PM]
1/30/2023[10973006] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. John J. Bursch for Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 01/30/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 01/30/2023 11:14 AM]
1/30/2023[10972990] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Cody S. Barnett for Kaley Chiles in 22-1445 & 23-1002. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 01/30/2023. Manner of Service: email [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 01/30/2023 10:34 AM]
1/30/202327[10972967] Entry of appearance submitted by Cody S. Barnett for Appellant Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, Appellee Kaley Chiles in 23-1002 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 01/30/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 01/30/2023 by LG to remove PDF from entry, as pleading was filed on 1/30/2023] CSB [Entered: 01/30/2023 09:56 AM]
1/30/202326[10972929] Entry of appearance submitted by John J. Bursch for Appellant Kaley Chiles in 22-1445, Appellee Kaley Chiles in 23-1002 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 01/30/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445, 23-1002]--[Edited 01/30/2023 by KLP to delete the attachment; entry filed.] JJB [Entered: 01/30/2023 09:24 AM]
1/27/2023[10972771] Cross-appeal schedule set. Issued on 01/27/2023. First brief on cross-appeal and appendix due 03/08/2023 for Kaley Chiles [22-1445, 23-1002] [Entered: 01/27/2023 01:32 PM]
1/27/2023[10972751] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Shaun Pearman for Kaley Chiles in 23-1002 and 22-1445 (duplicate filing in 22-1445). CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 01/27/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445] [Entered: 01/27/2023 12:24 PM]
1/27/202323[10972745] Entry of appearance submitted by Shaun Pearman for Appellee Kaley Chiles in 23-1002, Appellant Kaley Chiles in 22-1445 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 01/27/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445]--[Edited 01/27/2023 by KLP to delete the attachment; entry filed.] SP [Entered: 01/27/2023 12:04 PM]
1/18/2023[10970017] Docketing statement filed by Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 23-1002. Served on 01/18/2023. Manner of Service: email. [23-1002, 22-1445] BM [Entered: 01/18/2023 11:01 AM]
1/11/2023[10968462] Notice of Mediation Conference filed by the Tenth Circuit Mediation Office. ZoomGov conference scheduled for 01/23/2023 at 10:00 am (MT). The mediation contact form must be completed and returned to the Mediation Office within four days of the date of this notice. [Please open the Notice for important information.] [22-1445, 23-1002] Corrected to ZoomGov conference -Edited 01/11/2023 by DM] [Entered: 01/11/2023 09:27 AM]
1/6/2023[10967637] Entry of appearance filed by Ms. Abby Lynn Chestnut, Mr. Robert William Finke, Ms. Janna K. Fischer, Ms. Bianca Miyata and Ms. Brianna Susan Tancher for Mr. Richard Glover, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Jennifer Luttman, Amy Skinner, Karen Van Zuiden, Marykay Jimenez, Kalli Likness, Sue Noffsinger, Erkia Hoy, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Crystal Kisselburgh, Anjali Jones, Theresa Lopez and Jonathan Culwell. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 01/06/2023. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445] [Entered: 01/06/2023 01:50 PM]
1/6/202314[10967604] Entry of appearance submitted by Robert William Finke; Janna K. Fischer; Abby Lynn Chestnut; Brianna Susan Tancher; Bianca E. Miyata for Appellees Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden in 22-1445, Appellants Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Mr. Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner, Karen Van Zuiden and Jonathan Culwell in 23-1002 for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 01/06/2023. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 01/06/2023 by SDS to remove pdf from entry as the pleading has been filed. Entry removed from xap case 23-1002 as a separate entry is required.] [22-1445] JKF [Entered: 01/06/2023 12:43 PM]
1/6/2023[10967585] Deficiency notice issued. Type of deficiency: No entry of appeearance filed on behalf of appellees. Notice of appearance due on 01/09/2023 for Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner and Karen Van Zuiden. [22-1445] [Entered: 01/06/2023 12:09 PM]
  • Order
[10967271] Minute order filed -. The briefing order entered yesterday in this matter is vacated due to the cross appeal being filed an opened in 23-1002. These cross appeals will proceed on a cross appeal schedule at the appropriate time.(Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445] [Entered: 01/05/2023 11:58 AM]
1/3/2023[10966379] Filed notice record is complete. Served on 01/03/2023. Appellant's brief and appendix due on 02/13/2023 for Kaley Chiles. [22-1445] [Entered: 01/03/2023 08:20 AM]
12/30/2022[10966286] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Shaun Pearman for Kaley Chiles. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 12/30/2022. Manner of Service: email [22-1445] [Entered: 12/30/2022 02:41 PM]
12/30/20228[10966284] Entry of appearance submitted by Shaun Pearman for Appellant Kaley Chiles for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 12/30/2022. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445]--[Edited 12/30/2022 by LG to remove PDF from entry, as pleading was filed on 12/30/2022] SP [Entered: 12/30/2022 02:35 PM]
  • Order
[10966223] Minute order filed - Notice due that record is complete by 01/06/2023 for Jeffrey P. Colwell, Clerk of Court (oclk). (Text Only - No Attachment) [22-1445] [Entered: 12/30/2022 11:04 AM]
12/30/2022[10966215] Notice received from Kaley Chiles that a transcript is not necessary for this appeal. Served on: 12/30/2022. Manner of Service: email [22-1445] BKA [Entered: 12/30/2022 10:54 AM]
12/30/2022[10966203] Docketing statement filed by Kaley Chiles. Served on 12/30/2022. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445] BKA [Entered: 12/30/2022 10:41 AM]
12/30/2022[10966186] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Barry K. Arrington for Kaley Chiles. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 12/30/2022. Manner of Service: email [22-1445] [Entered: 12/30/2022 10:09 AM]
12/30/20221[10966183] Entry of appearance submitted by Barry K. Arrington for Appellant Kaley Chiles for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 12/30/2022. Manner of Service: email. [22-1445] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 12/30/2022 by NA] BKA [Entered: 12/30/2022 10:03 AM]
12/21/2022[10964319] Civil case docketed. Preliminary record filed. DATE RECEIVED: 12/21/2022 Docketing statement due 01/04/2023 for Kaley Chiles. Transcript order form due 01/04/2023 for Kaley Chiles. Notice of appearance due on 01/04/2023 for Kaley Chiles, Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner, and Karen Van Zuiden. Disclosure statement due on 01/04/2023 for Kaley Chiles, Jonathan Culwell, Kristina Daniel, Halcyon Driskell, Richard Glover, Erkia Hoy, Marykay Jimenez, Anjali Jones, Crystal Kisselburgh, Kalli Likness, Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Luttman, Sue Noffsinger, Patty Salazar, Reina Sbarbaro-Gordon, Amy Skinner, and Karen Van Zuiden [22-1445] [Entered: 12/21/2022 11:43 AM]